Lukaku - transfer speculation | Gone

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City are so interested that they ran away the moment they learned about the potential price. We're the only one really interested it seems and the fact we want him badly inflates the price. Same should apply in Inter-Lukaku's case. They're willing to pay £70m. Let's see if they can go up a notch. We seem to be excited everytime somebody wants on of our players and just accept anything.

If Inter came up with an offer of £70m without any load deal we would snap off their hands.

As stated above Leicester want to keep Maguire, he’s one of their best players and integral to their side. On the other hand we are at best indifferent to keeping Lukuku, but most likely want him gone because of his technical failings and poor attitude. The comparison between the two situations are like night and day.
He's definitely not worth 100m in the market at all especially after last season.

He is, strikers are worth more, he had 2 different managers with different opinions last season, still young and Belgium's scorer, this is the market we are in, he is an excellent striker if you play to his strengths but that is not what we want to do with Ole.
Damn you Inter with your nickel and diming, Lukaku is worth more than that literally and figuratively speaking. No other bidders and the move looking good for him (as opposed to keeping him as well as the club he's linked to) means we might be have little choice but to sell.
He is, strikers are worth more, he had 2 different managers with different opinions last season, still young and Belgium's scorer, this is the market we are in, he is an excellent striker if you play to his strengths but that is not what we want to do with Ole.

No he's not. His form of last 2 seasons at United aren't of a 100m striker. He hasn't exceeded 16 goals in the league his last 2 seasons and had pretty long periods without scoring in both. He was even reduced to the bench by the end of last season for Rashford, and will remain as a bench option most probably if he stayed. Nothing to make any team pay that much for him.

70-80m at best. If we get what we paid for him as an offer I'll take it and run, no one will be mad enough to offer any more.
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Which big club would pay 100 mil for a player who can't control a ball?

Who cares what club, he has attributes if you play to his strengths to score a lot of goals, his record is not in question, but the market is what it is, he is prime age a valuable attacking asset and we are being quoted inflated fees for everything we sniff around.
I can see him going & then Ole announcing he is happy with Rashford & Greenwood as our strikers for the season.

I know some are giddy to see him go, the same with Pogba, but I just do not think we have credible (or any) replacements lined up.
Who cares what club, he has attributes if you play to his strengths to score a lot of goals, his record is not in question, but the market is what it is, he is prime age a valuable attacking asset and we are being quoted inflated fees for everything we sniff around.

No club that can afford £80m would contemplate playing to his strengths.
Makes me laugh that people are questioning the fee for Lukaku of £75m million and think that Pogba's valuation of £150 million is realistic, the difference is Utd are willing to sell Lukaku the price for Pogba is the do not want to sell him price

Lukaku if played in the right system, i.e. the Belgian team is a top striker, in this market £75 mil is a very reason price
Who cares what club, he has attributes if you play to his strengths to score a lot of goals, his record is not in question, but the market is what it is, he is prime age a valuable attacking asset and we are being quoted inflated fees for everything we sniff around.
Because Lukaku has made it reasonably clear he’d like to go, so our bargaining position is reduced. Meanwhile, many of our targets haven’t publicly stated they want to come here, Maguire for example.

We are really playing catch-up this window and we have to back Ole having given him the job. It’s going to cost us a premium to get competitive again, no matter who our manager is.
Who cares what club, he has attributes if you play to his strengths to score a lot of goals, his record is not in question, but the market is what it is, he is prime age a valuable attacking asset and we are being quoted inflated fees for everything we sniff around.

So, in other words no one will pay 100 mil for a player who can't control a ball.
We need to start repeating this mantra as a fan base.

We massively overpaid for Lukaku. Just because we were insane enough to pay that amount for him, does not mean that another club will do the same. We certainly aren’t going to make a profit, and probably not even break even. Something close would be satisfactory.

The price we paid for him was madness from the beginning.
We need to start repeating this mantra as a fan base.

We massively overpaid for Lukaku. Just because we were insane enough to pay that amount for him, does not mean that another club will do the same. We certainly aren’t going to make a profit, and probably not even break even. Something close would be satisfactory.

The price we paid for him was madness from the beginning.

What is his real value?
I can see him going & then Ole announcing he is happy with Rashford & Greenwood as our strikers for the season.

I know some are giddy to see him go, the same with Pogba, but I just do not think we have credible (or any) replacements lined up.

Difference is that Lukuku has already been relegated to a squad player. Pogba (no matter his issues), is a first team player and only outfield player that can be considered World Class. It might ultimately be better for the team if Pogba goes (for the greater good), but there’s no doubting his talent.

Quite frankly replacing Lukuku who scored 1 goal in 23 games against the top 6 internally is more than achievable.

Of course they would. They're not us, where we try and place square pegs in round holes.

The only sort of teams that would play to Likuku’s “Strengths” are of the quality of Everton at best - he works at a lower PL league club because they play on the back foot without possession a lot of the time, and also he can go on his long barren runs and it’s not noticed.

Those types of clubs don’t have £80m to spend.

Realistically these are the clubs that could spend £80m on a striker...

Man Utd
Chelsea (if not for ban)
Athletico Madrid
Real Madrid

Inter are the only club who would actually want him, I might even concede Napoli, but I doubt they could afford him.

Can you really see anyone else actually wanting Lukuku as their striker? I can’t.
No he's not. His form of last 2 seasons at United aren't of a 100m striker. He hasn't exceeded 16 goals in the league his last 2 seasons and had pretty long periods without scoring in both. He was even reduced to the bench by the end of last season for Rashford, and will remain as a bench option most probably if he stayed. Nothing to make any team pay that much for him.

70-80m at best. If we get what we paid for him as an offer I'll take it and run, no one will be mad enough to offer any more.

If we get £70-80m with the majority up front I would take that to cover a replacement that suits the way we want to play, yes we are in a negative position because his form was not great, the team was a mess with Mourinho, and then Ole came in and did'nt want to play to the way he offers, but he is still a highly valuable goalscoring attacking asset, inter are being scabby cnuts trying to take advantage of his form during managerial changes and the fact they know we do not want to play with this type of striker, is he actually worth £100m, who gives a feck, that is the market
No club that can afford £80m would contemplate playing to his strengths.

Juventus paid £90m for higuain a season or 2 ago, aging striker, total flop, who gives a feck, the market is much more inflated now, look we are not going to get £100m for him given the fact everyone knows he is not in our plans, thats the way it works but he is still worth way more than what is being offered, not directed at yourself, but in genaral, I don't understand the negativity about trying to get what is an adequate fee for a valuable attacking asset when so many on here are giving it shit that we don't get adequate fees for what players we are selling are acutally worth.
If we get £70-80m with the majority up front I would take that to cover a replacement that suits the way we want to play, yes we are in a negative position because his form was not great, the team was a mess with Mourinho, and then Ole came in and did'nt want to play to the way he offers, but he is still a highly valuable goalscoring attacking asset, inter are being scabby cnuts trying to take advantage of his form during managerial changes and the fact they know we do not want to play with this type of striker, is he actually worth £100m, who gives a feck, that is the market

We can set whatever value we want but if no one think he's worth it, no one will pay and you'll end up with a striker who wants to leave, gets paid a giga salary per week and the manager favors other options on him, so pretty much a fecked up scenario, while other clubs will move on to other reasonable targets and get on with their life.
Difference is that Lukuku has already been relegated to a squad player. Pogba (no matter his issues), is a first team player and only outfield player that can be considered World Class. It might ultimately be better for the team if Pogba goes (for the greater good), but there’s no doubting his talent.

Quite frankly replacing Lukuku who scored 1 goal in 23 games against the top 6 internally is more than achievable.

The only sort of teams that would play to Likuku’s “Strengths” are of the quality of Everton at best - he works at a lower PL league club because they play on the back foot without possession a lot of the time, and also he can go on his long barren runs and it’s not noticed.

Those types of clubs don’t have £80m to spend.

Realistically these are the clubs that could spend £80m on a striker...

Man Utd
Chelsea (if not for ban)
Athletico Madrid
Real Madrid

Inter are the only club who would actually want him, I might even concede Napoli, but I doubt they could afford him.

Can you really see anyone else actually wanting Lukuku as their striker? I can’t.

1. My main point was that top teams are top teams because they play in ways that optimize the qualities of their players.

2. I don't see why he couldn't be courted by Chelsea, Juventus, Napoli, Inter or Atletico. He's had history or has been linked with 3 of these clubs currently or in the past.
I would say around 50-60 million. Both him and Morata were stupidly overpriced.

I can agree with that but no way were Everton going to sell him for that price to a top PL club.

We're bad at selling players so I think this amount is closer to the amount we'll eventually realize.
Juventus paid £90m for higuain a season or 2 ago, aging striker, total flop, who gives a feck.

I’m really not sure why you have such a hard-on for Lukuku. He’s done noting at Utd to suggest that he’s anything like a £100m player.

Your perception of his fee has been blinded by what we paid - which was outrageously excessive. If we had paid £50m for Lukuku 2 years ago, and given his poor record over the past 2 years you would be happy to recoup that initial outlay of £50m.

Juventus bought the best striker in the league who played for the only team who could rival them for the title off the back of him scoring 36 league goals! To describe him as a total flop whem he scored 20+ league goals for Juventus in his first season is ridiculous. Granted his form last season has been poor, but I’d take his two years at Juventus over Lukuku’s 2 years at Utd any day of the week.

A Lukuku vs Higuaín pie eating contest would be worth a watch. The only time either of them run these days is when they see the doors opening for Greggs.
1. My main point was that top teams are top teams because they play in ways that optimize the qualities of their players.

2. I don't see why he couldn't be courted by Chelsea, Juventus, Napoli, Inter or Atletico. He's had history or has been linked with 3 of these clubs currently or in the past.

Juventus - I’m really trying not to laugh!
Chelsea - have a transfer ban, and yes he would be a potential there as their options are so poor, I stated this earlier.
Napoli - I cant see that they can afford him, their record transfer is still probably Higuaín.
Athletico - a club who have just bought one striking flop in Morata for £50m and spent £100m on Felix don’t have the money or need for Lukuku.
Juventus - I’m really trying not to laugh!
Chelsea - have a transfer ban, and yes he would be a potential there as their options are so poor, I stated this earlier.
Napoli - I cant see that they can afford him, their record transfer is still probably Higuaín.
Athletico - a club who have just bought one striking flop in Morata for £50m and spent £100m on Felix don’t have the money or need for Lukuku.

Di Marzio reported that Juventus were interested in Lukaku just a few weeks ago.

Given that your repeated "we'd be lucky to dupe Everton into buying him back for 40m" claims are currently in the process of being proven utterly wrong, you might want to consider the idea that Lukaku (a player you have found the need to repeatedly insult) is someone you underrate.
As much as he struggled here last year, the fact that we've bought an out and out winger and will arguably try Dalot out right ie two crossing wide men. Surely a decent header like him is worth another season if were getting player plus cash nonsense offers.
Di Marzio reported that Juventus were interested in Lukaku just a few weeks ago.

Given that your repeated "we'd be lucky to dupe Everton into buying him back for 40m" claims are currently in the process of being proven utterly wrong, you might want to consider the idea that Lukaku (a player you have found the need to repeatedly insult) is someone you underrate.

I challenge you to find me say a single time “we’d be lucky to dupe Everton into buying him back for £40m”?!! Because I haven’t.

I’ve certaintly voiced by discontent with him, and made him the butt of a few jokes - his performances have warranted that - but if you are going to quote me, quote what I actually say.

However, I’ve also stated the cold hard facts of his scoring record at Utd, which is not in any way good enough. Without even having to mention his appalling first touch, shocking fitness and complete lack of desire and determination...

I can just say zero goals against the top 10 PL teams last season and 1 goal in 23 against the top 6 in two years. And given he only scored 16 league goals in 17/18 and 12 in 18/19 - that is simply not good enough, and certaintly not the record of a £100 striker.

Juventus don’t want Lukuku (that’s my opinion) - you can find almost anything n the press that support a ‘fan’ argument. Just look at the number of players Utd are ‘linked’ to each and every summer, perhaps 10% have a element of truth to it.
Di Marzio reported that Juventus were interested in Lukaku just a few weeks ago.

Given that your repeated "we'd be lucky to dupe Everton into buying him back for 40m" claims are currently in the process of being proven utterly wrong, you might want to consider the idea that Lukaku (a player you have found the need to repeatedly insult) is someone you underrate.

I do not think that is possible at all, especially given the fact that without considering Ronaldo, we have Higuain, Mandzukic and Kean in the team and there is a strong rumor linking us to Icardi.
If juve asked for info, and I am not sure it did, it was just to disturb Inter and possibly help MU raise its price. Personally I would never buy Lukaku even for half the price is being quoted, if Inter are dumb enough to offer 70 m however is the deal structure as long as the sale is assured, I think MU should take the money and run.

It is possible that in Conte's system Lukaku might work, but I do not think he would be a good fit for this juve team anyway
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I can agree with that but no way were Everton going to sell him for that price to a top PL club.

We're bad at selling players so I think this amount is closer to the amount we'll eventually realize.

You’re right, they probably wouldn’t have sold at less than they did, but we should have walked away from that. There was absolutely no reason for us to be forced to overpay for Lukaku or overpay for Morata. There were other options available around Europe. It was a stupid move by Woody and Jose.

At least we’re on the same page on what we’re likely to get for him. I find it incredible that some posters think we will end up making a profit on him. It’s simply not feasible.
Your perception of his fee has been blinded by what we paid - which was outrageously excessive. If we had paid £50m for Lukuku 2 years ago, and given his poor record over the past 2 years you would be happy to recoup that initial outlay of £50m.

What Inter are offering is down to Lukaku's form and use to our squad. If we'd have paid £50 million for him two years ago, Inter would be offering £35.
Honest question, what’s the big deal with the reported split payments? Isn’t like every big transfer fee separated into various portions and spread out?

...I don’t get the big fuss. The overall fee, yea fine. I’m sure we can get more as it was just an initial bid to get the ball rolling after-all.
Juventus paid £90m for higuain a season or 2 ago, aging striker, total flop, who gives a feck, the market is much more inflated now, look we are not going to get £100m for him given the fact everyone knows he is not in our plans, thats the way it works but he is still worth way more than what is being offered, not directed at yourself, but in genaral, I don't understand the negativity about trying to get what is an adequate fee for a valuable attacking asset when so many on here are giving it shit that we don't get adequate fees for what players we are selling are acutally worth.

He's worth what clubs are willing to pay and no club that could afford £80m would contemplate spending that for Lukaku.

Using one of the worst transfers of all time as a transfer barometer for all transfers is cynical.

Of course they would. They're not us, where we try and place square pegs in round holes.

I didn't mean they wouldn't play to his strengths once purchasing him. I meant no club that could afford an £80m striker would want to employ a system that suits Lukaku.

There's a obvious reason City, Liverpool, Barcelona, Madrid, PSG & Bayern aren't interested.
He's worth what clubs are willing to pay and no club that could afford £80m would contemplate spending that for Lukaku.

Using one of the worst transfers of all time as a transfer barometer for all transfers is cynical.

I didn't mean they wouldn't play to his strengths once purchasing him. I meant no club that could afford an £80m striker would want to employ a system that suits Lukaku.

There's a obvious reason City, Liverpool, Barcelona, Madrid, PSG & Bayern aren't interested.

Inter have already made 62 million pounds bid and our asking price is 75 million pounds, so good chance we will reach some sort of agreement around 70 million mark.

What do you think is the system that suits Lukaku?
Because Lukaku has made it reasonably clear he’d like to go, so our bargaining position is reduced. Meanwhile, many of our targets haven’t publicly stated they want to come here, Maguire for example.

We are really playing catch-up this window and we have to back Ole having given him the job. It’s going to cost us a premium to get competitive again, no matter who our manager is.

No, our bargaining position is not reduced. We haven't announced to the world that Lukaku is available, like Inter did with Icardi. Lukaku has not fallen out with anyone and he is training with the team, something Icardi was not part of as per rumors.

So Inter wants to sell their #1 striker, made sure they burnt all the bridges, signed Conte whose first choice is Lukaku and they are the one's who is in desperate mode for this signing.

IMO we should sell if we get in the region of 70 million pounds.
Who else would even entertain buying Lukuku for £70m+? I can’t think of a single club*.

* noting @BrianMcClair'sBarnet point that Chelsea might have been a rival of it wasn’t for the ban.

Inter. They have already made 62 million pounds bid, so it's not unrealistic to expect 70 million pounds.

Regarding other big clubs, why should it matter. He wants to join Inter as he wants to play under Conte, his agent said he wants to play in different leagues. We won't sell him to any league rival. On top of that, the other top teams have good CFs and they are not looking for CFs.

PSG have Mbappe who wants to lead the line
Madrid signed Jovic and still have Benzema
Barca have Suarez
Atletico have Morata and Costa, they spent 110 million to sign both of them
Bayern have Lewandowski
Juventus have Mandzukic, Ronaldo, Higuain and they have agreement with Icardi.

It's not that these clubs would have signed him, just that they don't have to spend big money to sign a CF. Not sure how many thought in December that Inter will be making 62 million bid and will be desperate to replace Icardi with Lukaku.
The general mood in Italy seems to be Inter are now very pessimistic about this. They will need to fly back to China to ask the owner if he'd be willing to go that high and by the time he makes a decision it will be 2020 anyways
The general mood in Italy seems to be Inter are now very pessimistic about this. They will need to fly back to China to ask the owner if he'd be willing to go that high and by the time he makes a decision it will be 2020 anyways

Tough luck.
The general mood in Italy seems to be Inter are now very pessimistic about this. They will need to fly back to China to ask the owner if he'd be willing to go that high and by the time he makes a decision it will be 2020 anyways

Wouldn't it be cheaper to buy a phone or maybe a cheap computer with internet access?
As much as he struggled here last year, the fact that we've bought an out and out winger and will arguably try Dalot out right ie two crossing wide men. Surely a decent header like him is worth another season if were getting player plus cash nonsense offers.

A decent header? Lukaku? Did you see him play? He can't win a header if his life depended on it.

And in the attacking third, he scored 23 goals, from the 113 that he has in the premier league through headed.
If Inter came up with an offer of £70m without any load deal we would snap off their hands.

As stated above Leicester want to keep Maguire, he’s one of their best players and integral to their side. On the other hand we are at best indifferent to keeping Lukuku, but most likely want him gone because of his technical failings and poor attitude. The comparison between the two situations are like night and day.
Has he really got a poor attitude though? His failings are, as you say, technical. Otherwise they stem from lack of confidence due to self-knowledge of those technical failings and a general clumsy haplessness.
Edit. By the way, I'd also snap Inter's arms off for a 70 million offer.
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