Luis Nani | 2012/13 Performances

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Whatever the reason is for him being out of the side, I do miss seeing him on form. He's always got goals or assists in him.
He needs to play in the first place though.

Seems a bit of a catch 22 to me, Fergie won't give him much game time, maybe because of contract problems, maybe just cause of poor form, and when he does get games he's not playing like he can, which could also be due to the lack of consistent spells in the side, and the contract problems.

I think he needs to be given at least 3 or 4 games on the trot in order to find his form, but it seems very unlikely Fergie will have the patience to do so.
Agree with Brophs.

Especially this whole business about how he needs a run of games to get his confidence up. Sorry but if your confidence is that brittle, that is a problem that is going to hold you back at a club like United. You need to be good enough to seize your chances when they arise. If he wants to play every week regardless, he should be at a smaller club. We do that with Rooney and I dont really agree with it there either: if someone is not playing well enough they should be dropped in favour of someone who is in good form, in my opinion. Not that I think my own personal man management skills are anything to write home about.
I have a suspicion that Nani or his agent might have been angling for a move, either because he genuinely wants to move, or as a contract negotiation ploy. In which case I would fully support SAF's decision to alienate him a bit. It takes him out of the eye of potential buyers and weakens his negotiating position. It's then up to Nani to pull it together and show that he wants and deserves to stay at United.
I just hope we get rid of him in January if he does go. I'd hate it if he's just wasting a subsitute spot if he won't even play from Febuary till May.

We should get at least £20million for him.
I think he (and Anderson) get far too much of this on here.

"He's not being supported"
"He wasn't playing with the right players"
"He played in the wrong position/system"
"Loads of other players played badly too"
"He's being rotated far too often"
"It's all because of the contract"

etc. etc.

He won't last very long at the club if he isn't capable of taking responsibility for his own performances. If his contract is an issue then so be it, but if he was as good as people on here would have you believe he'd have gotten the massive wage hike he's looking for. If he plays like he can between now and the end of the season I have no doubts he'd get the contract he wants.

He was fantastic in 10/11 and it was a bit strange to see his form drop last season. I mean he wasn't terrible but he didn't really display the kind of form he showed in the previous season and I thought he would really kick on. After having spent so many season being patient w him and finally being rewarded in 09/10, 10/11 Nani's form has dropped again (could be because of a variety of reasons as you've mentioned).

Whatever it is, Fergie has seemingly lost patience. I'm not sure I agree w his stance as he is such a fabulous player both talent and entertainment wise. I mean there aren't many Nani replacements going around these days...
I have a suspicion that Nani or his agent might have been angling for a move, either because he genuinely wants to move, or as a contract negotiation ploy. In which case I would fully support SAF's decision to alienate him a bit. It takes him out of the eye of potential buyers and weakens his negotiating position. It's then up to Nani to pull it together and show that he wants and deserves to stay at United.

Feels the same to me.
If you are asking about his absence from our last game, he is injured, harmstring injury, but nothing to serious.

edit: Didn't read this whole page, answered last question from previous page.
I'm inclined to believe there's something behind the scenes....possibly the Petrucci incident, loss of form, and contract situation that are cumulatively weighing on Fergie's decision. That said, he also froze him out of most of the CL final, so who knows what is really going on.
He can be very good at freezing out very good players and then selling them for pittance.

Becks, Stam, Ruud and now Nani. I'm sure I've forgotten some.

The Beckham deal was massively undervalued, but then the media had made it quite clear that the relationship between he and Fergie had broken down. It can be hard to get the deal you want in those circumstances.

In Stam's case, Fergie has said it was an error, notwithstanding Stam writing an ill-advised book.

Ruud wanted out for a couple of seasons and by the end was barely trying a leg. Again, everyone could see that so getting a massive fee was always going to be difficult.

I don't think that's a particularly bad record considering how long he's been here. If anything it shows the power of the media and agents. In the old days they'd have done a deal before anyone got wind of it.
I think he (and Anderson) get far too much of this on here.

"He's not being supported"
"He wasn't playing with the right players"
"He played in the wrong position/system"
"Loads of other players played badly too"
"He's being rotated far too often"
"It's all because of the contract"

etc. etc.

He won't last very long at the club if he isn't capable of taking responsibility for his own performances. If his contract is an issue then so be it, but if he was as good as people on here would have you believe he'd have gotten the massive wage hike he's looking for. If he plays like he can between now and the end of the season I have no doubts he'd get the contract he wants.

I am comparing the fans reaction to Valencia.

When Valencia is playing badly people say "He doesn't normally get going until February anyway" when Nani plays badly "He isn't good enough, get rid"

When Valencia makes a mistake on the wing hardly anything is said. When Nani makes a mistake he is slated by the majoroty of OT.

Its ridiculous. It is something that really winds me up with Old Trafford, especially the last couple of seasons.

The fans just want to slate whoever the popular target is nowadays. Opinions are being lost.

Last season Carrick and Evans were still getting abuse around me up until February and then "everyone" decided they were playing well then that stopped and moved on to somone else. Young, Rooney, Anderson, Evra, etc

This year it seems to be Nani (Even Hernandez was getting stick earlier on)

Support your team, if they wear red then you support them. Not slate them for making mistakes during the game. (After yes, analyze the hell out of a players performance) but not during a game. Nani tries to make things happen. Yes he will get caught in posession but he is also capable of producing remarkable performances. He won us a shed load of points last year.

I also hate how everyone says "He will never be as good as Ronaldo" "He thinks he is Ronaldo"

You just can't compare. Ronaldo was a phenomenon and I am yet to hear Nani say he will be as good as Ronaldo
Agree with Brophs.

Especially this whole business about how he needs a run of games to get his confidence up. Sorry but if your confidence is that brittle, that is a problem that is going to hold you back at a club like United. You need to be good enough to seize your chances when they arise. If he wants to play every week regardless, he should be at a smaller club. We do that with Rooney and I dont really agree with it there either: if someone is not playing well enough they should be dropped in favour of someone who is in good form, in my opinion. Not that I think my own personal man management skills are anything to write home about.

No doubt, but you need to be consistent about that, which Fergie hasn't been. Certain unnamed players still seem to be undroppable despite poor form this season.
He won't last very long at the club if he isn't capable of taking responsibility for his own performances. If his contract is an issue then so be it, but if he was as good as people on here would have you believe he'd have gotten the massive wage hike he's looking for. If he plays like he can between now and the end of the season I have no doubts he'd get the contract he wants.

Rooney was good enough to earn wages equal to those Ronaldo and Messi ean? Rooney earns almost a double then most of our players do, Berbatov wages were bigger then Nani's, and if I am not wrong, Young also earns lot more then him. Is that fair? Are those players that good?
Comparing him to those, he isn't asking for massive wages at all... And even if you ignore those comparisions, 130k per week are regular wages for a player that was one of our best players in last three years, and is considered by one of the best wingers in the world.

Agree with Brophs.

Especially this whole business about how he needs a run of games to get his confidence up. Sorry but if your confidence is that brittle, that is a problem that is going to hold you back at a club like United. You need to be good enough to seize your chances when they arise. If he wants to play every week regardless, he should be at a smaller club. We do that with Rooney and I dont really agree with it there either: if someone is not playing well enough they should be dropped in favour of someone who is in good form, in my opinion. Not that I think my own personal man management skills are anything to write home about.

What about Valencia? What did he do to earn starting spot in our almost every game? He is nothing better then Nani at the moment, and yet he is our safe starter, while Nani plays one game, and gets dropped for next three. Young is awfull at the moment too, and still he was starter for our last three PL games.

I agree with your opinion though, but if we are already giving so many opportunities for other players to prove, I don't see why we wouldn't do that with Nani too.
Sort the feck out of defence and Nani's contract, get him and Valencia playing at their very best AND at the same time (like they did in the 1st half against Bayern) and we are as good as anyone in Europe.
I just hope we get rid of him in January if he does go. I'd hate it if he's just wasting a subsitute spot if he won't even play from Febuary till May.

We should get at least £20million for him.
I'm not convinced that we will get that price for him, unless one of the moneybags clubs are interested. Not saying that he isn't a £20m at his best, but clubs will look at the situation and feel that they can get him for less, and they'd probably be correct.
When on song he's the best winger at the club. That's the infuriating bit.

I'm kind of resigned to him leaving now to be honest, I can't see this situation solving itself and there's too much smoke for there not to be fire. We just have to find another gem who'll hopefully fulfil his potential unlike Nani, who's one very good season showed what he could've been.
Rooney was good enough to earn wages equal to those Ronaldo and Messi ean? Rooney earns almost a double then most of our players do, Berbatov wages were bigger then Nani's, and if I am not wrong, Young also earns lot more then him. Is that fair? Are those players that good?
Comparing him to those, he isn't asking for massive wages at all... And even if you ignore those comparisions, 130k per week are regular wages for a player that was one of our best players in last three years, and is considered by one of the best wingers in the world.

What about Valencia? What did he do to earn starting spot in our almost every game? He is nothing better then Nani at the moment, and yet he is our safe starter, while Nani plays one game, and gets dropped for next three. Young is awfull at the moment too, and still he was starter for our last three PL games.

I agree with your opinion though, but if we are already giving so many opportunities for other players to prove, I don't see why we wouldn't do that with Nani too.

I like Valencia more than Nani, anyone who pays attention to my posts will know that, no point in regurgitating all of that stuff again here. But I agree with you in the sense that what I said before should be universally applicable - to Rooney, which is the example I have already given, but to Valencia too, or anyone else. (I had this conversation a while back and someone made the point the exception maybe has to be defense, because you want to keep a stable unit, and maybe there is something in that.) But in general the rule has to be: if you are playing shit, you get dropped. I dont see how you can keep a squad motivated if they dont believe they will be rewarded with games when they play well.
When on song he's the best winger at the club. That's the infuriating bit.

I'm kind of resigned to him leaving now to be honest, I can't see this situation solving itself and there's too much smoke for there not to be fire. We just have to find another gem who'll hopefully fulfil his potential unlike Nani, who's one very good season showed what he could've been.

I feel the same way.
Rooney was good enough to earn wages equal to those Ronaldo and Messi ean? Rooney earns almost a double then most of our players do, Berbatov wages were bigger then Nani's, and if I am not wrong, Young also earns lot more then him. Is that fair? Are those players that good?
Comparing him to those, he isn't asking for massive wages at all... And even if you ignore those comparisions, 130k per week are regular wages for a player that was one of our best players in last three years, and is considered by one of the best wingers in the world.

I have no idea what any of those players earn, as I'm sure you don't. But I'd be amazed if Rooney's on the same sort of money as Messi or Ronaldo. If only because he's not nearly as good a player. That said, he's clearly valued much more highly than Nani by the people at the club who make these decisions. Personally I don't disagree.

As for the rest, Nani's wage is from an old(er) contract. Someone like Young was signed more recently, at a time when wages are on the rise. It makes sense that he'd be on more, given that he signed much more recently.

Saying Nani deserves more doesn't necessarily mean you give him whatever he wants. I'm all for him getting more money, but within reason. If the wages he's looking for are extortionate - and I find it hard to believe we wouldn't give him the same sort of money as Young is on, given that he's obviously a better player - then what can we do?
No doubt, but you need to be consistent about that, which Fergie hasn't been. Certain unnamed players still seem to be undroppable despite poor form this season.

There is the other dimension to it, which is that when you have a lopsided squad, you cant drop certain players because there is nobody else that can do their job. That was an issue with Rooney in the past, hopefully with Van Persie and Kagawa around though we can manage without him a bit better. Now maybe it is Carrick who is in that position.
There is the other dimension to it, which is that when you have a lopsided squad, you cant drop certain players because there is nobody else that can do their job. That was an issue with Rooney in the past, hopefully with Van Persie and Kagawa around though we can manage without him a bit better. Now maybe it is Carrick who is in that position.

I think that's a fair point. We've certainly given Rooney preferential treatment and, at times, I think it may have been to our detriment.
I like Valencia more than Nani, anyone who pays attention to my posts will know that, no point in regurgitating all of that stuff again here. But I agree with you in the sense that what I said before should be universally applicable - to Rooney, which is the example I have already given, but to Valencia too, or anyone else. (I had this conversation a while back and someone made the point the exception maybe has to be defense, because you want to keep a stable unit, and maybe there is something in that.) But in general the rule has to be: if you are playing shit, you get dropped. I dont see how you can keep a squad motivated if they dont believe they will be rewarded with games when they play well.

OK, nice to see we agree then. ;)

I have no idea what any of those players earn, as I'm sure you don't. But I'd be amazed if Rooney's on the same sort of money as Messi or Ronaldo. If only because he's not nearly as good a player. That isaid, he's clearly valued much more highly than Nani by the people at the club who make these decisions. Personally I don't disagree.

As for the rest, Nani's wage is from an old(er) contract. Someone like Young was signed more recently, at a time when wages are on the rise. It makes sense that he'd be on more, given that he signed much more recently.

Saying Nani deserves more doesn't necessarily mean you give him whatever he wants. I'm all for him getting more money, but within reason. If the wages he's looking for are extortionate - and I find it hard to believe we wouldn't give him the same sort of money as Young is on, given that he's obviously a better player - then what can we do?

Okay, I don't know how much Rooney earns eventough there are tons of articles where he is showed as one of the top earners in the world football, while you are saying we shouldn't give Nani those wages because he asks too much? How do you know how much does he wants then?

As for Rooney being better player, let's say he is, and let's say all those media speculations about his wages are correct, do you agree he is that better then Nani? Nani's new contract would give them, how much, 130k? And Rooney earns around 200k, is he really that much better then him?
I have no idea what any of those players earn, as I'm sure you don't. But I'd be amazed if Rooney's on the same sort of money as Messi or Ronaldo. If only because he's not nearly as good a player. That said, he's clearly valued much more highly than Nani by the people at the club who make these decisions. Personally I don't disagree.

As for the rest, Nani's wage is from an old(er) contract. Someone like Young was signed more recently, at a time when wages are on the rise. It makes sense that he'd be on more, given that he signed much more recently.

Saying Nani deserves more doesn't necessarily mean you give him whatever he wants. I'm all for him getting more money, but within reason. If the wages he's looking for are extortionate - and I find it hard to believe we wouldn't give him the same sort of money as Young is on, given that he's obviously a better player - then what can we do?
Of course we also need to factor how players are around the club. Without any evidence at all (bar the apparent recent fight with Petrucci) Nani seems like he could be the kind of personality who would be a negative influence if he wasn't happy.
Of course we also need to factor how players are around the club. Without any evidence at all (bar the apparent recent fight with Petrucci) Nani seems like he could be the kind of personality who would be a negative influence if he wasn't happy.

You think so? He seems a lovely lad in all the interviews I've ever seen.
Nani's name should be on e of the first on the team sheet. It is evident that he is suffering with a bout of low confidence. However if he is able to get a run of consecutive games he will hopefully discover his form and score a goal of two along the way.

I do agree it is up to the player to justify the selection and at this stage he is not doing that.
Okay, I don't know how much Rooney earns eventough there are tons of articles where he is showed as one of the top earners in the world football, while you are saying we shouldn't give Nani those wages because he asks too much? How do you know how much does he wants then?

As for Rooney being better player, let's say he is, and let's say all those media speculations about his wages are correct, do you agree he is that better then Nani? Nani's new contract would give them, how much, 130k? And Rooney earns around 200k, is he really that much better then him?

I'm not saying he's asking too much. Nor do I have any idea what he's asking for, beyond media speculation. I'm saying that, if, as is being reported, the breakdown is due to wages then that means Nani wants more than what we can offer. Whatever that figure is.

And there's no real way of comparing how much better I think Rooney is than Nani, only to say that if Rooney is on £200k p/w, as you suggest, then yeah, I think around £130k p/w is reasonable-ish for Nani. Even aside from footballing reasons Rooney's a more well known and marketable commodity.
Of course we also need to factor how players are around the club. Without any evidence at all (bar the apparent recent fight with Petrucci) Nani seems like he could be the kind of personality who would be a negative influence if he wasn't happy.

You think so? He seems a lovely lad in all the interviews I've ever seen.

Yeah, I was just about to say. I think the only negative view you could take of him is based on his persona on the field.
Yeah, I was just about to say. I think the only negative view you could take of him is based on his persona on the field.
No evidence to back it up. Im my experience of playing, personalities are usually magnified on a football pitch. Drama queens on the pitch are usually the same off it too.
Yes, we are. Barring only slight superiority of Barcelona perhaps.

That's slightly understating things.

No evidence to back it up. Im my experience of playing, personalities are usually magnified on a football pitch. Drama queens on the pitch are usually the same off it too.

Not really, I know plenty of people who are total cnuts on the pitch and genuinely very nice people off it.
No evidence to back it up. Im my experience of playing, personalities are usually magnified on a football pitch. Drama queens on the pitch are usually the same off it too.

Completely disagree, some of the nicest lads I know are the biggest pricks/drama queens on the pitch.

Me for example. :D
I'm not saying he's asking too much. Nor do I have any idea what he's asking for, beyond media speculation. I'm saying that, if, as is being reported, the breakdown is due to wages then that means Nani wants more than what we can offer. Whatever that figure is.

And there's no real way of comparing how much better I think Rooney is than Nani, only to say that if Rooney is on £200k p/w, as you suggest, then yeah, I think around £130k p/w is reasonable-ish for Nani. Even aside from footballing reasons Rooney's a more well known and marketable commodity.

He is nowhere near better for 70k per week then Nani mate. Individually, he isn't even better player then Nani.
It's statements like that that give us Nani fans a bad name.


Anyway it's fair to say that when he is on form he is our third best attacking player, and plenty of light years better than Young.
I miss seeing him play regularly, it struck me on Saturday when I looked at the team sheet and couldn't understand all the drooling smilies, how our flanks are very much function over flair without him.
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