Luis Nani | 2012/13 Performances

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I see you two are laughing at me behind my back.

I approve this.

Also, my opinion: Nani's gone in the summer. I'm basing this on nothing at all except pure guesswork. How's that for an opinion?

Pretty much the same as the rest of us.

Also, I wasn't laughing at you. It's just Cina hates Norwegians and thinks they make rubbish journalists.
Pretty much the same as the rest of us.

Also, I wasn't laughing at you. It's just Cina hates Norwegians and thinks they make rubbish journalists.

I'll just go ahead and assume that's entirely because of me. I'm sorry, Norwegian journalists in general.

Well that's pretty much the same opinion as Cina, me, Hectic, Adebesi and every other poster in this thread.

Well done marjen.

Agree with you. He's criminally underrated on this forum when he's going through a bad spell. Yes he has consistency issues but he offers something to the team that nobody else does, and will leave a gaping hole in the squad if he is to go.

lulwut? No he isn't.
No, that's Sweden and Holland, and I love them, cause they're all sluts.

Sweeping generic statement right there.

The fact that you brought up Sweden! :mad:

On another note: how much does that Andy Mitten guy know about what really goes on at Old Trafford? He writes as if he KNOWS, not assumes. According to him, Nani is off in January...
I still think we'll hold off under the Summer at least. It would be mad to sell him in January really, we're unlikely to find a winger of his quality who isn't cup tied.
Do you think SAF will soften his stance and play him regularly enough that he will find some form?

Because if he is just sitting there in the stands like a spare part, coming on for a bit once a month and playing shit because his confidence is so low, we might as well let him go now. His value would be (marginally) higher in Jan than the summer, presumably.
Do you think SAF will soften his stance and play him regularly enough that he will find some form?

Because if he is just sitting there in the stands like a spare part, coming on for a bit once a month and playing shit because his confidence is so low, we might as well let him go now. His value would be (marginally) higher in Jan than the summer, presumably.

More than likely he'll just be a backup if Young and Valencia (how exciting) get injured or need a rest. You never know though, maybe he will hit form and get a new contract.

Probably not.
Re. The Andy Mitten article

My sympathies are/were more with Nani, and United's urge to cash in on him rankles a bit, but this bit puts a different light on the discussion

"The coaching staff question his decision making during matches and his attitude. The staff could work with Cristiano Ronaldo’s huge ego because he was the best player in Europe in 2008. Nani is not; he continues to exasperate, not follow instructions, nor learn from past errors. He’s not as committed as Ronaldo was in training (few are) and seems incapable of absorbing the necessary information."

Aside from contract spats and any other issues, if the coaching staff/Fergie are ready to give up on Nani I feel it might be unavoidable if the above is true. Personally, I love Nani for the way he play the game, but if the whole package isn't there then that's a problem.
Is he? He writes for UWS and United Norwegian websites.

As I said, my mate Mike had an article in UWS last month and I could easily get him an article or 2 on a few Swedish websites over here, no problem at all.

Mike is not a good journalist.

With all due respect to Andy Mitten who seems like a top lad, if he was so "in the know" at United, he'd be a little higher up in the journalist World. As I said, most people writing for UWS, Redissue etc, get their information off boards like these.
With due respect, I imagine your mate Mike hasn't written extensively for FourFourTwo and other publications for a number of years, nor has he written several books about United.
Re. The Andy Mitten article

My sympathies are/were more with Nani, and United's urge to cash in on him rankles a bit, but this bit puts a different light on the discussion

"The coaching staff question his decision making during matches and his attitude. The staff could work with Cristiano Ronaldo’s huge ego because he was the best player in Europe in 2008. Nani is not; he continues to exasperate, not follow instructions, nor learn from past errors. He’s not as committed as Ronaldo was in training (few are) and seems incapable of absorbing the necessary information."

Aside from contract spats and any other issues, if the coaching staff/Fergie are ready to give up on Nani I feel it might be unavoidable if the above is true. Personally, I love Nani for the way he play the game, but if the whole package isn't there then that's a problem.

Indeed! I think Nani's style of playing is great, but if his heart isn't in it, then there is no point in keeping him. He is technically our best player, and also the only one able to really create something on his own (RVP also has elements of that to his game). Imo, the diamond would suit him really well, much better than it would Young or Valencia.
Once he is fit, I really hope he gets a run of 4-5 games on the right...we all know he is a superior option to Tony and Young.
I can't wait for all the "What was fergie thinking getting rid of him, Young was gash tonight and Nani would have tore them a new one on the left with their right-back in that form" posts, they're going to be fun. Tbh, I feel for poor Ashley Young, he's going to be the new scapegoat.

Nope, lots of us already think he's extremely average, and playing terribly at the moment. Nani's ability/presence/form makes no difference one way or the other.
Indeed! I think Nani's style of playing is great, but if his heart isn't in it, then there is no point in keeping him. He is technically our best player, and also the only one able to really create something on his own (RVP also has elements of that to his game). Imo, the diamond would suit him really well, much better than it would Young or ValenciB]

Not to disagree with your general point, but just as an aside: why do people say this all the time? He's not suited to a diamond at all. He can come central but is best at least starting wide, so the tip of the diamond isn't for him. Either of the wings of the diamond would put him much too deep, that's an Anderson position not a Nani one. And the two up top are proper strikers.

Don't just lump every variant of 433 together as if they're all basically the same thing. He'd be good in a proper 433, or as one of the 2 in a 4321. But there's nowhere to put him in a diamond.
This is so frustrating. He's a brilliant player, why on earth don't we just make use of him.

My viewpoint may be influenced by having just watched ihabx7's video.
He says

"Nani’s team mates don’t think he’ll stay. Some think that he’s going to join another English club in January and that he already knows it"

Sounds more like an off the record comment to me.

It would be strange if we sold him to a Premiere league side, Spurs are the only ones I could imagine as I don't think he'd go to Newcastle.
It would be strange if we sold him to a Premiere league side, Spurs are the only ones I could imagine as I don't think he'd go to Newcastle.

I don't think Spurs pay that sort of money and they don't need him all that much although he's certainly better than Lennon.
I really don't understand why this thread gets so much comments these days, especially over the past few days. Nani is a good player, but some are making out as if he's the heart and soul of our club and that'll be a huge error if Fergie decides to ship him off. In my opinion, it's pretty obvious that he's on his way out - potentially in the January window.

I've never been incredibly fond of him. I just gave him enough likeness as I should give the average United player. On his day, he is a glorious player to watch - sadly those days aren't seen enough.

Once he comes back from this "injury" - I doubt we'll see him much. If he is to be sold, I hope it's in January. Clearly he's upsetted Fergie in some way, and if someone goes against one of Fergie's principles then they have to leave. Ask Beckham or Van Nistelrooy...
I don't think Spurs pay that sort of money and they don't need him all that much although he's certainly better than Lennon.

They could want him in preperation for selling Bale but you're right, wage-wise I don't know if they could even meet his current £80k a week deal.
He's basically doing his best to prove he's a top Red, complaining about everyone else not being as good a fan as he is. It's been going on for a while.

Have not posted here for a week or so, hence I may be unaware of sth, but I have always thought Maciek was a good poster. Not always do I agree with him but I certainly prefers his 'moaning about moaning' attitude than the moaning itself.
This is so frustrating. He's a brilliant player, why on earth don't we just make use of him.

My viewpoint may be influenced by having just watched ihabx7's video.

Same thing happens to me when I watch it. I don't think it's the usual magnifying effect of a compilation. It's because as United fans we so easily forget just how much incredible football we've seen from Nani, and that video is a great reminder. There are moves in there which only a handful of players in the world could have pulled off.
I really don't understand why this thread gets so much comments these days, especially over the past few days. Nani is a good player, but some are making out as if he's the heart and soul of our club and that'll be a huge error if Fergie decides to ship him off. In my opinion, it's pretty obvious that he's on his way out - potentially in the January window.

I've never been incredibly fond of him. I just gave him enough likeness as I should give the average United player. On his day, he is a glorious player to watch - sadly those days aren't seen enough.

Once he comes back from this "injury" - I doubt we'll see him much. If he is to be sold, I hope it's in January. Clearly he's upsetted Fergie in some way, and if someone goes against one of Fergie's principles then they have to leave. Ask Beckham or Van Nistelrooy...

Great post.

Why is simple...there are lots of obsessive e-footy fans that have this thread know who you are girls.
I'm his harshest critic but I genuinely don't want him to go. He's arguably earned the right to be commonly tagged world-class and is comfortably our best left winger.
I'm his harshest critic but I genuinely don't want him to go. He's arguably earned the right to be commonly tagged world-class and is comfortably our best left winger.

Honestly wtf...this thread incapacitated in one post. Staggering.
Sorry but harshest critic/world class winger bollocks is hard to ignore.
I would like to take this opportunity to post some of mungy's excellent observations throughout this thread.

(these go back over two years ago, when Nani was actually playing good)

Do you understand the football brain? Knowing where to run, where to receive the ball, when to start your run...I could carry on.

Rooney has it, Nani doesn't.

I'd love for Nani to be a success but the fact is (IMHO) he's not clever enough to play for us. Sure he's had plenty of assists this year but he has taken all corners & free kicks in a pretty piss poor star to a season.

Not a WU and I'm not a WUM, I just think he's not cut it for us...and that's the opinion I have and get from the guys I drink with before the game, during and after the game. Maybe some of you internet geeks need to get of your fat arses and get to the game and see how he is playing for real instead of reading stats and spouting bollocks. If you're to far away then how about supporting a local team!!!

Can't stand him he's a waste of time, 1 good game out of 10 isn't good enough.
No point, just appreciating your consistently excellent and productive contributions to this thread throughout the last two and a bit years.
Sorry but harshest critic/world class winger bollocks is hard to ignore.

It isn't if you have the sense of objectiveness. I've never had problems with praising or acknowledging the quality of the players I haven't particularly liked.
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