Luis Nani | 2012/13 Performances

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I dont doubt that. But if they are any good at their job they will use these boards for story ideas or to give a sense of different opinions. If they dont follow that up by talking to their own sources, they are not going to do very well in their careers. That is lazy and their articles will be boring and uninformed.

If you are a journalist and you say x, y and z is happening at the club, based on rumour on a message board, and then it turns out you were completely wrong, how many times do you think you can get away with that before editors stop giving you commissions? When people have a reputation in that business, and write for various papers and websites (as listed above, quite reputable ones in Mitten's case) it is probably because they have a track record of writing things that are a) clear and well written and b) right more often than wrong, i.e. well connected.

Correct and well said.

Why'd an United fan delibrately write wrong stories about an United player, anyway?

As I said earlier, he might not be right but he's not lying and just relaying what's being told by his source.
Not necessarily. But for someone quite well known, who has managed to make a name for himself writing about United, amid the trillions of us who would happily do that for a living, and do it in our free time for free, it is fair to suppose he might be doing something right. Doing something that marks him out as better than others. Otherwise it is more likely he would be just another one of the anonymous, forgettable journalists that write for umpteen fanzines and nobody actually knows about. Like Guybrush's mate, for example, who evidently gets all his stories off here.

He's a nice writer and his position as editor of a United fanzine allows other news agencies to use his "tasty gossip" as though it has some background to it.

Not one source in that article.

One other thing I can tell you about these "sources within a club", I've had regular drinks with Paddy in the Amblehurst and he's someone you just might expect to know stuff, and I swear, all his "in the know" stuff is simply the same gossip you hear between all United fans. Almost none of it turns out to be true.

Once again, it's not a slight on Mitten, I like the guy, but this story stinks of being pure hearsay, it's just everything we've speculated on here all out into one article with no sources.
just because he has wrote one against Nani doesn't mean he's wrong.

Ahhh, that's why you've got a bee on your bonnet because you think I'm saying "he's wrong because he talking about my Nani".

Well, I have never said he was wrong KM. Just that the article stinks of pure speculation.

I mean, there is obviously something going on with Nani.
If they're off the record he shouldn't be parading them around as pure facts then, no? I doubt these sources who told him this stuff "off the record" would be happy to see it in the article, somehow.

You can report off the record as fact in this kind of an op-ed article. You are just not allowed to attribute the source. That is all it means. And for some publications, and especially when breaking news, you cant give this information without a source, therefore off the record cant be used. But that is the discretion of the newspaper and is more to do with covering their back and making sure they dont report something as fact that turns out to be wrong.
If they're off the record he shouldn't be parading them around as pure facts then, no?

Come on now. This "no quotes" thing is daft. Journalism is based around sources and respecting the confidences of others. Many of them will have various sources they can speak to to confirm what they've heard.

It's too fashionable on here not to believe anything journos say when it's quite obvious they know things we're not privy to (see Bob Cass during the summer as an example). Obviously some of them supplement that with a lot of old bollocks, but many of them are writing good, well-sourced stuff.
Anyway, that is all I have to say on this particular topic now. As Cina said a while back, the proof will be in the pudding. And I am not saying it definitely is right. Just that it has a better chance of being right than some people seem to give it credit for.
Nothing naive in that. He clearly loves United and don't think he'd delibrately write wrong stories about an United player.

Once again, no-one said "wrong".

But of course he would speculate, that's what journalists do. If he only wrote nice correct stuff about United players, well, he wouldn't be getting any work anywhere.
Come on now. This "no quotes" thing is daft. Journalism is based around sources and respecting the confidences of others. Many of them will have various sources they can speak to to confirm what they've heard.

It's too fashionable on here not to believe anything journos say when it's quite obvious they know things we're not privy to (see Bob Cass during the summer as an example). Obviously some of them supplement that with a lot of old bollocks, but many of them are writing good, well-sourced stuff.

But then how are we to know what is and is not bullshit? As I said, it's the way he says this stuff, as if they are pure fact, there's not even a "sources say" or "it's to be believed" before what he writes. It also seems odd that he knows his exact wages and exactly what wages he wants when nobody else seems to have a clue.

Anyway, as said above, if he's right then fine, I'll admit wrong, but I'd prefer to wait and see what actually happens first rather than taking what he says there seriously.
Anyway, that is all I have to say on this particular topic now. As Cina said a while back, the proof will be in the pudding. And I am not saying it definitely is right. Just that it has a better chance of being right than some people seem to give it credit for.

I'm confused about this.

From what I see, the 2 people saying that the story stinks of pure speculation and hearsay are both agreeing that something is seriously wrong with the Nani situation no?

(put it this way, any of us could've written that exact same article basing our information solely on this thread right?)
This thread is embarrasing and some of posters are pathetic.

It's nothing new, I know, but really, each day brings a new facepalm.

Good luck, Cina and other fanbois.

You're an idiot. If it's embarrassing, then stay away from it.

Good luck to you too.
Once again, no-one said "wrong".

But of course he would speculate, that's what journalists do. If he only wrote nice correct stuff about United players, well, he wouldn't be getting any work anywhere.

If he's mentioning talking to other United players about the Nani situation in that article, then how the feck is he speculating?

He's either saying the truth or deliberately lying isn't?

Also if he's indeed speculating, then why the feck would he do that on a website of Supporters Club of Man Utd norway. He's employed to other websites in which he could write this "speculation" if he really wants to get noticed. Don't really think writing stuff for Man Utd Norway Supporters Club is the greatest of platform for journalists.
But then how are we to know what is and is not bullshit? As I said, it's the way he says this stuff, as if they are pure fact, there's not even a "sources say" or "it's to be believed" before what he writes. It also seems odd that he knows his exact wages and exactly what wages he wants when nobody else seems to have a clue.

Anyway, as said above, if he's right then fine, I'll admit wrong, but I'd prefer to wait and see what actually happens first rather than taking what he says there seriously.

Well ultimately the only way to know he was right is retrospectively after it happens. Or if it's confirmed by other people. But you can also look at the writer, assess his credibility and take a view. It's not an exact science. Nani could be best mates with the club in the morning and this story could look daft. But it wouldn't necessarily mean it wasn't true at the time it was writtenn.

I don't know if this is true. I don't really have a strong opinion one way or the other, tbh. I do know it seems to tally roughly with what I've read elsewhere and that Mitten seems, from what I've seen, to have some ability to source stories from the club. Beyond that it's just a transfer story. No big deal, really.
If he's mentioning talking to other United players about the Nani situation in that article, then how the feck is he speculating?

He's either saying the truth or deliberately lying isn't?

He doesn't mention talking to United players himself does he? just says "his teammates don't think he'll stay" which, as I said earlier could easily be 2nd hand information.

Also if he's indeed speculating, then why the feck would he do that on a website of Supporters Club of Man Utd norway. He's got other websites in which he could write this "speculation".

Why? Because it gets people reading, stop being so fecking naive.
Well ultimately the only way to know he was right is retrospectively after it happens. Or if it's confirmed by other people. But you can also look at the writer, assess his credibility and take a view. It's not an exact science. Nani could be best mates with the club in the morning and this story could look daft. But it wouldn't necessarily mean it wasn't true at the time it was writtenn.

I don't know if this is true. I don't really have a strong opinion one way or the other, tbh. I do know it seems to tally roughly with what I've read elsewhere and that Mitten seems, from what I've seen, to have some ability to source stories from the club. Beyond that it's just a transfer story. No big deal, really.

Yeah but to be fair, just about everything he's written there is basically a summary of all the speculation that's been going on here in the last month. Maybe we're just really accurate and clever...
He doesn't mention talking to United players himself does he? just says "he team-mates don't think he'll stay" which, as I said earlier could easily be 2nd hand information.

Why? Because it gets people reading, stop being so fecking naive.

My point is that he's employed by bigger websites than that. Wouldn't it benefit him more to post these articles on FourFourTwo, MEN rather than the website of a supporters club?
My point is that he's employed by bigger websites than that. Wouldn't it benefit him more to post these articles on FourFourTwo, MEN rather than the website of a supporters club?

He's no doubt offered it to all of them.

And I'll make my point one final time, something is definitely wrong with the Nani situation, I personally think he'll be gone sooner rather than later.

Mitten's article however, well I could've written the exact same thing from speculation I've read in this thread and I'm no "in the know" journo am I?
He doesn't mention talking to United players himself does he? just says "his teammates don't think he'll stay" which, as I said earlier could easily be 2nd hand information.

He says

"Nani’s team mates don’t think he’ll stay. Some think that he’s going to join another English club in January and that he already knows it"

Sounds more like an off the record comment to me.
Yeah but to be fair, just about everything he's written there is basically a summary of all the speculation that's been going on here in the last month. Maybe we're just really accurate and clever...

That speculation comes from what has been written in the British press. Mitten is a respected journalist, one with access to players.

It is also obvious to any fan that there has always been something about Nani the SAF is less than impressed with.

The writing is on the wall for Nani. I would guess that the English club is Spurs.
He says

"Nani’s team mates don’t think he’ll stay. Some think that he’s going to join another English club in January and that he already knows it"

Sounds more like an off the record comment to me.

Does it? Sounds like something Paddy would tell me in the pub to be honest. And, as I've said earlier, I think he'll be gone so that is certainly one part of the story that has a very good chance of being true.
He's no doubt offered it to all of them.

And I'll make my point one final time, something is definitely wrong with the Nani situation, I personally think he'll be gone sooner rather than later.

Mitten's article however, well I could've written the exact same thing from speculation I've read in this thread and I'm no "in the know" journo am I?

Yeah, but you'd burn all of your sources in your first three or four articles and end up working for the Argos catalogue.
You all are discussing about article that just sums up all previous news about Nani, he didn't say anything new he found out "inside united". Collection all news and putting them together in one article doesn't make it "top journalism", I could make that also.
You all are discussing about article that just sums up all previous news about Nani, he didn't say anything new he found out "inside united". Collection all news and putting them together in one article doesn't make it "top journalism", I could make that also.

Exactly what I was thinking. The article is basically a compilation of all Nani related news from the summer to up until now. Actually, that "he would go to a English club" bit is new but whatever.
Exactly what I was thinking. The article is basically a compilation of all Nani related news from the summer to up until now. Actually, that "he would go to a English club" bit is new but whatever.

It's also just pure speculation. I'm sure he would go to an English club, if they offered him a good deal and we accepted it. Just like he would go to a Spanish or Italian club. Just seems like adding extra fuel to the fire for the sake of it.
You're an idiot. If it's embarrassing, then stay away from it.

Good luck to you too.

Maciek offers literally nothing to this thread and just rehashes the same rubbish each week, so I'll just be deleting his posts in this thread.
He won't move within England. Chelsea and City don't need him, Arsenal probably couldn't afford him although he'd be perfect for them, Spurs and Liverpool would be too big a step down and he'd be more likely to join Inter or Milan, two sides that are very likely to come knocking when he is put up for sale.
Maciek offers literally nothing to this thread and just rehashes the same rubbish each week, so I'll just be deleting his posts in this thread.

He's basically doing his best to prove he's a top Red, complaining about everyone else not being as good a fan as he is. It's been going on for a while.
I've never seen someone offer so many irrelevant insults to no-one in particular. It's a bit weird.
He won't move to another English club. An Italian club is a more likely destination.

Maciek offers literally nothing to this thread and just rehashes the same rubbish each week, so I'll just be deleting his posts in this thread.

He's basically doing his best to prove he's a top Red, complaining about everyone else not being as good a fan as he is. It's been going on for a while.

I could be wrong but he complains in almost most threads he posts in.
He won't move to another English club. An Italian club is a more likely destination.

I could be wrong but he complains in almost most threads he posts in.

You are not wrong, but it's usually just moaning about other posters rather than anything else.
I've never seen someone offer so many irrelevant insults to no-one in particular. It's a bit weird.

He pretty much does only that recently. Whenever someone has something not necessarily good to say about United's team or player, he jumps in and calls everyone an idiot, proving that he's a top red who'd feel comfortable if we had Alan Smith and Eric Djemba-Djemba still pulling the strings because that's how he rolls.
You are not wrong, but it's usually just moaning about other posters rather than anything else.

True. He has this sense of being superior to everyone else, for some reason.
Firstly, what about Marjen?

On your question, who knows. Maybe. You think it's less likely because he's Norwegian? If he has sources who have briefed him it might be accurate. That's how journalism works.

:lol: Don't be silly.

Anyway, he's not Norwegian, so that blows that our of the water.

Do you believe what he's saying there? I don't like articles that have statements like that, he hasn't explained how he knows any of this. Yeah he spoke to Nani but he's hardly getting all that out of him saying "only God knows", is he?

I see you two are laughing at me behind my back.

I approve this.

Also, my opinion: Nani's gone in the summer. I'm basing this on nothing at all except pure guesswork. How's that for an opinion?
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