Lent and Bruno Gabriel Saraceni
Posted on 02/08/2012 at 19:43
São Paulo (SP)
After offering 25 million euros ($ 62 million) by Lucas, Inter Milan (ITA) may reach 30 million euros ($ 74.8 million) to try to bring the attacking midfielder. Marco Branca, technical director of the Italians, is back in Brazil.
Manchester United (ENG) had made the best offer, rejected by the Tricolor. After an offer of $ 82 million, rose to $ 94 million, which was also denied. New investee, it would come to $ 99 million, can happen at any moment, what would the Tricolor to sell the athlete.
In Italy, the site Sport Mediaset says that the Italians have reached an agreement to take Luke for 30 million euros. Gypsum board and the Tri Lucas deny.
- I do not know this information. I was with Juvenal yesterday (Wednesday) and today (Thursday). Just sit down to negotiate with Manchester, but the values we were not satisfied - John Paul said of Jesus Lopes, vice president of football.
Luke's family is in London (ING), which accompanies the São Paulo fan in the Olympics. It is not ruled out a visit to Manchester, because Brazil, which has played at Old Traford, you can return to the stage of United in the semifinals. The businessman Wagner Ribeiro is also in the country.
When the last reported offer from Manchester, the story of LANCENET! reported that Inter would return to Brazil to make a new proposal. However, they were without much hope after negative values Sampa English.
Since last Wednesday, Lucas won over 10% of economic rights. Ate'o end of July, was 20% and 80% of São Paulo. Now, it is divided by 30% and 70%. Earlier this week, the director of football Adalberto Bautista said that the contract can reshape the boy (19 years). He currently earns $ 130,000 a month and has ties to the end of 2015.