Television Lost: The Final Season

Rewatching it with the wife who has never seen it (or heard of it). She enjoyed the first two seasons, thought the third was decent, 4th was okay and the 5th season seems to be the end for her :lol:
This was my No 1 show off all time. Felt like it would take a lot to change that. Then Hardhome from GoT happened and changed that...then S8 happened:lol:. Anyway I've been staring at that damn lost boxset on my shelf for years but I don't want to watch it unless its with someone. I'd rather experience it with someone's else's perspective.
Funnily enough I binged this for the third time last month. Utter nonsense toward s the end but that final episode brings out the waterworks every time.
I still find the bit funny where Boon goes to save his sister from drowning and then drowns himself :lol:
We watched the whole way through for the first time recently. I’d watched a couple of episodes way back when it first came out but was too stoned at the time to really remember any of it.
It’s a seriously gripping show, particularly the first few seasons. One of the few shows I’d genuinely not want to stop watching. They went mental in the late stages but feck it, it was quality, probably my favourite show behind GoT.
In terms of mystery and suspense, I think its what made the show so big. You had mystery about the island, as well as characters. Nearly every week would have a new character highlighted in the flashbacks. And then crazy stuff like Polar bears, the numbers, the button, Desmond being introduced (just seen the ep in season 3 where he already knows about Lockes speech, letting it slip to Hurley).

Haha done the exact same thing. I’m on season 3 halfway through. It’s fantastic. I looked into the Libby thing. She got a DUI or something so had to write her out the show. Same with Ana Lucia. Ecko also quit, they had big plans for him (which they basically gave his scenes to Locke I think).
Ahh ok,I remember Ana Lucia being written out for that but didnt realise Libby had the same issue.
It made for a fascinating scene but showed Michael not to be a good person (although explained his motive he would do anything for his son)

So s3 my wife is questioning the show in terms of quality. Its focused a lot on the Others. Her guess is everybody will die or they are already all dead (in purgatory).
S3 I wasnt a fan of on the original run (when it seemed like they focused too much on Jack, Sawyer and Kate). But thats what I remembered (I also thought that it was s2 that did that and I was wrong, s2 was great)

One thing ive noticed is my initial thoughts were the majority of the 'Others' are absolute dicks. You have them putting a pacemaker (or lying about it) in Sawyer, you have them shocking Sawyer, making Kate do labour in the heat in a dress, locking up Jack
Then i thought about it and its got similarities to the survivors. (But again the whole thing started cos Ethan was a psycho and the other mole who Ana Lucia killed on the other side of the island)

SO yeah, Others are not good people.
In terms of mystery and suspense, I think its what made the show so big. You had mystery about the island, as well as characters. Nearly every week would have a new character highlighted in the flashbacks. And then crazy stuff like Polar bears, the numbers, the button, Desmond being introduced (just seen the ep in season 3 where he already knows about Lockes speech, letting it slip to Hurley).

Ahh ok,I remember Ana Lucia being written out for that but didnt realise Libby had the same issue.
It made for a fascinating scene but showed Michael not to be a good person (although explained his motive he would do anything for his son)

So s3 my wife is questioning the show in terms of quality. Its focused a lot on the Others. Her guess is everybody will die or they are already all dead (in purgatory).
S3 I wasnt a fan of on the original run (when it seemed like they focused too much on Jack, Sawyer and Kate). But thats what I remembered (I also thought that it was s2 that did that and I was wrong, s2 was great)

One thing ive noticed is my initial thoughts were the majority of the 'Others' are absolute dicks. You have them putting a pacemaker (or lying about it) in Sawyer, you have them shocking Sawyer, making Kate do labour in the heat in a dress, locking up Jack
Then i thought about it and its got similarities to the survivors. (But again the whole thing started cos Ethan was a psycho and the other mole who Ana Lucia killed on the other side of the island)

SO yeah, Others are not good people.

Yeh it’s funny as the Others think they’re normal people who don’t deserve harm. Super offended Ana Lucia killed Ethan, Ben even boasting how he was a top surgeon. But what do they expect when kidnapping and killing the survivors.

Season 2 is superb. Correct that season 3 takes a new direction but it still works for me. Has some of the best scenes with Desmond and Charlie too. My memory gets foggy after this season but I do remember it getting messy.
Yeh it’s funny as the Others think they’re normal people who don’t deserve harm. Super offended Ana Lucia killed Ethan, Ben even boasting how he was a top surgeon. But what do they expect when kidnapping and killing the survivors.

Season 2 is superb. Correct that season 3 takes a new direction but it still works for me. Has some of the best scenes with Desmond and Charlie too. My memory gets foggy after this season but I do remember it getting messy.
I havent hated s3 so far. (five eps in). Its a good thing i dont remember most of this season so its still intriguing to me, feels almost fresh given it was 15 years ago.

So far I think premier, the two locke episodes (dont tell me what i cant do) and his kidney being taken were great.
Also the s2 finale eps were great as well as s1 finale. Just fantastic stuff (though it all linking up has been immense story telling so far).

One thing I noticed is that Claire saying "WHERE IS MY BABY" gave me Dany memories of "WHERE ARE MY DRAGONS".
Eh? Didn't he die when the heroin plane fell off the cliff with him in it?
Yes youre correct. I think there was a misremembering here.

Boone went out to save some faceless survivor in the water. He went a bit but then couldn't really swim. Jack went out and ended up saving Boone and not the woman who just washed away and died.
Eh? Didn't he die when the heroin plane fell off the cliff with him in it?
Yes youre correct. I think there was a misremembering here.

Boone went out to save some faceless survivor in the water. He went a bit but then couldn't really swim. Jack went out and ended up saving Boone and not the woman who just washed away and died.
Ahh yeah that was it. Still funny :lol:
S3 is better than I remember. Maybe cos it's a binge watch.

It sure has a lot of jack,sawyer and Kate though. But I get why since they are with the 'others' and they are putting more focus on introducing them and all.

Flashes before your eyes ep8 is the first one that made me go woah the first time around and even this time. Complete Desmond focus and the time travel. Such a great character and portrayal. Him and penny have great chemistry
Been years since I've watched a single episode. Do they ever explain the polar bear bit?
Season 3 is so much better than I remember it being having watched it again
Maybe binging helped over the week to week (which might have been a bit more frustrating at the time)
The time jack sawyer and Kate are held by the others seemed to be shorter, but once that was done a lot of shit happened

The story of locke remained interesting especially his father being on the island and the link to his father actually being sawyer himself. Fantastic stuff.

Desmond and Juliet were great additions. They didn't do a great job with Paulo and Nikki, but I wasn't too annoyed by them (well Paulo was annoying). But some of his actions were explained in their final episode, which was put together really well especially the paralysed bit.

The flashforward stuff in the season finale was done so well.
And the 'not penny's boat' was great in such a sad way. The second half especially of the season was great stuff

Been years since I've watched a single episode. Do they ever explain the polar bear bit?
I kinda feel they do but haven't seen it yet on my second watch (unless I missed it)
From my first watch I used to go to forums to discuss and can't remember if it's from there or the show where they mentioned the animal being able to adapt
Season three was harmed at the time by being on for two weeks off for a week on for three weeks off for two weeks etc.
The whole show is amazing.
Season three was harmed at the time by being on for two weeks off for a week on for three weeks off for two weeks etc.
The whole show is amazing.
I just checked epguides and that's not right
It had six EPs then a break then when it returned it was weekly until the finale which was a two part (two ep finale)

I remember at the time S3 discussion being there's too much jack sawyer and Kate which does seem true on rewatch but also understandable since they were the ones captured by others (and positioned as the leaders and of course Kate's two interests)
It’s a fantastic show. Although it was only released in 2004, it feels eons ago as they don’t really make shows with such well written and character driven storylines. The island mystery is obviously a hook that keeps you going but the actual storytelling that ‘makes’ the character is superb. Always had a soft spot for Desmond and Locke, and again, mainly for their character trajectory.
Ok so season 4 is really really good. It's a shorter season but contains what most say is the best episode
The constant

Fantastic stuff of course as it has the whole sci-fi mystery around a character (and actually two) and the chemistry between Desmond and penny.

S4 has some great stuff like the intro of the cabin, the freighter stuff and Michael coming back, frank the pilot and to the last point Daniel Faraday. Also the island moving and present day stuff like the reveal of who died.

For a second viewing binging is great and there's a lot I didn't remember until it happened

The one thing that was bizarre is how the non named island people were treated by the regular cast. I mean you had some of them get transported by the boat to the freighter but not one of them got onto the helicopter. And people were only sad that Jin couldn't make it.
They should have gotten rid of some of the unnamed survivors earlier than this. Only real gripe.

The island moving was a cool element and Charles widmore people being bad guys (the way they killed Alex and a few others). Which somehow made Ben less of a villain even though he didn't care about the boat blowing up. Though a cracking scene with him and hurley sharing a snack and not saying a word as John was in the cabin.
Been years since I've watched a single episode. Do they ever explain the polar bear bit?
Dharma people doing experiments in the 70’s. They just left them there. As mundane an explanation as was possible.
Season 5 is so much better than I remember. I think binging defo helped with all the time travel stuff. But the time travel stuff was done well, especially completing loops or explaining how people may or may not remember their past meetings (eg Faradays mothers behaviour going forward from that point)
Or Miles dad.

The Juliet/Sawyer relationship was a great part of the season. Also Jack and Kate came off as bad / worse characters and very selfish at times.

Also first time we see Jacob (and his end :lol:) and fauxLocke which was a great reveal.

I do remember at the time (which was about 15 years ago) having such a great anticipation for the final season of Lost and it was discussed so much with my Uni friends and my work lot (water cooler/ lunch talk)
Season 5 is so much better than I remember. I think binging defo helped with all the time travel stuff. But the time travel stuff was done well, especially completing loops or explaining how people may or may not remember their past meetings (eg Faradays mothers behaviour going forward from that point)
Or Miles dad.

The Juliet/Sawyer relationship was a great part of the season. Also Jack and Kate came off as bad / worse characters and very selfish at times.

Also first time we see Jacob (and his end :lol:) and fauxLocke which was a great reveal.

I do remember at the time (which was about 15 years ago) having such a great anticipation for the final season of Lost and it was discussed so much with my Uni friends and my work lot (water cooler/ lunch talk)
Season 4 or 5 are fairly watchable despite issues, it's just Daniel Faraday feels like character from Fringe. Wouldn't be surprised if the two series got parralel connection somewhere as a deep easter egg.

I'll always dig John Locke as a bad guy. He had status of immortal after finding himself on the island, then went fully immortal after resurrection / possession. From start to finish superb character. Worth to watch last season just how the island slowly consumes him in every possible way.
Season 5 is so much better than I remember.

Always loved season 5. "Locke", my favourite character, finally growing some balls and showing everyone that he is boss and knows the island better than anyone was great. He basically tells Richard and Ben that he is sick of the secrecy and rules, even calling Richard out that he thinks he is making all those rules up as he goes along. And in one of the final episodes he reveals to Ben that the real reason he wants to go see Jacob is to kill him. What a "WTF"-moment that was! And Ben's face is amazing. I haven't seen this for over a decade and can still picture the scene. LOST was like a freaking drug trip for me. Too bad season 6, although not so bad, was a bit of a comedown.
Locke's flashbacks were horrendous. At least the other flashbacks had some variations. This guy was just getting trolled by his father and losing body parts every single time.
It was heartbreaking the first time. After that it was basically groundhog day with the bloke suffering from Stockholm Syndrome.

I agree with this actually. The back story I really enjoyed was Eko’s. Shame he had to leave the show earlier than expected
I didn't mind the ending at all - loved the show. However the biggest feck you was finding out Locke didn't grow a backbone and basically just died as a failure of a human being in every sense.
I didn't mind the ending at all - loved the show. However the biggest feck you was finding out Locke didn't grow a backbone and basically just died as a failure of a human being in every sense.
Not intentional
One of my favourite series of all time, watched it first time round as it came out and done a couple of rewatches since. Probably due another one soon
So season 6 is a mixed bag so far. The first episode was ok for the initial point that we see there's a different timeline which looks like the crash didn't happen and we see stuff like the island is under water, but then it's kinda a waste of stuff happening in that timeline.

So we get about three episodes of meh stuff from that. But on the island we get some good stuff like the temple , sayid resurrected,, but then tortured. And some characters introduced that have been on the island but never mentioned but play a big part. A dude that can keep the monster out (but they start putting circles of ash or whatever...)

Then we get a string of really good episodes and it looks like things are happening with Des returning, some of the deaths and the planning / plotting of sawyer, flocke, and widmore... And people just seemingly changing sides then back :lol:
In the middle is a really good episode about Richard.
We then get what looks like is going to be an episode explaining a lot of things but ...

Across the Sea
This was a problematic episode. It made Jacob look like a real tool and Flocke/mib (who still remained nameless) sympathetic.
This was such a weird strange episode and I have a feeling the writers completely dropped the ball with this specific episode and caused themselves more issues rather than resolving a lot of stuff.

Three episodes left (and strangely I didn't remember anything of this specific season except knowing there were a few deaths and an episode for Richard and Jacob/mib)
Season 4 or 5 are fairly watchable despite issues, it's just Daniel Faraday feels like character from Fringe. Wouldn't be surprised if the two series got parralel connection somewhere as a deep easter egg.

I'll always dig John Locke as a bad guy. He had status of immortal after finding himself on the island, then went fully immortal after resurrection / possession. From start to finish superb character. Worth to watch last season just how the island slowly consumes him in every possible way.
I loved fringe and know what you mean.
I liked John locke from the early seasons but once he became flocke/bad guy locke , the actors performance was fantastic especially as you still associated him as Locke but with a different attitude.

Always loved season 5. "Locke", my favourite character, finally growing some balls and showing everyone that he is boss and knows the island better than anyone was great. He basically tells Richard and Ben that he is sick of the secrecy and rules, even calling Richard out that he thinks he is making all those rules up as he goes along. And in one of the final episodes he reveals to Ben that the real reason he wants to go see Jacob is to kill him. What a "WTF"-moment that was! And Ben's face is amazing. I haven't seen this for over a decade and can still picture the scene. LOST was like a freaking drug trip for me. Too bad season 6, although not so bad, was a bit of a comedown.

The funny thing is, up to this point the rules aren't explained. It's just 'listen to me' and goes to my previous point about the episode
Across the sea

The mother basically takes everything away from MiB and makes him sympathetic. Jacob is a tool who just follows
The rule we are told is that Jacob and MiB can't hurt each other but then a few scenes later Jacob is beating the crap out of MiB because ... Mib wants to escape ... And 'mother' killed their real mum. Wtf?
How is Jacob the good guy?
And then Jacob actually kills mib :lol:

So that rule doesn't make sense at all
Of course I still got a few EPs left of this season and seriously can't remember it so feel like I'm watching from scratch (but it feels like this isn't answered at all)
So season 6 is a mixed bag so far. The first episode was ok for the initial point that we see there's a different timeline which looks like the crash didn't happen and we see stuff like the island is under water, but then it's kinda a waste of stuff happening in that timeline.

So we get about three episodes of meh stuff from that. But on the island we get some good stuff like the temple , sayid resurrected,, but then tortured. And some characters introduced that have been on the island but never mentioned but play a big part. A dude that can keep the monster out (but they start putting circles of ash or whatever...)

Then we get a string of really good episodes and it looks like things are happening with Des returning, some of the deaths and the planning / plotting of sawyer, flocke, and widmore... And people just seemingly changing sides then back :lol:
In the middle is a really good episode about Richard.
We then get what looks like is going to be an episode explaining a lot of things but ...

Across the Sea
This was a problematic episode. It made Jacob look like a real tool and Flocke/mib (who still remained nameless) sympathetic.
This was such a weird strange episode and I have a feeling the writers completely dropped the ball with this specific episode and caused themselves more issues rather than resolving a lot of stuff.

Three episodes left (and strangely I didn't remember anything of this specific season except knowing there were a few deaths and an episode for Richard and Jacob/mib)

Whilst I agree the execution of Across the Sea was poorly done, I think the biggest sin for it was the placement of the episode. Everything was getting built up for the final push and then WHAM! we’re taken completely out of the main story to see the origins of Jacob and MIB.
So finished Lost season 6. Overall a lot of quality especially in the first five seasons, but I honestly think s6 ruined the shows legacy. It had some good scenes here and there but overall didnt makes sense.

The finale was actually a good episode on its own, and mostly due to the resolution of the characters. But if you actually think about it, it also didnt make sense.
Why is this 'place' that they all dreamed up together to meet, including people like Keamy, or having our Losties getting kidnapped and beaten. Or shot? Why would they dream up that together?
Whos idea was it to have Keamy there? Also how does Ben make it there but MIchael doesnt?
Ben basically did a shit load more stuff that was worse than MIchael. Did he get redemption by being Hurleys number two? But then shouldnt michael get redemption for sacrificing his life on the freighter so that others could escape?

They wasted so much time on a lot of things that they could have easily answered some questions here and there.
They answered some stuff in the epilogue that was released as an extra, but tbh it didnt need hurley in charge for that. They could have just had that as part of a dharma viewing on the island to new people. (polar bears, electromagnetism affecting babies, the bird, the dharma drop happening)
They could have even just had a scene where one of Widmores guys was shot or had a remark (to tie it to Juliet shooting during a time jump)

Across the Sea was a turning point and not in a good way. It absolutely ruined the concept of answers being provided. They even had a line in the episode(?) about 'if I give you an answer, you will have more questions'. That seems the way the writers felt about the island.

A lot of people state 'this was about the characters' to forgive the writers, but tbh, the island and its mysteries was a huge part of the show. They used a distraction technique with the flashsideways and then the emotional meetup at the end to try distract you from actually giving answers. Which is funny, cos the end is perfectly fine if they had just spent one more episode to answer some of the island stuff questions
So finished Lost season 6. Overall a lot of quality especially in the first five seasons, but I honestly think s6 ruined the shows legacy. It had some good scenes here and there but overall didnt makes sense.

The finale was actually a good episode on its own, and mostly due to the resolution of the characters. But if you actually think about it, it also didnt make sense.
Why is this 'place' that they all dreamed up together to meet, including people like Keamy, or having our Losties getting kidnapped and beaten. Or shot? Why would they dream up that together?
Whos idea was it to have Keamy there? Also how does Ben make it there but MIchael doesnt?
Ben basically did a shit load more stuff that was worse than MIchael. Did he get redemption by being Hurleys number two? But then shouldnt michael get redemption for sacrificing his life on the freighter so that others could escape?

They wasted so much time on a lot of things that they could have easily answered some questions here and there.
They answered some stuff in the epilogue that was released as an extra, but tbh it didnt need hurley in charge for that. They could have just had that as part of a dharma viewing on the island to new people. (polar bears, electromagnetism affecting babies, the bird, the dharma drop happening)
They could have even just had a scene where one of Widmores guys was shot or had a remark (to tie it to Juliet shooting during a time jump)

Across the Sea was a turning point and not in a good way. It absolutely ruined the concept of answers being provided. They even had a line in the episode(?) about 'if I give you an answer, you will have more questions'. That seems the way the writers felt about the island.

A lot of people state 'this was about the characters' to forgive the writers, but tbh, the island and its mysteries was a huge part of the show. They used a distraction technique with the flashsideways and then the emotional meetup at the end to try distract you from actually giving answers. Which is funny, cos the end is perfectly fine if they had just spent one more episode to answer some of the island stuff questions

I'm pretty sure the actor just wasn't available. I'm sure there was something about how he was done with the show and didn't want to come back.
Whilst I agree the execution of Across the Sea was poorly done, I think the biggest sin for it was the placement of the episode. Everything was getting built up for the final push and then WHAM! we’re taken completely out of the main story to see the origins of Jacob and MIB.

The placement wasnt the biggest issue for me. It certainly could have happened earlier but then, it would only make sense if this was part 1 of a 2 part arc.
A lot of shit happened here that just didnt make sense thinking about this episode. In fact, if you remove this episode, you probably still have issues with unanswered questions, but less so. From this episode alone (but also linked to the ending):

-Why did 'Mother' kill the babies actual mother?
-Why does the actual mother only show up to MIB and not Jacob?
-Why is Jacob seen as a 'good guy' for just listening and accepting things, as well as beating his 'brother' and then killing his brother for wanting to leave, but MIB a badguy for questioning things, hating 'Mother' for actually killing his own mother, and actually just wanting to leave.
-Was Mother both a protector and smoke monster? That would be the only thing that would make sense given somehow all the 'men' were killed by her and a well was filled up fairly quickly.
-Why did they mention rules but never explain them properly. (you cant bring it up and keep it vague otherwise people will question it) - this was an issue with Widmore and Ben. Alex died and Ben mentioned the rules have changed. Ben saw Widmore off the island and basically said he cant Widmore due to the rules. But then ends up killing him on the island. What? And Widmore ... how did he get to the island? It was a pretty big deal in recent seasons that he couldnt find his way back.
-Mother says that Jacob and MIB cant hurt each other and shes made it so, but then Jacob ends up hurting MIB like a scene later, and then at the end, kills him :lol:
-Going down into the light is something worse than death (so being turned into the smokemonster?). So if Desmond is special, it makes sense 'somewhat' why he can withstand issues down there. But then Jack goes down there, and ... hes ok except for being stabbed before. And he puts the cork back into the island which keeps it going, but somehow doesnt destroy him (like we saw the electromagnetism do to some redshirt guy in a previous episode). Nor do we know how he got the top (minor issue)
-The whole MIB leaving the island thing was a disaster too and became an ongoing mess with things just changing here and there. Yikes.
One big issue is we dont get any scope of how bad he is and what evil he will do to the world if he leaves the island, cos he seems pretty sane compared to a lot of the rest of them.

I'm pretty sure the actor just wasn't available. I'm sure there was something about how he was done with the show and didn't want to come back.

But even if availability was the issue, it suddenly wouldnt make sense for him to appear in the final scene when they had that whole whispers scene with him and Hurley ( which was only four episodes before) about how he cant pass over as hes stuck on the island.
I dunno...