Television Lost: The Final Season

It's never going to be up there with the best ever shows and yes some of it doesn't make much sense but it's just a really fun show. I'll always love it. I've only rewatched it once but it's funny that on my first watch back in 2004 I was on Jack's side and then rewatching as a 27 year old I was firmly in camp Sawyer.
It's never going to be up there with the best ever shows and yes some of it doesn't make much sense but it's just a really fun show. I'll always love it. I've only rewatched it once but it's funny that on my first watch back in 2004 I was on Jack's side and then rewatching as a 27 year old I was firmly in camp Sawyer.

When you wise up a touch you'll be on Locke Island
Nah knowing what I knew in the end he was a bit clueless really and he died while being a bit pathetic.
Was a big fan of Sayid til they templed him and he went weird.

Season 1 Sayid was on point.
:lol: I remember the first time we saw the temple I was so excited that it was about to get so interesting and loads of questions were about to be answered. Was that season 5? Regardless Season 5 was my least favourite by some distance!
:lol: I remember the first time we saw the temple I was so excited that it was about to get so interesting and loads of questions were about to be answered. Was that season 5? Regardless Season 5 was my least favourite by some distance!

Temple was Season 6 I think.

Actually really enjoyed Season 5! I loved that they were back with the Dharma Initiative and thought it was a cool way to see the history of the island with that and also with the others flashing through time.
Temple was Season 6 I think.

Actually really enjoyed Season 5! I loved that they were back with the Dharma Initiative and thought it was a cool way to see the history of the island with that and also with the others flashing through time.

I fcuked that up completely. I think Season 4 was the one I didn't like.
I fcuked that up completely. I think Season 4 was the one I didn't like.
I think season 4 was during the writers strike which completely fecked it.

This show came across like they never really expected more than 2 seasons, and it became a complete clusterfeck after that. Having said that, this and prison break were the first real shows you could torrent and watch with the whole world. They were the originals and will always be looked back on fondly IMO.
I think Season 3 was the writer's strike but yeah Season 4 was poor. All about the freighter.
Was a big fan of Sayid til they templed him and he went weird.

Season 1 Sayid was on point.
For the long time he was only one who seemed to act like an actual intelligent human would in the same situation.

Loved the show, possibly my favourite ever. Agree the quality was better at the start, but don't buy the whole "it was shite towards the end" shtick.
It was a great journey, will always maintain that watching it. But the end was disappointing.
I actually didnt like s2 that much when it was ongoing. Thought they focused too much on Kate, Jack and Sawyer and neglected the rest.
I accidentally watched the second half of season 2 (think it was season 2) before watching the first half. Still made sense... Says a lot about the show :lol:

I was always a fan of Sawyer. Couldn't stand Jack and his heavy breathing.
,I thought the ending was a bit duff, but I think the writers probably had so many ideas to choose from when it came to the finale and I did always think there would be an ambiguous ending with more questions than answers, leaving the door open for more series in the future. I think the whole ending was a bit flat really and I don't think they could have taken it any further anyway.
Overall, I did enjoy it though. Some great storylines and characters.
For the long time he was only one who seemed to act like an actual intelligent human would in the same situation.

Loved the show, possibly my favourite ever. Agree the quality was better at the start, but don't buy the whole "it was shite towards the end" shtick.

Yeah, I thought the ending was lovely - and I really dislike religion! :lol:
Currently on my 5 yearly rewatch...just up to series 4, The Constant, which is probably my favourite episode of the series...
Every time this thread is bumped...

Weird how you don’t really see much of the cast of Lost in other stuff...none of them really made the step up to A list actors...Evangeline Lily has to an extents, but since Lost finished, what must be 10+ years ago, I’ve only really seen her in the Hobbit, and Ant-Man...

Matthew Fox has almost disappeared from TV entirely...
Weird how you don’t really see much of the cast of Lost in other stuff...none of them really made the step up to A list actors...Evangeline Lily has to an extents, but since Lost finished, what must be 10+ years ago, I’ve only really seen her in the Hobbit, and Ant-Man...

Matthew Fox has almost disappeared from TV entirely...
Didn't he abuse his wife or something though? I've seen Ben in a few things but you are right about most of them.
Didn't he abuse his wife or something though? I've seen Ben in a few things but you are right about most of them.

I think he attacked a female bus driver or something? The guy who played Charlie accused him of beating women too.
Weird how you don’t really see much of the cast of Lost in other stuff...none of them really made the step up to A list actors...Evangeline Lily has to an extents, but since Lost finished, what must be 10+ years ago, I’ve only really seen her in the Hobbit, and Ant-Man...

Matthew Fox has almost disappeared from TV entirely...
I think I've probably seen a few of them in things that were actually made before Lost started, Terry O' Quinn and Michael Emerson spring to mind, also MC Gainey and Henry Ian Cusick. Matthew Fox was in World War Z I think ? But you are right, nothing really springs to mind, although funnily enough the latest episode of Fear the Walking Dead, shown yesterday in the US I think, Maggie Grace has been introduced as a new character. The actress that played Sawyer's girlfriend in the "real world" (Kim Dickens ?) is also in this and she played a brothel madam in Sons of Anarchy. Harold Perrinau was in Oz......that's all I can think of off the top of my head !!!!
harold Perrineau was in Z nation. Really thought he would be a main character given the trailer. lmao

michael emerson is the main one on TV. Person of Interest and Arrow.

Didnt watch Wild Things with Dominic Monaghan but thought he would have got more work.
I wish it was back on Netflix so I could binge it again.

At the same time I don't ever want to see another episode.
Henry Ian Cusick is in The 100 which is pretty damn good.

Locke was in a show call Patriot on Amazon which is well worth a watch because it's just so offbeat and odd.
Think I'm going to start re-watching this bad boy. 6 years since my last viewing. Whilst it may not be the GOAT of television, it was the first proper tv series I invested in and the first time I got to appreciate the nuances of how they pan out.
Looking forward to seeing the fit blonde girl with the brother again, jheeze.
Back when the final episode (or the last two seasons) aired I swore it was the biggest disappointment of all time and wouldn't watch it again. But yeah now I'm watching it again with my sons and boy are they stoked on it.
Not sure if I should warn them about the ending, well I know for certain I really shouldn't but it feels like I'm letting them down so badly.

Another thing, I wish I had registered earlier on the Caf so I could have speculated the series with you guys. I was just lurking here so didn't know about this thread. Anyway, I was on another Lost fan forums at the time, the site was owned by some dude who came up pretty early with a multiple timeline theory which got pretty popular over the web.
I skimmed through your thoughts and speculations here and I can say we had very similar theories back there.
The forums pretty much died immediately after the final episode, people were so pissed off.
Holy crap, that Jacob guy is a huge psychopath.

All in all, good series, even though it got worse with each new season. I remember quitting it sometime after third season (?) ten years ago, as I was watching it *live* (well, download week by week when it aired in America), and it started to get really annoying. Now, a month or so decided to finally finish it, and with my new impeccable fast forward skills (thank you, the Walking Dead!), it got easier to carry on. Though, I mostly just fast forwarded flashbacks from 1-3 which I already have seen.

1 - A-
2 - B
3 - C+
4 - C
5 - C
6 - D- (just a useless season, flash sideways were interesting and I don't mind it them showing a purgatory or something like that, but the island stuff was pure garbage)

Locke and Ben episodes were pure joy.
Your grading is fair @Mrs Smoker, but the hype was insane at the end of season 2, I didn't think it could be topped as a TV show ever at that point, so mine would be higher. I think half the fun of the show, when it was live, was all the wacky fan theories (I preferred most of them to what actually was going on) and break downs after each episode.

Although I loved the show at the time, not sure I could stand a rewatch now, it'd hurt my rose-tinted memories, as it really could have benefited from the more modern 6-13 episode structure of "quality shows" that we see today. The writers where literally making shit up, on the fly, so a lot of it was pulled taffy filler to get to 22 episodes, mystery for the sake of it, plots that went nowhere. Like Nicky and Paulo, which they admitted was a test to see if they could get away with and just plain old unanswered story threads, compared to something more clearly plotted like Westworld. However, it was an important cultural stepping stone to get to where we are now, it wasn't solely responsible but it was certainly at the start of that wave of movie level budget tv shows.

One thing that always bothers everyone is the ending, I'm almost certain that they spiked the original ending because people "figured it out" fairly early on and they pushed it off to figure out later until they couldn't, they only finished writing the final episode very close to the air date. Pretty sure it was around a month before it aired, by which time they'd altered the narrative from "Every question will be answered" to "Emotionally satisfying" which to me it was. Steven King has dogshit endings to most of his books to, because endings aren't as fun as the journey.