Television Lost: Season 5

I just hope that by the end of the show, the Lost creators will be able to explain everything time-travel wise. I don't even care if they admit they didn't plan it in advance, so long as they come up with a plausible (for the Lost universe) explanation.
Haha, we could both be wrong at this moment in time, because the possibility of me being wrong still exists, as does the possibility of you being wrong. We both currently face the ultimate fate, of being proven wrong on the internet ;)

Wow, you're so deep. :smirk:

One of is wrong at this moment, whether we know it or not. My guess is that it's you - wrong on the internet once again. Thou shalt cower in shame!
That is plausible.

Going back to the "if someone went back in time and shot Ben in the head thing" just remember Michael trying to shoot himself with a fully loaded gun. If the island doesn't want you to die, you don't die.
I was going to post this but made sure to read the thread first. For everyone saying, what's stopping you going back and shooting someone in the previous timeline, it's the island. We've seen plenty of examples of this during the show.
remember they can't change anything that affects what happens, hence Michael not being able to kill himself, because he was always going to die on the freighter
Cracking episode that. Loved Sawyer talking Jack down, he's changed alot since being with Dharma. A real leader.

As for the timeline questions on the past page. Theres only 1 time strand going through Lost. So time occured naturally from the creation of the world to when Ben turned the wheel. When the wheel was turned it started the flashes and tampered with the timeline. This explains why no one has any memmories of the Losties. As this is the first time the flashes have occured.

Does the Christian photo mean that the normal timeline (Sun/Ben/Locke) has been changed due to the Losties interference? As now they all occur within Dharma? So is the past now being rewritten due to the Losties involvement? But doesn't that go against what Daniel (nutcase) said?

Which is a good question, where the bollocks is Daniel?
Cracking episode that. Loved Sawyer talking Jack down, he's changed alot since being with Dharma. A real leader.

As for the timeline questions on the past page. Theres only 1 time strand going through Lost. So time occured naturally from the creation of the world to when Ben turned the wheel. When the wheel was turned it started the flashes and tampered with the timeline. This explains why no one has any memmories of the Losties. As this is the first time the flashes have occured.

Does the Christian photo mean that the normal timeline (Sun/Ben/Locke) has been changed due to the Losties interference? As now they all occur within Dharma? So is the past now being rewritten due to the Losties involvement? But doesn't that go against what Daniel (nutcase) said?

Which is a good question, where the bollocks is Daniel?

Thats what i want to know, because from past episodes we know that he works for Dharma at some point so where the smeg is he?

Great episode though, Sawyer making Jack become a janitor has got to be him taking the piss. Also i think the barracks is a wreck because of smokey when he attacked the commandos. I'm still pretty sure there is and only has been one timeline throughout Lost, who's going to look at photos of new recruits from 1977 twenty years on and pay much attention to it? Ben and Alpert may know some of the losties but i don't think any of the others did.
Cracking episode that. Loved Sawyer talking Jack down, he's changed alot since being with Dharma. A real leader.

As for the timeline questions on the past page. Theres only 1 time strand going through Lost. So time occured naturally from the creation of the world to when Ben turned the wheel. When the wheel was turned it started the flashes and tampered with the timeline. This explains why no one has any memmories of the Losties. As this is the first time the flashes have occured.

Does the Christian photo mean that the normal timeline (Sun/Ben/Locke) has been changed due to the Losties interference? As now they all occur within Dharma? So is the past now being rewritten due to the Losties involvement? But doesn't that go against what Daniel (nutcase) said?

Which is a good question, where the bollocks is Daniel?
There was only ever one timeline, the losties were always with dharma in '77, Jin was always with danielle in the 80's etc

they are not changeing the past
I did enjoy the runway finally being used.

For those who forgot, when Kate and Sawyer were put in the bear cages they were made to do some manual labour. When they asked what they were making they were told "a runway".
ive been watching series 3 recently and one of the others said "Jack wasnt even on Jacob's list"
Only thing good about Wednesdays is watching LOST on the telly!
Who is that woman that comes to punish Juliet in Season 3? Did they ever explain that one?

And wa about Rose and Bernand? Where are they? The dog? The other survivors others took?
Who is that woman that comes to punish Juliet in Season 3? Did they ever explain that one?

And wa about Rose and Bernand? Where are they? The dog? The other survivors others took?

Pretty sure they haven't just forgotten about those things, they're pretty major points. I reckon there will be some "big" discovery or something.

That completely faked me out, and if the show is brave, it will change their "can't change the future" policy.

I don't see how that is possible, since Ben is literally in the middle of just about everything that has ever happened on Lost. Perhaps if it was dressed up a bit more as a series finale, but there's a full season left.

I still don't think he's dead. The island will probably heal him or something. This is probably why he needed spinal surgery.

Another interesting notion is that Ben's been interacting with Sayid all this time with the knowledge that it was he who tried to kill him. Probably explains his natural killer speech.
holy shit that was awesome, somrthing tells me he isnt dead though, afterall icant see them changeing the "you cant change the future" concept that would be a bit stupid

The next episode is called "Whatever Happend, Happend" So I think it is definately safe to say kid Ben is alive. Also the episode names are usualy quotes or big things in the episode, so maybe Daniel is back for this one?