Television Lost: Season 5

I dont know why people are so surprised that John was alive. I was always convinced he would be alive once he got back to the island.
It's cool how you really don't know who to trust, that's the only good point. It's a bit of drama, i hope it actually reaches a viable conclusion although i'm not holding my breath.

sawyer will kill both ben and widmore as locke will allow himself to get manipulated by both of them at given opportunity.
The war's coming. Widmore vs. Linus. At the moment I'm backing Widmore.

But Widmore tried to kill everybody. I'm on Kate's side, whoever's side she's on. :drool:

Do you reckon she killed Aaron, though? :nervous:
But Widmore tried to kill everybody. I'm on Kate's side, whoever's side she's on. :drool:

Do you reckon she killed Aaron, though? :nervous:
She might've flushed him down the toilet for all we know. Anything is possible with Lost! She's definitely done something with him that she's not proud of though, she was against any questioning.
aaron is with widmore and he will use aaron to get back to the island.
all the characters are back on the island so were only left with two people who could have aaron. one is widmore and the other is desmond.
But if Aaron is with Widmore, then why wouldn't Kate want to tell Jack? Sounds like she did something unspeakable.
For the flashes to stop even Aaron would have had to return to the island. He could be on the island for all we know.
Who? Ana-Lucia?

She wasn't the fittest, she looked permenantly pissed off with the world
Anyone still angry that they killed of the hottest character in the second series?

this has to be the worst series, ever.

I hate it. To think I wasted my time on it.

feck off, Lost.
Seriously, I bet the writers think 'nah, we've taken the piss, surely they'll stop watching. . . nah, maybe not, they're just morons'.

Oh wait my house has just disappeared. I bet it travelled into the future. . .and is sitting on it's future self.
Err feel free to get out of the threead if you dont like it...its pointless (and annoying) complaining about it to fans of the show.
feck off. I'll complain in the LOST thread if I want.

You're all around 16. Which explains it all.

stop watching this shite. Let's get it taken off.

Campaign starts today.
What shows do you watch Spoons?

To be fair, I don't watch much TV. And Heroes, 24 and Prison Break are the only American ones I watch. They're all a bit tedious, but at least they're not a total mess like Lost. I bet they get the stories from cross eyed Madagascan tree flying monkeys.
feck off. I'll complain in the LOST thread if I want.

You're all around 16. Which explains it all.

stop watching this shite. Let's get it taken off.

Campaign starts today.

Make your own thread and bugger off then.
To be fair, I don't watch much TV. And Heroes, 24 and Prison Break are the only American ones I watch. They're all a bit tedious, but at least they're not a total mess like Lost. I bet they get the stories from cross eyed Madagascan tree flying monkeys.

Wrong. Heroes is a shambles now.
feck off. I'll complain in the LOST thread if I want.

You're all around 16. Which explains it all.

stop watching this shite. Let's get it taken off.

Campaign starts today.

Ok, your coming accross as an ignorant twat though. But whatever floats your boat.
Wrong. Heroes is a shambles now.

Not as bad as Lost.

Ghosts. Time Travel. People dying and resurrecting. Islands going on walk abouts. Supernatural tripe. Polar bears. Some million other things chucked into the show. . .so idiots like you can keep watching. No structure at all. No rules. Just a load of deus ex machina.