Television Lost: Season 5

Even the first half of Season 3 wasn't as bad as people make out. When you watched it for the first time, having to wait a week between episodes, it could be frustrating. There were few answers being given, and the show was moving at a slower pace.

But watching it back, some of the episodes, and certain scenes, are fantastic in their own right. The episode with Hurley fixing the van, despite being a filler episode, is still one of my favourites, while the introduction of Juliet and her complex relationship with Ben was also well done.

Also, one of the best Lost scenes for both acting, drama and suspense came early in this season, when Jack stops operating on Ben, while the "other" is beating up Sawyer and is about to shoot him. Sawyer telling Kate to "look away" while she watches on unable to help, the rain pouring down etc. That was a great episode.
LOST is shit, but i'm addicted, the worst was season 3 i think, or maybe 2. The current one has been enjoyable enough so far. Heroes on the other hand was great for one season, now it's absolutely shite, but i'll still watch it.
I am on the same boat, brother. :( I am really hoping they cancel Heroes after this season.
Absolutely brilliant episode! Probably the best one of the season so far.

I wanted to know more about that statue! It kinda looked like an egyptian god or something.
I just about jizzed in my pants when they revealed the statue. I agree, the best episode of the season, and that's saying a lot.

Loved Sawyer "predicting the future" to Richard and psyching him out.

But feck Kate for ruining the Juliet-Sawyer relationship. Juliet is totally growing on me.
looks like its 100ft tall...i was about to wet my pants but the island flashed again. was a good episode like i said it was going to be. i liked the way sawyer tackled richard. its going to get interesting because now sawyer will boss around jack.

***spoiler pic below for those who haven't seen the episode***


that statue is holding the same thing that horace showed sawyer
its going to get interesting because now sawyer will boss around jack.

that statue is holding the same thing that horace showed sawyer

Jack, Kate, Hurley, Sawyer, and co, must leave the island before Ben is born.

But theres a war coming now, between Ben and Locke. So I doubt Sawyer will be bossing Jack around, I think they will leave the Dharma crew, and join up with Locke.

How do you know its holding the same thing as Horace showed Sawyer?

Its like some ancient statue...suggesting that there was once a tribe of people on the island...Still doesn't answer the question of how it got there, or how it was destroyed...
That statue has almost the same hair as Obafemi Martins.

Maybe its a statue of him.
How do you know its holding the same thing as Horace showed Sawyer?

Ra – Richard Albert
Ra was the almost universally-worshipped king of the gods and all-father of creation. Ra is the most central god of the Egyptian pantheon. He is the only god, apart from Osiris, who is definitely said to be not on the earth. Ra, it is said, is an aging god, still powerful, but too old to deal with his children any longer, so he has gone exclusively to the sky to watch over the world.

My Comment: He is definitely an ageing God, just not physically. We see him frequently show up in the show, but does seem as if he watches over but does not interfere however he is still powerful and his authority never challenged, in the present at least. He is definitely not of this earth because of the entire phenomenon associated with him.

Osiris – John Locke
Throughout the height of Egyptian civilization, Osiris was the primary deity. In power, he was second only his father, Ra, and was the leader of the gods on earth. Osiris resided in the underworld as the lord of the dead, as after being killed by Set.

My Comment: He definitely does listen and follow Richard and does do what he says. He now resides in the underworld because he was killed.

Set – Ben
Set was one of ancient Egypt's earliest gods, a god of chaos, confusion, storms, wind, the desert and foreign lands. He was a contender to the throne of Osiris and rival to Horus, but a companion to the sun god Ra. Originally worshiped and seen as an ambivalent being, during the Third Intermediate Period the people vilified him and turned him into a god of evil. But Seth is not an evil god: he is the god who committed the immoral and evil act of murdering his brother Osiris, but it was this vile act that allowed Osiris to fulfil his destiny and become the god of the dead. Without Seth, there would not have been life after death.

My Comment: He does use Smokey to cause damage; also he does travel to and from the island. He does rival Horus as we have found out, and definitely wants to be leader over Locke, but as we have seen has always been a companion of Richard’s. Does appear as if people now view him as evil. He did kill Locke and fulfilled the destiny of sacrifice and rebirth.

Horus – Horace
The worship of Horus was brought from the outside by neighbouring tribes who invaded and then settled into Egypt. He was their god of war; he was the protector and guide to the pharaoh on earth. He also continual battles with Set.

My Comment: Brought outside by Dharma Initiative, elevated as leader to fight the others (war). Battles with Ben but Ben and the others topple him. Also is a guide to John Locke when he shows him where the map is.

Anubis – Jacob
Anubis was the god to protect the dead and bring them to the afterlife. The distinctive black color of Anubis “with the black soil of the Nile valley, symbolizing rebirth."

My Comment: Does seem to control the dead as we have seen with Jack’s dad and advising others.

Ammit- Smokey
Ammit is described as "The Devourer" patron of destruction of the souls of the wicked. Ammit sits beneath the Scales of Justice, waiting for the souls to be judged. If the soul is found to be more wicked than good, Anibus feeds it to Ammit.

My Comment:This describes Smokey very well, also beneath the scales beneath the temple where Jacob previously resided.
Also a good point in a blog

I'll say it before and I'll say it again - where have Rose / Bernard / Vincent been for the past three years?!

Good episode. But kind of trippy how we spent 4 seasons looking at 3 months of them on the island, and then we jump forward 3 years in a few scenes. :(

Michelle Dessler from 24 :drool:

That's who she was!
Also a good point in a blog

I'll say it before and I'll say it again - where have Rose / Bernard / Vincent been for the past three years?!


in the caves living happily after
Jack, Kate, Hurley, Sawyer, and co, must leave the island before Ben is born.

But theres a war coming now, between Ben and Locke. So I doubt Sawyer will be bossing Jack around, I think they will leave the Dharma crew, and join up with Locke.

How do you know its holding the same thing as Horace showed Sawyer?

Its like some ancient statue...suggesting that there was once a tribe of people on the island...Still doesn't answer the question of how it got there, or how it was destroyed...

But Locke isnt in the same time as the rest of them.
Exactly. Which would make him reuniting with all the losties a very complicated matter. Wonder how they'll do that.
Anubis – Jacob
Anubis was the god to protect the dead and bring them to the afterlife. The distinctive black color of Anubis “with the black soil of the Nile valley, symbolizing rebirth.

Its appearing on a lot of websites that the statue is not Horus, but infact Anubis, another greek god that actually had one foot that had four toes. The other had five.

And with the description it definately would be linked with the fact that when death has arisen to certain characters, they still seem to linger around (e.g Jack's dad, Claire, Charlie and now Locke)
This is the first I've seen of this whole Egyptian thing, but it does make a lot of sense. Personally I think it'd be brilliant if it were true. True as that's what the show is going for, that is, not true as in I could in any way believe it in reality. It's interesting that I think of myself as rational to a fault, and yet most of my favourite shows have some kind of very unbelievable aspect to it (Sci-fi, Supernatural, Lost, etc).

Oh, and cracking episode, though it had me very confused for a while there.
Anubis – Jacob
Anubis was the god to protect the dead and bring them to the afterlife. The distinctive black color of Anubis “with the black soil of the Nile valley, symbolizing rebirth.

Its appearing on a lot of websites that the statue is not Horus, but infact Anubis, another greek god that actually had one foot that had four toes. The other had five.

And with the description it definately would be linked with the fact that when death has arisen to certain characters, they still seem to linger around (e.g Jack's dad, Claire, Charlie and now Locke)

He would be called Hermes if he was Greek.
But feck Kate for ruining the Juliet-Sawyer relationship. Juliet is totally growing on me.

Juliet is definitely growing on me as well, I consider her one of the main characters now on even foot with the ones that were in the show from the start.
I've always hated love triangles in tv shows, and I hope it won't play too big a part in the rest of the show.

I don't get how Jack, Hurley ad Kate ended up in year 1974 when Locke had stopped the flashes.
BTW did they ever explain the return of O6 in terms of all the bodies of passengers being found?
Juliet is definitely growing on me as well, I consider her one of the main characters now on even foot with the ones that were in the show from the start.
I've always hated love triangles in tv shows, and I hope it won't play too big a part in the rest of the show.

I don't get how Jack, Hurley ad Kate ended up in year 1974 when Locke had stopped the flashes.
When they entered the 'window,' they entered whatever timeline the island was in. That seems to make sense to me.

Juliet looks hotter with every episode.
When they entered the 'window,' they entered whatever timeline the island was in. That seems to make sense to me.

Juliet looks hotter with every episode.
But there is no such thing as Island being in a certain time line. Island is not a human being which moves from one time line to another. It was the survivors who were skipping in time. All timelines are always present on the island, if that makes any sense. That is why the new plan crash happened in current time line. Which bring us to another question. Why did this plane crash happen? They went to great lengths to explain the last one, correlating it with Desmond entering the numbers late. Would be a shame, if they designated this one just as random.
But there is no such thing as Island being in a certain time line. Island is not a human being which moves from one time line to another. It was the survivors who were skipping in time. All timelines are always present on the island, if that makes any sense. That is why the new plan crash happened in current time line. Which bring us to another question. Why did this plane crash happen? They went to great lengths to explain the last one, correlating it with Desmond entering the numbers late. Would be a shame, if they designated this one just as random.
In which case the O6 moved to the same timeline that the survivors were in. Mind you that sounds mighty coincidental.
In which case the O6 moved to the same timeline that the survivors were in. Mind you that sounds mighty coincidental.
They will have to explain the flash that took O6 to the island. And I reckon they will given that it seems Sun is still in current time line not 1974.

Also what happened once they flashed? They just dropped from sky into the island and survived? They really should have come up with something better.
I wonder where they'll go now that Jack, Hurley and Kate are reunited with the rest. Maybe they'll take Dharma jobs too, Jack as Doctor, Chef Hurley :lol:

3 unaccounted for are Sun, Sayid and Frank. Caeser said 'The Pilot and a girl stole one of the boats' which I'm assuming is Sun and Frank. So two things:

Where is Sayid?
Why are Frank and Sun in the 2008 timeline?
Really enjoyed this episode. But all this time travel stuff is hard for me to take in, not sure how it all fits anymore.

Anywho, agree with the Juliet observations. Her characters really grown on me to, and she does get hotter every episode! Especially with the long straight hair.
But there is no such thing as Island being in a certain time line. Island is not a human being which moves from one time line to another. It was the survivors who were skipping in time. All timelines are always present on the island, if that makes any sense. That is why the new plan crash happened in current time line. Which bring us to another question. Why did this plane crash happen? They went to great lengths to explain the last one, correlating it with Desmond entering the numbers late. Would be a shame, if they designated this one just as random.

I think the point was that if they could simulate the conditions of the previous crash, it would... something or other THIS SHIT IS CRAZY.
Could anyone enivisage this show turning out anything like what it is now?

I remember when I watched the Pilot episode, I thought it was just your run of the mill survival drama. Never thought the show would head in to such a sci-fi avenue with all this time business. Or have such immense depth.

Not complaining though. Have never watched a drama anything like it.
Fantastic episode! The writers are such teases showing the back of the statue and for like 3 seconds:D

The dharma timeline idea is brilliant, i was abit sketchy at first, wondering how the hell they would make it fit, but my god what a brilliant job they did. I wonder why/how sawyer got the top dog role
Locke has 4 toes.

Is that the secret he told Walt in Season 1?

Things are starting to get interesting...thankfully all that time travel nonsense is over and done with, but I hope the show doesn't dwell too much on the love quadrangle.
Is that the secret he told Walt in Season 1?

Things are starting to get interesting...thankfully all that time travel nonsense is over and done with, but I hope the show doesn't dwell too much on the love quadrangle.

the time travel over? They are still in 1974.