Television Lost: Season 5

Good episode. Too much Jack for my liking though.

That guy who said "sorry for your loss". I recognize him from somewhere.

If you've seen La Haine, a brilliant french film from the mid-90s, the he's Said in that..

Overall I liked this episode. But i can't quite shake the feeling its all getting slightly too silly now. I'm going to stick with it, but the Mrs Hawking stuff and the fact they're back on the Island after 6 episodes, and via another plane crash (oh, with 2 new characters, whaddaya know!), all seemed a little rushed to me.
Also if Ben killed Penny, then I might stop watching the show altogether!
Well he did promise Charles Widmore that he'd kill his daughter one day, remember?

I think that, and the fact he was by the marina suggests he at least tried.
And would make Desmond come back to the island off course, although as soon as he got back Ben would be dead so not much in it for Ben.

Another thing I forgot to mention earlier, Sun left her baby behind, that will take some explaining to me.
its to do with the cog i presume, it wasnt moving before Ben turned it

although locke moved it back didnt he, so shouldnt it stay where it is

Nah, the old white-haired woman said that the island is always moving, and that's why no one were able to find them, which of course was before Locke or Ben moved the cog.
The station/lair is also pretty old, so it's safe to assume that the island was moving that many years ago as well.
I think Penny's dead, and Desmond will probably try and return to the Island to get revenge.

What happened to Aaron?

And where the feck is Claire?

feck! This show's retarded - it's just one deus ex machina after another. But I can't stop watching it.
Maybe the fact that the island is moving through time and such now is the reason why they had to get back by as closely as possible copying the events before the crash. It was always moving, but we know that they usually didn't have to do incredibly convoluted manovuers such as that to get on it (Submarine, boat, etc).

Then again, didn't Locke stop it? Pretty sure he must have stopped it, or by what we've seen the rest would be dead by now from the killer nosebleeds.

In short, I don't have a fecking clue.
if this contains stuff from next weeks preview i hope you die a horible death

I haven't seen any promos for next week, I don't watch them.

Please refrain from wishing death upon me in the future.
Ben getting battered + something happening to Aaron..surely the two must be connected?
The episode was ok, it just kind of grated on me, maybe i wasnt in the right mood.

What REALY annoyed me was Faradays mum, she kept talking like some mystical sorcerer/ghost. Ridiculous

Also, Sun wouldnt leave he own child back in the real world surely.. Unless she is planning on getting Jin and escaping, again....
Also, Sun wouldnt leave he own child back in the real world surely.. Unless she is planning on getting Jin and escaping, again....

Obviously. I dont think any of them are planning on staying on the island permanently.
Obviously. I dont think any of them are planning on staying on the island permanently.

Jack? He seems to want to be on the island. Maybe he'll change his mind when Kate jumps into the arms of Sawyer.
Has anyone here ejeculated on a television set, i can say i did after lst night,

cant wait to see adam and eve explained in this season, has to happen
I think Penny's dead, and Desmond will probably try and return to the Island to get revenge.

What happened to Aaron?

And where the feck is Claire?

feck! This show's retarded - it's just one deus ex machina after another. But I can't stop watching it.

Claire wont be in season 5, something to do with the the actress who plays her, I cant remember exactly what the reason was though.
That guy who said "sorry for your loss". I recognize him from somewhere.

Said Taghmaoui. I reckon you've probably seen him in Traitor, that's where I remembered him from - he was also in Vantage Point, which actually featured Matthew Fox (Jack) as well.
For all those interested there will be an episode this season called The Variable, that will carry on from The Constant in season 4 apparently. IMO the best episode yet.
Claire wont be in season 5, something to do with the the actress who plays her, I cant remember exactly what the reason was though.


Emilie de Ravin will not return as a series regular for the fifth season, but she will be on a "holding contract" and will return as a regular in the sixth season.[3]

Guess she could still be in a few episodes?
Rahul - You are correct about the episode - it is the best one ever

the 8th episode will be class and i think sawyer = radzinsky!!
@ Tibs

Definately. Its interesting as well how they may implement a "variable" into the time travelling scenario.

@ Vidared

Sawyer = Radzinsky !? Are you serious
The two long-dead corpses they found in the caves early in Series 1.

Wow I cant remember that at all.

Be interesting to see if time travel did have anything to do with that. If so, then you could see they knew exactly what they were doing since the 1st season.
Wow I cant remember that at all.

Be interesting to see if time travel did have anything to do with that. If so, then you could see they knew exactly what they were doing since the 1st season.

I'm a fan of lost, but I doubt they had this storyline planned out since season 1.

I still like it, but it does seem as if they're making it up as they're going along half the time.
Wow I cant remember that at all.

Be interesting to see if time travel did have anything to do with that. If so, then you could see they knew exactly what they were doing since the 1st season.

Cuse and Lindelof said adam and Eve will prove that they knew what they were doing from the start, atleast I think it was Adam and Eve..
Could someone please explain this Adam and Eve thing in detail for me? I'm drawing a blank...
Thank you.

LINDELOF: There were certain things we knew from the very beginning. Independent of ever knowing when the end was going to be, we knew what it was going to be, and we wanted to start setting it up as early as season 1, or else people would think that we were making it up as we were going along. So the skeletons are the living — or, I guess, slowly decomposing — proof of that. When all is said and done, people are going to point to the skeletons and say, ''That is proof that from the very beginning, they always knew that they were going to do this.''

Fair play cant argue with that.
I'm a fan of lost, but I doubt they had this storyline planned out since season 1.

I still like it, but it does seem as if they're making it up as they're going along half the time.

You say that, this could simply be good writing, but there are more and more little enigmas that are being explained. An example:

In the pilot, very first scene Jack wakes up in the jungle, infront of him are a pair of white shoes. 5 seasons later, Jack tells Kate that he put white tennis shoes on his father as he didn't have any other shoes to hand.

Adam and Eve have been another mystery that i've really wanted to find out about (they were the dead couple (skeletons) found in the cave way back in season 1, they had 2 stones, 1 black and 1 white). It's been suggested that they are Rose and Bernard.

I also thought it was great that Hurley ended up in the pool where Kate and Sawyer found the dead bodies with the black suitcase (weapons inside) right back in Season 1. Kate and her beautiful thong!
I'm a fan of lost, but I doubt they had this storyline planned out since season 1.

I still like it, but it does seem as if they're making it up as they're going along half the time.

I concur.
Mini - Spoiler Alert:

The Feb. 18 episode of Lost left viewers with a whopper of a burning question: How did Kate, Sayid and Hurley end up on that Ajira Airways flight when they seemed so opposed to doing so? Did the mysterious Matthew Abaddon (Lance Reddick) have anything to do with it? talked to Reddick about what exactly we'll learn about Abaddon next as he plays a significant role in "The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham" (Wednesday, 9 pm/ET, ABC). In the meantime, Reddick offers up some juicy insight:

Thus far, Abaddon has helped assemble the team that came to the island from the freighter. He visited Hurley in the booby hatch to ask about the rest of the Oceanic 815 passengers. And he convinced a wheelchair-assisted Locke to go on a "walkabout" through the Australian Outback.

Although Matthew means "a gift from God" in Hebrew, the Bible assigns Abaddon many not-so-cheery meanings, including "a place of destruction" and "the realm of the dead." The word is also described as a creature that resembles a centaur with long hair, locusts' wings and the tail of a scorpion. All in all, scholars have roughly interpreted all this to mean that he's the king of hell, the anti-Christ, the big guy: Satan.

When asked this very question, Reddick chooses his words carefully: "He believes he's on the side of the good guys." This answer is, of course, fitting for a show that also features Benjamin Linus, Charles Widmore, the Others and "the freighter folk," none of whom conform easily to good guy-bad guy characterizations.

While Reddick says he has been given key pieces of context on Abaddon's backstory, which he declines to share, he says he prefers to "play to the mystery." Well, it has certainly worked.

Wait, you mean he doesn't work for Widmore? Maybe not. While Reddick declines to answer definitively, he says that we have been given information that could lead us to a conclusion. Further, he teases: "It'll be crystal clear on [Wednesday] who he works for." Like, maybe... Satan?

Unlike Abaddon's previous appearances, in which he had one-on-one encounters, this time he'll get around more, it seems. "It'll be with several of the main characters," he reports. "He's all throughout the episode." The episode purports to show us what happened to Locke from the time he left the island via frozen donkey wheel until his death.

"Just as every single moment that Abaddon has shown up has been a surprise, how he shows up and how the character develops throughout the episode... just be prepared to be very surprised," Reddick says.