Television Lost: Season 5

Heres a theory I thought up while at work.

Our survivors on Flight 316 (Jack, Kate, Sayid, Hurley, Sun and to an extent Ben, Lapidus and probably that random guy and the woman marshall*) got 'flashed' back to the 70's from the plane, where Jin, Sawyer etc... have been working as Dharma folk. This is because after Locke turned the wheel there was one final flash before it stopped which took them back there. To get by for the next 3 years they all took Dharma jobs and stayed low. No Dharma members would recognize them in the future because they all died in The Purge

Meanwhile Flight 316 crashed in 2008. They didn't flash to 70's because they've never been on the island before. Some of them survived and found our original Survivors camp, they used the remaining supplies and moved on, some got killed, etc... When Sawyer, Juliet, etc.... are being chased by the other boat and shot at, the people in the other boat are 316 survivors, and they see our Original Survivors as The Others.

* Re those two passengers, I'm willing to bet they've been on the island before.
Heres a theory I thought up while at work.

Our survivors on Flight 316 (Jack, Kate, Sayid, Hurley, Sun and to an extent Ben, Lapidus and probably that random guy and the woman marshall*) got 'flashed' back to the 70's from the plane, where Jin, Sawyer etc... have been working as Dharma folk. This is because after Locke turned the wheel there was one final flash before it stopped which took them back there. To get by for the next 3 years they all took Dharma jobs and stayed low. No Dharma members would recognize them in the future because they all died in The Purge

Meanwhile Flight 316 crashed in 2008. They didn't flash to 70's because they've never been on the island before. Some of them survived and found our original Survivors camp, they used the remaining supplies and moved on, some got killed, etc... When Sawyer, Juliet, etc.... are being chased by the other boat and shot at, the people in the other boat are 316 survivors, and they see our Original Survivors as The Others.

* Re those two passengers, I'm willing to bet they've been on the island before.

:lol: Thats exactly the same theory I had the other week and posted it in the lostpedia forums...only to be told that said theory has been said by many, many others :lol:

Still, great minds eh
i already mentioned that theory a couple of pages back.

look out for the widmore group in the next episode.
Great episode. Fills in a lot of 'gaps'. IMO probably the best one of the season so far.
Didn't expect Ben to kill Locke, why did he do it after he mentioned Eloise Hawking? Why did he do it full stop?

Looks like the general theory is right that 316 crashed too, and that they are probably in 2008. Only thing is why didn't Locke flash? Probably because he was dead.
ben makes me angry. i bet locke wishes he hadn't stopped sawyer when he was about to shoot ben.
You guys have pretty low standards for what is a solid episode. This one was a step backward, I only keep watching this fecking serie because I've watched all the way until now.
I thought it was a poor episode again.

The Locke interactions with O5 was boring to say the least. There were not even proper convos, I was really locking forward to his encounters with them, looking forward to something like Jack-Kate sequence in S3 finale but this was as if two relatives were talking about some family problem. The ben sequence saved it somewhat but you ben killing him coming from a mile away.

I think they screwed up this season somewhat in missing out on a great idea. It would have been super if they had started this season like season 1 with the new plane crash. Everyone knew O5 were gonna end up back, so killing that suspense would not have done any harm. And then revisited, all the O5/Locke off island stuff via flashbacks.
I dont get this whole resurrected Locke thing. Has he cheated death? Can anyone who has died be brought back to life? Have they explained that at all yet?

You got the feeling Ben or Eloise knew he was going to become alive again. Surely Ben would have not wanted this to happen?

Also grown up Walt cannot act. At all.
i think the ajira plane crashed on the smaller island where the sawyer,jack and kate were taken in season 3.

and the exit point of the island is in tunisia.

widmore seemed honest enough in this episode whilst ben has tried to kill locke twice and succeeded once and has lied countless times.
Fantastic episode I thought, though I thought we were going to find out big things about Abbadon ...we found out feck all about him realy.

Ben is such a cnut haha and I agree grown up Walts acting is poor :lol:

Cant wait for next weeks, any promos out?
question is why did ben kill locke ? why not get all the info from locke and let him hang himself. unless ofcourse one cannot be resurrected on the island when one commits suicide (as suicide is a sin in many religions) but that would make ben's intentions seem good. im sure ben would say this when confronted by locke in the next episode.
Yes, it was obvious Locke was not going to commit suicide. They are borrowing a lot of stuff from Christian mythology and were never going to glorify suicide.
Yes, it was obvious Locke was not going to commit suicide. They are borrowing a lot of stuff from Christian mythology and were never going to glorify suicide.

then ben might touch locke's wounds just like he told jack a story about thomas and jesus in that church.
Cracking episode. The others have been quite poor by lost standards I thought but this was a corker.

I'm beginning to believe Jim Robinson Good/Ben Evil but i'm sure thats just what they want me to think. Ben's better as a villian at any rate and Jim robinson can't be all bad cos he's fecking Jim Robinson.

Shame Abbadon got shot, Lance Reddick is a brilliant actor. Same can't be said for Walt but it seemed a bit contrived they just threw Walt in there and excused him having to come back with a throwaway line. He was supposed to be special but they've sort of given up on that idea. his dream will be important though.

All in all, roll on next week....

Oh and can someone clear this up for me...Is Locke & the bloke from La Haine on the 2nd small Island or the main one?? Surely the smaller one??
Cracking episode. The others have been quite poor by lost standards I thought but this was a corker.

I'm beginning to believe Jim Robinson Good/Ben Evil but i'm sure thats just what they want me to think. Ben's better as a villian at any rate and Jim robinson can't be all bad cos he's fecking Jim Robinson.

Shame Abbadon got shot, Lance Reddick is a brilliant actor. Same can't be said for Walt but it seemed a bit contrived they just threw Walt in there and excused him having to come back with a throwaway line. He was supposed to be special but they've sort of given up on that idea. his dream will be important though.

All in all, roll on next week....

Oh and can someone clear this up for me...Is Locke & the bloke from La Haine on the 2nd small Island or the main one?? Surely the smaller one??

the smaller island, we know this because they were in the hydra station
So do all bodies become resurrected if they crash on the island?

Never mind - that's not what happened to Yemi.

Maybe you have to be in a coffin like Christian and Locke?

Stupid show.