Television Lost: Season 5

In the next series Kate will do a Benjamin Button and get younger everyday. It'll have something to do with the island like. Why not, they've tried everything else.
seriously Spoons, you opinion is respected - you dont like lost, fair enough. But respect the opinions of others that do like the show.

Now please, either stop talking shit or leave the thread.

Not as bad as Lost.

Ghosts. Time Travel. People dying and resurrecting. Islands going on walk abouts. Supernatural tripe. Polar bears. Some million other things chucked into the show. . .so idiots like you can keep watching. No structure at all. No rules. Just a load of deus ex machina.

Time travel in Heroes, People dying and resurrecting pretty much every episode in Heroes, Supernatural 'tripe' in Heroes, awful acting in Heroes, etc...
I've wasted my time watching this. Thinking it couldn't get sillier. But, no, there comes a point, when you have to ask yourself. Why? Why am I watching this awful shite? Then again, you and the rest of the Lost fans are are around 15, so that explains why you lot love it so much.

Oh feck, I just saw a dead person.
Time travel in Heroes, People dying and resurrecting pretty much every episode in Heroes, Supernatural 'tripe' in Heroes, awful acting in Heroes, etc...

Yes, but there is a structure. It's senseless, but there are rules - it's also just like X men, and like X Men it's allegory for racism/bigotry/prejudice. Lost goes from supernatural to science, to people dying to islands going on walk abouts. Not forgetting polar bears, lottery numbers and what not. I mean, for feck sake, stop making a fool out of the viewers.

Rather than explain why you like it, you've resorted to moronic insults.

:lol: It doesnt matter why I like it. And you started with insults when you started your moaning and you ignored my polite posts trying to get you to stop being a moaning twat.
Ahh you're a teenager.

See, I was right. It's for kids and idiots.

19 is still a teenager yeah.

You are the only one acting like it though, what does somebody's age matter, bellend.
:lol: It doesnt matter why I like it. And you started with insults when you started your moaning and you ignored my polite posts trying to get you to stop being a moaning twat.

Why do you like it? explain to me why it's not the most nonsensical TV series ever. Why am I being so ignorant to the brilliance of this show?

19 is still a teenager yeah.


Spoons, you watch Smallville.

'Nuff said.

I don't. But it's clearly not as bad as this. Even though, it's awful.
Why do you like it? explain to me why it's not the most nonsensical TV series ever. Why am I being so ignorant as to the brilliance of this show?
I like it because of its mysteries, its storylines and all the unsolved questions that I cant wait to be answerd...and the birds:drool:. But again it doesnt matter why I like it, I dont care if you dont. But what i do care about is the fact that you seem to think your opinion is the only good one in the world and everyone should think the same as you.

That is the ignorant part my friend. Tv shows, music, films and games are all purely down to opinions and just as I put in my "people and music tastes" thread everyones tastes are different and they should be respected not trashed just because your own does not match.

I hate people like that.

You also seem to be prejudice towards teens, but that is another matter entirely which I dont want to get into.
I like it because of its mysteries, its storylines and all the unsolved questions that I cant wait to be answerd...and the birds:drool:. But again it doesnt matter why I like it, I dont care if you dont. But what i do care about is the fact that you seem to think your opinion is the only good one in the world and everyone should think the same as you.

That is the ignorant part my friend. Tv shows, music, films and games are all purely down to opinions and just as I put in my "people and music tastes" thread everyones tastes are different and they should be respected not trashed just because your own does not match.

I hate people like that.

You also seem to be prejudice towards teens, but that is another matter entirely which I dont want to get into.

Everyone's tastes are different, yes. But that doesn't mean you can't express negative points of view. You and others can't handle anything bad said about this series. Which totally goes against everything you seem to think you believe in.

It's shit.
Everyone's tastes are different, yes. But that doesn't mean you can't express negative points of view. You and others can't handle anything bad said about this series. Which totally goes against everything you seem to think you believe in.

It's shit.

Of course not. It is fair enough to express negative views but to keep going on about it after your views had been accepted and then asked to stop because you were gaining nothing and it is just annoying when someone enters a thread about the thing they dislike to purely moan about it to fans of the show is just stupid beyond belief.

You know that wont lead to anything good and it hasnt. You should learn that not everything you think is the law.
First two replies after my rant.

As I said, you can't handle negative criticism.

Well done.

How does that prove we cant take negative criticism? We were saying if you dont like it leave as this is a thread for the FANS of the show.

Its quite simple realy Spoons.
How does that prove we cant take negative criticism? We were saying if you dont like it leave as this is a thread for the FANS of the show.

Its quite simple realy Spoons.

This thread is about Lost series 5. I've pointed out that I think it's crap. You should've added 'positive comments only' to the thread title.
Spoony, taking you as serious here...

No one can convince me that Heroes and Prison break are better than LOST. The former has just been utter garbage since the end of S1. There are so many flaws that I can not even be bothered to list them. Prison break, I stopped watching after S2 when it was clear they were gonna rehash the same storyline again. The first 13 epis of PB were sheer class but it was all downhill from there.

I agree with ya that lot of LOST fanboys are ready to eat any shit up and creators use this to play 'shock and awe' with lot of things they can do without. And they have given themselves a free pass as well, declaring that they won't have enough time to answer all the questions!

But still, the creators have managed to maintain a consistent story line. They do seem to have thrown in pretty much every single thing it- time travel, ghosts, resurrection, destiny etc, which is indeed annoying. But then, LOST time travel stuff was much better than any Heroes pulled off, where writers did not even pretend that they were going to follow some consistent rule. Frankly, unlike others the only reason I watch LOST nowdays is for character resolution. That's one thing the writers have maintained a strong grip upon since the first season. They give out some very strong background stuff on any or every action taken by major characters, which is probably Heroes biggest weak point.
I understand if you anyone wants to criticize Lost, and think it's crap. But to say Prison Break or Heroes is better, then...:lol:
LOST is shit, but i'm addicted, the worst was season 3 i think, or maybe 2. The current one has been enjoyable enough so far. Heroes on the other hand was great for one season, now it's absolutely shite, but i'll still watch it.

2 was poor...most of 3 was too, but it picked up towards the end. The last 6 or 7 eps where class. Heroes lost it with their Season 1 finale which was just weak. From that point on they just stopped bothering trying to tell a cohesive story. Poop
Lost is one of those shows which it is very popular to hate. Particularly after the first good season, after which it admittedly started to decline. Thing is, while Lost, Prison Break and Heroes (among others) were all great shows to begin with, they all went to shit in short order. Difference is, Lost came back from 'shit' and has been edging ever closer to 'great' again.

Now Spoony, obviously no one is (or should be) telling you that you can't post that you dislike the show in here, but there's such a thing as overdoing it. Wind-ups are fun, but again, overdoing it. At a certain point it just gets tedious.
2 was poor...most of 3 was too, but it picked up towards the end. The last 6 or 7 eps where class. Heroes lost it with their Season 1 finale which was just weak. From that point on they just stopped bothering trying to tell a cohesive story. Poop

I dont get why so many think this, 2 was/is my favourite season.
I dont get why so many think this, 2 was/is my favourite season.

Agreed. Two was awesome, I think many people have just forgotten it or are confusing it with 3.

First half of 3 was the weakest the shows ever been.