Television Lost: Season 5

I'm a bit confused by the Jin reveal at the end.

Why would Jin be part of the Dharma? Wearing the gear and driving the van?

When we last saw them, Sawyer and Co were flashing every 15 mins. Why would they or Jin join the Dharma then?
Unsure why they had to replicate the original crash but the elements are all there.

Locke is Christian Shephard, the woman with Sayid is the Marshall and there were two others.

The bloke at the airport who said 'Sorry for your loss' seemed a bit too normal for him to not be connected.

I'm guessing the plane didn't crash, they were flying over the island and got caught in another flash which took them back to a time when there was no plane flying over the island, but then wouldn't they fall thousands of feet?
Other stuff I didn't notice in how the flights are similar, from LOSTpedia

- The body of John Locke is travelling the cargo hold, acting as a "proxy" for - Christian Shephard aboard Flight 815. ("Pilot, Part 1")
- Sayid is handcuffed, travelling in custody, just as Kate was transported by Edward Mars. ("Pilot, Part 2")
- Hurley is carrying a guitar of mysterious origin, just as Charlie brought his own guitar. ("Exodus, Part 2")
- Sun is fingering Jin's wedding ring, just as Rose was holding onto Bernard's ring during Flight 815. ("Tabula Rasa")
- Ben, despite being "sidetracked," makes the flight at the last possible minute, mirroring Hurley's mad rush to the airport in 2004. ("Exodus, Part 2")
- Hurley has another Spanish-language comic book to keep him entertained. ("Exodus, Part 2")
Yeah it looked like it had something to do with Penny. My guess is Desmond was probably involved in the ass kicking.
The way Ben's been lying cant expect a straight answer anyway.
The way Ben's been lying cant expect a straight answer anyway.

Yeah I did consider that, but I think it was still the natural thing to do to ask him, but they had to leave it open for a flashback in a later episode.

The whole episode felt forced and awkward to me anyway.

I hated the whole Mrs.Hawking thing too, handled pretty woefully to be honest.
The whole episode felt forced and awkward to me anyway.

I hated the whole Mrs.Hawking thing too, handled pretty woefully to be honest.

Yup, that's exactly how I felt about this episode, not impressed at all.
i reckon the plane crashed on the island in the present time but the O6 were "flashed" to the dharma timeline. we also see a ajira water bottle when our losties were trying to get back to the orchid and they were in a future timeline.
I find it funny how they are all looking forward to a plane crash..they do know they could still die right? :lol:

and Jack landing in the exact same place was a bit silly, no baton stick this time though

ben just told jack that he didn't know that locke killed himself...the lieing cnut :lol:
I thought it was an awful episode. They tried to pull off the whole slow build up to a massive event thing but failed. This seemed like a collection of flashbacks normally we used to get but being ran continuously without an island drama, it seemed meh.

I hope they have a proper explanation for this plane crash because they went to great lengths to explain the last one. Would be a travesty if they did not do justice to this one.
how could anyone not like the episode ??

it was not better than the previous ones but was still excellent. i think some people dont like episodes which are based off the island.
I'm a bit confused by the Jin reveal at the end.

Why would Jin be part of the Dharma? Wearing the gear and driving the van?

When we last saw them, Sawyer and Co were flashing every 15 mins. Why would they or Jin join the Dharma then?
I think it is a bit obvious that when the flashes stopped, Sawyer and co. got stuck in the past when Dharma was around. I think this story line is a mistake because there is no chance they would be able to tie this in with their what happened, happened time travel theory without some big holes.

Also if Ben killed Penny, then I might stop watching the show altogether!
how could anyone not like the episode ??

it was not better than the previous ones but was still excellent. i think some people dont like episodes which are based off the island.
Nah, infact I am one of those who has liked the off island stories more engaging at times. But nothing happened in this episode whatsoever.
how could anyone not like the episode ??

it was not better than the previous ones but was still excellent. i think some people dont like episodes which are based off the island.

Mrs.Hawkings ruined it for me, the whole lair thing she had built in the basement was like something out of a cheesy B movie, a laughably bad set.

Her overacting didn't help either, she was like a caricature with all the dramatic empasizing.
I think it is a bit obvious that when the flashes stopped, Sawyer and co. got stuck in the past when Dharma was around. I think this story line is a mistake because there is no chance they would be able to tie this in with their what happened, happened time travel theory without some big holes.

Also if Ben killed Penny, then I might stop watching the show altogether!
Jesus, you come accross as if you want the show to feck up.

Just decide now, do you like it or not? If not then stop watching it, if yes stop complaining and enjoy it!!
Mrs.Hawkings ruined it for me, the whole lair thing she had built in the basement was like something out of a cheesy B movie, a laughably bad set.

Her overacting didn't help either, she was like a caricature with all the dramatic empasizing.

I quite liked that bit, oh and she didnt build it if you listend:p
I find it funny how they are all looking forward to a plane crash..they do know they could still die right? :lol:

and Jack landing in the exact same place was a bit silly, no baton stick this time though

It wasn't the exact same place, in Season One he was in the jungle but right near the beach, this time he landed by the waterfall.
good for jack and co that sun wasn't with them otherwise jin might have gotten mad and put a bullet through jack,kate & hurley (two bullets for hurley).
Jesus, you come accross as if you want the show to feck up.

Just decide now, do you like it or not? If not then stop watching it, if yes stop complaining and enjoy it!!

I quite liked that bit, oh and she didnt build it if you listend:p
Err I don' want them to feck up but I am not going to close my eyes like some fanboy.

One big question they must answer is how did Ben and co., kept leaving the island and coming back when it has been moving all the time? How did they bring Juliet in?
Err I don' want them to feck up but I am not going to close my eyes like some fanboy.

One big question they must answer is how did Ben and co., kept leaving the island and coming back when it has been moving all the time? How did they bring Juliet in?

the windows and the baring on a specific degree.
Err I don' want them to feck up but I am not going to close my eyes like some fanboy.

One big question they must answer is how did Ben and co., kept leaving the island and coming back when it has been moving all the time? How did they bring Juliet in?

its to do with the cog i presume, it wasnt moving before Ben turned it

although locke moved it back didnt he, so shouldnt it stay where it is
If Ben did touch Penny, good on Desmond for beating him up.

Brilliant episode.

PS: Surely Locke is now alive again