Different rule across Europe?.
Same rules but different interpretions and different practise, from what I’ve heard.
It was the same a few years ago, when some countries in South Europe blew penalty for basically any handball in the box. That’s when we started to see many CBs blocking shots with their hands behind their backs.
But I really don’t know 100% this is the case with Italy, just read it in an article and as I watch some Serie A football, I’ve noticed there are some soft handball penalties so it makes sense to me.
Personally, I find it more interesting comparing Martinez numbers to other CBs at Man Utd.
Martinez has a 84,6 percent completion rate in a team with a squad total of 77,5 percent this season. Lindelof and Maguire last year had a completion rate of 87,3 percent and 89,9 percent, but in a team with a completion rate of 81,9 percent.
Even more interesting, in my opinion, is that each pass Martinez has made move 6,95 yards forward. That is higher than both Lindelof and Maguire last year. It is also striking how much more progressive Martinez has been than our other CB, Varane.
The first point, I really think it is hard to understand completion rate. I think Maguire has the higher % this season. But the reason our passing completion is lower than last year could be that we are sitting so deep and making a lot of high risk passes because we can’t play our way out.
The second point I am not sure what you mean, sorry. Do you mean his average progressive distance divided by his average amount of passes is 6.95 yards?
Varane is solid on the ball and a good passer, but I’ve never seen him as a the one who initiate attacks so to say.
For me what is most interesting is that the stats confirm what I’ve observed in the first 6 matches. Martinez is a fast one touch passer like many at Ajax, but 1. this is not measured in these stats and 2. I don’t feel we fully benefit from it. When more of his surrounding players start to play one touch this will become a more important ability imo.
(There are available one touch pass stats, but I don’t pay for that so can’t access it anymore. But I’ll see if I can somehow get it anyway. )
Yes there is. 6 is not statistically significant.
If you want to compare how good his passing stats are compared to the rest of Europes top 5 league CBs you can’t do that from 6 games.
If you, like me, want to use it to describe his first six matches it totally “significant”.
so all our CBs pass better?
You can’t draw that conclusion from these stats, only how his passing stats have been compared to other CBs in Europe’s top-5 league during his six PL games.
The agenda is incredible mate

. Proper fantasy level, alternate universe stuff.
It’s just naked stats. Not fantasy, not alternate universe, just publicly available stats. Doesn’t fit the opinion in this thread maybe, not your opinion, but stats are cruel in that way sometimes. .