Let's all laugh at England

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More brainless generalising. There's a nasty undertone to a lot of posting lately, a lot of true colours being shown.
You don't seem to realise you're doing the exact same thing you're slagging the English off for.

Head. Wobble. Give.
Can you tell us the story behind your username. It’ll go a long way towards you getting promoted. Just trust me on this.
Imagine this being ok on a forum of a team in any other country in the world. This is how hatred is created.
This really where we are at now. This forum the type of place where this stuff is cool because the owners/mods hate the English so much out of bitterness and jealousy.
I’m out.
I doubt I’ll be the only one either. Enjoy the cesspit you’re left with.
I imagine the traffic and activity will plummet without your semimonthly posts.
Great response mate. Well done.

The fact is he said the following:

If you cant admit there is a huge problem with hooliganism and obnoxious fans, I have sad news for you... you may be part of the problem.

Anyway, back to the laughter :lol: :lol: :lol:

It's not a generalisation and not very contentious and you went after his nationality immediately so maybe reconsider your position.
Couldn’t agree more. It’s like saying Scottish fans should support Liverpool because their captain Andy Robertson plays for them.

It's the opposite. Club > country. Support the country that has more players from your club, not the other way around. Unless your actual country is involved.
What? Weird point. The foreign fans followed United because of its success, not because they liked the kit.
That’s not necessarily true. I follow United since lost Fenerbahce champions league game in 96. After which I learned about Munich and whole history.
When I was younger I followed more players then clubs outside of Poland (van basten ar Milan, Sanchez at Real). Now I follow only one club only ant it doesn’t matter if United win or lose. Funny enough i root for England as well but the thread is hilarious. People need some perspective even if reality hurts.
Imagine if we had 11 English players playing for Utd and these idiots still enjoyed England losing...makes you wonder why they support the club.
Utd should sack all non-english players, staff and should issue a statement that non-english fans are not welcome at utd.

(Just adding to your post. This is not targetted at you.)

"Why don't you support a football club from your own country and instead follow Manchester United. That's a bit plastic you know. Have you ever been to England?!"

"Why do you prefer art/music/movies from another country over art/music/movies made in your own country. That's a bit plastic you know. Have you even been to said country?!"

"Why did you fall in love with a woman from foreign lands instead of falling love with a woman from your own country? That's a bit plastic, you know. Have you even been to said country?!"

"Why do you fancy cuisines from other country over cusines from your own country? That's a bit plastic you know. You like them just because they are tastier!"

For an uninitiated, borderline xenophobic brain, supporting/following/being in love with a football club from another country may seem like a strange occurrence. But if you open your eyes and educate yourself a bit, you will understand, it is a very common phenomenon wherein folks chose to love/support/be a fan of something that they find more beautiful and attractive irrespective of the country they were born in. Manchester United football club is a global entity and flourishes by relying on its global fanbase, international players, foreign managers. The fact that you, by chance, happened to slip out from in between your mother's legs in England/Manchester doesn't give you any exclusive rights over enjoying/liking/following/supporting it.
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Imagine if we had 11 English players playing for Utd and these idiots still enjoyed England losing...makes you wonder why they support the club.

I’d leave them to it - unfortunately this is a thread for our equivalent of the City fans.
Imagine if we had 11 English players playing for Utd and these idiots still enjoyed England losing...makes you wonder why they support the club.

Because they decided they were going to pick a club to support that wins a lot. :wenger:
Imagine if we had 11 English players playing for Utd and these idiots still enjoyed England losing...makes you wonder why they support the club.

Do tell us why people still support the club whilst the said club being in a drought for nearly a decade now.
It's the opposite. Club > country. Support the country that has more players from your club, not the other way around. Unless your actual country is involved.

That’s just stupid. United fans from abroad don't necessarily have to support England. Do Irish fans that support Celtic need to support Scotland too? - No they don’t.
That’s just stupid. United fans from abroad don't necessarily have to support England. Do Irish fans that support Celtic need to support Scotland too? - No they don’t.

I think it'd be weird of them to go onto a Celtic forum and go "hahahahahahaha Scotland are shite" though.
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