Let's all laugh at England

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To all you lovely people telling United fans to feck off back to their own country and support a local team, where do you think United would be now if their only supporters were in England? Where would the money come from? Sure take it a step further and localise the fan base entirely to Manchester. And the players for that matter if that’s the way you wanna play it.

United =/= England

The two greatest managers in Utd’s history are Scottish too :D
All I saw is 4 United players vs 0 United players. I'd never understand how anyone can call themselves United fans and support the latter in that case, unless they're Italian.

I saw more city, chelsea, arsenal, dippers in one side than the other. Naturally i want them beat and humiliated.

All aboard the italia train!!!!
Enjoyed the regular clamour for Grealish to come on, like he was the English equivalent of Lionel Messi or something.

"EnGlAnD aRe tHe MoSt HuMblE CoUnTrY In ThE wOrlD."
I saw more city, chelsea, arsenal, dippers in one side than the other. Naturally i want them beat and humiliated.

All aboard the italia train!!!!
You'd be fecking hated at OT . I wouldn't bother going tbh, probably never have
To all you lovely people telling United fans to feck off back to their own country and support a local team, where do you think United would be now if their only supporters were in England? Where would the money come from? Sure take it a step further and localise the fan base entirely to Manchester. And the players for that matter if that’s the way you wanna play it.

United =/= England

United wouldn't be the behemoth it is now without its foreign fan base. Not sure where this requirement to be an England fan if you support United comes from.
Oh right, your history smells of roses doesn't it or so you lot like to think it does.

Here's some news for you, your country stinks of shit, even shitty than England's, certainly shitter at sport, England's aim is to compete against the world, your sport is all about 'beating' England or in Scotlands case getting an heroic draw (they are still celebrating that now).

An Irish person laughing at England losing a major footballing final is like a leg amputee laughing at an able bodied person running and falling over.

Care to explain this absolute car crash of a post?
All I saw is 4 United players vs 0 United players. I'd never understand how anyone can call themselves United fans and support the latter in that case, unless they're Italian.

OK, amidst the tirade of laughter and the great time I having tonight I'll try to explain - I am having a few cans to celebrate though. Anyone from a neighbouring country has been listening to a lot of shit for the past few decades. Some England fans are very loud and talk a lot of shit. A large number of hooligans, a tendency to cause problems wherever they go and a serious superiority complex. Not saying all fans are like that, of course, but...you wouldn't go far down the street without meeting a few like that.

Over the course of a few decades this can get a bit grating, hence, for most of Europe, England losing is a time of celebration and jeering. Add to that, the fact that they invaded half of the world and enslaved the other half for a few hundred years and remain woefully ignorant of this, plus all the Brexit shite, plus the racism/colonisation. Add to that the diving to get into the semis, the booing national anthems etc etc and well..look...you're going to have a lot of happy Scottish, Irish, French, German, Welsh people here tonight :).

In an ideal world I would have liked other player to miss tonight, but this will just make me cheer Rashford and Sancho on even more next season :D

United wouldn't be the behemoth it is now without its foreign fan base. Not sure where this requirement to be an England fan if you supported United comes from.

From the right wing politics thats surging through.

"EnGlAnD aRe tHe MoSt HuMblE CoUnTrY In ThE wOrlD."

I love Rio, but he lost all neutrality, I can understand a little bias but he went full Ian Wright, which isn't the best thing to do.
This thread will be used by rivals to point out our fan base is plastic.
It’s a well known fact most Manc’s also don’t follow England and couldn’t give 2 fecks what they win or lose .

“Once more than England we’re champions twice “
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It's what sport is all about mate. If you can't get caught up in the moment then what are you watching it for. It's been brilliant win or lose.
Fergie disagrees, sport is about winning. That’s why Italians won 4 World Cups !

I don’t know how you can be happy after the game tonight when you did not even try and when Southgate just sent 3 lads to get bashed out there.
In 2006, when we lost in final against Italians being the best team even at 10 men I was devastated. I did not care about the journey. It was like daylight robbery, I was just gutted, same as against Portuguese in 2016.
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