Least Favourite TV Characters

President Logan from 24. What an annoying twat.

(Currently watching the first episodes of season 5)

it was a poor series so is season 6 not seen past that point. 24 used to great but just became same shit happening every season and I got fed up.

Tyler from the new series of V was a annoying little shit aswell.
Just making my way through Season 2 of Dexter and this guy has irritated me all the way:


Needs to chill the feck out, how is someone that angry all the time?
Just making my way through Season 2 of Dexter and this guy has irritated me all the way:


Needs to chill the feck out, how is someone that angry all the time?

He's a fantastic character, he's only angry when he's around Dexter anyway because he realises there's something off about Dexter and he can't prove it. I don't know if you've got this far yet, but when he's

(Spoiler for first few episodes of Season 2)
under the impression that Dexter's addicted to drugs, and that's what his 'addiction is

He's quite understanding and sympathetic, albeit mistakenly.
He's a fantastic character, he's only angry when he's around Dexter anyway because he realises there's something off about Dexter and he can't prove it. I don't know if you've got this far yet, but when he's

(Spoiler for first few episodes of Season 2)
under the impression that Dexter's addicted to drugs, and that's what his 'addiction is

He's quite understanding and sympathetic, albeit mistakenly.
I suppose so. I've just got to the point where (spoiler from Season 2 episode 8)

he's found Dexter's blood slides
Just making my way through Season 2 of Dexter and this guy has irritated me all the way:


Needs to chill the feck out, how is someone that angry all the time?

What? Doakes was a legend of a character. Best in the show apart from Dexter himself.

I was just about to come in here to say Joffrey.

I bet you loved the scene with
Tyrion smacking him?

His voice grates on me like hell and the show is just an advert for the church of Scientology and about as funny as cancer. Preachy, simplistic bollocks.

I've never figured out how anyone can watch this guy for more than three minutes either.


May as well go for a nice walk around Gorton or Openshaw on a friday night if you find that kind of character amusing.

Just rewatching Prison Break (only til the end of S2, because it gets stupidly bad) and I want to kill this guy myself. He's so fecking terrible, it's beyond irritating. He's almost worse than the writing in the later seasons.

She's basically almost bursting into tears in every episode now. Awful character in season 6. I'm hoping someone kills her now and makes Dexter go more mental.


A man brat. Gets everything handed too him and does what he want.
Then when things go against him you know, because of murders he commits and what not, he gets all whiny and cnuty and betrays everyone.


At least the daughter is hot.


The reason season 2 wasn't as good as the other seasons.​

That's enough for now. And the reason I don't reply a post like a normal person this time it's because these are annoying characters and this is what they do.

Season 2 is the best and deepest season of the lot. It's an absolute masterclass, shame so many find it boring because it puts the exciting characters in the background mostly. Frank is the best performance on the show, truly sublime.
Can't stand her


Why couldn't she have been killed by the miniature killer
I hate the way she ends every sentence with an upwards inflection.

You're not asking a question, talk fecking normally.

Season 2 is the best and deepest season of the lot. It's an absolute masterclass, shame so many find it boring because it puts the exciting characters in the background mostly. Frank is the best performance on the show, truly sublime.

It's not boring. I just really dislike these Polak characters. I just didn't relate or care about them at all. Ziggy was a prick. Boohoo, you ain't getting job time on the docks. Why should I care when you lot are dirty as hell. If you expect me to root for you whilst you're being a scumbag I expect some class or charisma. Those guys had none of it.
He was a bit annoying but at the same time a great and very tragic character

Tragic? So far from it. He was a dick. Nobody liked him because of how he acted. People around him were trying to help and he only fecked it up.
The guy who plays him plays the same annoying time character in Generation Kill. Loudmouth who tries way too hard to be funny whilst never achieving it.
I found Ziggy annoying beyond belief. I didn't really warm to many of the new characters from the dock in season 2.
Tragic? So far from it. He was a dick. Nobody liked him because of how he acted. People around him were trying to help and he only fecked it up.
The guy who plays him plays the same annoying time character in Generation Kill. Loudmouth who tries way too hard to be funny whilst never achieving it.

I'd side with Nils on this 'un... The way he snapped in the end, the sincerity of his distress after it happened, it's one of the most intense and tragic arcs in the Wire in terms of where it started and where it ended.

I found him hilarious in Generation Kill, though. The way he dealt with the chaplain, his remarks about Brad hunting dragons, his socio-economic theories... He does grate at times but for the most part I love his involvement :lol:

Just rewatching Prison Break (only til the end of S2, because it gets stupidly bad) and I want to kill this guy myself. He's so fecking terrible, it's beyond irritating. He's almost worse than the writing in the later seasons.

I did that recently, but stopped short of the end of the second season. The only good thing about the latter half of the programme is Mahone, the worst thing about it as I recall posting in this thread is this guy:

I did that recently, but stopped short of the end of the second season. The only good thing about the latter half of the programme is Mahone, the worst thing about it as I recall posting in this thread is this guy:


Jesus, I forgot about him, he was dreadful.

We'll be stopping at the end of season 2, I can't abide watching 3&4 again.
Julius I thought was a legend, he was the Anti-Malcolm essentially.

Ben Swain was quite annoying.

Hmm I just find Julius's voice annoying I think. And the slightly mild-mannered thing.

Which one with Ben Swain again? It was Steve Fleming I was thinking of that I found a bit irritating. Terri and Glen are probably my favourites, along with Langham and Front as the respective Ministers.
Pretty much everyone is terrible in Prison Break, it's a badly written show, that's what you get for writing shows like that....except Billy Finctner as whoever he played in the second series, he's always awesome....but I stopped half way through that season, 30 odd episodes of trash was enough imo.

Actually pretty much everyone from Walking Dead, but especially her. Shit actress, shit character.
Was abysmal in Prison Break too.