Least Favourite TV Characters

oh and..

does he count as a TV character?

Carrie Bradshaw.

I could write a thousand word essay on just what a truly repugnant representation of womankind she is. But I can't be arsed.

Oh and Charlotte can feck off n all.
Ted from HIMYM.

I've said it for ages but this is the perfect thread to say it again. He's the worst lead in a comedy ever. He actually winds me up with how crap he is. Just crap at everything. Infuriating man.
Emily Procter from CSI miami, i think she's a fecking idiot and she gets on my nerves every time she opens her mouth to say something that she thinks is funny or wise


and this other bitch from the same show, every time she talks to the corpses i wish one of them comes back to life and beats the crap out of her:

Ted from HIMYM.

I've said it for ages but this is the perfect thread to say it again. He's the worst lead in a comedy ever. He actually winds me up with how crap he is. Just crap at everything. Infuriating man.

He's the least funny lead I've ever seen in a comedy series.
Hopefully Charlie gets drunk during filming one day and beats the shit out of alan, and the fat kid too and then charlie ods on sleeping pills. thatd be a great way to end the show
Watching season 1 of 24 again reminded me how unbelievably annoying Kim Bauer aka Cuthbert was.
There's not really much i watch on TV at the moment for me to have a least favourite character. I'm gonna start watching Boardwalk Empire once that Sky Atlantic is active.
I can't figure out if I like her dislike her. She annoys me, but she is a good character.

I also can't figure out if I would or wouldn't have sex with her.

The problem with her is..(i've decided) not that she's a bad character as you say, but that she's a completely implaussible one. There is no way on planet earth that this flakey, incompetent, slutty, jittery and socially yawkward dunce who breaks down crying at litterally every opportunity - and when she doesn't, looks damn well close to doing so...constantly - would ever last more than a week in the police department. Or any public service for that matter. Let alone be promoted to Detective in a few short years. No matter how many people she fecked or how often her brother helped her out, it just wouldn't happen. She's comes across like a hooker on heroin, which considering she's not, is a bizarre achievement.

Thus the viewer finds it painfully obvious that her status is entirely for the series' convenience and finds it annoying. Unrealistic things annoy people in things.

For the record I would have sex with her, but make sure I left sharpish before she started crying.

Carrie Bradshaw.

I could write a thousand word essay on just what a truly repugnant representation of womankind she is. But I can't be arsed.

Oh and Charlotte can feck off n all.

Burkas and Birkins by Lindy West - Film - The Stranger, Seattle's Only Newspaper

The greatest response to SATC ever....

SATC2 takes everything that I hold dear as a woman and as a human—working hard, contributing to society, not being an entitled cnut like it's my job—and rapes it to death with a stiletto that costs more than my car. It is 146 minutes long .... This is an entirely inappropriate length for what is essentially a home video of gay men playing with giant Barbie dolls."

"How do the women without help do it?" Charlotte (crying) asks Miranda. "I have no fecking idea," Miranda replies. Then they toast their disgusting glasses of pink syrup. To "them." To the "women without help." "If I wasn't rich, I'd definitely just kill myself right away with a knife!" says everyone in this movie without having to actually say it. Clink!

...But very quickly, the SATC brain trust notices that it's not all swarthy man-slaves and flying carpets in Abu Dhabi! In fact, Abu Dhabi is crawling with Muslim women—and not one of them is dressed like a super-liberated diamond-encrusted fecking clown!!! Oppression! OPPRESSION!!!

the women of Abu Dhabi remove their black robes and veils to reveal—this is not a joke—the same hideous, disposable, criminally expensive shreds of cloth and feathers that hang from Carrie et al.'s emaciated goblin shoulders. Muslim women: Under those craaaaaaay-zy robes, they're just as vapid and obsessed with physical beauty and meaningless material concerns as us! Feminism! feck yeah!

If this is what modern womanhood means, then just fecking veil me and sew up all my holes. Good night.
Sheldon - Big Bang Theory
Phoebe - Friends

He is probably one of the better characters of BBT, the interactions between him and Penny are BBT's best moments actually.
The whole cast of Sex and the City can be blown up by a grenade at the start of the next film - I'd actually pay the entrance fee to go and watch it. Similar plotlines in Eastenders and Hollyoaks would also be welcome. Also, and I fear I'll be slated for this, if the next Harry Potter film might happen to involve a giant killer hamster which eats many of the cast in the first scene I may be tempted to go and see it.
The whole cast of Sex and the City can be blown up by a grenade at the start of the next film - I'd actually pay the entrance fee to go and watch it. Similar plotlines in Eastenders and Hollyoaks would also be welcome. Also, and I fear I'll be slated for this, if the next Harry Potter film might happen to involve a giant killer hamster which eats many of the cast in the first scene I may be tempted to go and see it.

Give me your location, and I'll release my giant killer hamster to eat you :mad:

Agreed about SATC mind.
That girl from Flight of the conchords
What? She's great!

And none of the women from Dexter or Breaking Bad for feck's sake! (Well, maybe that love interest from the 2nd or 3rd season. Lila? Something like that.) Especially Skyler.

And CSI doesn't count. I'm pretty sure all their characters are meant to be ridiculous.

I don't think I ever watch series with characters I hate, if I do I stop watching it. I think this happened with It's Always Sunny... somewhere? The main characters in Gilmour Girls are very, very annoying.

Ah, I got one: Family guy. Worst ever.
The Bachelor (any of them)
The Bachelorette (any of them)

and all of the contestants as well
Kevin from The Office is awesome! Unless being fat/slow/dumb hits close to home for you, how is he not funny?

officer caliccio from The Wire

hurley and the old guy from Lost

Jim and Pam from the Office, but only when they're together

Tara from Sons of Anarchy. The whole naughty girl turn good, then turn bad again, ughhh so lame