Least Favourite TV Characters


They are ruining a class show!

Huh? Madelaine I can understand, kids are always shit in TV shows, but Natasha is a great character I think, compared to other wives in TV shows like Rita in Dexter and Skylar in Breaking Bad, I've no problem with her.

Betty Draper from Mad Men. Her character is awful.

Definition of the word cnut, but I guess she's supposed to be portrayed like that. She's well acted by January Jones.

Raplhie? Are you mad? He was an absolutely awesome character. So well played, hilarious and pure evil. Probably my favorite character after Tony, and that's saying something for a show like The Sopranos

Anyway, I myself would go for:

Brother Mouzone. In a show that prided itself on realistic and non dramatic characters, this guy just did not fit in. Silly character.
Whole cast of Seinfeld (unfunny horrible bunch of muppets)
Dexter's sister in Dexter
Ralphie in the Sopranos
Yeah I think Kevin's stupidness is way over done. It was funny for about a season.
I've just started watching 24: Season 4, I wish to nominate half the cast.