Least Favourite TV Characters


Actually pretty much everyone from Walking Dead, but especially her. Shit actress, shit character.
Was abysmal in Prison Break too.

For me, its her...andrea and dale...he really pissed me off
Pretty much everyone is terrible in Prison Break, it's a badly written show, that's what you get for writing shows like that....except Billy Finctner as whoever he played in the second series, he's always awesome....but I stopped half way through that season, 30 odd episodes of trash was enough imo.

There's no way you can call season one 'badly written', it was brilliant. It got stupid about 70% into season two and then got progressively worse and worse, but season one was great.
I just called season one badly written tbf. It's half exciting, but it's absurdity and stupid convenient moments to save the day are just pure lazy and annoying. It's basically like late 24, excitement and twists were more important than actual intelligent but fewer twists and story development.

It's also horrendously acted......though it did introduce me to the greatest name of all time in Wentworth....WENTWORTH
The Tattoo thing annoyed me. He was a supposed to be a genius but had stuff like phone numbers and addresses on his body in code because he could not remember them.
Doesn't have anything to do with anything but....

That show was horrible too.

Blah Blah Blah Jam rags blah blah can't get a bloke blah blah cream cakes blah blah did I tell you I was a psychiatric nurse blah blah fat people blah blah feckin blah.

Blah Blah Blah Jam rags blah blah can't get a bloke blah blah cream cakes blah blah did I tell you I was a psychiatric nurse blah blah fat people blah blah feckin blah.

She is a real person though...

Also, Getting On is excellent.

Season 2 is the best and deepest season of the lot. It's an absolute masterclass, shame so many find it boring because it puts the exciting characters in the background mostly. Frank is the best performance on the show, truly sublime.

I agree wholeheartedly.
I just called season one badly written tbf. It's half exciting, but it's absurdity and stupid convenient moments to save the day are just pure lazy and annoying. It's basically like late 24, excitement and twists were more important than actual intelligent but fewer twists and story development.

It's also horrendously acted......though it did introduce me to the greatest name of all time in Wentworth....WENTWORTH

Late 24? I though 24 was pretty poor from the get go. About 18 shows into season one and bam! Crap endings. Talk about plot holes and convenient moments. 2nd season, same thing. Never mind that Bauer isn't a subject to human necessities like bowel movements, urine, food, water, getting his strength back in like 1 hour after dying.
Corrine Mackey


hated this bitch so fecking much - continually wished for her death, shame it never happened :( I continue to wish for her demise in real life.
There's no way you can call season one 'badly written', it was brilliant. It got stupid about 70% into season two and then got progressively worse and worse, but season one was great.

Anything that needs to have a dramatic cliffhanger sequence at the end of every episode isn't very good, it has to be said. Entertaining enough but the characters were hideously clichéd...I'd have said it's harsh to say the acting was particularly bad given they had so little to work with but have any of them done anything good since? On that note...


Good lord he was annoyingly crap.
You basically dismissed every TV series ever made on one of the major networks. They all have cliffhangers. Sitcoms usually just have them at the end but they all do have them.
Breaking Bad doesn't have it EVERY episode, 2 or 3 times...and most of them are actually part of the story and character development, in Prison Break(and 24 and Lost etc) they are purely for the sake of being cliffhangers and mostly are forced too.
Does anyone like him? I don't know anyone who does

I like him in Gavin & Stacey. His other stuff is noticeably weaker, and to be fair to them, him and Matt Horne admitted that their sketch show was a travesty and that they'd been too cocky.

He was/is absolutely brilliant in One Man Two Guvnors on at the West End at the moment.
So shows shouldn't have cliffhangers Brwned?

You think Breaking Bad is crap?

You don't think there's a difference? Prison Break was absolutely reliant on the cliffhangers to keep the audience interested, and that's cheap entertainment. It leads to uneven pacing which is the most annoying thing for me, it just doesn't fit. It's just constant twists simply for dramatic effect rather than to advance the plot, and it gets tiresome very quickly. It comes back to what Hitchcock said about the bomb under the table; if it's constantly just one surprise after another then it's simply not possible to build any suspense, and without suspense there's no depth to the surprise.
I agree with that. But I still think the first season was very good. I haven't seen it in a very long time mind you.

Guess you're not a fan of Lost as well then :) Twists with nothing going on that was.

I specifically said major network shows for a reason before. Breaking Bad and Dexter and HBO stuff are not the same. I'm not trying to be sexist but I see this a lot with girls. The cliffhangers is the only thing that keeps them watching. The day time soaps are all like this. My girlfriend still watches Gossip Girl and Pretty Little Liars and Vampire Diaries. She loved them at first but she doesn't like any of them anymore. I've listened to a number of these shows whilst doing stuff on the computer and nothing happens in them. Except in the end. Then there's an accident or someone is pregnant or possibly dying or something and she keeps watching just to know what it turns out to be.
I agree with that. But I still think the first season was very good. I haven't seen it in a very long time mind you.

Guess you're not a fan of Lost as well then :) Twists with nothing going on that was.

I specifically said major network shows for a reason before. Breaking Bad and Dexter and HBO stuff are not the same. I'm not trying to be sexist but I see this a lot with girls. The cliffhangers is the only thing that keeps them watching. The day time soaps are all like this. My girlfriend still watches Gossip Girl and Pretty Little Liars and Vampire Diaries. She loved them at first but she doesn't like any of them anymore. I've listened to a number of these shows whilst doing stuff on the computer and nothing happens in them. Except in the end. Then there's an accident or someone is pregnant or possibly dying or something and she keeps watching just to know what it turns out to be.

I loved Lost and Prison Break was great fun in many ways, I even watched Heroes right the way through...you just can't take them very seriously. And you can't watch too much of them or they do get tiresome, there's only so much you can ignore. Nothing wrong with liking cheap, mindless entertainment every now and then though!

Annoys me greatly for some reason. I think it is because he looks more like a gay judge from Top Model than a criminal.


One of the flattest characters ever.


Cant be mentioned too many times in a thread like this. feck off with your crappy one-liners.

Eric Murphy is also a great shout. Annoying brat that almost made me stop watching Entourage when he started "doing his own thing".
You don't think there's a difference? Prison Break was absolutely reliant on the cliffhangers to keep the audience interested, and that's cheap entertainment. It leads to uneven pacing which is the most annoying thing for me, it just doesn't fit. It's just constant twists simply for dramatic effect rather than to advance the plot, and it gets tiresome very quickly. It comes back to what Hitchcock said about the bomb under the table; if it's constantly just one surprise after another then it's simply not possible to build any suspense, and without suspense there's no depth to the surprise.

Of course there's a difference, but I already knew you liked Breaking Bad so that's why I said it. :)

I agree to an extent, most truly great shows have never relied on cliffhangers at the end, yet still keep you immersed and dying to watch the next episode. The Wire being the ultimate example.

This bloke from New Girl. When you're trying to drool over Zooey Deschanel, this fecker gets his annoying, unfunny face in the way.
Madness! I think he's quality and I love the dynamic between him and Schmidt.

On a mildly humerous show, he is the least funny by a distance... seemingly just moody and a bit of a dick all the time, yet we're supposed to like him?

Another one...


feck she's irritating. I love me some Parks and Rec, but it'd be better if she wasn't on it... she's not even attractive to sort of balance it out (like Robyn in HIMYM for example)
I used to like him earlier but does anyone thing Eric from Entourage became annoying later in the series.

Always whining and looking sad.