L.A. Noir

Just played a few hours of it thinking I only played an hour.

I've found a way to finally improve my interrogation. When they are looking away etc and your not sure if they're lying or you should just doubt them I accuse them of lying and when I realise I've got sod all proof I take it back then just doubt them. It could just be done better if I checked my clue thing earlier but just rather get it done quicker.
I have just completed it, 13 hours of gameplay. :( I will finish the street crimes because I haven't done any, collect the cars and wait for the DLC to come out. I might even play this over again. Excellent game, the best I've played on PS3 so far I think.
Time flies when you're playing this game.

I agree, it's fantastic. The wife loves it too so the Xbox has been on more than normal since I bought it. I've been playing with hints "off" since the beginning which will hopefully make the game a lot longer.
Just been promoted to Homicide. Hardly played over the weekend.

It really is a great game.
Mine came with two DLCs I think. It has two extra pieces of paper with codes to download "The Naked City" and The Badge pursuit Challenge, and "The Consul's Car" Traffic Case. The Badge Pursuit Challenge has a little bag with it with what looks like pieces of film inside but I haven't checked them yet.
Mine came with two DLCs I think. It has two extra pieces of paper with codes to download "The Naked City" and The Badge pursuit Challenge, and "The Consul's Car" Traffic Case. The Badge Pursuit Challenge has a little bag with it with what looks like pieces of film inside but I haven't checked them yet.

Same here.
Mine came with two DLCs I think. It has two extra pieces of paper with codes to download "The Naked City" and The Badge pursuit Challenge, and "The Consul's Car" Traffic Case. The Badge Pursuit Challenge has a little bag with it with what looks like pieces of film inside but I haven't checked them yet.

They will be available for download late June, at least some of them. The difference is you will not have to pay for them, I will have to pay $2.99 for each or something around that. Shame they are not available from the start.
I've still only played 11 of the 21 missions, glad I've got lots more to play when I get round to it.
Im liking this, but I am not loving this. It really isnt a patch on Red Dead or GTA 4. I am half way through homicide and its getting a bit repetitive.
Im liking this, but I am not loving this. It really isnt a patch on Red Dead or GTA 4. I am half way through homicide and its getting a bit repetitive.

That seems to be the consensus from what I've heard.

I'll waiting until it comes out on my brand spanking new PC I think.
That seems to be the consensus from what I've heard.

I'll waiting until it comes out on my brand spanking new PC I think.

It probably won't come out on PC.
I don't know why every open world game has to be compared to GTA or Red Dead (the first of which didn't get stellar reviews either) when they are trying to maybe give a very different experience. It's annoying to be honest, similar to how every FPS gets compared to COD for some stupid reason, and COD isn't even the best in it's class, it's just popular. Justin Bieber is popular as well - it doesn't really say much.
Im liking this, but I am not loving this. It really isnt a patch on Red Dead or GTA 4. I am half way through homicide and its getting a bit repetitive.

It's better than GTA4, which I thought was very overrated, for me. At least every mission actually has a point and what you do connects the dots, in GTA4 it seems like 80% of missions were 'drive there, collect a package, deliver it somewhere else' which was actually completely uninteresting. Red Dead was better than that, and possibly the best Rockstar game so far.
I'd say this is very much a development game. Its more an exhibition of what we can look forward to rather how good the story and what ever else is. I fully expect GTA V due for release next year to take this technology to another level. I'd compare this to Assassins Creed 1.
When you all talk about Red Dead, you do realise that there was a game called Read Dead Revolver, right?

Which was fecking ace!!!

LA Noire for me:

Innovative...a new style of gameplay i have never encountered before. Love the facial reading which doesnt always go to plan.

The chase scenes are repetitive but investigations...although repetitive change per scene. Wait til the game sends you on your own in the poetry case!!!Which solitary thinking makes the game. You need to think to go places and not just rely on how good you are at playing games.

Also as you go on you get a few spying/stalking scenarios so nowhere like GTA or RDD.

Its hard to say if its like any of them because this genre hasn't exactly been done before.
I'm enjoying it, love the interrogations, it really pisses me off when I can't get a good number of answers straight and it adds a bit of replay value, since some cases I really messed up a bit and have no clue what happened. Glad the game allows us to proceed regardless.
I think i'm the only person in the World who didn't think Red Dead Redemption was all that?

The entire middle section of the game (Mexico I think) was a bore fest.
Can you kill pedestrians etc? If not why the hell would I buy this?
My mate picked this up yesterday and we were playing it for a few hours last night, I have to say I'm well impressed. The facial animation is incredible and the game itself is highly absorbing. I'm sceptical of the longevity though, and once you've done all the cases I'm not sure what else you'll have to do, unlike the endless fun of GTA for example. I'll probably not buy it myself for that reason.
Can you kill pedestrians etc? If not why the hell would I buy this?

No, its not GTA despite the Rockstar logo.

Its an story-driven game using traditional adventure game elements as well as interrogative elements like that of Phoenix Wright. If you want a sandbox to mess around it causing endless carnage, then this isn't the game you're looking for.
Just finished it, an interesting ending and i suppose a fitting one.

Personally i felt he, like Marston, had to die and at least he did it saving others to atone for what he'd done. Then the real Noir ending where it's not all happily ever after, even though he got rid of the corruption of Monroe et al it didn't change the fact that the police will always be corrupt. Earle's speech and then shaking hands with the new DA basically confirms that.

Cracking game and i can't wait for the DLC.
Decided to leave it for today and pick it up on Sunday afternoon as Saturday is busy and will be nursing a hangover regardless of the result on Sunday morning.

I'm at the point where your chasing the mass murderer, the bartender, through that church. Died a couple of times and got fed up. How far off the end am I? I hope pretty far off still cos it does seem short then
Decided to leave it for today and pick it up on Sunday afternoon as Saturday is busy and will be nursing a hangover regardless of the result on Sunday morning.

I'm at the point where your chasing the mass murderer, the bartender, through that church. Died a couple of times and got fed up. How far off the end am I? I hope pretty far off still cos it does seem short then

Once he's dead you move to Vice, still plenty of game to play yet.
Once he's dead you move to Vice, still plenty of game to play yet.

Thats good to know, was worried I was going through it quickly which is one reason I only play it in spurts.
This is why I hate playing games late, I'm going to have to through the entire thread again reading all the spoilers.