L.A. Noir

It was £30 cash, so trade-in card or credit would be a bit more wouldn't it? I'm gonna trade it though, probably sit on it until Deus Ex.

Well, it was a £30 trade in but I assumed that's what he would have given me in cash, he just said that I got £30 quid for it, but I had the other games to give him to buy with it.
I've finished La Noire...and I thinking of trading it for a new game. Where's the best place to do so? Game? HMV?
Only realised there is a pun at a recent film in the game, on the Arson desk.

In The Gas Man case, Gulliver's travel Agency provide the holidays, and Gulliver's Travel is a film starring Jack Black. Well it interested me for atleast 2 minutes....

Might have being mentioned already, but I cba going through each post and advanced search showed up nothing hehe.
Only realised there is a pun at a recent film in the game, on the Arson desk.

In The Gas Man case, Gulliver's travel Agency provide the holidays, and Gulliver's Travel is a film starring Jack Black. Well it interested me for atleast 2 minutes....

Might have being mentioned already, but I cba going through each post and advanced search showed up nothing hehe.

I dont think its a pun at the recent Jack Black Movie more like the novel which was released about 200 years ago
Is there a more unlikeable protagonist than Phelps in gaming?
Bought it the other day (alongside Duke Nukem, which I quickly put aside in place of this) and am loving it. I'm up to the wolfman murders or whatever it was called - the first case you get after you get promoted to homicide.
I really enjoyed La Noire. I like games that aren't monotonous. Played two brilliant games back to back in Crysis 2 and La Noire.
I really enjoyed La Noire. I like games that aren't monotonous. Played two brilliant games back to back in Crysis 2 and La Noire.

I thought the murder mysteries were quite monotonous. I liked the Arson missions though especially the last three.
Why would you compare it to two first person shooters? It's a completely different game.

Drive to crime scene. Look. Question people. Repeat.

Because they're examples of boring games, irrespective of genre. Crysis had far more variety to it's gameplay (despite at times dodgy gameplay) despite being a first person shooter proving that genre's mostly aren't a restriction.

L.A Noire should have actually had a lot more variety in gameplay and at times those elements you cite were monotonous but the heart of the game (question people, look for clues) is one which inherently, if not done terribly, provides more variety then a flaccid shoot em up. Whether that makes it a better game in ones eyes depends on what they prefer.

I thought the murder mysteries were quite monotonous. I liked the Arson missions though especially the last three.

I'd agree that there were times when things got monotonous but as a whole it offered me lots of variety. Every time I landed up at a crime site with a naked woman's dead body lying there it did feel like the last one but it is homicide after all and the case demanded that. Not that I think it was the perfect game. I've played tons better but I'm saying I prefer this type of game to ones that are more monotonous (even more if you find this so).

Yeah blowing the shit out of your mates on line is far more monotonous than driving to another crime scene and spending an hour looking for clues

I was talking about single player. I don't (read can't) do multiplayer.
Because they're examples of boring games, irrespective of genre.

That's your opinion, and it's shared by some, but it's also the most popular game in it's genre out there and sells the most copies. There is a reason for this. Many people aren't bored of it.

L.A Noire should have actually had a lot more variety in gameplay and at times those elements you cite were monotonous but the heart of the game (question people, look for clues) is one which inherently, if not done terribly, provides more variety then a flaccid shoot em up. Whether that makes it a better game in ones eyes depends on what they prefer.

I'd agree that there were times when things got monotonous but as a whole it offered me lots of variety. Every time I landed up at a crime site with a naked woman's dead body lying there it did feel like the last one but it is homicide after all and the case demanded that.

So this reads like you're saying it's okay to be monotonous because the type of case demands that it's monotonous, but that this makes the game not monotonous.

It's monotonous, every case was like the last, there wasn't ever something you had to do in one case that you didn't before, it was drive to the scene, look at the dead naked body, clues always in the same places, go to a place and interview, solve case. Drive to the scene, look at the dead naked body, clues always in the same places, go to a place and interview, solve case. Drive to the scene, look at the dead naked body, clues always in the same places, go to a place and interview, solve case. Drive to the scene, look at the dead naked body, clues always in the same places, go to a place and interview, solve case.

There was no variety at all.
Because they're examples of boring games, irrespective of genre. Crysis had far more variety to it's gameplay (despite at times dodgy gameplay) despite being a first person shooter proving that genre's mostly aren't a restriction.

Huh? Crysis 2 had no more variety to it than any other FPS.
That's your opinion, and it's shared by some, but it's also the most popular game in it's genre out there and sells the most copies. There is a reason for this. Many people aren't bored of it.
Fairly obvious I'm speaking for myself. I'm not going to add IMO in every sentence I type. There are many reasons for those things. Some people do like a bit of 'brainless' fun. And there's nothing wrong with that. Those games are very accessible. It's just that I don't. Maybe to them it isn't brainless fun but to me it is.

The Transformers movies are going to break tons of box office records. They're still a bit rubbish.

So this reads like you're saying xit's okay to be monotonous because the type of case demands that it's monotonous, but that this makes the game not monotonous.

It's monotonous, every case was like the last, there wasn't ever something you had to do in one case that you didn't before, it was drive to the scene, look at the dead naked body, clues always in the same places, go to a place and interview, solve case. Drive to the scene, look at the dead naked body, clues always in the same places, go to a place and interview, solve case. Drive to the scene, look at the dead naked body, clues always in the same places, go to a place and interview, solve case. Drive to the scene, look at the dead naked body, clues always in the same places, go to a place and interview, solve case.

There was no variety at all.

There was variety within the elements you speak of. Yes it was drive, look for clues, drive, question, chase etc. But within that there are a lot of room for variety because of the whole system of questioning a suspect. Sure it could have been much better because those outside elements were kept largely the same (and that's where they missed a trick) but the question itself does have lots of variety innately because it gives you options. If you've got 4 aliens in front of you to shoot what variety does that offer? Shoot or be killed?

Huh? Crysis 2 had no more variety to it than any other FPS.

No. Crysis used a tactics system which wasn't implemented all that brilliantly like many games have (without glorifying it with symbols and all) but the combination of stealth and the usual FPS elements made it more interesting for me than the likes of Halo in which all you do is shoot. It's a very minor difference but being a fan of stealth games it made a difference to me. I quite frequently switched between modes of tackling a 'set piece'.
Whoever said that it was boring, can't remember now :)

It was brilliant IMO. It did have some AI issues but overall the best FPS I've played for a long time. (unless I'm having a terrible memory loss and am missing out a big one!)
Yeah blowing the shit out of your mates on line is far more monotonous than driving to another crime scene and spending an hour looking for clues

He has a point though.

Perhaps monotonous wasn't the right term, but LA Noire is heaps more original than COD and Halo franchises, which have used the same copy and paste formula for several years now.

I wasn't LA Noire's biggest fan, but I admire the bravery and ambition of Team Bondi to go ahead with a project like that, even if it didn't come out all that great (IMO). The COD and Halo franchise on the otherhand are shamelessly milking every cent they can get by essentially re-releasing the same game with a different skin every year. I don't blame them since people don't evidently seem to care since they end up buying them year after year, but they're hardly lighting up the games industry with their originality.
He has a point though.

Perhaps monotonous wasn't the right term, but LA Noire is heaps more original than COD and Halo franchises, which have used the same copy and paste formula for several years now.

I wasn't LA Noire's biggest fan, but I admire the bravery and ambition of Team Bondi to go ahead with a project like that, even if it didn't come out all that great (IMO). The COD and Halo franchise on the otherhand are shamelessly milking every cent they can get by essentially re-releasing the same game with a different skin every year. I don't blame them since people don't evidently seem to care since they end up buying them year after year, but they're hardly lighting up the games industry with their originality.

You're right about the original part for sure. And I commend these efforts far more than those just milking one formula although to be fair as you say, if the demand is such most people would.

But I do mean monotonous. My biggest gripe with the first person shooters I mentioned is the lack of any iota of thought or tactic. I simply find it too dull for my aim in the game to be to 'aim and shoot'. It makes the world you're in and the objective you are given completely impossible to actually believe.

Compare this to a Half Life 2 which had so much to offer whether it was a believable world and story or the new physics engine that had you trying to even manipulate the environment to solve a puzzle and progress, there was plenty to offer.

Goes without saying that I love games like Deus Ex which basically put you in a game and told you to enjoy doing things however you felt like but there are those like Half Life 2 which make some effort to be believable and break the mould of simple aim and shoot. Games like COD and Halo are almost akin to the ones I'd go to play in the arcade where you have a curser and you aim and shoot. And IMO even the combat bit isn't great on both.
L.A. Noire is a fantastic game. Why is it being compared to games like Halo and Modern Warfare though? It's like comparing Columbo to Ross Kemp Goes To Afghanistan.

All have their merits and this is why as gamers we buy more than one game.
Got this a few weeks back. At first I was really into it but I've lost interest over time - I find it a little repetitive and you can go long periods without anything really happening. It's a good game but you need to be in a certain frame of mind to play it and 3 weeks after getting it, I'm rarely in that frame of mind.
Finally completed it, Not doing find the cars, Can of Film etc though.

Might trade it in but there is nothing out.
Anyone else think that any action bits were over too quickly/easily and without anything interesting ever happening?

Could have been done miles better.
Anyone else think that any action bits were over too quickly/easily and without anything interesting ever happening?

Could have been done miles better.
I'd agree with that completely.

While I enjoyed the game overall that was largely due to liking the storyline, looking for clues and questioning system.

Where the game was a serious let down was the fighting parts and the side missions. I thought the side missions (where you get solve a street crime) were rubbish and I rarely did them. And the action parts of the cases were far too bland. They could have been tougher and more involving rather than 'bad guy realizes he's fecked and makes a run for it, so chase him down'.

So yeah, I still really enjoyed it but despite the above flaws. Had those been given serious thought and effort this would have been a top top game for me.
The game is for the more mature audience that want a change from running around and blowing people's heads off. GTA is available for that sort of thing.

L.A. Noire set out to be a cinematic experience, which it did very well IMO.