L.A. Noir

Finished Vice, I didn't think it was as good as homicide.

The car chases are a bit too scripted imo, a couple of times I've hit the other car and expected it to come to a stop but it magically survives and carries on.
Just finished it, really enjoyable game without being brilliant. But then it is really the first of its kind so if more are made I'm sure it can improve. Like some have said though one problem is its lack of replay value, I'll put it away now and probably won't play it till the DLC is released. I could play on a bit and try get all the street missions but at the moment I'm certainly not bothered to go through the story again trying to get the interrogations right.

And just wondering if anyone has found of those Golden Reels. I went through the whole game without finding one?
On Homicide. Only complaint so far is there doesn't seem to be that much to actually do for each mission. It's as if you're just going through the motions for the next cut scene or interrogation and then the missions pretty much done. Hope they get more complex as I go on.

They could add some more depth outside of the missions in the next one too.

Also, what does a vice detective do?
Just finished it, an interesting ending and i suppose a fitting one.

Personally i felt he, like Marston, had to die and at least he did it saving others to atone for what he'd done. Then the real Noir ending where it's not all happily ever after, even though he got rid of the corruption of Monroe et al it didn't change the fact that the police will always be corrupt. Earle's speech and then shaking hands with the new DA basically confirms that.

Cracking game and i can't wait for the DLC.

I thought they should have killed him by blowing himself up along with flame thrower dude.
I finished this not long ago, enjoyed it.

I think the ending was good, fit the piece well and gave the story the logical ending. I was kind of glad he died because of his face when he made that smug expression when someone praised him, it was incredibly punch-able.

The game could have held your hand a bit less as the cases wore on, I could live with the music keys and everything as it helped speed up the clue hunting process but the fact when you picked up certain clues it would prompt you to investigate further or turn the object even when your halfway through it kinda took the challenge out of doing it.

Also feel like they re-created the city perfectly then underused most of it, I don't know what they really could have done as a detective pissing about on side quests wouldn't have fitted in but I dunno they could have done more with it.

Be nice to finally get the pre-order DLC when the PS3 Store comes back up. Interesting to see if this is a stand alone game or something they will build into a franchise.
Really enjoyed this game. Finished it last night but just came on today to do some side missions and I've had to redo the last mission but never mind just annoying waiting for the credits to finish.
As for the ending, I'm a bit disappointed that Phelps has died, for some reason I didn't enjoy being Kelso for the last couple of missions. Also thought it would of been better if Biggs had done the speech at the end rather then the guy from Vice who I disliked.
Great game, enjoyed the ending.

Hopefully the DLC will be out soon, I'll probably come back and play the story again in a few months. The game was a good idea, different to any other game I have played and much better than I thought it would be.
Anyone else ever forget how much you need to pay attention while playing this :wenger:
I am having trouble finding the motivation to get back to this.
me too, bit bobbins this game.

I don't think it's shit, on the contrary, I think it is very good. It's just not the kind of game to play when you're drinking. Which I like to do a lot.
so i finished this a few days ago, considering another play through while i wait for some DLC to become available. good game i liked it, yeah it was linear but it was something different
I've been playing it for the last few days.

Don't read if you haven't completed Homicide!

I've just got onto the bit where I went into the fountain and found the clue on top. I think it's pretty obvious that its that agency bartender that you met in the first case. All girls have been murdered after a drink at a local bar and an agency bartender has been mentioned twice if not three times.

It's a shame that it doesn't allow you be a bit more proactive. Its blatently obvious that the murders were all linked together and that the evidence had been planted for the most part. Either way, really enjoying it :)
Really enjoyed this game. Finished it last night but just came on today to do some side missions and I've had to redo the last mission but never mind just annoying waiting for the credits to finish.
As for the ending, I'm a bit disappointed that Phelps has died, for some reason I didn't enjoy being Kelso for the last couple of missions. Also thought it would of been better if Biggs had done the speech at the end rather then the guy from Vice who I disliked.

But that was the entire point.. there were backroom deals going on between the new DA and the "old guard".
Finished a couple of days ago, I loved the plot.

A breath of fresh air. Not perfect, not my favourite game ever, but original and captivating enough. Can't wait for a sequel. My kudos for them having the guts to try something new and implementing it rather well.
Im still liking but not loving it. Im on arson now. I still need to get a few bits for various achievments.

Is there a point of no return in this game? Or can you drive about doing stuff after game is completed?
I'm just onto the second disc so I probably need to play it more. So far in nearly every case there's always matches lying around that leads to a bar. These people need to stop fecking drinking so much and they'd be okay.
I've got the PS3 version...screw all that disc changing. Must say, it's a cracking game. Then again I'm a sucker for film noir and all that.
I still haven't finished this, glad I'm spreading it out over time.
Think so. But yeah loving this game. A couple parts of this game had a Vertigo(Alfred H) vibe.
Has anybody played the DLC yet? If so is it just a "single" case or are there multiple levels to the story?

PSN Store is back so I will download The Naked City when I get home.
What did you think of it? I just don't find it very good at all.

I liked it to begin with, but it started to drag for me. I am four (I think) cases into Homicide, but I can't find the motivation to go back and play it. In fact, I can't even recall the last time I played it.

As I said earlier in the thread, I like to have a few beers while gaming, and it's not really compatible with that. Well, not if you want to be successful in it.
Traded mine in for £40 at Gamestation. Finished the cases and the street-crimes, found 85 cars and 22 landmarks but after completing the story, it got boring.
Finished it last night. Cannot fault the detail etc.. looks amazing

But just not that good a game. 6/10
I was going to buy Red Dead in Game the other day, I bought this instead. Am I going to regret it?

It seems to chop and change quite fast, my first few cases were over immediately and I'd hardly done anything. It feels a bit 'go here, press these buttons in the right order, case solved.' Although I'm only just on Traffic, maybe the previous cases were an introduction.
Red Dead's easily the better game, for me... then again a large part of that is the lovely open world with its sunsets and general feel.

LA Noire is quite routine in ways, but every now and again you get a case that makes you feel more immersed. Well worth the money... but next time go for Red Dead :)
Red Dead's easily the better game, for me... then again a large part of that is the lovely open world with its sunsets and general feel.

LA Noire is quite routine in ways, but every now and again you get a case that makes you feel more immersed. Well worth the money... but next time go for Red Dead :)

Is Red Dead GTA set in the Wild West or something different?

And I'm on part where you have to decipher the clues(Shelley's poetry). I'm enjoying this segment....but prior to that I did think the investigations were getting a tad repetative. And I just had to throw McGaffry in the pen despite knowing neither of the them were guilty...I mean, he was asking for it for being a cnut. Oh and despite having all the clues I couldn't accuse the other bloke (Teriorsomething) of whatever the first question of his examination was - none of my clues matched up
Finished the main storyline. Enjoyed it, but finished it rather quick in the end, was expecting it to last longer, all I have left to do is collect items for the 100%.
Is Red Dead GTA set in the Wild West or something different?

It's a fair assessment, though the character can't be a bastard in quite as many ways. No raping the women, but you can save them from rough bastards... then you have things like duels in the streets... You have newspapers which are sometimes as amusing as the faux TV and Radio in GTA (full of "oh, the follies of 100 years ago" newsbites).

I'd have to say I cared a shitload more about what happened in Red Dead, and found the development of the storyline to be far more exciting. It's one of my all-time favourite games, easy. It's the only one where I actually bothered to try to get to 100% completion... got to within 1 per cent.

And I'm on part where you have to decipher the clues(Shelley's poetry). I'm enjoying this segment....but prior to that I did think the investigations were getting a tad repetative. And I just had to throw McGaffry in the pen despite knowing neither of the them were guilty...I mean, he was asking for it for being a cnut. Oh and despite having all the clues I couldn't accuse the other bloke (Teriorsomething) of whatever the first question of his examination was - none of my clues matched up

I fecked up by remembering a name wrongly when drumming up a clue to feck that bastard McGaffrey or whatever his name was, so I could only stick that other bastard in jail... Luckily the plot would have it that either one was wrong, but I really did feel sorry for him.
Doing the first mission on Vice...this is a good game, but its all a bit too formulaic to really get me.

Bags of promise for if Rockstar decide to do something like this again though.
Also it really annoyed me that in homicide you lock up the wrong guy either way! fecking silly!
Just finished it, never liked Phelps but sad he died in a way. OK, I skipped a couple cutscenes and then all of a sudden Phelps had an affair? What the hell? They should have built that up a bit more, only heard it briefly when the Vice guy mentioned it in the car and then at the end of Vice.