L.A. Noir

Been playing it for a couple hours now and loving it so far. The first few cases really are a case of holding your hand but once you're past that and put on the proper missions it's really good. It's extremely linear but that's what i expected after reading about it, it was never going to be a GTA style muck around kinda game. The best bit for me so far is the interviews with the suspects and when you get the questions wrong so they give you less. It made me start to question what i'd done wrong or what bit of evidence i should have shown them to prove my point. Driving the cars around is sound enough, nothing fancy about it but if you cause too much damage to your car or the environment around you it negatively affects your ranking come the end of the missions. Driving to and from missions isn't the pain in the arse it could be either, you can just get your partner to drive you there instead. If you do that though you miss out on the side missions that pop up over the car radio which are a fun distraction but usually involve a lengthy drive. And of course the facial animations still amaze me, even people walking along the street making random comments look fantastic. The one issue i have with the animations is that sometimes it seems as though the characters are looking through each other rather than at each other, hard to explain but you'll know what i mean when you play it.

On the negative side. Fist fights are unbelievably easy as you don't need to time your blocks and a couple of hits and it's over. Chase sequences on foot feel very hollow as you do nothing but point yourself into the right direction, no button to press to jump or climb over a fence or up a ladder makes it seem as though it might as well be a cutscene. I've had a few times where the framerate has suffered and it's been a little choppy, these have usually been when i'm in an area with a crowd of people nearby, ie outdoor crime scenes, but when you're driving around i've not noticed a problem.

Basically the world i'd hoped Mafia 2 was going to be with a great cop game in it. The side characters are very good (Stefan and the Irish chief the two stand outs atm) which helps as Phelps himself is a bit of a strange guy and is hard to like. I really like it so far (i'm just into homocide), the cases are getting more and more gruesome and gritty as i go and i'm loving the side story that only unfolds if you read the newspapers lying around. All in i'd say it's a great game, i think 8/10 is looking a fair score although i'd give it a 9 just for the facial technology.
Thanks for the write up. Recommended purchase?

I quite liked Mafia 2.
I'd say get it, it's got real replayability and if the reports are anything to go by it's 20 hours plus which is rare these days for single player games that aren't RPG's.
I'll be getting it tomorrow as well, still not sure if I'm going to like it but there's nothing else that I really want at the moment. I just hope it doesn't get repetitive.

If anyone is interested, Best Buy are selling it for £30:

L.A. Noire PS3 (18) - Best Buy UK
GTA IV was an outstanding game too. People who expected a San Andreas style GTA got disappointed with it's more limited scope but it made up for it in terms of depthness. The city really felt alive. Narrower in scope but a lot more detailed and deep.

Doubt we'll ever see a game with the depth again. That was like 2 or 3 games in one. Truly enjoyable game.

I just ignored that bullshit.

Same just drive round the corner and the stars gone

Havent decided yet what console to get this on. I have read that both Red Dead and GTA4 ran better on Xbox. So I shall see. Changing a disc twice isnt too much hassle is it?

Disagree with the above though, I would have given both thoses games a 10. I absolutely loved them

Who cares really? I change discs multiple times when I'm playing anyway

Dara O Briain sums up GTAIV for me, at 2.06 in the video

That gives a shit description of GTA. Hits the nail on the head for Guitar Hero though
I think i just screwed up this mission, i've a feeling i just sent an innocent man to jail. Ah well, onto the next one.

Haven't got the game (yet) but from a trailer I saw that you could redo certain missions or interviews, is that true or is it in very selective things?

Though I think redoing it unless you die sort of defeats the point of certain challenges such as interviews.
so played a few hours this evening, loving it so far, looks great and after you get passed the usual "hold your hand" cases then it becomes very interesting very quick, love questioning people the facial expression technology is incredible. at the moment hand to hand fighting seems to be too easy, i dont know if the AI is going to make it more difficult in time or not. its visually fantastic and the movements feel very fluid for both driving and walking/running

with the AI assistance on it is too easy imo, when you get near a clue the controller vibrates and music plays, i quickly turned these off and it made the experience 10 times better. just finished the first case in traffic and it was quite good for a starter, looking forward to longer and more gruesome cases but so far it is fantastic!
Haven't got the game (yet) but from a trailer I saw that you could redo certain missions or interviews, is that true or is it in very selective things?

Though I think redoing it unless you die sort of defeats the point of certain challenges such as interviews.

You can only redo either entire chapters or the side "street crime" missions, you can't just redo a certain interview. I've only managed one chapter so far where i got everything right and a 5 star rating, it's more taxing than i thought it'd be.

At the moment hand to hand fighting seems to be too easy, i dont know if the AI is going to make it more difficult in time or not.

Just finished the first case in traffic and it was quite good for a starter, looking forward to longer and more gruesome cases but so far it is fantastic!

It just gets better from there on Sparky, and i did have a fist fight in the last chapter that wasn't ridiculously easy so it looks like it gets harder.
nice, im looking forward to having a good bit of time at it tomorrow, i had an early morning shift today so im going to get some sleep now, falling asleep in front of the TV with the PS3 controller in my hand!
You can only redo either entire chapters or the side "street crime" missions, you can't just redo a certain interview. I've only managed one chapter so far where i got everything right and a 5 star rating, it's more taxing than i thought it'd be.

Thats good to know. Prefer a game which is a bit challenging.

I say that know but can see me getting very angry at times.
I love it so far, it's different than GTA but has some of its appeal, the city is wonderful, missions have been interesting so far, graphics are great. The only issue I have with it is dropping framerate but I got used to it.
just been promoted to homicide and started the first case, apparently from what i have heard homicide is a cracking desk to be on in the game
I only got to play half hour of this list night before I went out. I'm a rubbish interrogator.
just been promoted to homicide and started the first case, apparently from what i have heard homicide is a cracking desk to be on in the game

I'm still giving it the beans on Traffic. Loving the game though, had me hooked for a couple of hours now. Don't really like the driving the handling seems very sensitive I've managed to wipe out a few pedestrians nearly, they move out the way much faster than GTA. Need to get better with my questioning though usually get one wrong maybe 2 in each set.
Have the rest of you kept the music/vibration on or off?

Just started the game really, there seems to be a lot of save time.
Enjoyable so far, the interrogations are harder than I thought (probably because I'm shit). I turned the vibration off, makes it a bit more challenging. The driving is a bit boring and tricky and the shooting/fighting is a bit easy at the moment.
Sounds good to me... Will definitely be getting it soon enough.
I'm going to go and buy this in a bit. But, as an avid Xbox 360 user I'm tempted to get it on Xbox, obviously. However, after reports of it looking and running better on PS3 I'm tempted to get it on that instead (plus it'll give me reason to use the PS3)

One thing I did want to know though is does it have any substantial online play? Or any online play that'll likely be massively addictive and require a lot of hours spent into it?

Not been following this game much, admittedly, but after all the hype and me not buying a new game in ages, I think i'ma give this a shot.
apparently there will be extra cases available as DLC i dont know about online play or what its like
Feck it, just got it on PS3 from Asda for 35 squid. Gunna whack it in in a minute
In work at the moment but played it a bit before leaving. Enjoying it so far. Prefer it with the sound cue's off for clues. On The Fallen Idol case at the moemnt which I've heard is a decent one.
I've played Crysis 2 and Portal 2 recently, how does this one compare in terms of quality and all that? worth purchasing?
Ended up getting it on the 360, still can't use the ps3 controller for long periods of time.

Anyone know if I install all 3 discs before loading it, or do I load it and it prompts an install?

Not that I will be get to play it until later, the wife is watching some shit program about the kardashians
The further I get in the game, the more I like it. I hated it at first but these later missions are a lot better and actually challenging. Just finished the homicide desk.
The poems in 'The Quarter Moon Murders' were impossible for me and had to look online for help

Ended up getting it on the 360, still can't use the ps3 controller for long periods of time.
I couldn't use the PS3 controllers until I got some cheap little plastic things that snap on the triggers. Made my life much easier since my wife bought the PS3 and I can use it now instead of everything on the 360. She thought I didn't like the present she got for me and thought me not liking the controller was just an excuse.
Interrogations are pleasantly surprising difficulty wise. I'm getting 2 maybe 3 out of 4 or 5 questions right at the moment. Quite enjoy going back and doing it again. Could very well be I'm just shit at it though.
Yeah, I've clocked at least 2 other people from Mad Men in the game (besides Cole) as well and I've only played approx 4/5 hours.
Put about 3-4 hours in to it tonight - so far, it's bloody brilliant.
I hope they are going to release plenty of DLCs because it's a great game, I have already solved 11 out of 21 cases so I imagine I will complete the game next week and there will be nothing to do with it untill they give us new cases. So far this has been the best Rockstar game I have played.