L.A. Noir

I like it... it seems to have a good story brewing, I'm hoping more of the threads come together towards the end, but even still being 20% in I'm getting a lot of enjoyment from the variety of plots to the crimes you solve.

That and the music, acting, facial graphics and general atmosphere make this enjoyable.

It's a leap forward in gaming, to me... though it doesn't quite rival Red Dead, for example, in terms of richness of gameplay, not to mention openness.

Yeah, but the daft thing is that they apparently cut out almost half of the game to keep it down in terms of XB360 discs, so 3 instead of 6. As far as I know it's only using a single layer of a BD on the PS3 as is. It sort of stinks of a FFXIII situation all over again - so we're getting FFXIII-2 when it could all have been on a single disc in the first place. Same here, a game that started off development as a PS3 exclusive, and for some reason got changed. So expect to shell out 30 to 40 quid for the extras which are already done.

L.A. Noire on Xbox 360 covers a whopping three game discs, but according to Team Bondi writer and director Brendan McNamara, the count could have been "four or five or six". "We've always been called stupidly ambitious," McNamara told Gamespot in a video interview. "Along with Rockstar we make very big games." "It took a lot of effort to get down to three discs - I think we were on four or five or six at one point - and to get it onto one Blu-ray [for the PS3 version]. "We're pretty pleased that we got it down to that in the end," he went on, attributing the feat to "miraculous compression. It's the biggest map that we've done and that Rockstar have done, so there's a lot of detail in there, and also a lot of actor's performances - 21 hours worth." Last week, McNamara revealed that "two full desks" or mission sets had been cut from L.A. Noire during development, and might be published separately as downloadable content.
Ordered. Amazing, this game (like most releases) in Portugal costs 70 euros, yet I can order it from amazon.co.uk for 40 euros.

Such an abhorrent difference in prices... How can one of the poorest countries in the Union have the most expensive prices for videogames.

And I'm thankful for the original manuals/maps/etc language, the Portuguese translations are just terrible and sometimes unintelligible.
If all goes well and game did dispatch early on Tuesday so I'm hoping it will be waiting for me when I get home today
Already gots it. Won't get to play it until tomorrow though :(

Got the DLC for free for some strange reason :lol::lol:

I thought that this was going to be getting 10/10s everywhere but I just read the Eurogamer review and it scored an 8 saying that it's "clunky in places".

I just don't know whether to get this now aaarrrrgh!
bollocks the ps3 version also has an exclusive traffic case xbox wont get.

argh. i had pre-ordered this months ago from amazon, before i had a ps3. then i got a ps3 early last week...well in time for me to change my pre-order. I should've done so.

perhaps i can find someone to swap with.
GTA IV was an outstanding game too. People who expected a San Andreas style GTA got disappointed with it's more limited scope but it made up for it in terms of depthness. The city really felt alive. Narrower in scope but a lot more detailed and deep.
I loved GTA4 apart from the really annoying 'friendship level' and 'respect level' guff.
How do the 3 disks on the 360 work out? DO you have to install all 3 or change disk after cetain points in the game?

At a point in the story it prompts you to change to disk apparently.
Havent decided yet what console to get this on. I have read that both Red Dead and GTA4 ran better on Xbox. So I shall see. Changing a disc twice isnt too much hassle is it?

Disagree with the above though, I would have given both thoses games a 10. I absolutely loved them
What if you want to just drive from one end of the map to the other, though? Do you have to change discs half way across and get a loading screen half way over a bridge like you used to get on the PS2 with Vice City?
Havent decided yet what console to get this on. I have read that both Red Dead and GTA4 ran better on Xbox. So I shall see. Changing a disc twice isnt too much hassle is it?

Disagree with the above though, I would have given both thoses games a 10. I absolutely loved them

It was developed on the PS3 (was initially going to be an exclusive), then ported to the 360. Obvious choice, in my eyes.
Havent decided yet what console to get this on. I have read that both Red Dead and GTA4 ran better on Xbox.

It's not using the same engine, and it's not developed by Rockstar internally. It's likely that it runs better on PS3 as at one point it was going to be a PS3 exclusive. PS3 was the lead platform with this, the XB360 version is a port. It's similar to FFXIII in that way.
mmm, I didnt know that. Its usually the other way around.

It's becoming a trend. Portal 2 runs better on the PS3 as well. Developers are slowly coming around to the idea that if you start on the PS3, then you will in the end also get better performance out of the XB360 as well. There are reasons for why this is the case, but put simply, it's because with the PS3 you have to go parallel, you can't simply chuck PC code at it, you have to organise your data in a certain way, otherwise it won't work, well, not very well, and those changes also benefit the XB360, which let's not forget is also running 3 cores and has a GPU with 48 ALUs. Look at the work DICE has done for Frostbite 2 for Battlefield 3. They have gone so far as to use Cell as if it were shaders in a GPU.

SPU-Based Deferred Shading in BATTLEFIELD 3 for Playstation 3
Arrived this morning, managed to get some play time in. I like it so far, the change of pace from the usual Rockstar effort (I know Team Bondi) is nice, for once its nice to be a cop in a city rather than a lunatic.
Dara O'Brien just comes across as being extroadinarily shit at video games in that video. As if he can't do basic things, like defeat a boss at the beginning of a game, or drive a car in GTA.

Bet once his noobtube runs out on COD he camps.
Dara O'Brien just comes across as being extroadinarily shit at video games in that video. As if he can't do basic things, like defeat a boss at the beginning of a game, or drive a car in GTA.

Bet once his noobtube runs out on COD he camps.

So what? The toll booth is GTA 4 is idiotic in fairness.
So what? The toll booth is GTA 4 is idiotic in fairness.

Well, in a game praised for it's realism is a toll booth really a point of discussion? Why don't you take 5 seconds to wait for it to open, or erm, drive through it and escape that mighty 1 star punishment.
Rockstar's L.A Noire is reportedly causing crashing and freezing of a handful of Xbox 360 and PS3 models - due to over-heating linked to the game. (And not Firmware 3.61, it seems.)

It only seems to be affecting a tiny percentage of games so far, but what do you do if you're one of the unlucky ones? (Other than wait for the inevitable patch, obviously).

Rockstar has posted some sage advice on its official community pages for anyone who experiences freezing / crashing during gameplay on either system.

The developer's note - effectively a short-term workaround - reads in full:

We are sorry to hear the game is freezing! We have received a few tickets about some isolated crashes / freezes and we are investigating them individually to find out the causes and the resolution.

Here is what to do if you are crashing or freezing in L.A. Noire:

1. Delete your L.A. Noire Game Data (not save data) from the PS3 Game Data Utility. If on 360, clear the 360 cache.

2. Create a new temporary PS3 user to ensure that new save files are created. If on 360, create an offline Silver Gamertag.

3. Launch the game and try again. If you are on PS3, try playing while signed out of PSN.

4. Check your disc for scratches, dust, dirt, or other damage. Clean if necessary.

5. Check other game discs in your PS3/360 to see if issues are occurring in other games, suggesting a potential console problem.

6. Try your L.A. Noire disc in a different console or try a different L.A. Noire disc in your console to determine with certainty whether the issue could be with the disc or console, rather than the software.

If the issue is still happening, please click "Submit a Request" at the top of this page and provide as much detail as possible about what PS3/360 model you are playing on and what steps you follow in the game when it crashes. Let us know exactly what you see (e.g. freeze, black screen, return to system software, etc). and what you are doing in the game when the issue occurs.

Also, if you are on PS3 please move your L.A. Noire save files onto a USB drive and then transfer them to a PC. Compress the folder on the USB drive called "PS3" and attach that file. We will take a look at your save file to see if we can learn more about the issue and its resolution.

Thanks for your patience!

So there.
They shipped mine today the assholes, hopefully gettting it tomorrow....