Kurt Zouma / 180 hours community service + banned from keeping cats for 5 years


never one to pass up on some free pr. if it was me i’d have picked photos where i wasn’t strangling my dog or about to hog tie its legs.
Is this real? Basically confirms his girlfriend tweet was aimed at Greenwood. Which is… interesting…

Spoof account.

But i'm still of the opinion that the previous one was aimed at Greenwood. Nobody can misjudge timing that poorly.
I get that and agree, but let's face it when such clear video evidence of the crime is circulating widely, it's not going to be the most extensive use of resources and even if it is too much to bring him in question and build a case for the CPS, then at the very least put out a release saying we are looking to work with the RSPCA, this sort of crime is not acceptable etc.

Saying they'll do nothing in such a public circumstance, gives people impunity to carry out what the Met may view as lesser crimes regardless what evidence is available.

they didn’t actually say that. I think a few other media outlets ran with that as the headline.. can take a guess why.

But the met actually said this

Which is what I’d said before I’d even read that tweet.

I think everyone is in ‘pile on mode’ at the minute though and could do with just taking a chill. Like it was bad from Zouma don’t get me wrong but you can even see it in this thread. Footballers, police and then other posters. We don’t need to start crucifying everyone.
This is just a spoof tweet.

But ye, I think his dog does have cropped ears. Personally, I'm indifferent on cropping dogs ears. I probably wouldn't choose to do it on mine. But from my expereince, tail docking should still be allowed.
The amount of online abuse this man will get is absurd.
And for once im not gonna care, when you abuse a tiny defenseless animal you f-ing deserve it.
Hope this animal gets booted from the PL, but west ham and the FA are all so spineless they wont do shit.
It's really not. He's kicked a cat across the room and that will make headlines for days. I'd hope that such a thing might shine a light on how vast the problem of animal abuse actually is, but most likely focus and energy will go towards footballers and booing and the drama of it all.
But it does shine a light on animal abuse! It teaches people that booting your cat and slapping it in the face = serious police action.
That is basically my point. The proportion of the act.
No, your original point was that what Zouma did wasn't criminal and that it's not nice to look at but not that bad. You've changed your tune quite a bit.
But it does shine a light on animal abuse! It teaches people that booting your cat and slapping it in the face = serious police action.
Yep. now people can say, well Zouma didn't get investigated, why am I? can't be that serious.

The met are insane for not at least pretending to look into it.

Certain breeds of dog have incredibly powerful tails. Living in the small/cramped british homes most of us live in, fractures or open wounds are common from exciessive tail wagging. Docking at birth is a pretty painless method of preventing longterm injury in the future.

Aesthetically, I don't care. I've owend the same breed of dog with and without a tail. They don't care either.
No it's not but that doesn't mean we should end a guys career or get him sacked for kicking a cat.

As a club: Get him to apologize for it, and give him some classes on the protection on animals. Also tell him if he continues to abuse animals after this then he might face a lot more serious consequences.
If my boss sees me kicking a fecking defenceless animal across the floor, you’re better believe that I’m getting my P45. Why wouldn’t a footballer - a role where (rightly or wrongly) people see them as role models.
No, your original point was that what Zouma did wasn't criminal and that it's not nice to look at but not that bad. You've changed your tune quite a bit.
That was really more in response to seeing the comments on here. It was not nearly as bad as I expected.

And I'd still be surprised if this falls under criminal act.
What he did was wrong but not nearly as bad as some make out. He's not injuring it or anything like that. Not nice to watch but not exactly criminal either.
Ah good to know it wasn't injured by having the shit kicked out of it. Merely "not nice to watch" fellas. Move along.
No it's not but that doesn't mean we should end a guys career or get him sacked for kicking a cat.

As a club: Get him to apologize for it, and give him some classes on the protection on animals. Also tell him if he continues to abuse animals after this then he might face a lot more serious consequences.
What about beating up children? I'm guessing that would do it.
Ah good to know it wasn't injured by having the shit kicked out of it. Merely "not nice to watch" fellas. Move along.
Well yes. There is a difference between physical harassment as in the video and injurious cruelty.
they didn’t actually say that. I think a few other media outlets ran with that as the headline.. can take a guess why.

But the met actually said this

Which is what I’d said before I’d even read that tweet.

I think everyone is in ‘pile on mode’ at the minute though and could do with just taking a chill. Like it was bad from Zouma don’t get me wrong but you can even see it in this thread. Footballers, police and then other posters. We don’t need to start crucifying everyone.

Don’t crucify him but charge him for animal abuse. You can want him tried but not crucified
I hope the cats are removed from his "care", and he is booed for the rest of his career.
Well yes. There is a difference between physical harassment as in the video and injurious cruelty.
Semantics. It's being kicked like a bloody football. Have you checked its body for injuries ?
Certain breeds of dog have incredibly powerful tails. Living in the small/cramped british homes most of us live in, fractures or open wounds are common from exciessive tail wagging

Really? I've never heard of that happening.

Dogs use their tails to communicate with other dogs and people. You can chop a dogs leg off and it'll still be happy so long as it's needs are met. That's what they're like.

I’ll admit to not watching it. I can’t watch shit like that. Just don’t want it in my headspace.

Can anyone who has watched it confirm that it’s as nasty as the description makes it sound? Or could it possibly be excused as rough play?

It's well beyond rough play. The cat is clearly terrified and bounces across the floor.
I’ll admit to not watching it. I can’t watch shit like that. Just don’t want it in my headspace.

Can anyone who has watched it confirm that it’s as nasty as the description makes it sound? Or could it possibly be excused as rough play?
I am sure Zouma thinks it is just rough play. He comes across as more ignorant and oblivious than malicious.

I don't think it's as bad as some of the reactions suggest. He's not injuring the cat and looks controlled enough to not be close to it either.

Not nice to watch though. The cat is clearly distressed.
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Semantics. It's being kicked like a bloody football. Have you checked its body for injuries ?
It's not semantics at all. It's a crucial difference. If he were pulling its claws out or similar that would clearly not be semantics but something much worse.
No it's not but that doesn't mean we should end a guys career or get him sacked for kicking a cat.

As a club: Get him to apologize for it, and give him some classes on the protection on animals. Also tell him if he continues to abuse animals after this then he might face a lot more serious consequences.
I agree with this. No way he should lose his job over this. Needs a good ban of games coupled with education about animal abuse.
No it's not but that doesn't mean we should end a guys career or get him sacked for kicking a cat.

As a club: Get him to apologize for it, and give him some classes on the protection on animals. Also tell him if he continues to abuse animals after this then he might face a lot more serious consequences.
'We' it's up to his club what happens to him, and I guess the reception of their fanbase will have a say, too. What might save him, despite the moral outcry, is he's an asset who is literally worth millions of pounds, which is the get out clause for so many footballers, but on a moral scale, there'll be plenty who want him gone now.

Perhaps this comes down to the stance you take with animals, and/or the defenseless, but people generally find it more egregious when an 'innocent' is being abused, be that a human or animal, perhaps even moreso an animal given they are usually reliant on their owner being the good sort, who doesn't kick seven bells out of them for their own amusement.

I don't see how you'd find the outcry for his behaviour to be wrong. 'Only' a cat gives carte blanche for others to do the same, or even copy the video - it should be condemned and highlighted for a number of reasons, I'd say.
Can anyone who has watched it confirm that it’s as nasty as the description makes it sound? Or could it possibly be excused as rough play?
I'd say it's somewhere in between. It's definitely unacceptable and more than rough play, but it may not be quite as bad as what somebody who hasn't watched it might think if they are going just off the comments. None of it (at least that is on this video) would cause serious or internal injuries.
I’ll admit to not watching it. I can’t watch shit like that. Just don’t want it in my headspace.

Can anyone who has watched it confirm that it’s as nasty as the description makes it sound? Or could it possibly be excused as rough play?

It would be like me kicking my 3 year old over and laughing at them crying from a bumped head. Just generally uncalled for a bit disturbing thing to find entertainment in. But I don't see any genuine effort to cause harm.
I think we're seeing more and more of how shitty people are because popularity on social media has been monetized, and people post videos they think will go viral (whether good or bad). I, for one, am happy with this trend because it exposes the true character of most people. This is why I always laugh when I see people on these boards saying so and so player is a such "nice" or "classy" person. You can never judge players by their carefully curated social personas.
The only way anyone can get a definite diagnosis is by manifesting behaviours which would 100% be considered cnuty by any reasonable person. If they never behave in a way that would be considered antisocial/psychopathic then they don’t get the diagnosis. This isn’t a thought experiment. We’re judging people by their real life actions and how they treat other people (invariably badly) and (getting back on topic) animals (also badly)

Obviously “being a cnut” is not yet an ICD/DSM diagnosis but this is as close as it gets.
A thread on this would be interesting. I'll leave it here.
Can anyone who has watched it confirm that it’s as nasty as the description makes it sound? Or could it possibly be excused as rough play?
There’s no excuse to it. It’s just really shitty behaviour to a poor cat for their entertainment.
Well yes. There is a difference between physical harassment as in the video and injurious cruelty.

There is the mental torture side of it as well as his cats will likely be living in fear of being in his presence and human being in general as I have seen it first hand of the mental effect can have on ill treated cat.

What is with French players being absolute cnutish human beings?
There is the mental torture side of it as well as his cats will likely be living in fear of being in his presence and human being in general as I have seen it first hand of the mental effect can have on ill treated cat.

What is with French players being absolute cnutish human beings?

The feck!? That's a ridiculous sweeping generalisation
What a piece of shit. I can't even watch it. It's strange. I've watched cartel skinning videos, but animal abuse is something that enrages me beyond belief.