Kurt Zouma / 180 hours community service + banned from keeping cats for 5 years

That doesn't matter. It's your whataboutery I can't accept. There is always something worse happening elsewhere. All you're doing when you point that out is minimising the seriousness of the situation. If I saw my neighbour use his pet for target practice, I wouldn't think 'oh well that's not that bad, somewhere else some sicko is popping his cat in the oven'.
Nor would I. I'd probably also confront him if I saw it.
Disgusting. That poor cat.

What’s wrong with footballers these days?

Greenwood, Avram Grant, Zouma. All despicable behaviour.

Nothing to do with footballers these days or even with footballers. Cellphones and social media are just showing this side to the rest of the world. Refer below.

I don't understand why people expect footballers to be any less fecked up than the 'average' person. They excel at kicking a ball around and they're no more likely to be nice than the rest of our fecked up society.

They're not a separate species, they're just people.
Scum. How can anyone be cruel to a helpless animal, let alone laugh and film it?

Someone will likely two foot him on his next appearance.
That doesn't matter. It's your whataboutery I can't accept. There is always something worse happening elsewhere. All you're doing when you point that out is minimising the seriousness of the situation. If I saw my neighbour use his pet for target practice, I wouldn't think 'oh well that's not that bad, somewhere else some sicko is popping his cat in the oven'.

it's the "someone else is always worse off" logic, like the soldier who lost both legs in an explosion doesn't minimise the suffering of the soldier that "only" lost one.
It's not a line, it's a sliding scale. Some actions are worse than others.

Well, your initial post gave the impression you didn't think he'd done anything wrong which is why I asked.

I don't understand the need to minimise one thing by stating worse things are happening. It just seems contrarian but you're getting a bit piled on so I'll leave it.
:lol: :lol:
oooh, you're hard.
Nah I'd run away if he got aggressive.

And then I'd consider contacting animal protection services. Don't think it'd occur to me to contact police tbh.
Well, your initial post gave the impression you didn't think he'd done anything wrong which is why I asked.

I don't understand the need to minimise one thing by stating worse things are happening. It just seems contrarian but you're getting a bit piled on so I'll leave it.
I most certainly think it was wrong. I just don't think it is as wrong as say punching a toddler in the mouth.

On the proportionality scale, if it were found to be a recurring issue, it is to me on the 'animal services might take your pet away' scale rather than the 'fire him and let the cops deal with it' scale.
I’m disagreeing with your idea that being a psychopath doesn’t make you a cnut. By any reasonable definition that’s exactly what it makes you. I’m well aware that it’s not necessarily an impediment to a successful career but it’s definitely an impediment to not being a cnut.
:lol: OK well you made that bit clear (that you think they are cnuts), but what do you call the fire-fighter or surgeon saving countless lives whilst also being a psychopath? Or those who have done no wrong (keeping their traits and lack of care/empathy under wraps), who are just navigating the world like any 'normal' person does? Many mirror people and fit in (seamlessly), and others would be non-the-wiser as they haven't actually done anything wrong, are they also cnuts? Are we entering Minority Report territory here?

I'm sure you're aware it's a very broad spectrum, so it's bemusing to see a monolithic term for them from you.
Didn’t Figo once purposely run over a black cat while at Inter because it brought them bad luck?
You need to be hard to confront someone kicking a cat?
Depends on the cat. If someone was willing to kick one of mine then they're clearly insane, so I'd stay well clear.
I swear people in the caf the best, most morale group in the world. Bless all of us.
I swear people in the caf the best, most morale group in the world. Bless all of us.
Yeah, I mean who doesn't do a little act of animal cruelty every now and again eh? :wenger:
The first thing they should do is to re home the cats, then at least a ban from ever keeping pets again.. If the police acted quickly (the rspca are rubbish they wil take months) they could check Kurts phone for more evidence..
Disgusting behaviour. Hope he at least gets banned from owning any animals.
Is this the year of the stupid?

"Hay guyz, lets ruin our football careers by doing something completely OTT ridiculous"

So thick its unreal.
Yeah, I mean who doesn't do a little act of animal cruelty every now and again eh? :wenger:
Political correctness has gone insane. Nowadays you can’t even hurt defenceless animals and make fun about it anymore. What has the world come to? Where is free speech?
Is it ever acceptable to harm defenseless animals?

No it's not but that doesn't mean we should end a guys career or get him sacked for kicking a cat.

As a club: Get him to apologize for it, and give him some classes on the protection on animals. Also tell him if he continues to abuse animals after this then he might face a lot more serious consequences.
No it's not but that doesn't mean we should end a guys career or get him sacked for kicking a cat.

As a club: Get him to apologize for it, and give him some classes on the protection on animals. Also tell him if he continues to abuse animals after this then he might face a lot more serious consequences.
So just an apology and a promise to not do it again.. Brilliant..
:lol: OK well you made that bit clear (that you think they are cnuts), but what do you call the fire-fighter or surgeon saving countless lives whilst also being a psychopath? Or those who have done no wrong (keeping their traits and lack of care/empathy under wraps), who are just navigating the world like any 'normal' person does? Many mirror people and fit in (seamlessly), and others would be non-the-wiser as they haven't actually done anything wrong, are they also cnuts? Are we entering Minority Report territory here?

I'm sure you're aware it's a very broad spectrum, so it's bemusing to see a monolithic term for them from you.

The only way anyone can get a definite diagnosis is by manifesting behaviours which would 100% be considered cnuty by any reasonable person. If they never behave in a way that would be considered antisocial/psychopathic then they don’t get the diagnosis. This isn’t a thought experiment. We’re judging people by their real life actions and how they treat other people (invariably badly) and (getting back on topic) animals (also badly)

Obviously “being a cnut” is not yet an ICD/DSM diagnosis but this is as close as it gets.
They ain’t defenceless.

We have a big flight who live on the canal and grass outside my house most of the year. Love baby season.

Ye, I live on the canal and love to the little chics. The other 11 months of the year, they are complete arseholes who wreck the grass, shit on pavement and radmonly attack when i'm using the tow path for work.
No it's not but that doesn't mean we should end a guys career or get him sacked for kicking a cat.

Why shouldn't it? I'd be absolutely fine with that.
Also: "We" aren't ending shit, we're random people on a message board.
I'd never treat an animal like that and hope that Zouma learns never to do that either.

But there is loads of far more serious animal cruelty happening every day that deserves more attention than this.

I can’t see how there is any mitigation nor does the fact that there are worse incidents, which there are, in any way lessen the level of disgust.

What is interesting is that players that drive whilst drunk, punch humans, racially abuse etc etc can have redemption yet some are talking as if Zouma should be banned from football forever.

Look animal cruelty is just that but let’s not kid ourselves that Zouma is unique in the “ Footballers are shit people” league table it’s just that we only get to know a very small % of players indiscretions and as for all this about being role models just by virtue of being able to kick a football for me is just not how any sane parent would allow their kids to view a footballer
I can’t see how there is any mitigation nor does the fact that there are worse incidents, which there are, in any way lessen the level of disgust.

What is interesting is that players that drive whilst drunk, punch humans, racially abuse etc etc can have redemption yet some are talking as if Zouma should be banned from football forever.
That is basically my point. The proportion of the act.
@The Boy you’re absolutely right the met could do with some good pr but they should absolutely never ramp up or divert resources away from and towards investigations purely to appease the public.

I get that and agree, but let's face it when such clear video evidence of the crime is circulating widely, it's not going to be the most extensive use of resources and even if it is too much to bring him in question and build a case for the CPS, then at the very least put out a release saying we are looking to work with the RSPCA, this sort of crime is not acceptable etc.

Saying they'll do nothing in such a public circumstance, gives people impunity to carry out what the Met may view as lesser crimes regardless what evidence is available.
I always liked Happy Kurt. Just goes to show you have no idea what people are really like.
Animal cruelty makes me so angry. I can't think of a word strong enough to express what I think of him
Doesn't his dog have cropped ears?

This is just a spoof tweet.

But ye, I think his dog does have cropped ears. Personally, I'm indifferent on cropping dogs ears. I probably wouldn't choose to do it on mine. But from my expereince, tail docking should still be allowed.