Kurt Zouma / 180 hours community service + banned from keeping cats for 5 years

How the hell are the police just turning a blind eye, the kicking especially is horrendous the poor thing travels the whole length of the kitchen. It could have got injured.

I have always had cats and it looks like his is a poor beautiful Bengal. The footage isn't very clear but it looks like they are trying to chase after it, probably because it knows what's coming

Hopefully the RSPCA get involved, it'll be publicity for them as well.
I agree with this. No way he should lose his job over this. Needs a good ban of games coupled with education about animal abuse.

I find this behaviour worse than if he was to say prejudice remarks towards a race or gender of people which would be the type of thing that we have seen footballers get sacked over.
Really? I've never heard of that happening.

Dogs use their tails to communicate with other dogs and people. You can chop a dogs leg off and it'll still be happy so long as it's needs are met. That's what they're like.

I once had a dog (labrador) who had to get his tail amputated because he kept whacking it off table/chair legs when he was wagging it (he was a very happy animal) and got a wound that never healed. It wasn’t fully amputated. Just a few inches off the end. No idea if this is a common problem or not.
What he did was wrong but not nearly as bad as some make out. He's not injuring it or anything like that. Not nice to watch but not exactly criminal either.
Apart from the fact it is criminal, yeah, you’re right. (This was sarcasm btw, that is a fecking batshit post)
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Really? I've never heard of that happening.

Dogs use their tails to communicate with other dogs and people. You can chop a dogs leg off and it'll still be happy so long as it's needs are met. That's what they're like.

I have a gundog breed that tradiontionally had docked tails. Has a full tail at the minute and no problem. But I know someone else who has one and the tail is always bleeding from where they whip walls, furtniture etc.

Regarding the communication part, I don't buy it. The short tail still acts the exact same way (I think it was about 4 inchs long) and there are many dog breeds that have naturally short tails and seem to communicate their feelings perfectly fine. Wagging tails means a freindly dog is also a myth.

Just my opinion though. I see no harm in docking tails shortly after birth. I think making it illegal is more a case of people humanzing their pets.

Ear cropping was more so for dog fighting and now aesthetics. Which seems more of a trivial reason to perform surgery on a puppy.
It's not semantics at all. It's a crucial difference. If he were pulling its claws out or similar that would clearly not be semantics but something much worse.
:lol: What kinds of threshholds are these?

"Guy, sure he physically assaulted the lady but he did NOT gouge her eyes out, so lay off, will ya"
Some kid watching the video thinks it's ok to slap cats about :(

We must make sure he never plays football again to make that kid think twice. Is the only way. Nicking his hamstrings should do it.
Surprised it took 7 pages tbf
:lol: What kinds of threshholds are these?

"Guy, sure he physically assaulted the lady but he did NOT gouge her eyes out, so lay off, will ya"

He didn't injure the cat. You said that is semantics. To me that trivialises the kind of behaviour that is far worse than this, just as you probably think I am trivialising what happened here.
I agree with this too. It depends on how he responds to the RSPCA. If he's just a bit dim but remorseful and willing to learn then that should be the end of it.
Literally anyone can act remorseful and say sorry. It doesn't mean anything. Might just be a case of not filming it like giggling school children next time, doesn't mean anything has changed.
I once had a dog (labrador) who had to get his tail amputated because he kept whacking it off table/chair legs when he was wagging it (he was a very happy animal) and got a wound that never healed. It wasn’t fully amputated. Just a few inches off the end. No idea if this is a common problem or not.

Fair enough. Although I don't think that people would object to necessary procedures like that. I can't see a reason for this to be done as a preventative though. I haven't owned or known a dog that this has happened to and I've had a few. With breeds like Dobermans and Cane Corsos their ears are cropped to make them look mean. With ears they look a lot more friendly.

How the hell are the police just turning a blind eye, the kicking especially is horrendous the poor thing travels the whole length of the kitchen. It could have got injured.

I have always had cats and it looks like his is a poor beautiful Bengal. The footage isn't very clear but it looks like they are trying to chase after it, probably because it knows what's coming

Hopefully the RSPCA get involved, it'll be publicity for them as well.
Yep, gorgeous feline. Makes it even more disgusting.
Fair enough. Although I don't think that people would object to necessary procedures like that. I can't see a reason for this to be done as a preventative though. I haven't owned or known a dog that this has happened to and I've had a few. With breeds like Dobermans and Cane Corsos their ears are cropped to make them look mean. With ears they look a lot more friendly.

Never seen an uncropped Doberman before, definitely a softer look.
Yeah, we’re off on a tangent now. Have a read of this book if it’s a subject that interests you.
Indeed. It's a topic that's fascinated me for years; think I've made a few threads on it here over the years. Do/did you follow any of Dr. Hare's work (obviously outside of his checklist)? My YouTube feed always has suggestions to yet another psychopathy related video.
Wagging tails means a freindly dog is also a myth.

I know that. That's why having tails is important because it sometimes serves as a warning when a dog is on edge.

As I mentioned in the post to Pogue. I don't see the tail possibly hitting furniture as a good reason for preventative tail docking.

I really hope the focus remains on his despicable act, and how unacceptable that is. And doesn't just become about some of the abuse he'll receive from idiots on social media that shifts the story away from animal abuse.
So being upset about animal cruelty trivialises other possible yet unrelated acts of animal cruelty. You are never done learning on this site.
He didn't injure the cat. You said that is semantics. To me that trivialises the kind of behaviour that is far worse than this, just as you probably think I am trivialising what happened here.
Why are you so sure of this? You seem to be basing a lot of your posts on it like it's a statement of fact. If that cat was limping, would it make a difference?
So being upset about animal cruelty trivialises other possible yet unrelated acts of animal cruelty. You are never done learning on this site.
It does if you say the difference between the two acts is just semantics.
This 'needs to be educated' narrative is nonsense. Some people are just scumbags. I can't remember my lesson at school about not volleying a cat halfway across the kitchen. It's evil, it goes beyond education.
He didn't injure the cat. You said that is semantics. To me that trivialises the kind of behaviour that is far worse than this, just as you probably think I am trivialising what happened here.
Firstly, how are you sure that the cat is not injured? Is there a report out or there or something?

Secondly, why are you more focused on these "matters much worse than these" than this actions this thread is actually about?
Does every instance of animal cruelty require physical injury to said animal? I can’t see that being the case.
I don't know why the FA don't take actions for what footballers do outside of the pitch.

They still represent football and their organisation.
There is the mental torture side of it as well as his cats will likely be living in fear of being in his presence and human being in general as I have seen it first hand of the mental effect can have on ill treated cat.

What is with French players being absolute cnutish human beings?
That’s a bit of a sweeping statement lad. Fecking hell lad.
Firstly, how are you sure that the cat is not injured? Is there a report out or there or something?

Secondly, why are you more focused on these "matters much worse than these" than this actions this thread is actually about?
I can't know for sure of course. But from what I know about cats and looking at it I'd say it's unlikely it gets injured.

When I talk about worse things here it's more about my reaction to some reactions in this thread. I think proportionality is important once we start talking potential crimes or justice becomes less meaningful. People who were outraged the police hadn't already arrested him and such just did not reflect the severity if what I saw in the video.

Apparently that's a hard discussion to have without it being assumed that I therefore think nothing wrong happened. Maybe my wording didn't help.
This 'needs to be educated' narrative is nonsense. Some people are just scumbags. I can't remember my lesson at school about not volleying a cat halfway across the kitchen. It's evil, it goes beyond education.
Yeah, no one needs to be 'educated' that it's wrong to kick a living creature across a room ffs.

Some people are just scumbags and take pleasure in hurting animals. They're not 'unaware' that kicking them will hurt them.

It's good that there's an appalled reaction. That's some progress for animal rights. But I doubt much will happen to him in terms of a punishment. That's where more progress needs to be made going forward.
I find this behaviour worse than if he was to say prejudice remarks towards a race or gender of people which would be the type of thing that we have seen footballers get sacked over.
That’s fine and your opinion but I disagree. The matters of human beings I wouldn’t compare to animals.
I know that. That's why having tails is important because it sometimes serves as a warning when a dog is on edge.

As I mentioned in the post to Pogue. I don't see the tail possibly hitting furniture as a good reason for preventative tail docking.

You may be right. My only epxerience comes from knowing a dog who reguarly injuries its tail, and previously owning a docked tail dog and seeing zero negative effects. Without the full statistics and knowing the average size of the UK home, docking just seems logical option to have available.
This 'needs to be educated' narrative is nonsense. Some people are just scumbags. I can't remember my lesson at school about not volleying a cat halfway across the kitchen. It's evil, it goes beyond education.
Have you ever used a rat trap before?
Nothing to do with footballers these days or even with footballers. Cellphones and social media are just showing this side to the rest of the world. Refer below.
I guess. I’d say in the last 10 days alone we’ve had cnutish behaviour from Greenwood, Avram Grant, Zouma and Overmars. I’d say there’s a more cnutish behaviour in the footballing world than other sports for sure.
Whoever thinks that kicking an animal who cannot defend itself is just "looking bad" and nothing more, need to be kicked in the balls. Fecking bastards.