Kurt Zouma / 180 hours community service + banned from keeping cats for 5 years

But from what I know about cats
Going by your posts here I'd be rather worried about what you fecking know about cats and the kind of actions you find completely acceptable, harmless and non malicious. Pretty much points out to you having had a similar history with your pets and you getting awfully defensive about something as cnutish as this.

Gotta come to expect all kinds of such threads always seem to expose a few on here along with it.
I can't know for sure of course. But from what I know about cats and looking at it I'd say it's unlikely it gets injured.

When I talk about worse things here it's more about my reaction to some reactions in this thread. I think proportionality is important once we start talking potential crimes or justice becomes less meaningful. People who were outraged the police hadn't already arrested him and such just did not reflect the severity if what I saw in the video.

Apparently that's a hard discussion to have without it being assumed that I therefore think nothing wrong happened. Maybe my wording didn't help.

You specifically said "nothing criminal". In the UK, animal abuse is a crime.
I guess. I’d say in the last 10 days alone we’ve had cnutish behaviour from Greenwood, Avram Grant, Zouma and Overmars. I’d say there’s a more cnutish behaviour in the footballing world than other sports for sure.

WTF, did not know about Grant and Overmars. Actually, this is one thing i like about this generation. If a person has behaved like a dickhead, bring it out in the front. The women need more support to bring out such characters out in the open for the world to see. How many more might be hiding in the shadows of their wrong doings.
He’s always on Pogbas IG stories when they play for France. They are room mate
Isn't he close associate with Pogba, Pogba out!!
He is. He's also always getting bullied and thrown around by Pogba on his IG stories when on international duty. Never fights back and always moans about the jokes/pranks. I guess the cnut goes home and beats his cats instead.
Going by your posts here I'd be rather worried about what you fecking know about cats and the kind of actions you find completely acceptable, harmless and non malicious. Pretty much points out to you having had a similar history with your pets and you getting awfully defensive about something as cnutish as this.

Gotta come to expect all kinds of such threads always seem to expose a few on here along with it.
Christ. I never said it was harmless or acceptable did I? You can go duck yourself if you think I'd ever do something like that to any animal.
Let's hope he doesn't now have a cat that wees everywhere, because that is what happens when a cat is traumatised. He'll probably give it a good kicking then.

The RSCPA should take away his cats. I cannot believe Zouma when he said this is an isolated incident. Surely he has done this before and the cats might not be safe with him.

West Ham need to be strong and kick him off the team. But money comes before cats. So West Ham will wait for this to quieten down and all will be back to normal. 2022 has had a sucky start.
Going by your posts here I'd be rather worried about what you fecking know about cats and the kind of actions you find completely acceptable, harmless and non malicious. Pretty much points out to you having had a similar history with your pets and you getting awfully defensive about something as cnutish as this.

Gotta come to expect all kinds of such threads always seem to expose a few on here along with it.

Need some ice? You seem to have sprained some muscles while doing that massive stretch.
Let's hope he doesn't now have a cat that wees everywhere, because that is what happens when a cat is traumatised. He'll probably give it a good kicking then.
Absolutely not. I am a firm believer in training with positive reinforcement. The main source of argument i have with my dad is how much he shouts at his dog.

Not believing that it's severe enough to be a police matter doesn't mean I am an apologist for Zoumas behaviour.
I find it really difficult to imagine what goes on in the mind of someone who buys a pet and then physically abuses it. It's twisted.
If I write what I think about the ugly cnut I'll get banned, but it's worth the try.

Wish him all the worst in world, career and health wise, fecking retard.
I hope the RSPCA prosecute the bastard. I hate scum that abuse animals.
We had a cat and when we had new baby, she was fine until he was toddling, she used to hiss at him, so he hissed back. That was all that ever happened. We then noticed she was weeing all over the house. We tried plug ins to relax her, but it carried on. The vet said once that happens there is nothing you can do, unfortunately we had to have her put to sleep. Funny thing is lad is now 14, has three cats in the house and he loves them and they love him.
The video isnt disturbing enough to avoid watching it. He should get in some trouble for it though as he obviously hates that cat and shouldnt be allowed to own it.

Really? I've never heard of that happening.

Dogs use their tails to communicate with other dogs and people. You can chop a dogs leg off and it'll still be happy so long as it's needs are met. That's what they're like.

It's common in certain breeds like Dobermans. Not being able to dock tails is a massive pain for owner and (literally) dog, even if they're just pets and not working dogs.

Dock their tails when young and they barely notice, or a lifetime of cuts and infections until the vet chops it off anyway.
What the feck is wrong with him, what a piece of shit.
Some kid watching the video thinks it's ok to slap cats about :(

We must make sure he never plays football again to make that kid think twice. Is the only way. Nicking his hamstrings should do it.

What do you think the repercussions for animal cruelty should be from a football standpoint?
Bloody hell, footballers are all just complete bellends aren't they?
Somehow this outrages me even more than the whole dickpics affair with Marc Overmars. What kind of monumental psychopath cnut does this. Feck him.
The Met should have just said the matter is under investigation. Really bad
He didn't injure the cat. You said that is semantics. To me that trivialises the kind of behaviour that is far worse than this, just as you probably think I am trivialising what happened here.

Drop kicking a cat can easily result in injuries. I don't want to get on the pile up, but these statements are not doing you any favors. This is like kicking a person and then saying, well they are injured. whether the cat sustains injury from abuse or not, it is still abuse.
they didn’t actually say that. I think a few other media outlets ran with that as the headline.. can take a guess why.

But the met actually said this

Which is what I’d said before I’d even read that tweet.

I think everyone is in ‘pile on mode’ at the minute though and could do with just taking a chill. Like it was bad from Zouma don’t get me wrong but you can even see it in this thread. Footballers, police and then other posters. We don’t need to start crucifying everyone.

I'm glad the police have encouraged the RSPCA to take it on. But I wouldn't say suggesting Zouma is prosecuted for animal cruelty crucifying him, I would say it is perfectly fair on the evidence available.
We had a cat and when we had new baby, she was fine until he was toddling, she used to hiss at him, so he hissed back. That was all that ever happened. We then noticed she was weeing all over the house. We tried plug ins to relax her, but it carried on. The vet said once that happens there is nothing you can do, unfortunately we had to have her put to sleep. Funny thing is lad is now 14, has three cats in the house and he loves them and they love him.

We adopted a cat some years ago and she would pee when we picked her up. She had been traumatized by somebody. But she would use her litter box. We made sure she had a calm environment and lots of attention. She couldn't abide loud noises or sudden movements and would freak out. Our vet suggested that we adopt a kitten and introduce her slowly. We did and the mothering instinct took over. She stopped peeing and devoted herself to her new kitten.
In uproar over the cat (still rightfully so) screaming about animal cruelty, all while tucking into beef burgers.. the irony

Bloody hell, footballers are all just complete bellends aren't they?

Sadly it seems like it.

Some of the stuff we're hearing about reminds me of what those researchers found when online games first became a thing. They found people would behave in the worst possible way because they felt like there were no consequences.

When you're rich, famous, used to hearing 'yes' all the time, and being told by the entourage that the sun shines out of your ar$€ , I guess this is what happens.
ok zouma

Safe to say he'll be roundly booed for the remainder of his career, in this country at least.
cannot be an isolated incident. How fool he thinks we are? I am highly sure they laugh and kick the poor cat frequently. This time someone decided to record the "fun" and share on SM.

We adopted a cat some years ago and she would pee when we picked her up. She had been traumatized by somebody. But she would use her litter box. We made sure she had a calm environment and lots of attention. She couldn't abide loud noises or sudden movements and would freak out. Our vet suggested that we adopt a kitten and introduce her slowly. We did and the mothering instinct took over. She stopped peeing and devoted herself to her new kitten.
This cat was not the friendliest cat going and was terrified of going out. She was a house cat. When I was a kid we got a female from the RSPCA who the child of the previous owners had developed an allergy to so they couldn't keep her. Unfortunately she had also got an injury from being attacked by a dog. Now she was the friendliest most loving cat ever. Loved everybody despite what had happened to her. Lived until she was 18. She used to climb on my mum's knee and knock the newspaper out of her hands to get a cuddle.
What do you think the repercussions for animal cruelty should be from a football standpoint?

Whatever is in the contract. Otherwise I don't care about repercussions from a football standpoint. That would imply I see footballers as special. I don't. They aren't. They just kick balls well.

What I do care about, is people facing repercussions for animal cruelty from a legal standpoint. Punishment and prevention. He shouldn't be allowed to have an animal. He should pay the fine, or go to jail, or whatever one does in the UK when caught doing this.
Watched the video, it's wanton cruelty and maybe the worst of it is he's teaching a kid to treat animals the same way.
This cat was not the friendliest cat going and was terrified of going out. She was a house cat. When I was a kid we got a female from the RSPCA who the child of the previous owners had developed an allergy to so they couldn't keep her. Unfortunately she had also got an injury from being attacked by a dog. Now she was the friendliest most loving cat ever. Loved everybody despite what had happened to her. Lived until she was 18. She used to climb on my mum's knee and knock the newspaper out of her hands to get a cuddle.

They really are amazing creatures. We have a six-year -old calico that we hand raised. She is something else but she only wants a cuddle on her terms. The missus picked her up one day to sit on her lap and got scratched and hissed at for her trouble. I love sardines on toast and I swear that cat can hear a sardine can opening from a mile away. I always share with her - toast as well as long as it's well-buttered and not too brown.