Kurt Zouma / 180 hours community service + banned from keeping cats for 5 years

Big pet owner but I think the worlds gone mad. Let the RSPA deal with him as they would with anyone but can you imagine that if it was John the builder being fined a months salary and being told he can’t turn up for work? Maybe this is the downside of being famous and in the public eye but it does bring into disrepute how society can either defend or penalise those that are.

100% this.
Big pet owner but I think the worlds gone mad. Let the RSPA deal with him as they would with anyone but can you imagine that if it was John the builder being fined a months salary and being told he can’t turn up for work? Maybe this is the downside of being famous and in the public eye but it does bring into disrepute how society can either defend or penalise those that are.
Normal people get fired for this type of thing. I guess that highlights the upside of not being famous.
Fine him - Tick
Take his pets away - Tick

I would like to see him charged, because It was a despicable criminal act of animal cruelty he took part in, I also would have preferred a bigger fine, he was fined 2 weeks wages, Simon Jordan states the max fine can be 6 weeks, in which case that’s what it should have been, it should have been the absolute max

other than that I think he’ll have suffered a good enough authoritive punishment, his public punishment will continue for a very long time yet.

football wise, there’s no reason I can see why things can’t move forward. Only the media and public heat can determine wether actually…..he should be taken out of the public spot light, but I think he’s passed the worst of that “media” heat. West Ham messed up because he should have been taken out of that spotlight during the first game since the incident, he shouldn’t have been in the squad, but he was, and that moment of outrage has probably already passed now.

theres of course still outrage, but nothing like at that moment of disaster in West Ham’s decision making.

Its now more seemingly about Moyes and club quotes.
Well done to you both, thanks to @The Boy I actually went back and read through what has been said in here. It truly is discouraging as a PoC what seems to draw moderation on this forum.

As an animal lover & PoC I’m so conflicted here because people are conflating points. I hate how race is always dismissed as an issue on here, see the Elanga thread but I don’t think kicking this cat has particularly been about race either but then again it’s so ingrained in society how could it not be.

Zouma’s brother has been suspended by his club on suspicion of his involvement. The issue I’m picking up from others is that they feel this issue is being drawn out in a disingenuous way, perhaps it’s because he’s black, perhaps it is not but suggesting the suggestion is ‘inappropriate’ & immediately shutting down that line of thinking isn’t progressive imo.
Thank you. I was banned for that but whatever. Redcafe is not the place for critical thinking.

My point was very clear, zouma deserves what he is getting but how come when Suarez, greizmann over blackface which is racism who wasn’t even dropped from the national team but zouma is going to be didn’t get this sort of punishment? Its a legit question to ask adidas and the these corporations? What message does it send out to black people? There are so many other examples I’ve left out.

People being very dismissive as usual when it comes to matters of racism. Some even being obtuse saying animal cruelty has nothing to do with racism which is true but mackierobinson has carefully pointed out the connection for why we are bringing it up. Last comment I will make on this matter because I really don’t have the energy.
Tbf, there have been a number of posters on here saying that he should go to jail, and this is a football forum. Non footy fans have also been saying it. If he deserves jail, that's down to the police and the RSPCA, it has nothing to do with the FA. Personally, I think racism on the pitch should be referred to the police rather than being dealt with by the FA, because racism is a criminal offence.

Antonio was replying to Chris Kirkland saying that what Zouma was worse than racism. His quote is a direct reply, people should be having a go at Kirkland, not Antonio, about bringing up racism and "whataboutism".

The conversation here should be about Zouma and his cat. However, it's become about racism, because a white guy, who has basically been ignored for his bringing racism into the conversation, bought it up. Then a black teammate is asked about that point of view, then he is castigated for whataboutism.

All the characters in this incident have been castigated thoroughly, other than the one white guy. Whilst I, slave to a cat called Boo, personally believe that the RSPCA and police should give Zouma as great of a punishment as is valid, this thread has shown that systematic racism is live and well when comparing the backlash received by Antonio compared to Kirkland.
It is about whataboutism. He was asked about Zouma and cat. Answer or don’t and drive away. Don’t talk about racism and what might be worse. What Kirkland did was putting it in a context regarding suspensions.

I like how you want to point out someone is white. Why? Why does colour matter?

I can't imagine Moyes would just lie, someone must've given him false info, right?
I can't imagine Moyes would just lie, someone must've given him false info, right?

So. Talk is talk. Action is action. What a club.
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It is about whataboutism. He was asked about Zouma and cat. Answer or don’t and drive away. Don’t talk about racism and what might be worse. What Kirkland did was putting it in a context regarding suspensions.
Isn’t that the exact same thing Antonio did? He was asked if Zouma deserves a stronger punishment and replied that he doesn’t, given the punishments handed out to those guilty of racist abuse. Whether you agree with his summary or not, surely that’s contextualising the incident. It seems strange to get annoyed at Antonio for answering a direct question then in the next instance excuse Kirkland who made the comparison without provocation. People just love to get wound up at the mention of racism from a black person.
You don’t need to be a psychologist to understand that cases like Cavani and Sebastian Coltescu are detrimental to the cause. Now you can add Zouma too. The vast majority of people who are sane know that those two cases were nothing but incompetence from the authorities, but imagine the reaction of actual racists, that will do nothing but fuel their anger even more.
Isn’t that the exact same thing Antonio did? He was asked if Zouma deserves a stronger punishment and replied that he doesn’t, given the punishments handed out to those guilty of racist abuse. Whether you agree with his summary or not, surely that’s contextualising the incident. It seems strange to get annoyed at Antonio for answering a direct question then in the next instance excuse Kirkland who made the comparison without provocation. People just love to get wound up at the mention of racism from a black person.
Actually not. Kirkland was taking about TheFA and suspensions for bad things from players. Why they don’t give any suspensions in cases regarding abuse. Abusing animals or humans in every way should not matter if you want to look good from outside. Antonio tried to somehow shift focus from animal abuse to that it is not a serious as racism when he put out the question to journalist. When he did that, he automaticlly showed his stance.
Big pet owner but I think the worlds gone mad. Let the RSPA deal with him as they would with anyone but can you imagine that if it was John the builder being fined a months salary and being told he can’t turn up for work? Maybe this is the downside of being famous and in the public eye but it does bring into disrepute how society can either defend or penalise those that are.

Or perhaps Sarah the teacher?

Actually not. Kirkland was taking about TheFA and suspensions for bad things from players. Why they don’t give any suspensions in cases regarding abuse. Abusing animals or humans in every way should not matter if you want to look good from outside. Antonio tried to somehow shift focus from animal abuse to that it is not a serious as racism when he put out the question to journalist. When he did that, he automaticlly showed his stance.
So it’s ok for Kirkland to say that harsher punishments should be given for abuse as it’s worse than racism but when Antonio says Zouma doesn’t deserve a harsher punishment than he’s been given, considering the weak punishments handed out for racism it’s ‘whataboutism’ ? That doesn’t make any sense, they’re both doing the same thing but with opposite stances.
Do people really want Zouma banned for kicking a cat that wasn’t hurt?
Was what he did a despicable thing to do? Absolutely.
Should he be punished? Definitely.
Has he been appropriately punished? I think so. Having the RSPCA remove all animals from your home, being fined thousands of pounds and being justfiably demonised in the press and social media. I think that’s enough.
Of course, what he did was wrong, but as far as I’ve heard, the cat has suffered no permanent damage, I think it’s been blown out of all proportion and West Ham have handled it well.
As for those who have tried to bring race into it, wise up!
I have two cats. One raised as a kitten and one who we took in after he had been abused in the past.

The one raised as a kitten is the most calm and peaceful cat, scared of nothing and just the most loveable pet.

The abused one still wakes up in fear if I do as little as getting up from the couch. It took many years and he's become a very peaceful cat too, but these past traumas never go away. Abuse a cat and you'll ruin it for life. It's very hard and a long process to make abused cats trust humans again.
This thread should be popping up in the PC gon mad... thread I guess. We've now got people dictating what can and can't be spoken about (in any context it seems). Is the mere conversation that controversial or triggering? For some....

You don’t need to be a psychologist to understand that cases like Cavani and Sebastian Coltescu are detrimental to the cause. Now you can add Zouma too. The vast majority of people who are sane know that those two cases were nothing but incompetence from the authorities, but imagine the reaction of actual racists, that will do nothing but fuel their anger even more.
Honestly, feck the racists that get in their feelings, vast majority are going to continue being racist regardless...
So it’s ok for Kirkland to say that harsher punishments should be given for abuse as it’s worse than racism but when Antonio says Zouma doesn’t deserve a harsher punishment than he’s been given, considering the weak punishments handed out for racism it’s ‘whataboutism’ ? That doesn’t make any sense, they’re both doing the same thing but with opposite stances.
Harsher? Zouma didn’t get any punishment. He is free to play. From both TheFA and WestHam. That is why Antonio is wrong in what he said. Both (racism and abuse of animals) are wrong and should have been looked on with same eyes.
Harsher? Zouma didn’t get any punishment. He is free to play. From both TheFA and WestHam. That is why Antonio is wrong in what he said. Both (racism and abuse of animals) are wrong and should have been looked on with same eyes.

The question Antonio was answering was 'do you think Zouma deserves harsher punishment than what he's already had?'
It's a weird one. A part of me would like to see him face a jail sentence but then the suffering farm animals, particularly pigs and chickens endure on a daily basis just so we can have some nomnoms makes what he did pretty insignificant in the grand scheme of things. We just think cats are family so we care more about one cat being abused but then turn a blind eye to the horrors of farming
Harsher? Zouma didn’t get any punishment. He is free to play. From both TheFA and WestHam. That is why Antonio is wrong in what he said. Both (racism and abuse of animals) are wrong and should have been looked on with same eyes.

Last I heard Zouma has been fined a quarter of a million pounds.
This thread should be popping up in the PC gon mad... thread I guess. We've now got people dictating what can and can't be spoken about (in any context it seems). Is the mere conversation that controversial or triggering? For some....

Honestly, feck the racists that get in their feelings, vast majority are going to continue being racist regardless...

Then why are we doing all these anti racism campaigns? To make those of us who are not racist even more not racist?
Harsher? Zouma didn’t get any punishment. He is free to play. From both TheFA and WestHam. That is why Antonio is wrong in what he said. Both (racism and abuse of animals) are wrong and should have been looked on with same eyes.
Those racial incidents were on the football pitch, Cavani aside, so the FA getting involved is like the HR department or Ombudsman getting involved but not passing it on to the police, I can't think of any footballer prosecuted for on pitch racism.

Zouma's animal abuse was outside of football and has been referred to the police, the FA have no sway there. West Ham have fined him, more than most FA fines, and they didn't even have to do that. Plus, he still might be charged, despite what Dominic Raab says, the police do look back at crimes.

And why is Antonio wrong and Kirkland right? Do you think animal abuse in someone's own home is worse than racial abuse in front of millions of people?

Personally, I think Zouma should be prosecuted, but so should have Terry, Suarez, Big Ron, Emre Belözoğlu, Di Canio, Wayne Hennessy, Peter Beardsley, Bernardo Silva, Kiko Casilla and every racist fan.
Then why are we doing all these anti racism campaigns? To make those of us who are not racist even more not racist?
What are you talking about? You were in a round about way saying posters should try not to trigger the racists, as if that matters... What makes racist people start to question their racism is talking about it, exposure to other cultures in person, education, not shutting the feck up on the internet out of fear of winding them up...
Those racial incidents were on the football pitch, Cavani aside, so the FA getting involved is like the HR department or Ombudsman getting involved but not passing it on to the police, I can't think of any footballer prosecuted for on pitch racism.

Zouma's animal abuse was outside of football and has been referred to the police, the FA have no sway there. West Ham have fined him, more than most FA fines, and they didn't even have to do that. Plus, he still might be charged, despite what Dominic Raab says, the police do look back at crimes.

And why is Antonio wrong and Kirkland right? Do you think animal abuse in someone's own home is worse than racial abuse in front of millions of people?

Personally, I think Zouma should be prosecuted, but so should have Terry, Suarez, Big Ron, Emre Belözoğlu, Di Canio, Wayne Hennessy, Peter Beardsley, Bernardo Silva, Kiko Casilla and every racist fan.
He is wrong because he should just stick with answering question. Simple. If We were talking about racism I wouldn’t want anybody bringing up other important issue like global warming. There is time and place for everything. Kirkland brought it up in discussion about suspensions. Antonio answered the question with the question because what he thought about the issue.
What are you talking about? You were in a round about way saying posters should try not to trigger the racists, as if that matters... What makes racist people start to question their racism is talking about it, exposure to other cultures in person, education, not shutting the feck up on the internet out of fear of winding them up...

When did I say anything about the forum? I was making a point regarding the high profile cases of Cavani and Coltescu who were wrongly accused of racism. What people discuss on a niche forum won’t change a damn thing for better or worse.
and homeless people outnumber stray dogs in any major English city around 100-1. Well actually stray dogs are only stray for about a day here tops before they are showered With love and humans toppling over themselves to better their lives. Personally I think anyone who cankick an animal like that would do far worse things. I wouldn’t trust them with anyone I love after 2 beers for instance. Pretty sure the ability to be cruel to animals (in children) is a warning of major psychological problems. And for good reason. Evil people can do it.

The shelters are filling up rapidly with COVID pets.
I think many different cultures have different understanding of pets. My Aunt visited us from abroad and
Normal people get fired for this type of thing. I guess that highlights the upside of not being famous.
Under what grounds.....?
He is wrong because he should just stick with answering question. Simple. If We were talking about racism I wouldn’t want anybody bringing up other important issue like global warming. There is time and place for everything. Kirkland brought it up in discussion about suspensions. Antonio answered the question with the question because what he thought about the issue.
Antonio was asked about whether it deserved more punishment and replied, Kirkland came out with it unprovoked. If anything, the lack of attention to Kirkland's comments compared to Antonio's does kinda evidence the systematic racism.
Those racial incidents were on the football pitch, Cavani aside, so the FA getting involved is like the HR department or Ombudsman getting involved but not passing it on to the police, I can't think of any footballer prosecuted for on pitch racism.

Zouma's animal abuse was outside of football and has been referred to the police, the FA have no sway there. West Ham have fined him, more than most FA fines, and they didn't even have to do that. Plus, he still might be charged, despite what Dominic Raab says, the police do look back at crimes.

And why is Antonio wrong and Kirkland right? Do you think animal abuse in someone's own home is worse than racial abuse in front of millions of people?

Personally, I think Zouma should be prosecuted, but so should have Terry, Suarez, Big Ron, Emre Belözoğlu, Di Canio, Wayne Hennessy, Peter Beardsley, Bernardo Silva, Kiko Casilla and every racist fan.

Terry did end up in court.

There are quite a lot of things that players do on a football pitch that you could get charged for off it but aren't.

On a side note, a lot of the discussion in the thread seems to be comparing the punishments some people are calling for with the end result of other incidents which is a bit disingenuous.
Harsher? Zouma didn’t get any punishment. He is free to play. From both TheFA and WestHam. That is why Antonio is wrong in what he said. Both (racism and abuse of animals) are wrong and should have been looked on with same eyes.
You aren't making any sense defending Kirkland's comments yet repudiating Antonio's. Extremely weird distinction you trying to make...
The shelters are filling up rapidly with COVID pets.
I think many different cultures have different understanding of pets. My Aunt visited us from abroad and

Under what grounds.....?
Not 100% sure I understand the question.
If you're referring to normal people being fired, in this thread it's already been pointed out a woman was fired for hitting a horse.
Is it really? Or is that just your impression of the situation?

What's wrong with having "some kind of foreign otherness" and why is being English better?

There’s nothing wrong with being foreign - if you are.

There’s something VERY wrong with asking people who’ve been born in England, likely to English parents, where they’re ‘originally from’.

My question for you is this - do you view non-white Brits as British? And do you view them as being from Britain?
Terry did end up in court.

There are quite a lot of things that players do on a football pitch that you could get charged for off it but aren't.

On a side note, a lot of the discussion in the thread seems to be comparing the punishments some people are calling for with the end result of other incidents which is a bit disingenuous.
Terry got referred for something on the pitch, hence he was banned, Zouma got referred because of something off the pitch, so it's got nothing to do with the FA. Long and short of it is, both were referred to the police, let them do their job, don't ask the FA to get involved for no reason.
Terry got referred for something on the pitch, hence he was banned, Zouma got referred because of something off the pitch, so it's got nothing to do with the FA. Long and short of it is, both were referred to the police, let them do their job, don't ask the FA to get involved for no reason.

Those racial incidents were on the football pitch, Cavani aside, so the FA getting involved is like the HR department or Ombudsman getting involved but not passing it on to the police, I can't think of any footballer prosecuted for on pitch racism.

Should maybe have made it clear I was responding to that part.

In terms of being banned for off the field things off the top of my head Cavani and Alli were two cases in recent years.
Should maybe have made it clear I was responding to that part.

In terms of being banned for off the field things off the top of my head Cavani and Alli were two cases in recent years.
To be fair though, Terry was one of thousands of racial incidents in and around football, if he's the only one to be referred (not prosecuted), it's not exactly a good look for the state of race relations in football in this country
Antonio was asked about whether it deserved more punishment and replied, Kirkland came out with it unprovoked. If anything, the lack of attention to Kirkland's comments compared to Antonio's does kinda evidence the systematic racism.
Come on. What systematic racism? Kirkland wanted this to be on level with racism and wanted TheFA to take same messaures. Antonio could have answered ”No need to be more” or ”He needs to get more”. He don’t have to Ask question about something else that has nothing to do with animal abuse.
Don't waste your time mate. People claimed the extreme reaction to Zouma was because he's black, I provided examples of more severe reactions to white people for similar offenses and all of a sudden it's *Reeeeeee stop whitesplaining*. People can't handle being wrong.
So true.

Now expect a 5,000 word essay on why you're wrong.
To be fair though, Terry was one of thousands of racial incidents in and around football, if he's the only one to be referred (not prosecuted), it's not exactly a good look for the state of race relations in football in this country
He's definitely not the only one, some guy did got to prison after posting a video of himself singing a racist chant after the euros. Whether or not there's been enough taken forward I wouldn't know.