Kurt Zouma / 180 hours community service + banned from keeping cats for 5 years

Has anyone considered, what if the cat was really naughty on the lead up to this incident? Maybe it purposely had a dump in Kurt Zouma's bed or maybe it tore up all of his cigar collection. Why has no one asked these questions? Context people.

I'll take the warning gladly.
Someone that feels the need to remind posters ‘This is Britain’ calling me racist, the irony.

I’ll explain whitesplaining though as you quite obviously don’t understand. You gave multiple examples of white people being criticised on this forum when nobody said white people aren’t criticised. At no point have I assumed you are anything. I could care less about your complexion, throwing around terms such as racist/racism shouldn’t be done lightly.

But yes turn tail, claim to infact be the victim & say you ‘aren’t going to unpack’ a retort to your strawman arguments. As I said, you’ve obviously got some work to do on this issue so please don’t let me distract you from self improvement.
I stated that because it's a relevant fact. The reaction is because of how this nation sees pets & the reaction would be different in different nations. I'll link a video here where you'll see a black man stating that this reaction to Zouma is because this is Britain, no doubt you'll accuse him of being a massive racist. Also, don't move the goalposts and say whitesplaining is giving examples of white people being criticised as that's not what it is. Whitesplaining is a white person explaining something to a person of colour in a condescending manner. So yea, the only person in dire need for self improvement is you, a racist, arrogant tosspot.

Would you say the same thing if he kicked his child across the kitchen like he did to the cat?

Animals are living creatures and should not be treated as a lower level than humans just because they have an inferior brain capacity. I wouldn't treat you or anyone on this site as a lower level person just because you have an inferior brain capacity to Richard Dawkins.

A persons pet should be given just as much love as a persons child.
Animals shouldn’t be hurt or harmed like Zouma’s cat.

But I find the bold part bizarre.
He kicked a cat and is a cnut. God knows where some of you got the energy to drag this out to 40 pages :lol:.

I don’t know. People making it into something it’s not and that was fueled by Antonio bringing an entirely different form of abuse into it. The fact is, it could have been any other footballer and they’d quite rightly be ridiculed.

Him not being a white man has nothing to do with it. Suarez, Terry, Rooney etc have all been called out on their cock ups in the past.
I stated that because it's a relevant fact. The reaction is because of how this nation sees pets & the reaction would be different in different nations. I'll link a video here where you'll see a black man stating that this reaction to Zouma is because this is Britain, no doubt you'll accuse him of being a massive racist. Also, don't move the goalposts and say whitesplaining is giving examples of white people being criticised as that's not what it is. Whitesplaining is a white person explaining something to a person of colour in a condescending manner. So yea, the only person in dire need for self improvement is you, a racist, arrogant tosspot.

This rage filled wall of drivel still avoids the questions posed, you’ve called me racist yet can’t actually justify a rather inflammatory assertion. I’m all for a back & forth, I can even partake in a bit of name calling but you’re struggling here lad.

You’ve entered this discussion with a victim complex accusing me of things I’ve unequivocally stated I am not. You continue to whitesplain which makes the initial post you got het up about look more & more fitting. As for moving goalposts, care to quote me calling you a white person? I’m waiting. Back to Suarez & Bale, what’s their relevance again?

As for the video. Not sure why I’d need to watch it when I’ve already stated. . .

I don’t think kicking this cat has particularly been about race
Now we can do as you’re doing & continue to subvert the discussion, calling people names or we can stick to the facts. I have not called Zouma’s treatment racist infact I’ve categorically stated otherwise. You on the other hand keep reminding people ‘This is Britain’ & calling a fellow poster racist with no actual proof in the claim showing your issue with the subject.

So back to things that are being said, not your victim complex. We know this is Britain, we know Suarez & Terry were criticised on here, we both don’t think Zouma’s treatment was about race so what exactly are you upset about? My DMs are open if you need a confidant.
Nothing wrong with that in a thread about abusing cats.

Go to Greece or Turkey or much of the ME and they view cats as vermin, and wouldn't understand what all the fuss is about.
But when you’ve said it once, it doesn’t need repeating at nauseam when it’s been acknowledged. Also, not all cats in Greece, Turkey & ME are viewed as vermin. Tad stereotypical.

It’s rather clear what the ‘This is Britain’ implies, as if no Brit has ever been convicted of animal cruelty. Perhaps if people stopped speaking for groups as monoliths we’d be better off eh.
Nothing wrong with that in a thread about abusing cats.

Go to Greece or Turkey or much of the ME and they view cats as vermin, and wouldn't understand what all the fuss is about.
In Turkey cats are loved more than any other animal. Istanbul is the cat most friendly city in the world
It’s rather clear what the ‘This is Britain’ implies, as if no Brit has ever been convicted of animal cruelty. Perhaps if people stopped speaking for groups as monoliths we’d be better off eh.

Especially ridiculous when talking to other Brits!

Bit like the old gem, ‘where are you from originally?’…


‘Yeah, but originally?’

‘Oh, like where was I born?’



‘Oh right, but I meant…’

The amount of times I’ve had that ‘conversation’… fecking hell, talk about tiring.
In Turkey cats are loved more than any other animal. Istanbul is the cat most friendly city in the world
He thought he was being smart cause the poster I was responding to echoed his views elsewhere in this thread. Shown himself up to be a bit of a bigot though.
What’s to be investigated - he grubber kicked the cat to the corner of the kitchen, black and white nothing further to look into.

The police aren’t doing anything, nor should they.

Hes been punished enough, maybe a suspension from the FA but that isn’t happening, obviously.
Animal cruelty is a criminal act, therefore the police should investigate. He could face up to five years in jail, West Ham should have treated this more severely imo.

Has it not been reported that Essex police are liaising with the RSPCA over this?
So are you telling me just because people think that race isn't involved at all in this incident, that means they are racist? That's an absolutely ridiculous take and I'm getting sick of reading that in here.

Zouma kicked a defenseless animal and is rightly being roasted for it, that's it. It has nothing to do with his skin colour.
You can keep saying that until you're blue in the face, it just won't register with certain people. Best to let them live in their own little world where racism trumps everything and should be raised in every incident, whether relevant or not(as in this case).
It shouldn’t be a difference but I suppose you don’t have a pet. Those of us who have pets and actually treat them well, see them as a part of our family, with equal rights, love and respect as any other member. I don’t see why some people are so eager to point out that there should be a difference. What do you gain? Those who treat pets well are so much less likely to hurt humans too. Had I been a woman I would be very scared to get in a relationship with an animal abuser. It’s likely a matter of time before he abuses me too.

I really don’t get this self importance we as humans have. We are literally the worst animal to ever exist on this planet. A pet won’t care if you are black, white, yellow, ugly, poor, in a wheelchair, stupid, smart, rich, gay, whatever. Treat him well and he will love you back unconditionally, something humans very rarely do.

By the way, go on reddit and search “cat” on SuicideWatch, you’ll be amazed how many humans are kept alive by cats, or pets in general. I bet for them the zouma case isn’t an overreaction.
Where's the like button?
The fact he kicked the cat is very bad, but you can't deny that white people have shown more sympathy with an animal, more than they do for a human who is abused and whos ancestors were enslaved just because white people didn't fancy their skin colour. People are still suffering due to that. Just because you're tired of hearing it dont mean nothing.

Have to add a note: There is nothing racist about my post apart from mentioning colour.

What a way to generalise about a whole race of people. Really poor form which totally dilutes the point you’re trying to make and does nothing more but create animosity.
Animal cruelty is a criminal act, therefore the police should investigate. He could face up to five years in jail, West Ham should have treated this more severely imo.

Has it not been reported that Essex police are liaising with the RSPCA over this?
West Ham completely blew it. Pathetic response. I hope that some sponsorship deals will be in question after today's press.
The fact he kicked the cat is very bad, but you can't deny that white people have shown more sympathy with an animal, more than they do for a human who is abused and whos ancestors were enslaved just because white people didn't fancy their skin colour. People are still suffering due to that. Just because you're tired of hearing it dont mean nothing.

Have to add a note: There is nothing racist about my post apart from mentioning colour.
Who should we be sympathising with? Zouma?

Yet another post that has nothing to do with the topic at hand.

Please can we stick to the topic of animal abuse.
Animals shouldn’t be hurt or harmed like Zouma’s cat.

But I find the bold part bizarre.
Why? To many people, their pet is their child.

Perhaps explains your callous attitude to animal cruelty, you just don't understand.
West Ham manager David Moyes reveals cat-kicker Kurt Zouma WILL keep playing - and claims the Frenchman is 'getting help' for his 'diabolical' actions
  • David Moyes has revealed that Kurt Zouma will not be dropped by West Ham
  • The French defender is still available to play for the club at Leicester on Sunday
  • Zouma was filmed kicking his cat this week, which was taken away by the RSPCA
  • The 27-year-old could face RSPCA and criminal sanctions for the video
  • Moyes has defended the club for playing Zouma against Watford on Tuesday
  • The Scot describes Zouma as a 'really good lad' but his actions were 'diabolical' :wenger: :wenger:


I wonder what 'help' Moyesy is referring to? Contact for Zoumato find & buy some a couple pedigree dogs instead?
Especially ridiculous when talking to other Brits!

Bit like the old gem, ‘where are you from originally?’…


‘Yeah, but originally?’

‘Oh, like where was I born?’



‘Oh right, but I meant…’

The amount of times I’ve had that ‘conversation’… fecking hell, talk about tiring.
I hope if my grandchildren will grow up in England they won’t feel offended by this question, and proudly answer “yes, my grandmother is Hungarian and my granfather is Jamaican”. Probably won’t happen but it sucks to be ashamed of your ancestry. All of my grandparents were poor peasants and I’m proud of them.
West Ham manager David Moyes reveals cat-kicker Kurt Zouma WILL keep playing - and claims the Frenchman is 'getting help' for his 'diabolical' actions
  • David Moyes has revealed that Kurt Zouma will not be dropped by West Ham
  • The French defender is still available to play for the club at Leicester on Sunday
  • Zouma was filmed kicking his cat this week, which was taken away by the RSPCA
  • The 27-year-old could face RSPCA and criminal sanctions for the video
  • Moyes has defended the club for playing Zouma against Watford on Tuesday
  • The Scot describes Zouma as a 'really good lad' but his actions were 'diabolical' :wenger: :wenger:


I wonder what 'help' Moyesy is referring to? Contact for Zoumato find & buy some a couple pedigree dogs instead?
He compared it with driving drunk offence. "Small mistake" which you clear with going on some classes and that is it. And before that he said that he (Moyes) is a huuuuuuuuge animal lover.
Well, Liverpool is not my most disliked club anymore....
That’s simply not true.

The RSPCA can bring about a prosecution without the police. It would be common practice for them to be the lead agency with something like this and lack of involvement of the police is irrelevant.

If it was a criminal offence, which has been captured on camera and confessed to by the culprit - and the Police wanted to arrest him they would require no further involvement from the RSPCA. If the video showed him kicking a child, there would be no wait for Childline to do some sort of enquiry, he’d be in cuffs the same day.
The fact West Ham are playing Zouma is dragging the name of their club through the mud. The guy should be behind bars.

The fact that he is not behind bars has nothing at all to do with West Ham. Clearly, he shouldn’t be behind bars, otherwise he would be. He hasn’t exactly done what he did without getting caught.
If it was a criminal offence, which has been captured on camera and confessed to by the culprit - and the Police wanted to arrest him they would require no further involvement from the RSPCA. If the video showed him kicking a child, there would be no wait for Childline to do some sort of enquiry, he’d be in cuffs the same day.

It’s not a child though it’s an animal and the RSPCA are capable of dealing with it as the lead agency.

I’m not sure of your point mate. it matters not.
It’s not a child though it’s an animal and the RSPCA are capable of dealing with it as the lead agency.

I’m not sure of your point mate. it matters not.

My point is simple, it is clearly being seen as an RSPCA issue, and he is obviously not going to jail and nobody has any interest in sending him there (except Twitter). You responded to a post of mine but didn’t catch the beginning of the exchange it seems. The guy was saying ‘maybe the Police are waiting for the RSPCA to complete their investigation’ before basically handing out some sort of sentence. Clearly they are unmoved. The incident was on camera, and also confessed to. If it were a child, they would have arrested Zouma. In other words, of they cared enough, they would have arrested Zouma.
The fact that he is not behind bars has nothing at all to do with West Ham. Clearly, he shouldn’t be behind bars, otherwise he would be. He hasn’t exactly done what he did without getting caught.
I never said it had anything to do with West Ham and if you think people who deserve to be behind bars are currently behind bars I've got a bridge to sell you.
My point is simple, it is clearly being seen as an RSPCA issue, and he is obviously not going to jail and nobody has any interest in sending him there (except Twitter). You responded to a post of mine but didn’t catch the beginning of the exchange it seems. The guy was saying ‘maybe the Police are waiting for the RSPCA to complete their investigation’ before basically handing out some sort of sentence. Clearly they are unmoved. The incident was on camera, and also confessed to. If it were a child, they would have arrested Zouma. In other words, of they cared enough, they would have arrested Zouma.

I still don’t understand your point. The issue isn’t down played because the RSPCA are dealing with it. They are perfectly capable of bringing about a prosecution without the police. He doesn’t need to be arrested to be put before the courts and held to account.

Who runs with the investigation is irrelevant.
I never said it had anything to do with West Ham and if you think people who deserve to be behind bars are currently behind bars I've got a bridge to sell you.

Well the whole point I was making is ‘deserve’ according to who? Every over-opiniated fecker on the internet? Those who deserve to be in prison in the eyes of the law and are bang to rights in their offence will invariably go to prison. This is where my issue lies.

I don’t like what Zouma did. But I despise the way the country is basically being governed by Twitter, and everyone thinks their 2 cents on everything deserves an audience and should dictate an outcome to any and everything that pops up in their fecking timeline. We can rest assured that the Police, the FA and West Ham United are all aware of Zouma’s actions. They have taken the action that they have chosen to take, within the scope of whatever laws/parameters they work to. But as usual, Joe Bloggs is outraged and feel they are more suited to determining an outcome for what happens to West Ham’s player than West Ham are, inevitably demanding the latest high profile person never work again and are stamping their feet and insisting that someone that makes these decisions needs to listen to them. Because this is what they think.

I dislike the way people think they can rally a few retweets and bully every institution into doing what they please, and I am happy that David Moyes and West Ham have stood strong and reminded the gentry that actually, WE decide what to do with our player. There is no ‘oh, I assumed he would be banned’, just because that’s what everyone is asking for on Twitter.
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I still don’t understand your point. The issue isn’t down played because the RSPCA are dealing with it. They are perfectly capable of bringing about a prosecution without the police. He doesn’t need to be arrested to be put before the courts and held to account.

Who runs with the investigation is irrelevant.

It’s not an investigation. It was captured on camera. And admitted to. At this point, the police can charge him should they wish. Clearly they don’t, but they would if the cat was a child. The RSPCA cannot criminally charge Kurt Zouma.
Well the whole point I was making is ‘deserve’ according to who? Every over-opiniated fecker on the internet? Those who deserve to be in prison in the eyes of the law and are bang to rights in their offence will invariably go to prison. This is where my issue lies.
Not always, the system in many countries is not fool-proof in putting the deserved behind bars. Rich people get away with all sorts of shit, sometimes even poor people get away with heinous crimes when they shouldn't have.

I don’t like what Zouma did. But I despise the way the country is basically being governed by Twitter, and everyone thinks their 2 cents on everything deserves an audience and should dictate an outcome to any and everything that pops up in their fecking timeline. We can rest assured that the Police, the FA and West Ham United are all aware of Zouma’s actions. They have taken the action that they have chosen to take, within the scope of whatever laws/parameters they work to. But as usual, Joe Bloggs is outraged and feel they are more suited to determining an outcome for what happens to West Ham’s player than West Ham are, inevitably demanding the latest high profile person never work again and are stamping their feet and insisting that someone that makes these decisions needs to listen to them. Because this is what they think.

I dislike the way people think they can rally a few retweets and bully every institution into doing what they please, and I am happy that David Moyes and West Ham have stood strong and reminded the gentry that actually, WE decide what to do with our player. There is no ‘oh, I assumed he would be banned’, just because that’s what everyone is asking for on Twitter.
The thing is no one can control what 'Joe Bloggs' posts on their twitter feed, anyone can say whatever they want, institutions need to deal with this the best they can... this is nothing new. West Ham have not dealt with this well at all, they have chosen to play someone that abused an animal. What did you think was going to happen? The reaction wasn't going to be good.
I eat chicken but I would never harm one.
Playing doesn't mean kicking it or slapping it off the table. There is a big gap between those 2 actions.
You never owned a pet and don't have a clue about what loving a dog or a cat like a family member means, that's your problem.

you eat chicken but would never hurt one? How does that work then? How did the chicken you eat get on your plate? 95% of chicken used for food are factory farmed in the uk, over 1 billion chickens a year bred solely for the purpose of consumption and thats without imported crap which makes up probably a even bigger bulk of what is consumed. Infact the chickens we eat aren’t even a natural species. If you don’t know what that looks like a quick YouTube search will show you where your money goes.

Not saying what kurt did to the cat was ok, he deserves a ban, but the double standards with particular animals and not others is staggering.
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I think if u gave the cat the option ....he would take the kick...9 times out of 10
Actually, research shows 8 out of ten cats prefer...

This thread is great, veganism, race riots, the lot! I'm fairly sure Godwin's Law was achieved quite early on. Chris Kirkland must be laughing into his goalkeeper gloves. I'm surprised no one's bought up Antoine Griezmann and Ousmane Dembele yet, racism, social media and footballers!

It's funny. Why doesn't he create outrage on those issues he cites if he believes they're so important instead of using them to play this down ? I'm vegetarian myself so actually agree with those examples but not in using them to excuse others.
No I was just educating you.

Cats and pets in general are obviously held in different regard in different parts of the world, something that's pretty clear from a few responses in this thread and by those who acknowledged that Britain has a particular affinity for pets and hold them in higher regard than pretty much anywhere else.

I dont think a guy who's default is to dismiss as "whitesplainers" posters with a different view to him, while completely ignorant to their backgrounds, has any moral high ground on bigotry.
Nice try @hobbers but labelling Greece & Turkey in their entirety [‘held in different regard in different parts of the world’, don’t backtrack now lad.] as nations that treat cats as vermin isn’t quite the same as labelling the intent of a poster. You need educating in the plural & the singular.

So let’s unpack this. . .

There's no perhaps about it, it's absolutely not because he's black and the suggestion is ridiculous. Also, funny to say "It truly is discouraging as a PoC what seems to draw moderation on this forum." as if the forum wasn't in meltdown over the Suarez & John Terry racist incidents. Seriously, get over the fact that not everything needs to have a racial connection. A white woman was literally fired from her job because footage showed her striking a horse recently. What about Mary Bale? Middle aged white women filmed putting a cat in a wheelie bin & there was a lynch mob for her that destroyed her life. There's nothing to even remotely suggest race has played a part in the reaction except for muppets trying to claim it has or may have. The reaction is because this is Britain & the general public find abuse of pets utterly abhorrent.

‘It’s absolutely not because he’s black’ because ‘a white woman was fired from her job for striking a horse’ whilst the forum was in meltdown ‘over the Suarez & John Terry racist incidents’. That is whitesplaining 101.

Now had you actually read the posts which you wouldn’t have as you just wanted to give rise to the ‘This is Britain’ rhetoric [fyi, we know] you’d have seen I said. . .

I don’t think kicking this cat has particularly been about race either

But it’s not really about facts @hobbers is it. ‘whitesplainers’ would imply multiple uses to multiple people which hasn’t happened so we can also see you’re a liar now as well.

As for being ignorant to their backgrounds it’s funny that you saw the word ‘whitesplaining’ but missed this part of the discussion. . .

At no point have I assumed you are anything. I could care less about your complexion, throwing around terms such as racist/racism shouldn’t be done lightly.

Do better. You chimed in with a quip because your views aligned & labelled 2 nations as something in their entirety which would make you Xenophobic? a Bigot? a Rac[ah never mind] so wear your cap fitttingly & educate yourself on those things firstly.

[Edit: All this because I showed solidarity with a fellow poster. I’ve made my thoughts on Zouma clear without race being involved yet supporting someone that mentioned the word race has brought out lies & misinformation.]
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