Kurt Zouma / 180 hours community service + banned from keeping cats for 5 years

As of now, Zouma has apologized for his terrible actions, WH has fined him 250K, Adidas cancelled his sponsorship deal, and RCPCA took custody of the cats.

so is this enough? or should there be further actions taken against Zouma, like sacking? banning?
Pound of flesh and his first born son.
The Zouma Affair moves to France. According to our information, the main French associations for the defense of animals, the SPA and 30 Millions d'Amis, have filed a complaint against Kurt Zouma for mistreatment of an animal. The Brigitte Bardot Foundation has also announced its intention to file a complaint against the French defender of West Ham

Brigitte Bardot as well
This thread is pretty insane.

*Player kicks cat and slaps it to the floor*

Rightfully condemned

*Bizarre question of rough play*

Called out

*Edgy contrarians enter*

Mostly ignored

*Can’t have opinion on cat kicking if you ate in KFC*




Absolutely bizarre and definitely the worst thread going right now.
As of now, Zouma has apologized for his terrible actions, WH has fined him 250K, Adidas cancelled his sponsorship deal, and RCPCA took custody of the cats.

so is this enough? or should there be further actions taken against Zouma, like sacking? banning?

People don’t seem to realise that he could get the cats back if they’re not injured/traumatised and he can demonstrate that he learnt his lesson and can look after them properly. On the other hand he may face further action, possibly criminal charges, if there are signs of further abuse. It’s in the hands of the RSPCA for the time being.
As of now, Zouma has apologized for his terrible actions, WH has fined him 250K, Adidas cancelled his sponsorship deal, and RCPCA took custody of the cats.

so is this enough? or should there be further actions taken against Zouma, like sacking? banning?

Further action - basically just Essex(?) Police/RSPCA concluding their investigation, doing the right thing by the law and a bit more dogs abuse from the stands. Then that's it for me.

Can’t believe Antonio thought it was a good idea to bring race into this. It’s not relevant.

West Ham have showed a clear lack of leadership on this. They should have nipped it in the bud but they’ve let it simmer and this could get bigger than it needed to be.

of course what Zouma did was worse
Awful awful thread. Candidate for worst thread in 2022.
One idiot abused cat. Instead talking about problem of animal abuse in society, WH reaction, FA, Uefa, Zouma, his brother etc....few people made this whole thread about racism. Nice job guys. Can you now get the feck off from this thread and let us, who actually care for this topic, to talk about it?
Yes we need to talk about the swans!
Yes we need to talk about the swans!
What is exactly your problem? This is funny for you? Having a laugh?
You are example about perception of animal abuse in public. Go and make a joke in Greenwood's thread about domestic violence and see how quick you will be banned. Or Elanga's thread about racial abuse.
But here; all jokes are allowed
Absolutely embarrassing thread. Some scumbag abuses his pets and the thread turns into a debate about racism. Are you not capable of sticking to the subject? Do you have to bring racism into every thread?
No. It's no factor at all in the backlash.

If McTominay had been filmed kicking a cat, or literally any white footballer playing in the Prem, the reaction would have been the same.

White people very recently lost their jobs when they were filmed physically abusing horses and were raked across the coals in the press for it as well, and they were far less high profile than Zouma. A white woman put a cat in a bin and had her entire life dismantled for it.
A worldwide manhunt was undertaken by a ragtag group of interneters for a murderer who also killed cats. The murderer happened to be white.

It's so sad that race has been brought into this, but it was bound to happen.
No, you just can't fathom how much of widespread racism can be in the lives of PoC, that you think bring up race automatically qualifies as an accusation of racism. Instead of measured responses (which can be critical) all I've gotten are mischaracterizations and straw man arguments.

"Playing the race card"
"Making excuses for him because of his race"
"Downplaying violence/rape/abuse"

These aren't response that deserve any real dialog, when there hasn't been any clear accusation of racism, but this how we conditioned to talk about racism. Black and white with no room for nuance. Let me point out that I never definitively said it's due to race, but I did give reasons why some think the overreaction MAY be due to race. That's it.

In what way has there been a overreaction? Do you actually think he’s been hard done by?!?!

Makes zero deference of the persons skin colour, religion, gender, sexuality etc. Zouma has been filmed volleying a cat and other things couldn’t bring myself to watch…..he deserves the backlash he’s getting and the subsequent hate.

If that then becomes of any racial note then of course those then needed to be brought to justice also. The merry round just continues. Two wrongs don’t make a right.
Yes, I agree with everything you wrote. It's not that people are racist, it just doesn't affect them the same because as you said, you can be as empathetic as you want to be, it's far harder to truly relate to racism and all that it implies than to see a helpless animal getting abused. There are certain things we all do that we might not realize contributes to racism. But that's why I think it's always good to put things in perspective as Antonio did. Some might see it as whataboutism, and it is kind of, but sometimes I think it's effective, and here we are having a discussion about it.

Because people only care about the issues that affect them first before making space for other things, even though we can all probably agree something like climate change could very well affect all of us far more than anything else but until we start having sea turtles swimming around in our living room, it doesn't hit the same, and racism is the same.
It's similar to how Lebron James took such a big stance on BLM but was completely silent and even attacked someone who brought up the treatment of Uyghurs in China. We're all hypocrites in some way and Antonio is no different, but I much prefer hearing athletes making statements that put things in perspective than a rehearsed response crafted by the PR team that brings absolutely nothing to the conversation.
Absolutley right.

What gets so stupid from Antonio is that he talks away from the issue with some nonsens for this situation. We are talking about animal abuse. I think it would be very strange to talk about oil prices or ocean polution if the issue was racism in some question.
The same society that hits horses in races many people attend to bet on also. You will never see this sort of outrage there.

What zouma did was terrible but the reaction he is receiving is as a result of him being black.

One of my favorite posts on Redcafe simply because of how awful it is
Awful awful thread. Candidate for worst thread in 2022.
One idiot abused cat. Instead talking about problem of animal abuse in society, WH reaction, FA, Uefa, Zouma, his brother etc....few people made this whole thread about racism. Nice job guys. Can you now get the feck off from this thread and let us, who actually care for this topic, to talk about it?

Never expected to see a post from you where i agreed 100% :lol:
Well said.
I don't understand how what @KennyBurner said is so controversial that it should be marked as inappropriate.

There is no question that Western society, especially affluent white people seem to a) value the lives of domesticated animals more than a random human being b) tend to have more critical responses toward mistakes by black people. My family is West African, grew up poor, and never understood the concept of owning pets, so for them, the outrage is weirder than the misdeed. I know older black people in America who hate dogs because they were weaponized by the police in poor black communities. This is a more nuanced subject than just finger pointing.

Not that it matters but I think what Zouma did is shitty and I personally like pets but the posters engaging in whataboutism with regards to race shouldn't be grounds for banning. Thoughts like these are simply the reality of being a person of color in Western society.

In the US it was the same with Michael Vick, but it's impossible to get non-black people to understand this point of view.

Well its really only down to people reacting to things they can relate to. "Caring" and "Empathy" are quite different while also connected.

Zouma is being willified because most people genuinely like cats. They are cute, most of us have interacted with one, they are generally well liked. They are pets and family members. So, most people have a familiar bond with cats.

I dont have a bond with racism the same way a person of color does. I have never felt how it affects my life, so of course I cant "get it". I certainly feel empathy towards those who suffer under it. But Id be lying if I said that I ever lost sleep over it. Just like most people post faux outrage over the treatment of the Chinese Uighurs, a people they have only recently learned exist and now they care. Just like they care about: Increase in domestic violence, rape, murder of innocent hikers, unfair taxes, political corruption, rising housing prices, potential of war in Ukraine, civil unrest in Africa that cost hundreds of human beings their lives, innocent all. Child hunger, human trafficking, opioid epidemics and an actual pandemic.

If we could we should be outraged about those things every waking moment because they are happening right now. Caring about everything is exhausting and impossible.

People are reacting this way in part because Zouma is a person in a position of privilege, caught abusing something innocent. The two make up a far greater reaction than if someone on the street had kicked a cat. People witnessing it would certainly have been angry, but it wouldnt make national news. Zouma is a known figure in Britain. He is rich and leads a life most people can dream of, and yet he is caught abusing a cat for laugh. That is why the reaction is so extreme.

Since this happened in Britain, this is the reaction he is getting. Im a dog person myself. If I see a dog being abused in a YouTube video that illicits a far greater emotional response than nearly any violence towards a human being I have no connection to.

Adding the fact that Zuma is black to the discussion adds nothing of value. Would the reaction be he same if Harry Kane kicked a cat? Definitely worse, as he is in a even greater position of power as the captain of England.

Now, there are certainly scumbags on the internet that will be racists towards Zouma, because they are the worst kind of loser taking out their misery on someone behind anonymity. But the backlash he is getting is by far and large because he kicked a cat, like a cnut.

People will always only invest their emotional energy in things that lie close to the heart. Everything else is for someone else to be concerned about.
So, from the last few pages I've gathered that we wouldn't care a bit about this if the cat was black. That's about right, yeah?
Why does everything have to get politicised?

Zouma was kicking a cat and to me that’s tantamount to animal abuse and a gross disregard for animal welfare. The cat had no way of fighting back. That’s the issue at hand.

What value is there in drawing baseless comparisons to other forms of equally harrowing injustices, discrimination or bullying in the game? All these actions are horrendous and should be banished from sport. There is no need for a hierarchisation.
I never said otherwise. The question is about how over the top it is.

You are also entitled to your opinion but I don't understand how this is relevant. If you don't buy that a black man will draw on personal experiences (ie. racism) to make a point, I don't know what to tell you.
Is it really over the top? No, imo, this country is full of animal lovers, it's not their fault that poc don't get this.

Vitriol, in the past, has been directed at white people just as much as Zouma, so to say it's because he's black is total bollocks. It's people trying to deflect from the cruelty directed at the poor cat.
You should listen to the entirety of what Antonio said, but at this point I don't care anymore to repeat myself. I've already condemned what he did, said I like pets, and stated that I don't think race is the main reason. The bolded is another example of why it's damn near impossible to have these debates. Racism isn't just about abuse, but I'm done derailing this thread.
It shouldn't have even been mentioned in this thread, let alone someone outright saying that's the reason for the outrage.

Poc can do bad things as well as white a should be called out on it when they do.
I think it would helpful to point out that @MackRobinson didn't actually agree with the OP about the claim that Zouma is getting all this outrage because he's black. That seems to be the main charge thrown at him based on the responses he's getting.
He's acting a bit of a prat now, to be honest.
Awful awful thread. Candidate for worst thread in 2022.
One idiot abused cat. Instead talking about problem of animal abuse in society, WH reaction, FA, Uefa, Zouma, his brother etc....few people made this whole thread about racism. Nice job guys. Can you now get the feck off from this thread and let us, who actually care for this topic, to talk about it?
Hear, hear.

Should thread ban the lot of them.
As of now, Zouma has apologized for his terrible actions, WH has fined him 250K, Adidas cancelled his sponsorship deal, and RCPCA took custody of the cats.

so is this enough? or should there be further actions taken against Zouma, like sacking? banning?
Prosecuted by the law to, hopefully, set an example why animal cruelty is wrong.
This has nothing to do with race, jesus.

Substitute Zouma for Lindelof, McTom, Son, Kane, Kate, Xhaka, whoever you like - the reaction would be the same.

This thread has been a real eye opener.
Absolutely embarrassing thread. Some scumbag abuses his pets and the thread turns into a debate about racism. Are you not capable of sticking to the subject? Do you have to bring racism into every thread?
You know the answer to that is yes, don't you?

Can’t believe Antonio thought it was a good idea to bring race into this. It’s not relevant.

West Ham have showed a clear lack of leadership on this. They should have nipped it in the bud but they’ve let it simmer and this could get bigger than it needed to be.

Sorry, can I just ask, are you white?
Absolutely embarrassing thread. Some scumbag abuses his pets and the thread turns into a debate about racism. Are you not capable of sticking to the subject? Do you have to bring racism into every thread?
Bloody black people always going on about racism, what is their problem?
Not the right thread to do it in?

This is about animal cruelty, nothing to do with race.
It's a forum, questioning why a group of people bring something up constantly is a pretty solid indicator that you don't understand the issues they face when it comes to that topic.
Nothing to do with racism.
Holy cow.

if someone was found to be abusing animals or people, regardless of color, I'd want them out of the league completely. Have some backbone - get rid of the people who are pieces of shit and don't deserve money or support from us.
Reading comprehension is at an all time low, I'm sure neanderthals had greater critical thinking skills.
What's that got to do with animal cruelty?
As a non-white person I look at the gleeful reaction on social media when a boat full of asylum seekers dies, and then I compare it to the reaction on social media when a footballer kicks a cat. It does make you wonder about your place in society and how you're viewed.
Antonio brining the question about racism into this debate is perfectly fine, as he's simply using racism as a reference point to put the desired punishment into perspective. Did anyone call for Suaréz to be fired from Liverpool back then? Or all the many fans that regularly get fined for racist chants against players? I think Antonio's got a point though - the severity of Zuma's punishment called for by the masses on social media is really exaggerated relative to what else others are punished for.
Basically, a fecking arsewipe kicks and slaps a defenceless cat for laughs and giggles.

Anyone who tries to defend the prick is either lying, wumming or an idiot.
These comments infuriate me

What on Earth has this got to do with the Premier League????

this is entirely West Ham’s problem.

If they want to play him, they can, and they will.

wrong decision of course, but that’s West Ham’s decision/mistake too make, nothing to do with the premier league in any way shape or form.
I'm not blaming the Premier League but I do think they should get involved. It was wrong of West Ham to play him and they need to be punished.