Kurt Zouma / 180 hours community service + banned from keeping cats for 5 years

I thought the 'vegan' approach was already a dumb take in this whole incident but somehow it now became a racism incident. :wenger:
The Zouma Affair moves to France. According to our information, the main French associations for the defense of animals, the SPA and 30 Millions d'Amis, have filed a complaint against Kurt Zouma for mistreatment of an animal. The Brigitte Bardot Foundation has also announced its intention to file a complaint against the French defender of West Ham
You might not like to hear this mate, or maybe not even realise it, but the concept of the race card, in the way you and a lot of people use it, is pretty racist.

No it's not, "race card" means using race as excuse to not get criticized when doing something wrong.

That's it, no more than that.
$250,000.00 and loss of income for kicking and slapping a cat...This world has gone full crazy..
I find spaying and neutering animals..more cruel and inhumane..
I think if u gave the cat the option ....he would take the kick...9 times out of 10

Christ, stop embarassing yourself. It’s not even worthy to explain you why it’s beneficial for them because I’m 100% sure you won’t understand.

Can we not just lock this train wreck of a thread? It’s already in the pits as it is? @Mr Pigeon @golden_blunder @Solius

Ok, CCP.
The same society that hits horses in races many people attend to bet on also. You will never see this sort of outrage there.

What zouma did was terrible but the reaction he is receiving is as a result of him being black.
Oh my.

Do you people even read the posts you respond to? Agenda? Read the very first sentence of my post. Do it twice for good measure. That's the point.
I did read the first sentence. Although I am for a free speech colours of a person have nothing to do with it. You defended the poster by going forward in that direction making it like some racist western cultural agenda people have.
What Zouma did is disgrace and so is West Ham for playing him. ”Playing” with animals by kicking them across the room is disgraceful. If people want to make that racial like some posters and players fine. You can always say there is some other more important issue and people should react more to those than abuse of animals. Why did Antonio take colour as example? Why not war? Climate warming? Gender equality?
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His point is this incident has had far more attention than racist behaviour.

This has had far too much attention for me but I understand why because it’s been dealt with horrendously. Starting him the day the video came out ffs.
Suarez is idolised, despite biting opponents and racially abusing 1. No one called for him to lose his livelihood by being sacked. I think that’s his point.
It’s pretty ridiculous now that people step out of line and there’s a mass reaction from people want their livelihoods taken away. Guy should apologise make donation to an animal charity, be taken to court and probably fined. His family shouldn’t be made to suffer for him being a bell and posting unfunny and cruel shite. Hopefully he’s learned his lesson and others will think twice.

I agree with you guys but I think this is just part of the culture in our society.

I know a lot of people who will give huge donations to animal charity’s but don’t donate to charity’s which help people on poverty and starving.

Some society’s just have a huge respect towards animals, England has always had a over the top love for animals. Race and this are two different issues though and shouldn’t compare IMO. Both should be very punishable.
No it's not, "race card" means using race as excuse to not get criticized when doing something wrong.

That's it, no more than that.

That's not true. It implies that people just have racism in their back pocket ready to use whenever they want. It's often used to shut down genuine claims of racism by people who do not want to engage in substance of the claim.

I think this thread has already gone down the toilet so this will probably be my last response in here. Happy discuss further if you wish. My original reply to you wasn't meant as an attack, just an FYI, I hope you know that.
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Christ, stop embarassing yourself. It’s not even worthy to explain you why it’s beneficial for them because I’m 100% sure you won’t understand.

Ok, CCP.

Maybe it might be beneficial to select persons with undesirable characteristics or with an inability to take care of their offspring for sterilisation/castration. It would be beneficial for them and maybe the rest of society...What say you?
Completely agree.

Animal abuse goes on all the time all over the world yet gets very little media coverage. A high profile incident like this happens and finally, and rightly, puts it in the headlines for once.

It's really disappointing, but not surprising, that some think the issue of animal abuse doesn't warrant that level of coverage or outrage.
Yeah, there’s much worse animal abuse going on than a cat getting kicked in the kitchen.

Cats are gone. He’s been fined. Susepend him and move on.

Some crazy feckers want him to go to prison for this. Mental.
As much as I find Zouma's behaviour appalling, I find the reaction to the incident way over the top. There is a long list of footballers and other sportspersons who committed worse offences with more serious consequences but faced less punishment and have carried on with their careers. Alonso killed a human being, got a small fine and is still playing.
interesting. I didn't consider Alonso. Thats mad when you think about it like that
I can't believe people are defending Zouma. WTF is there to defend? Kurt is Muslim too, he should know better. Islam is clear about cruelty to animals.
Yeah, there’s much worse animal abuse going on than a cat getting kicked in the kitchen.

Cats are gone. He’s been fined. Susepend him and move on.

Some crazy feckers want him to go to prison for this. Mental.

That's OTT. A fine and some community service with an animal shelter ought do the trick.
Yeah, there’s much worse animal abuse going on than a cat getting kicked in the kitchen.

Cats are gone. He’s been fined. Susepend him and move on.

Some crazy feckers want him to go to prison for this. Mental.
By a high profile footballer and caught on camera?
Yeah, there’s much worse animal abuse going on than a cat getting kicked in the kitchen.

There's a billion more important things than football going on in the world, yet here we are. What's your point?
That's OTT. A fine and some community service with an animal shelter ought do the trick.
I like the idea of community service in some animal shelter. It could actually do some good and maybe convince some people to adopt animals or at least support animal shelters.
There's a billion more important things than football going on in the world, yet here we are. What's your point?
Exactly what I said.

Not a billion more important things than football for me either.
If you are frothing at the mouth after hearing what Antonio had to say, maybe you taking this a bit too personally and need to relax. This issue will be resolved without anyone's histrionics in this thread.
We can agree to disagree but for me football has made too many strides in the post-George Floyd/take the knee era. I can't see any club wanting to face the backlash that would come if an incident like Terry/Anton happened in 2022. Media/social media would be all over it, the government would get involved, sponsorships would pull out left, right and centre. It'd be a clusterfeck of all proportions and leave the offender up shit's creek without a paddle (again, rightfully so).

Edit - Talking specifically about the Premier League.

That is another story entirely, I wasn't. Even then I highly doubt a player would be sacked if they were England captain, banned and fined yes, sacked, highly doubt it
I find spaying and neutering animals..more cruel and inhumane..
In some places there are too many cats and not enough people to take care of them. It's better if people adopt dogs and cats instead of breeding.

There are shelters that are full of ex-pets who unfortunately end up needing to be put down because they can't be accommodated.
1) So far Zouma is fined only by his club and only because of public pressure. Uefa so far didn't do shit. Fa so far didn't do shit.
2) Antonio seems as a decent bloke and i know that he suffered a lot of racial abuse but now he managed that one abuse (about which in public is not talked much and neither people see that too much important) becomes secondary now. Racism is no1 topic at this moment regarding Zouma's situation.

Imagine that women step up now (or gay people) and talk about their problems in society? They all can say; "you are all upset about bloody cat but what about us?"

All those cases of abuse are cancer of today's society and society must deal with it but why "steal the moment" of one problem to push up yours? This is huge thing regarding animal abuse. Biggest in recent history (regarding media coverage) and it should be in headlines at the moment

I hope you realise I was speaking to the cases of people calling for Zouma to be sacked, which is way over the top in my opinion.
Of course they’d be sacked and lose their sponsorships. Rightly so too.

If it happens we shall see, so far we have seen multiple instances of it happening and no player being sacked (of course I am not solely speaking about the PL)
I don't think it's as easy as saying "of course, they would be sacked" there is 0 evidence to support this.
The PL and FAs own rule books do not support that either
This is not a thread which shows Caf in good light. But it just reflects society in general. People without "pets" will never understand love and bond which people who have "pets", have with them. They are not pets for us. They are family members for who we will do everything.

"Just a little kick", "you eat meat", "little fine and that is it".......pathetic posts from some of you.

Edit: when my daughter was born, some people around me asked me dead serious; "Will you now throw out your cats?". Like they are some things who you just throw in trash. That is our society
Well said.
The same society that hits horses in races many people attend to bet on also. You will never see this sort of outrage there.

What zouma did was terrible but the reaction he is receiving is as a result of him being black.
Complete and utter bollocks.

Seems some people just want to make everything about race, bellends.
Nice job contradicting yourself, but my logic is sound and I have no agenda. Honestly, it's not my job to teach you that racism is about a system of oppression that's been in place for hundreds of years, and that's what makes it so sinister. Calling a black person the N-word or making ape noises is nothing but banter without Western society's burden of systemic racial discrimination. This is why it is always worse than animal abuse (animals are subservient to humans and we generally treat them like shit)
Speak for yourself, most of us don't do that.

Stop trying to deflect from what is a terrible act of animal cruelty. Racism has nothing to do with this so stop with the excuses.
The same society that hits horses in races many people attend to bet on also. You will never see this sort of outrage there.

What zouma did was terrible but the reaction he is receiving is as a result of him being black.

The reaction he’s getting is from a culture that loves animals and considers them family. Perhaps an over reaction from some but that’s from the love of animals. There was a similar over reaction when a white lady’s dog mauled a seal a couple of months ago and she wasn’t even famous but made all the news.

You have serious issues and I hope you get some help to deal with them.
So you’d be happy for him to be locked up over this?
Why not, if that's what the law allows?

Should at the very least be prosecuted, it's the perfect example to show that animal cruelty won't be allowed, no matter who you are or how rich you are.
I can imagine this won't be a popular take, since I can see why people think it's deflecting or inappropriate to bring up racism in response to this animal abuse case, but I love the response by Antonio because he's right in how the public is responding to this seems to be an extra level of what people respond to racism. A big part of that is that, and I can relate as a dog owner, you feel an absolute sense of fury at someone who would abuse an animal that cannot defend itself, I can't think of a single animal lover that wouldn't feel it, whereas racism hits differently for different people. Some bury their head in the sand and act like it's overblown, and others find racism in everything even when it's not there, and I don't think Antonio was hinting that there was a racist element to how Zouma's been vilified for this.

Similarly, I don't think the reaction Zouma's received had anything to do with the fact he's black, I think that's nonsense. I'm pretty sure any player that's in the public eye getting caught doing that is getting the same level of vitriol. That wasn't Antonio's point, and it doesn't make it any less relevant. I prefer him raising this point than <insert rehearsed PR line here>.
So you’d be happy for him to be locked up over this?
Uk has some of the toughest measures against animal cruelty since the maximum sentence got raised to five years in jail. I don’t think Zouma’s case is severe enough, but I’d absolutely have no problem with him getting a suspended sentence or something.

This kind of behaviour isn’t right and has to be punished.
This is so accurate, I respect my cat the same way I respect my girlfriend and she is doing the same. For two years now he has been the boss of the house really. I’m more excited when buying him treats or food than I’m excited when i buy things for myself. Also, this cat has been better than any antidepressant I’ve ever taken, he helped me get out of the darkest place I’ve ever been.
This is incredibly sweet. I’m glad the cat is helping you in this way! Animals are incredible
Speak for yourself, most of us don't do that.

Stop trying to deflect from what is a terrible act of animal cruelty. Racism has nothing to do with this so stop with the excuses.
Let me rephrase: Treat them as not much more than property.

I nor the poster I responded to attempted to deflect from anything. You can think what Zouma did is deplorable behavior (which I do) AND think the reaction is over the top (which I do) AND think the over-the-top reaction is due to race (which I don't know). I don't think reflecting the last POV deserves any sanction as it's not a complete inane suggestion (Zouma is black) and Western media has a history of needlessly tearing down black athletes (i.e. Pogba & Sterling). If you or anyone else are offended by his opinion that's something you need to workout with yourself, but it doesn't deserve a ban IMO.
This is incredibly sweet. I’m glad the cat is helping you in this way! Animals are incredible
Animals are incredible. It’s not hard to see why everyone is so enraged by this - UK is just obsessed with its pets. This almost certainly has nothing to do with the fact that Zouma is black. If this was a white player, whom did the same thing, he’d get hammered exactly the same.