Kurt Zouma / 180 hours community service + banned from keeping cats for 5 years

People going on about Suarez and other older incidents you do realise they were a decade ago right?

Things have fortunately moved forward since then in football and society in general. They aren’t where they should be but to compare then to now as some kind of proof is naive.

A player found guilty of racism now would be sacked and pretty much lose everything. Rightly so too.

No one with a brain is calling for Zouma to be sacked however it should be obvious to anyone that as a nation of animal lovers what he did was always going to cause an outrage regardless of his ethnicity, which frankly has nothing to do with the backlash he’s received and deserves.
His point is this incident has had far more attention than racist behaviour.

This has had far too much attention for me but I understand why because it’s been dealt with horrendously. Starting him the day the video came out ffs.
This is what i was talking about. It is only two days in media and you already think that it is too much. I am not blaming you, don't get me wrong but it is general view of our society about animal abuse
Completely agree.

Animal abuse goes on all the time all over the world yet gets very little media coverage. A high profile incident like this happens and finally, and rightly, puts it in the headlines for once.

It's really disappointing, but not surprising, that some think the issue of animal abuse doesn't warrant that level of coverage or outrage.
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Why's Hazard being brought into this? Him kicking that ballboy was a stupid, but ultimately very human thing to do. Lost his temper just as everyone does sometimes, when he was being provoked into exactly that. Nothing about beating an innocent cat just because you think it's funny is even in the same ballpark.

Don't like this whole "yeah it was bad but what about this other bad thing someone else did?" narrative that Antonio seems to be adding tinder to.
1) So far Zouma is fined only by his club and only because of public pressure. Uefa so far didn't do shit. Fa so far didn't do shit.
2) Antonio seems as a decent bloke and i know that he suffered a lot of racial abuse but now he managed that one abuse (about which in public is not talked much and neither people see that too much important) becomes secondary now. Racism is no1 topic at this moment regarding Zouma's situation.

Imagine that women step up now (or gay people) and talk about their problems in society? They all can say; "you are all upset about bloody cat but what about us?"

All those cases of abuse are cancer of today's society and society must deal with it but why "steal the moment" of one problem to push up yours? This is huge thing regarding animal abuse. Biggest in recent history (regarding media coverage) and it should be in headlines at the moment
The swans agree
1) So far Zouma is fined only by his club and only because of public pressure. Uefa so far didn't do shit. Fa so far didn't do shit.
2) Antonio seems as a decent bloke and i know that he suffered a lot of racial abuse but now he managed that one abuse (about which in public is not talked much and neither people see that too much important) becomes secondary now. Racism is no1 topic at this moment regarding Zouma's situation.

Imagine that women step up now (or gay people) and talk about their problems in society? They all can say; "you are all upset about bloody cat but what about us?"

All those cases of abuse are cancer of today's society and society must deal with it but why "steal the moment" of one problem to push up yours? This is huge thing regarding animal abuse. Biggest in recent history (regarding media coverage) and it should be in headlines at the moment
Very good post.

I've made similar points in different posts, but good to read them all collectively like that.
A fine and a few match ban is enough. People wanting to end his career and jail time is ludicrously over the top.

There are laws against animal cruelty (with jail time up to 5 years), in case you didn't know. Just because you don't care, doesn't mean other people are overreacting.
People going on about Suarez and other older incidents you do realise they were a decade ago right?

Things have fortunately moved forward since then in football and society in general. They aren’t where they should be but to compare then to now as some kind of proof is naive.

A player found guilty of racism now would be sacked and pretty much lose everything. Rightly so too.

No one with a brain is calling for Zouma to be sacked however it should be obvious to anyone that as a nation of animal lovers what he did was always going to cause an outrage regardless of his ethnicity, which frankly has nothing to do with the backlash he’s received and deserves.
People have been sacked for similar incidents though. You and I work in different trades but I’m sure we’d both be fired if a clip of us abusing a cat went viral and our respective bosses saw it. I know for a fact I’d be out of a job.
Racism is just way to broad an issue to make comparisons. It can range from Hitler to an old person still thinking they can still used 'coloured'. Everything is subjective.
Suarez is idolised, despite biting opponents and racially abusing 1. No one called for him to lose his livelihood by being sacked. I think that’s his point.
It’s pretty ridiculous now that people step out of line and there’s a mass reaction from people want their livelihoods taken away. Guy should apologise make donation to an animal charity, be taken to court and probably fined. His family shouldn’t be made to suffer for him being a bell and posting unfunny and cruel shite. Hopefully he’s learned his lesson and others will think twice.
I'm sure some did call for Suarez to be sacked even though that was a time when social media was less pervasive. His point is irrelevant, some random people asking for something on the internet makes no difference, Zouma looks likely to face no real punishment and the fact that he played less than 24 hours later indicates that his actual employer's are not going to react to the views of some people on the internet so the talk of him being sacked will amount to nothing. It came out 2 days ago, it's not like we're still going on about this after 6 months, so of course there's an outrage about it right now. Does Antonio just want people to not talk about it?
People have been sacked for similar incidents though. You and I work in different trades but I’m sure we’d both be fired if a clip of us abusing a cat went viral and our respective bosses saw it. I know for a fact I’d be out of a job.

That fair enough and to be honest true.

I guess I wrote that with an acceptance that it won’t happen given he’s a footballer and valuable to the club. Given me food for thought now though!
This is not a thread which shows Caf in good light. But it just reflects society in general. People without "pets" will never understand love and bond which people who have "pets", have with them. They are not pets for us. They are family members for who we will do everything.

"Just a little kick", "you eat meat", "little fine and that is it".......pathetic posts from some of you.

Edit: when my daughter was born, some people around me asked me dead serious; "Will you now throw out your cats?". Like they are some things who you just throw in trash. That is our society

This is so accurate, I respect my cat the same way I respect my girlfriend and she is doing the same. For two years now he has been the boss of the house really. I’m more excited when buying him treats or food than I’m excited when i buy things for myself. Also, this cat has been better than any antidepressant I’ve ever taken, he helped me get out of the darkest place I’ve ever been.
As much as I find Zouma's behaviour appalling, I find the reaction to the incident way over the top. There is a long list of footballers and other sportspersons who committed worse offences with more serious consequences but faced less punishment and have carried on with their careers. Alonso killed a human being, got a small fine and is still playing.
$250,000.00 and loss of income for kicking and slapping a cat...This world has gone full crazy..
:lol: This is such an overreaction.

Have I missed something or do we not still live in a society that's willing to slaughter animals because they taste good?

Should Moyes only start vegans in his team?
There will always be a question of racism when a minority and the media meet, but I think this is just a case of people loving animals and being disgusted by the plain to see nature of the abuse via the video. There was very similar outrage in Ireland recently enough with one of the top horse trainers, where some pics were going around WhatsApp of him sitting on a dead horse ripping the piss(and some other pics I think), and he was fairly crucified in the media for it. It really didn't help that West Ham did sweet feck all about it until they were pressured into doing so. Dropping him for a few games and sorting it out probably would have made it less of a story.
Kick It Out: Comparisons with racism 'not helpful'
Kick it out CEO Tony Burnett said on Friday: "Zouma's behaviour was clearly unacceptable and I'm sure the RSPCA will thoroughly investigate and update the public in due course.

"We have seen some people draw comparisons between animal cruelty and discriminatory abuse. Both are wrong and it is not helpful - victims are not in competition with each other.

"With any incident of abuse, there should be a fair process and those actions should have consequences. But consequences should not mean complete cancellation. For some people, no punishment is ever enough and comparing incidents will always divide opinion.

"Beyond that, I think it's important to look at the culture within football, and wider society, when it comes to setting appropriate behavioural standards.

"Footballers are public figures, who aspiring players and fans look up to, and some of the behaviours we are seeing aren't setting the expected standard.

"Clubs and the football authorities should also support players to set the right standards of behaviour by addressing incidents like this appropriately."

I guess people can pick bits from that that suits what they want. Especially in terms of degree of punishment.

But the paragraph that reinforces what many have said on here is:

"We have seen some people draw comparisons between animal cruelty and discriminatory abuse. Both are wrong and it is not helpful - victims are not in competition with each other."

That's the main point many keep trying to stress, that there's all kinds of victims and all forms of abuse deserve to be highlighted and condemned. And this story is about animal abuse. So let those victims 'have a voice' for once. It's nice to see the CEO of Kick It Out acknowledging that rather than taking the Antonio approach.
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I don't understand how what @KennyBurner said is so controversial that it should be marked as inappropriate.

There is no question that Western society, especially affluent white people seem to a) value the lives of domesticated animals more than a random human being b) tend to have more critical responses toward mistakes by black people. My family is West African, grew up poor, and never understood the concept of owning pets, so for them, the outrage is weirder than the misdeed. I know older black people in America who hate dogs because they were weaponized by the police in poor black communities. This is a more nuanced subject than just finger pointing.

Not that it matters but I think what Zouma did is shitty and I personally like pets but the posters engaging in whataboutism with regards to race shouldn't be grounds for banning. Thoughts like these are simply the reality of being a person of color in Western society.

In the US it was the same with Michael Vick, but it's impossible to get non-black people to understand this point of view.

The race card it's expiring , dude.
$250,000.00 and loss of income for kicking and slapping a cat...This world has gone full crazy..
Pretty sure you wouldn't be fined that much for something as trivial as physical abuse.

But Zouma is a public personality who is paid shit loads and represents his club and country. Hence there is a lot of money and reputation at stake.
I find spaying and neutering animals..more cruel and inhumane..

I'll grant you that the reason why it's necessary to do it is human folly, i.e. an unnatural situation created by humans. But given that situation has been created it absolute is not "more cruel and inhumane" than just letting litter after litter of kittens lose on the streets.
I guess people can pick bits from that that suits what they want. Especially in terms of degree of punishment.

But the paragraph that reinforces what many have said on here is:

"We have seen some people draw comparisons between animal cruelty and discriminatory abuse. Both are wrong and it is not helpful - victims are not in competition with each other."

That's the main point many keep trying to stress, that there's all kinds of victims and all forms of abuse deserve to be highlighted and condemned. And this story is about animal abuse. So let those victims 'have a voice' for once. It's nice to see the CEO of Kick It Out acknowledging that rather than taking the Antonio approach.

Kick It Out is an absolute shower though. Completely irrelevant entity.
The race card it's expiring , dude.

You might not like to hear this mate, or maybe not even realise it, but the concept of the race card, in the way you and a lot of people use it, is pretty racist.

I guess people can pick bits from that that suits what they want. Especially in terms of degree of punishment.

But the paragraph that reinforces what many have said on here is:

"We have seen some people draw comparisons between animal cruelty and discriminatory abuse. Both are wrong and it is not helpful - victims are not in competition with each other."

That's the main point many keep trying to stress, that there's all kinds of victims and all forms of abuse deserve to be highlighted and condemned. And this story is about animal abuse. So let those victims 'have a voice' for once. It's nice to see the CEO of Kick It Out acknowledging that rather than taking the Antonio approach.
It was actually Chris Kirkland who initially compared animal abuse and racism, claiming that animal abuse is worse so it’s funny that you label it the Antonio approach.
I'll grant you that the reason why it's necessary to do it is human folly, i.e. an unnatural situation created by humans. But given that situation has been created it absolute is not "more cruel and inhumane" than just letting litter after litter of kittens lose on the streets.
I think if u gave the cat the option ....he would take the kick...9 times out of 10