Kurt Zouma / 180 hours community service + banned from keeping cats for 5 years

Wish people would stop saying that. Impact of an adult male's foot on an animal that is less than 20lbs can be devastating, even if it looks like a 'gentle' punt. Not that it should matter; the cat was clearly conditioned to the process and terrified, so the mental anguish of having those things done repeatedly has just as much importance as whether he left the feline double-folded with blunt force.

He also was trhowing some shoes that didn't hit as the cat was running terrified, there was nothing gentle about it and like you said cats are small animals and Zouma is a grown ass footballer. Perhaps the cat didn't sustain any serious injuries from that but it's something concerning that a pet gets that treatment from it's owner with his children involved. It can become something normalized for them and things can escalate from there. It was something good the cats were removed but I found super disturbing how he was laughing and having fun with all that, sick bastard.
The coverage this has got is unbelievable. Yet 95% of these very same people kicking up a fuss EAT animals every single day that have been battered by human workers in slaughter houses. The hypocrisy is hilarious.

Jesus what? :lol:
It is not just the fact that Kurt Zouma kicked a cat across the floor, it's the fact that he had it recorded and posted up on social media because he thought it was amusing.

This guy is paid millions and kids wear his name on their back. If they see him behaving like that and think it is funny, they are more likely to replicate those actions themselves. I've never had a cat as a pet but they are not easy animals to love, which is why it's important that people who own them actually love cats and understand the way they are.

I think the punishment should be harsher. Footballers in general need to grow up and the last thing they need is defending because the over-indulgence is part of the problem itself.

I agree with this. If there’s one thing the past couple weeks (Greenwood, Mendy, Zouma, Overmars, Avram Grant) have shown us is that footballers and people around football are far too insulated from the consequences of their actions, often because they have a legion of fans who will defend them because they like what they do on the field.
I wonder if you'd be so understanding if a bloke kicked you around the floor and you were powerless to do anything about it. I wonder whether you'd be scared or traumatised by such a thing happening.

I haven’t said otherwise, but the reality is people do worse to their pets, unfortunately.

I’m not defending Zouma but I wouldn’t put the mistreatment in the “extreme” category that the headlines had me believing it would be
I haven’t said otherwise, but the reality is people do worse to their pets, unfortunately.

I’m not defending Zouma but I wouldn’t put the mistreatment in the “extreme” category that the headlines had me believing it would be
This smacks of trying to find a distinction between casual racism & racism.
Before watching the video I thought this would be another outrage for nothing.

I just watched the video

What the f*ck wat that. That was sick, totally disturbing.
This was pure animal torture my stomach turned watching that. Poor cat.
Before watching the video I thought this would be another outrage for nothing.

I just watched the video

What the f*ck wat that. That was sick, totally disturbing.
This was pure animal torture my stomach turned watching that. Poor cat.
But it wasn’t extreme, apparently.
Before watching the video I thought this would be another outrage for nothing.

I just watched the video

What the f*ck wat that. That was sick, totally disturbing.
This was pure animal torture my stomach turned watching that. Poor cat.

And the guy is so proud he can torture a cat ... that posts the video on the internet??? Unbelievable!
Loving all the punishments coming his way.

Read somewhere he can be convicted in France for this act as it is possible to charge citizens even if theyre living abroad.
I might be throwing myself into the line of fire here and I don’t like Zouma.. but when I read that he punched and kicked it, I did think the video would be worse than it actually was.

Neither had any real force with serious intent to injure it imo, but still very twattish and cruel.
Have a word with yourself
Loving all the punishments coming his way.

Read somewhere he can be convicted in France for this act as it is possible to charge citizens even if theyre living abroad.

Could face up to five years in prison and €75.000 if convicted, if i've correctly understood the french laws on animal cruelty.
Glad the cats have been removed - the moron would likely be blaming the one he kicked for all the grief he's had.

And whilst I never rated Moyes as a United manager, I did quite like him as a person. Not any more. Are West Ham really such a one man team that they couldn't do without him - is he even that good? Absolutely disgusting behaviour from Moyes, the board and any players who accepted that decision.

I hope they don't win another game this season.
Glad the cats have been removed - the moron would likely be blaming the one he kicked for all the grief he's had.

And whilst I never rated Moyes as a United manager, I did quite like him as a person. Not any more. Are West Ham really such a one man team that they couldn't do without him - is he even that good? Absolutely disgusting behaviour from Moyes, the board and any players who accepted that decision.

I hope they don't win another game this season.
I guess Moyes now deeply regrets playing him. He’s shown the club in a very poor light, also caused the loss of an important sponsor.

Very much doubt the feckwit would dare play Zouma next game.
I might be throwing myself into the line of fire here and I don’t like Zouma.. but when I read that he punched and kicked it, I did think the video would be worse than it actually was.

Neither had any real force with serious intent to injure it imo, but still very twattish and cruel.

Didn’t you run over your neighbours cat ages ago?

No wonder you were expecting worse given your own track record in this field.
I guess Moyes now deeply regrets playing him. He’s shown the club in a very poor light, also caused the loss of an important sponsor.

Very much doubt the feckwit would dare play Zouma next game.
Damage done though, don't you think?

People making light of it and saying it's an over-reaction are being short sighted. Anyone who can hurt a defenceless animal, is not too far away from hurting a human being.
Damage done though, don't you think?

People making light of it and saying it's an over-reaction are being short sighted. Anyone who can hurt a defenceless animal, is not too far away from hurting a human being.
Very much agree.

There‘s something very sadistic about Zouma‘s cruelty. Makes me wonder what else does he get pleasure from?
Animal abuse is worse than racism and assaulting people?

Assaulting people:lol:. I’m sure Chiellini can’t sleep at night, poor guy must be traumatized. I’d rather Suarez bite me than zouma kick my cat, or any cat.
:lol: This is such an overreaction.

Have I missed something or do we not still live in a society that's willing to slaughter animals because they taste good?

Should Moyes only start vegans in his team?
:lol: This is such an overreaction.

Have I missed something or do we not still live in a society that's willing to slaughter animals because they taste good?

Should Moyes only start vegans in his team?
what a horrible post. So you endorse animal abuse. wake the feck up and get some morals.
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We really never know how a person is.
If he was a 5 year old doing this, understandable, but a grown ass person doing this, is totally unacceptable.

And this isn't an animal rights, vegan or whatever discussion. This is a simple decency a mature human being should have, that you do not attack anyone physically unless you are being attacked.
I love it when people bring out "You eat processed meats everyday, don't be a hypocrite about abusing animals". Indeed that makes perfect sense doesn't it? of course eating processed meats that are already in the form of cooked foods is the same as actually kicking a living being that is capable of feeling pain? Here's a little breaking news for you: it's worlds apart. Eating processed meats requires you to be hungry or in need of animal protein. Kicking a living animal that will scream/struggle if you abuse them requires some degree of psychopath tendencies, you need to be heartless in order to do that. If you take a look at most murderer documentaries you can see how almost all of them had a history of abusing living animal and torturing them, NOT SPENDING THEIR LIVES EATING KFC.

Stop comparing the two. They're not remotely close. Also why bring up racism to this? they're both wrong, just because one is not as important as human doesn't mean it's right to abuse a living (this is the key point) cat.

And before anyone says "eating meat is supporting animal slaughters". Yes to a certain extent BUT eating processed meats is not the same as actually physically killing the animal. If you want to compare animal abuse with people whose job actually to slaughter a living animal then it's more fair but to compare animal abuse with eating fish and chips? you're silly.
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We really never know how a person is.
If he was a 5 year old doing this, understandable, but a grown ass person doing this, is totally unacceptable.

And this isn't an animal rights, vegan or whatever discussion. This is a simple decency a mature human being should have, that you do not attack anyone physically unless you are being attacked.

I mean I live with cat and I treat him with love and respect. It astounds me that people in this thread have pretty much endorsed the abuse and say it isn't that bad. I worry for the human race. Whether its a human being or an animal you live with you don't freaking abuse it. Some people need to have some freaking morals drilled into them.
I mean I live with cat and I treat him with love and respect. It astounds me that people in this thread have pretty much endorsed the abuse and say it isn't that bad. I worry for the human race. Whether its a human being or an animal you live with you don't freaking abuse it. Some people need to have some freaking morals drilled into them.

It is all about consent in human beings, like me and my best friend we do kick and punch each other like anything (yes I know it is childish as I am nearing 30 :lol: ). But we will never get an explanation from the cat, like if the cat verbally gave consent that "yes me and Zouma are mates, I bite and scrath him, he kicks and throws me around, you guys don't judge our relationship you judgemental hypocritical prick".

I mean when it is about humans, it is understandable if both parties have that kind of relationship, but with an animal who cannot communicate, it is such a weird argument to put forward:lol:
It is all about consent in human beings, like me and my best friend we do kick and punch each other like anything (yes I know it is childish as I am nearing 30 :lol: ). But we will never get an explanation from the cat, like if the cat verbally gave consent that "yes me and Zouma are mates, I bite and scrath him, he kicks and throws me around, you guys don't judge our relationship you judgemental hypocritical prick".

I mean when it is about humans, it is understandable if both parties have that kind of relationship, but with an animal who cannot communicate, it is such a weird argument to put forward:lol:
Another thing is humans can defend themselves somewhat. In comparision, an animal like a domestic cat can't. And your 100% right that cats can't communicate with you. Henry which is the cat I live with can't say to me no kicking me is fine. I just don't get the reason why a grown adult would abuse an animal and even take pleasure in it. I mean if your friend did something bad like sleep with your girlfriend then yeah I somewhat get it. But a freaking cat does nothing and there isn't an excuse to abuse it.
What on earth? Completely off the mark.
I have read this thread and some of the comments like the one you replied to are insulting. Would be nice if the mods could do something.
This is not a thread which shows Caf in good light. But it just reflects society in general. People without "pets" will never understand love and bond which people who have "pets", have with them. They are not pets for us. They are family members for who we will do everything.

"Just a little kick", "you eat meat", "little fine and that is it".......pathetic posts from some of you.

Edit: when my daughter was born, some people around me asked me dead serious; "Will you now throw out your cats?". Like they are some things who you just throw in trash. That is our society
Didn’t you run over your neighbours cat ages ago?

No wonder you were expecting worse given your own track record in this field.
I did indeed

And I’ve also been in jobs where I’ve experienced the aftermath of extreme animal abuse, so my mind drifted to a worse scene when I saw the headlines.
what a horrible post. So you endorse animal abuse. wake the feck up and get some morals.

No I don't but I can see the forest from the trees.

Tucking into a steak is far worse than what Zouma did.