Kurt Zouma / 180 hours community service + banned from keeping cats for 5 years

I care about the meat industry in general, not in a thread about Zouma kicking a cat though because they are unrelated. Oh, btw I also hate Hitler and the nazis while we are bringing up random things we dislike.

Why are you upset about people bringing up the meat industry in a thread like this? If you want to solely focus on Zouma that's fine. People are perfectly free to point out the inconsistency in the public's outrage.
They won't ban their best defender for 3 games with CL qualification on the line. What would the point be? Why 3 games? Why not sack him? No club is hamstringing themselves like that.

If you want a ban, you'd have to look to the FA.
I didn’t say West Ham should ban him?
West Ham did the right thing by giving the fine to the causes they did, but they've soured things by playing him. They really should have left him out for at least the token one game, it shouldn't really have hindered them too much and they'd have avoided all kinds of flak. A very silly piece of decision making.
You got to be kitten me?

Well we turned this thread into a Catastrophe.

Better stop before I get a warning for thread derailment :lol: funny how West Ham acted as soon as their sponsors got on their back. Bet Moyesy wished he tried avoiding the question entirely.
Why are you upset about people bringing up the meat industry in a thread like this? If you want to solely focus on Zouma that's fine. People are perfectly free to point out the inconsistency in the public's outrage.
Because it strikes me of that whole 'you can't condemn child abuse while purchasing clothes or mobile phones arguments' etc. The meat industry is a big issue and an emotive subject, but people are generally outraged here about a beloved domesticated pet being kicked and slapped. This thread really is for focussing on the person/incident at this time. If you love animals then it should be enough, for now, to just call that out as a bad thing without wading in that people can't have that opinion because of XYZ.
Varying levels of racism is what you are trying to justify? Animal cruelty is not comparable no matter what.
Nobody is justifying any wrong doing. Not the fellow in that clip nor anyone here. It's you who is sensitive to a cat getting shit kicked out of it being given importance . Tough shit for you given many of us do think it's of similar importance. Not everyone thinks like you and sees other species as of little importance.
They won't ban their best defender for 3 games with CL qualification on the line. What would the point be? Why 3 games? Why not sack him? No club is hamstringing themselves like that.

If you want a ban, you'd have to look to the FA.
Clubs do ban or suspend players for off field disciplinary reasons / unacceptable acts. We've done it ourselves while CL qualification is still on the line.

What you're presumably saying is that no club will do it when it's 'only' animal abuse and they feel they can ride out the bad PR while mostly keep playing him.

Sadly that's probably true. Doesn't make it right though. He should be facing much more punishment than just a week or two fine. Whether that's legal action, or missing games due to club or FA punishment.

Just a fine, missing no games or facing any legal action, is really sweeping it under the rug and sending completely the wrong message about the severity of animal cruelty.
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Sponsors suspending their deals with West Ham now because they chose to start him. Good to see.
Because it strikes me of that whole 'you can't condemn child abuse while purchasing clothes or mobile phones arguments' etc. The meat industry is a big issue and an emotive subject, but people are generally outraged here about a beloved domesticated pet being kicked and slapped. This thread really is for focussing on the person/incident at this time. If you love animals then it should be enough, for now, to just call that out as a bad thing without wading in that people can't have that opinion because of XYZ.
Yep. Completely agree.

I've been vegetarian for ethical reasons for over half my life now (22 years). But I don't think people have to be vegetarian or fighters for animal rights to be appalled at the actions of Zouma. Any more than you have to be a militant feminist otherwise you're a 'hypocrite' for being appalled at recent football stories.

I've heard similar arguments asking vegetarians / animal rights believers if they'd accept life saving treatment that had been tested on animals. And if they would, then they're hypocrites. That's like saying anyone who drives, takes planes, uses aerosols, etc, have no right to comment on climate change. As if you can't push for a better way of living while still having to live within the world as it currently is in the meantime.
People are perfectly free to point out the inconsistency in the public's outrage.

There is no inconsistency as they're different topics.

To late
To little

We saw true colours of the club. Damage controll is not going to work.

Yeah, it doesn't seem like much and wasn't expecting any serious repercussions to him but at least they took the cats away from him and ideally someone like him shouldn't be allowed to have pets. What he did was setting a terrible example for his children.
West Ham in arsehole protection mode, acting now after the Watford game, the public outcry and RSPCA investigating.
Sponsors suspending their deals with West Ham now because they chose to start him. Good to see.

Wow! Times are a changing!

Zouma could legitimately cost them their first real run at top 4 if the sponsors pressure West Ham enough to drop him!

Unbelievable, Geoff!

Wow! Times are a changing!

Zouma could legitimately cost them their first real run at top 4 if the sponsors pressure West Ham enough to drop him!

Unbelievable, Geoff!
I don't think times have changed enough regarding animal rights for this to be followed through. Which is why West Ham felt confident enough to play him last night. It'll be bad PR for a while, and, at most, he may miss a game or so, but that'll probably be it.

But that's a lot more than would have happened in previous years, so it's been good to see the wide reaction of anger towards him (and West Ham for picking him). Still a huge way to go for animal rights to get anywhere near the level they should be. But it's been a positive reaction from the public and media. Just a very disappointing one from the club and the police so far.
Can't wait to read about the Sun's exclusive, written from the cats' perspectives on this story
I can’t wait for the cats dad to make a weird statement saying that kurt has been a member of the family for 3 years and that the cat and Kurt were hoping to get back together soon
Wow! Times are a changing!


Money people are very much aware of what trends on social media. A Twitter shit storm is bad for business - simple as that.

Whether that is a good thing unconditionally...is another matter.

But sometimes it can be.
Ok for all you ironic folks out where arguing;
My cat eats chicken in gravy, or lamb, or duck. He hates fish. And if I let him out of the house he tries to catch birds.

my wife is a vegetarian of 20 years, my 2’kids are raised vegetarian. I however eat meat, chicken mostly.

please don’t try and lecture others in this thread. It’s detracting from the fact the Kurt zouma is a cnut
Sponsors suspending their deals with West Ham now because they chose to start him. Good to see.
Good. But I find it incredibly sad that decisions which should be made based on moral integrity and doing the right thing, are all too often made only when there's danger of losing out financially
No, it’s a slap on the wrist.

What would you like to see happen??

I think a hefty fine and losing his animals was always the most realistic outcome, maybe a lifetime ban for having pets too but other than that….what else can you do?

Sack him? Unlikely seeing as the Club shots themselves in the foot by starting him last night, doesn’t look good on the Club but that’s not Zouma’s fault, Zouma doesn’t call the shots

Imprisonment? Definitely won’t happen so not remotely worth talking about

A fine, lose the animals and lifetime pet ban is likely all we’ll see punishment wise

outside of a governing body punishing him, other things may be at work, sponsors dropping him, sponsors dropping the Club, if that happens, he’s brought the Clubs image into distribute (they haven’t helped themselves) and would then have grounds to sack him if things got bad enough, he’s an expensive asset at the end of the day (sad I know) and any movements on sacking him will be thoroughly thought out and weighed up.

It’s easy for us too say sack him, but we aren’t the ones that spent millions on him out of our pockets, we’d all think differently on that front of it were our money.
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Zouma comes across as a real sadistic cnut.

I'm usually very reluctant to label people categorically without knowing them.

But as a general rule, I don't have much time for people who treat animals badly. It usually says something about the character of the person.

However, as others have said - footballers these days really seem to live in a bubble. Many of them come across as shockingly immature - including those who are parents.

And on that last point - what he did is obviously all the more worrying given that his kid was involved.

Without being overly dramatic, it's a fact that certain forms of (potentially extremely dangerous) antisocial behaviour towards humans start out with abusing animals. There's hardly a well known serial killer on record that didn't have a history of cruelty towards animals (as a child).

(And no - I'm not suggesting this idiot is a potential serial killer - just illustrating why this kind of behaviour should not be taken lightly).
What would you like to see happen??

I think a hefty fine and losing his animals was always the most realistic outcome, maybe a lifetime ban for having pets too but other than that….what else can you do?

Sack him? Unlikely seeing as the Club shots themselves in the foot by starting him last night, doesn’t look good on the Club but that’s not Zouma’s fault, Zouma doesn’t call the shots

Imprisonment? Definitely won’t happen so not remotely worth talking about

A fine, lose the animals and lifetime pet ban is likely all we’ll see punishment wise

outside of a governing body punishing him, other things may be at work, sponsors dropping him, sponsors dropping the Club, if that happens, he’s brought the Clubs image into distribute (they haven’t helped themselves) and would then have grounds to sack him if things got bad enough, he’s an expensive asset at the end of the day (sad I know) and any movements on sacking him will be thoroughly thought out and weighed up.

It’s easy for us too say sack him, but we aren’t the ones that spent millions on him out of our pockets, we’d all think differently on that front of it were our money.
Here in Ontario, Canada they can do 2 years prison, fines up to 130k and lifetime ban on pet ownership. Athletes always escape prison time of course... But 2 week's wages is a slap on the wrist. The sponsors dumping him is big though. Should get a 3-5 match ban from the league and the life ban on pet ownership in addition to what he's gotten though.
Here in Ontario, Canada they can do 2 years prison, fines up to 130k and lifetime ban on pet ownership. Athletes always escape prison time of course... But 2 week's wages is a slap on the wrist. The sponsors dumping him is big though. Should get a 3-5 match ban from the league and the life ban on pet ownership in addition to what he's gotten though.
He should be made to sniff James Corden’s farts for a year.