Kurt Zouma / 180 hours community service + banned from keeping cats for 5 years

Not surprised at all.

Some people still downplay the effect of a huge online reaction.

Adidas will obviously be aware of how this has been received online. They can't afford to be associated with anyone who's more or less universally condemned as a cat kicker.

(Well, they probably can afford it - but you know what I mean: it doesn't make business sense for them not to react).
Premier League should throw the book at West Ham for playing him last night. Totally the wrong thing to do.
Here in Ontario, Canada they can do 2 years prison, fines up to 130k and lifetime ban on pet ownership. Athletes always escape prison time of course... But 2 week's wages is a slap on the wrist. The sponsors dumping him is big though. Should get a 3-5 match ban from the league and the life ban on pet ownership in addition to what he's gotten though.

Why is a 3-5 match ban sufficient?
Premier League should throw the book at West Ham for playing him last night. Totally the wrong thing to do.

They should have points deducted and given to their nearest challenger for the top four spot
I might be throwing myself into the line of fire here and I don’t like Zouma.. but when I read that he punched and kicked it, I did think the video would be worse than it actually was.

Neither had any real force with serious intent to injure it imo, but still very twattish and cruel.
They should have points deducted and given to their nearest challenger for the top four spot
Well I think they should have a points deduction for last night's win. It would never happen though.
I might be throwing myself into the line of fire here and I don’t like Zouma.. but when I read that he punched and kicked it, I did think the video would be worse than it actually was.

Neither had any real force with serious intent to injure it imo, but still very twattish and cruel.
Wish people would stop saying that. Impact of an adult male's foot on an animal that is less than 20lbs can be devastating, even if it looks like a 'gentle' punt. Not that it should matter; the cat was clearly conditioned to the process and terrified, so the mental anguish of having those things done repeatedly has just as much importance as whether he left the feline double-folded with blunt force.
95% of us eat pets?

You dont eat anything living do you? Where do you draw the line? Do you take vaccines?
Some cultures don’t consider dogs or cats as pets like Westerners do.

Some consider the cow sacred and protect it at all costs, some eat dogs, some eat rats, some eat hamsters. It’s all about perspective.

As for me, I don’t eat anything that has eyes and can take a shit - I ain’t a damn vegan either. Go figure.
Some cultures don’t consider dogs or cats as pets like Westerners do.

Some consider the cow sacred and protect it at all costs, some eat dogs, some eat rats, some eat hamsters. It’s all about perspective.

As for me, I don’t eat anything that has eyes and can take a shit - I ain’t a damn vegan either. Go figure.
What did the covid fella eat? Bat or a snake?
I might be throwing myself into the line of fire here and I don’t like Zouma.. but when I read that he punched and kicked it, I did think the video would be worse than it actually was.

Neither had any real force with serious intent to injure it imo, but still very twattish and cruel.

This is nonsense, that cat has 10 lbs at most. Also, are you aware that cats can suffer from anxiety and depression just like us? There are even antidepressants for cats. That poor cat may be traumatized for life.

I know it’s not gonna happen but I would’ve liked him to serve few months in prison to raise awareness on animal abuse so in the future cnuts like him would think twice before harming defenceless animals.
At least the cats are safe. I hope the RSPCA finds them a good and loving home.

They are pedigree Bengal cats and one of the most desirable breeds in the feline world so I'm sure there will be a long queue of loving homes lined up for them.

Just hope they are not too traumatised after being used as a football by that scumbag Zouma.

A 2 week fine is just small change to him - should have been sacked!
Some cultures don’t consider dogs or cats as pets like Westerners do.

Some consider the cow sacred and protect it at all costs, some eat dogs, some eat rats, some eat hamsters. It’s all about perspective.

As for me, I don’t eat anything that has eyes and can take a shit - I ain’t a damn vegan either. Go figure.

You do realise Cats were and maybe still are worshipped in Egypt
I’m vegan, by the way. I haven’t told anyone for a couple of hours so thanks for the opportunity. It’s not really a hardship in this day and age. Actually, it is. I can’t have a dog as a pet anymore because if you try to feed them a vegan diet they run to the RSPCA and say they’re being abused.
As far as West Ham is concerned I think their position is fine, though they should have acted quicker. I don't think it warrants much more from them.

David Moyes should be held accountable for playing him last night.

West Ham only cared about getting the 3 point's which Moyes confirmed as the case.
David Moyes should be held accountable for playing him last night.

West Ham only cared about getting the 3 point's which Moyes confirmed as the case.

I mean no team is going to self-sabotage themselves if they don't have to. As @adexkola said, if people want real punishment for this sort of thing, they need to look to the FA.
What he did was wrong but not nearly as bad as some make out. He's not injuring it or anything like that. Not nice to watch but not exactly criminal either.

Out of interest, how do you know...

1)That the cat isn't injured THIS time.
2) That he's not repeatedly injuring the cats, or other animals other times?

If he's acting like he did ON camera, why on earth would we assume that it was some mads japes one off , rather than something he regularly does, such is his lack of care about animals?
I might be throwing myself into the line of fire here and I don’t like Zouma.. but when I read that he punched and kicked it, I did think the video would be worse than it actually was.

Neither had any real force with serious intent to injure it imo, but still very twattish and cruel.
I wonder if you'd be so understanding if a bloke kicked you around the floor and you were powerless to do anything about it. I wonder whether you'd be scared or traumatised by such a thing happening.
Seems bandwagonish from Adidas. Don't they still sponsor Suarez after 3 bites and racism?

I'm all for animal rights and think it's deplorable but I'm not quite convinced the corporates are doing it for valid reasons other than reaction and threats to their pocket.
You do realise Cats were and maybe still are worshipped in Egypt
Of course they are - but some cultures will also eat cats or animals of a similar species... it's all about perspective.

I'm defending animals in my previous posts, I don't eat them and would never harm them - I'm just stating the blatant hypocrisy and ignorance from the vast majority of people.
I don't understand why people expect footballers to be any less fecked up than the 'average' person. They excel at kicking a ball around and they're no more likely to be nice than the rest of our fecked up society.

They're not a separate species, they're just people.

For a lot of players it's the heady mix of being young, uneducated or from sh!te upbringings, and the earning so much money no-one ever tells them what they do is wrong.

Sometimes I think it's more surprising players DON'T do stupid things.
Seems bandwagonish from Adidas. Don't they still sponsor Suarez after 3 bites and racism?

I'm all for animal rights and think it's deplorable but I'm not quite convinced the corporates are doing it for valid reasons other than reaction and threats to their pocket.

It's always about the money for any sponsor.
But we've never lived in an age people crap themselves about not being seen to be PC in every single way, so stuff like animal abuse isn't even a surprise sponsor pull out.
I might be throwing myself into the line of fire here and I don’t like Zouma.. but when I read that he punched and kicked it, I did think the video would be worse than it actually was.

Neither had any real force with serious intent to injure it imo, but still very twattish and cruel.

It is sadistic almost in my opinion. cats tend to be easy to look after. Zero stress really as they sleep most of the time. Our cat is just sleeps all day. So really he was doing it almost as a sport. Sickening really.
David Moyes should be held accountable for playing him last night.

West Ham only cared about getting the 3 point's which Moyes confirmed as the case.


Moyes should be shamed too. By selecting Kurt he basically ignored the issue and put football above such criminal acts.
It's not just the players who are out of touch and feel they are above the law.
why would he video himself doing that, then let the video out? Thicker than pig shit, Zouma.

It was his brother who posted it to Snapchat I think. Clearly neither of them thought they were doing anything wrong.
It was his brother who posted it to Snapchat I think. Clearly neither of them thought they were doing anything wrong.
Damn if I got a hold of them both! Kick them right in the B****
The coverage this has got is unbelievable. Yet 95% of these very same people kicking up a fuss EAT animals every single day that have been battered by human workers in slaughter houses. The hypocrisy is hilarious.

I'm vegan but can still see there is a distinct difference betweem the two actions. Psychologically it's a very different act.

But aside from that it's easy to always highlight contradictions. We could find contradictions everywhere we look but in the end what does it achieve. Rarely anything. It just distracts from the problem at hand. It's the playbook of politicians and media worldwide.
I didn’t realise Moyes played him. That was poor taste after what he had just done, should of dropped him for the game. He shouldn’t be allowed to own pets ever again. Only goldfish because he can’t hit those
It is not just the fact that Kurt Zouma kicked a cat across the floor, it's the fact that he had it recorded and posted up on social media because he thought it was amusing.

This guy is paid millions and kids wear his name on their back. If they see him behaving like that and think it is funny, they are more likely to replicate those actions themselves. I've never had a cat as a pet but they are not easy animals to love, which is why it's important that people who own them actually love cats and understand the way they are.

I think the punishment should be harsher. Footballers in general need to grow up and the last thing they need is defending because the over-indulgence is part of the problem itself.
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