Kurt Zouma / 180 hours community service + banned from keeping cats for 5 years

I don't that has anything to do with it. It's probably more that racism is taken very seriously as it should, in football. But this issue which is far worse than a racial slur being hurled like Suarez did (which is just using a small example, there can be hate crimes which are worse).

Maybe you don't. I and many others do. Not so much compare but feel the same compassion regardless. feck our species bloated sense of self importance. Animal cruelty can be worse than racism, racism can be worse than animal cruelty. Depends on the specific cases.
I could not agree more. If I could I would give this a million likes and make you king of the Caf.
I can't bring myself to watch the videos of this, but I am relieved to hear the cats were taken off him. Criminal charges next hopefully.
I haven't checked on this thread since yesterday and reading the last 5 or so pages has basically descended to twitter/youtube comment levels.
I still don't understand the eating meat debate...

So if I'm at home, eating my chicken salad and see my neighbor kicking the shit out of his cat in the garden... I'm not allowed to intervene because I'm eating a chicken salad?

Have I got that right?

feck this... I'm not coming back in this thread, I can have a more meaningful debate with my 1 year old :lol:
That is correct.

Same principle as when you're sat eating a cat salad, watching your neighbour kicking the shit out of a chicken.

The only way your argument would make any sense would be if Zouma had a pet cow and recorded himself slitting his pet cow's throat. How can you not see the difference between someone being the actual perpetrator of animal abuse and someone else indirectly contributing towards the meat industry?
Like paying for a hit
"Indirectly contributing" sounds so benign. It's not. If you eat meat that isn't ethically sourced, then you directly enable the horrible practices that go on in the meat industry.

There are several degrees of separation but still, it's ethically not sound practice.

I'm not saying meat eaters can't criticize Zouma. I'm not saying if you're a meat eater you're as bad as Zouma. But yeah, there's a nugget of truth amidst the whataboutery going on.

Disclaimer: I eat meat (nh)
there is a "nugget" of truth? What kind of nugget? is it meat or meat substitute
I really don't give a crap about the eating meat debate. You should never ever abuse an animal even by kicking it across a room. If you own a pet you should love and respect it. There is a key difference between this rubbish of indirectly contributing to the meat industry and abusing a pet. When you have a pet, you are responsible for it and are obliged to give it a loving home. Last time I checked you didn't own or were responsible for that animal that was killed for that chicken you were eating. I have lived with a cat for 4 years while I was living at home and I adored her and she would even hop up and rest on my shoulder. Since I have left home I have lived with a cat previsouly and am currently living with one which I have grown fond of. The one that I am living with at the moment even hopped on my bed and licked my face. I adore him and treat him with kindness and respect.
What if he plans to eat it at a later date? Some farmers develop a relationship with their livestock, sometimes emotional, often physical. Its 2 sides of the same coin. When in Jamaica, our puppy died and my grandma just tossed it into the bushes. Another elderly woman had live kittens she didn't want and put them into a plastic bag and threw them into the sea (whilst alive). this was in Jamaica too. Different cultures
Now let’s hope the cats find better owners soon.

A good friend of mine recently got a cat. The little guy was saved from a terrible hoarding situation. For the first six years of his life, all that small creature knew was violence. He was kicked regularly. Now ever since he’s with my friend, he’s slowly coming more and more out of his shell. But you can tell that this cat was mistreated and abused. You can tell by the way he moves, his reactions towards strangers (especially men) and so on. They are very smart and sensible creatures. If you’re not going to treat them well, leave them alone. That’s the least you could do.
Now let’s hope the cats find better owners soon.

A good friend of mine recently got a cat. The little guy was saved from a terrible hoarding situation. For the first six years of his life, all that small creature knew was violence. He was kicked regularly. Now ever since he’s with my friend, he’s slowly coming more and more out of his shelve. But you can tell that this cat was mistreated and abused. You can tell by the way he moves, his reactions towards strangers (especially men) and so on. They are very smart and sensible creatures. If you’re not going to treat them well, leave them alone. That’s the least you could do.
They keep it on a shelf??
Western society loves pets more than they do poor or black people. Take his cats away and give him a fine. Anything else is overkill.
Let’s take some actual examples instead and compare whether the FA’s action is proportionate.

Calling your white friend negrito in a friendly conversation = ban

Kicking a cat while filming and laughing = no action.

As far as the statement of animal abuse being worse than racism, then it’s obvious you can’t compare those two and the statement is nonsense. The worst act of racism is always going to be worse than the worst act of animal abuse, but the worst case of animal abuse is obviously worse than the least harmful act of racism.
Great post and very sensible!
What you’ve just done is compare animal cruelty to racism. You people love to expose yourselves. If Zouma was a white man racism would never be brought up. It’s a case of apple and oranges. You just don’t compare animals to human beings ever.
What the feck are you on about :lol:
So basically the FA like most of society, doesn't give a feck about animals. Go figure
I think judging by the reaction on here and in the wider public most people clearly do care about animal abuse. What most people don't care about is the whataboutism being brought up about the meat industry. I know its awful which is why I've all but cut meat out but what is the point of bringing this up when we really are just standing up for an innocent cat being abused.
Animal cruelty by a society that eats animals worse than a system of oppression based on an immutable characteristic? :lol:
I don't that has anything to do with it. It's probably more that racism is taken very seriously as it should, in football. But this issue which is far worse than a racial slur being hurled like Suarez did (which is just using a small example, there can be hate crimes which are worse).

Maybe you don't. I and many others do. Not so much compare but feel the same compassion regardless. feck our species bloated sense of self importance. Animal cruelty can be worse than racism, racism can be worse than animal cruelty. Depends on the specific cases.
Varying levels of racism is what you are trying to justify? Do you not understand that this is how it all starts? From a simple word to discrimination of a whole ethnic group? That’s why many condemn what you might refer to as just a word. Animal cruelty is not comparable no matter what. You consistent defense of this says a lot about you. You don’t ever need to bring up racism when discussing animal cruelty. They are both separate is my argument.
Your comment is idiotic.
Your comment makes absolutely zero sense but you've clearly performed all sorts of mental gymnastics to try and find offence when there isn't any. Racism is bad, animal abuse is bad. The FA have shown themselves up to be absolute clowns when it comes to "racist" incidents where they have punished players for even the most minor, non-racist acts. Here we have animal abuse right in front of our eyes (not some look-alike word) and yet the FA does nothing. Right here is case in point why institutions should be careful with the rules they establish and the precedents they set. By charging Cavani with an outrageous "racist" claim the FA have tarnished their entire reputation and now people want real justice for real issues. Don't confuse anger at the FA over this incident as comparing animal abuse and racism more generally, that ignores all the context.

How can you care about one and not about the other? :wenger:
I care about the meat industry in general, not in a thread about Zouma kicking a cat though because they are unrelated. Oh, btw I also hate Hitler and the nazis while we are bringing up random things we dislike.
This story isnt going away I don't think. West Ham will soon have to act and do something. I suspect a fine/ban will suffice which I think is fair overall.
He’s been fined 2 weeks wages apparently - £250k

Ban him 3 games and move on.
Western society loves pets more than they do poor or black people. Take his cats away and give him a fine. Anything else is overkill.

This is depressingly true. Nothing wrong with the outrage, just wish some people kept this same energy when it comes to other injustices in life.
The coverage this has got is unbelievable. Yet 95% of these very same people kicking up a fuss EAT animals every single day that have been battered by human workers in slaughter houses. The hypocrisy is hilarious.

95% of us eat pets?

You dont eat anything living do you? Where do you draw the line? Do you take vaccines?
When we're hoarding terrified animals into gas houses and slitting their throats, we must remember to tell them that it's all in the name of eating meat, nothing personal, and they should count themselves lucky they aren't a pet cat getting kicked! That'll make them feel better.

So you're 100% vegan then I assume? Good on you. Must be near impossible to untangle yourself from the Web of cruelty that is our current modern supply lines mind, I applaud you finding a way.

Personally, I don't see the world as being entirely black and white, and while I do eat meat occasionally, I also keep chickens of my own for all of my eggs, and do my best to source ethically sourced meat wherever possible.

I also, crazy as it sounds, call a grown man booting shite out of a pet cat a cnut, because that's what he is. How my brain copes with the hypocrisy without imploding I'll never know ..

Honestly, I'd expect a more nuanced take from my 4 year old nephew.
He’s been fined 2 weeks wages apparently - £250k

Ban him 3 games and move on.

They won't ban their best defender for 3 games with CL qualification on the line. What would the point be? Why 3 games? Why not sack him? No club is hamstringing themselves like that.

If you want a ban, you'd have to look to the FA.