Kurt Zouma / 180 hours community service + banned from keeping cats for 5 years

animals raised for meat are also mindlessly bullied, crammed into tight spaces, living in their own faeces and disease. Take a look at those battery farms and slaughter houses. I guarantee his cat lives a life of luxury in comparison
You have zero idea of how much, or what type of meat anyone in this thread eats, but go ahead keep making woeful comparisons.
They both involve animal abuse to some degree so I guess they kind of are similar. Just that the cruelty in one is relatable to most people and in the other its not. Just my 2 pence worth.

The cruelty stems from greed and the urge to consume meat in one case and from taking sick pleasure in another beings suffering in the other. That's the big difference when it comes to how people perceive it.
I see the “whataboutism” had begun. Eating meat and kicking a cat across the room are not even close to related ffs.
Yeah you're right. One will hopefully be given to a loving and caring home after this incident, and the other will be crammed in like sardines, living in their own faeces, abused and tortured until "humanely killed". You're spot on, they're not even closely related.

It's mind blowing that some on here seem to separate animal abuse, that just because it ends up on your plate, it's all okay. Or "indirect and direct animal cruelty" as someone put.
Moyes is a knob for playing him, what message does that send to kids?

Then again, Moyes is a knob full stop.
The RSPCA will prosecute and he’ll go to court.

More disturbing is what or who he‘s abusing when not being filmed ….don’t believe this is the first time.
Yeah you're right. One will hopefully be given to a loving and caring home after this incident, and the other will crammed in like sardines, living in their own faeces, abused and tortured until "humanely killed". You're spot on, they're not even closely related.

It's mind blowing that some on here seem to separate animal abuse, that just because it ends up on your plate, it's all okay. Or "indirect and direct animal cruelty" as someone put.

You didn't respond to my question, but I will ask you a different one instead, do you not see a difference between hurting / killing an animal for the pleasure of doing that vs the pleasure of tasting it without active involvement in that abuse? It's a different type of cruelty, it's silly to think otherwise. Again, as I said, both to me are wrong but are incomparable due to a variety of circumstances.
They both involve animal abuse to some degree so I guess they kind of are similar. Just that the cruelty in one is relatable to most people and in the other its not. Just my 2 pence worth.

I'd like to think most people would accept that putting an animal in a gas chamber or slitting its throat is worse than kicking it, it then becomes a question of justification, which most people will say that its justified because of food production. However, in a lot of countries we don't need to eat meat, so its basically for our own pleasure.

My view is that people can eat meat, go for it, but don't get on your high horse about animal cruelty when you contribute to it for your own pleasure.
There is a difference between eating animals that you know have been raised to be food (rightly or wrongly) and entering a transaction with a pet which is about loving and protecting them but deciding to abuse it for pleasure. Indirect and direct animal cruelty. I think what Zouma is doing is far worse, despite agreeing that people should be consuming little to no meat.
To be fair maybe he entered the transaction of buying a pet with the intent of fecking about and doing shit bag stuff like this?
You didn't respond to my question. But I will ask you a different one instead, do you not see a difference between hurting / killing an animal for the pleasure of doing that vs the pleasure of tasting it? It's a different type of cruelty, it's silly to think otherwise. Again, as I said, both to me are wrong but are incomparable due to a variety of circumstances.
Apologies, missed your comment.

Honestly, no I don't. And I say that as someone who ate meat for 33 years. I won't be saying much more as I don't want this to turn into one of those threads and only have a couple of posts left, but whether you hurt or kill an animal for pleasure or just to eat it, I don't see any distinction between the two. Neither does the animal in question. And just because you don't have "an active involvement in that abuse" I don't believe that makes it okay. Just my opinion though.
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You didn't respond to my question, but I will ask you a different one instead, do you not see a difference between hurting / killing an animal for the pleasure of doing that vs the pleasure of tasting it without active involvement in that abuse? It's a different type of cruelty, it's silly to think otherwise. Again, as I said, both to me are wrong but are incomparable due to a variety of circumstances.
There's a difference for sure. One is more innocent and lacking in malintent as compared to the other. But to play devil's advocate here, don't you think everyone eating meat has a pretty important involvement in that abuse? It's like the shareholders or Ceos of companies who abuse their employees human rights - they don't actively do it but they are benefitting from said abuse and hence are slightly complicit.
Apologies, missed your comment.

Honestly, no I don't. And I say that as someone who ate meat for 33 years. I won't be saying much more as I don't want this to turn into one of those threads and only have a couple of posts left, but whether you hurt or kill an animal for pleasure or just to eat it, I don't see any distinction between the two. Neither does the animal in question. Just my opinion though.
I agree. I don't see a difference either. Both involve unnecessary cruelty/abuse for personal pleasure. We don't need to kick a cat and we don't need to eat meat (we just like the taste). Many other ways to get complete protein, B12 and iron.
feck me this thread has taken a bizarre twist.

Certain posters need to educate themselves about the meat industry and go and visit some organic pastoral farmers before denouncing all meat as bad and all meat production as evil.
So what you're saying is, as long as you haven't got blood on your own hands, it's all okay? Gotcha.
If Zouma is eating meat, can we accuse him of double animal cruelty?

Anyone who has a pet (be that a dog, cat etc.) usually treats such pet as full family member and for those people kicking your pet is like kicking any human family member. Surely, people can understand that there are different emotions involved in abuse of a pet and killing an animal for food.

Also Zouma was abusing his cat for his own amusement whereas animals killed for food are killed for FOOD. No meat lover thinks that killing any animal is amusing in any way.

Other animals also kill each other for food but haven’t seen a lion kicking zebra for fun!
To be fair maybe he entered the transaction of buying a pet with the intent of fecking about and doing shit bag stuff like this?

Could be, which would make him even more of a despicable human.

Apologies, missed your comment.

Honestly, no I don't. And I say that as someone who ate meat for 33 years. I won't be saying much more as I don't want this to turn into one of those threads and only have a couple of posts left, but whether you hurt or kill an animal for pleasure or just to eat it, I don't see any distinction between the two. Neither does the animal in question. Just my opinion though.

That's fair, we will have to agree to disagree!

There's a difference for sure. One is more innocent and lacking in malintent as compared to the other. But to play devil's advocate here, don't you think everyone eating meat has a pretty important involvement in that abuse?

I think so, yes, you're enabling the meat industry to keep ongoing, and I don't disagree that eating meat is also animal cruelty. I just think it is different and dependent on multiple aspects including environment, culture, finance etc. Directly abusing an animal for pleasure is dependent on one thing - you being a cnut.
Could be, which would make him even more of a despicable human.

That's fair, we will have to agree to disagree!

I think so, yes, you're enabling the meat industry to keep ongoing, and I don't disagree that eating meat is also animal cruelty. I just think it is different and dependent on multiple aspects including environment, culture, finance etc. Directly abusing an animal for pleasure is dependent on one thing - you being a cnut.
Agree with that!
feck me this thread has taken a bizarre twist.

Certain posters need to educate themselves about the meat industry and go and visit some organic pastoral farmers before denouncing all meat as bad and all meat production as evil.
I am always intrigued when someone suggests that others should educate themselves. What is it that you think you know that others have missed?
And this is often coming from those that claim to be the least intolerant. Just don’t include people’s opinions in that tolerance.

I'm sorry but apart from one or two posters, no-one in here have declared themselves to be vegan, so turning this into a bitch-fest about vegans is a bit odd.
You didn't respond to my question, but I will ask you a different one instead, do you not see a difference between hurting / killing an animal for the pleasure of doing that vs the pleasure of tasting it without active involvement in that abuse? It's a different type of cruelty, it's silly to think otherwise. Again, as I said, both to me are wrong but are incomparable due to a variety of circumstances.

If the meat industry worked in such a way that meat consumers had to go to a farm, select an animal they wanted to eat and then take it to the factory and personally put it through the various horrible treatment it goes through before it ends up on a plate, I'd imagine a lot more people would choose to stop consuming meat. But since that isn't the case, the difference between consuming meat and volleying a cat across the room is pretty significant and it's absurd and helps no-one to keep attacking people for being upset about Zouma's actions.
Just curious. If we all became veggie/vegan what becomes of all these domesticated cattle/pigs/sheep etc? Why did man become carnivores in the first place, not sure we were originally. Wouldn't it be odd if herbivores suddenly all became carnivores and ate vegans.
Just curious. If we all became veggie/vegan what becomes of all these domesticated cattle/pigs/sheep etc?

They're all killed and become extinct because farmers are forced to sell their home (the fields/sheds) and the farming industry also goes under.
I'm sorry but apart from one or two posters, no-one in here have declared themselves to be vegan, so turning this into a bitch-fest about vegans is a bit odd.
I didnt realise that we had to announce it any more. Half the people I know are vegan. It's no big deal.
Just curious. If we all became veggie/vegan what becomes of all these domesticated cattle/pigs/sheep etc? Why did man become carnivores in the first place, not sure we were originally. Wouldn't it be odd if herbivores suddenly all became carnivores and ate vegans.
Pretty sure we are omnivore mate.
Like others have said, imagine if people demanded that people didn’t wear clothes before we allowed them to be appalled at Jimmy Savile’s child abuse.
RSPCA should prosecute however poor communications again from the Met by totally misjudging their statement to the public.

What concerns me is the mentality of Zouma. Behaving like that towards an animal usually shows deeper psychological issues which can result in other forms of abuse.
I see the “whataboutism” had begun. Eating meat and kicking a cat across the room are not even close to related ffs.

There has been plenty of whataboutism on the other side as well, a lot of replies asking "what if he did this to a baby or a child".

Well, he didn't do it to a child and when he does we can discuss what do to with it then.
If someone offered to beat me up or cut of my balls I know which option I’m taking. Many of us are big hypocrites regarding this animal cruelty. That idiot also comparing it to Rascism.
If someone offered to beat me up or cut of my balls I know which option I’m taking. Many of us are big hypocrites regarding this animal cruelty. That idiot also comparing it to Rascism.
He isn't comparing it to racism, he's saying if this was a perceived racist incident (see Cavani) this would get a ban in days even if it wasn't racist. The FA have taken a ridiculous approach to anti-racism without tackling the real issues and now they are just ignoring yet another real issue, animal abuse.
There has been plenty of whataboutism on the other side as well, a lot of replies asking "what if he did this to a baby or a child".

Well, he didn't do it to a child and when he does we can discuss what do to with it then.
The people doing that were trying to excuse the animal abuse and make excuses and equally bad. But those coming in and chiming on about how this is exactly the same as the meat industry are equally damaging. I'll say it again, kicking a cat across a room s nothing to do with the meat industry so why not leave that whataboutery for another debate.
Eating meat, which has been a natural part of humans as a species (whether you like it or not) vs. kicking an animal in the face for fun...

I had a chicken burger yesterday so I guess I'm not allowed to be affected by what Zouma did.