Kurt Zouma / 180 hours community service + banned from keeping cats for 5 years

Oh no I am all for reformation (see the thread about the bloke who was ruled a rapist in civil court for my arguments in favor of rehabilitation)

I am just shocked that in the US he played again, I thought the public reaction would be too visceral. What he did was heinous. And to dogs.

Ah I see! Apologies if I came across aggressively; I do think it's an interesting parallel and I was genuinely curious!
I didn't say it's okay.

I just think its more dumb and careless than cruel and malicious.

The guy is painfully silly because he thinks this is a joke. You can see he's laughing it off as a joke in the video. He's filming it.

Technically, it is indeed animal abuse but its pretty clear that it's not intended to be that way. The guy needs to be educated and aware of such stuff more than anything. Not defending any of his stupidity.
And what does the prick do when the camera isn’t rolling and he’s in a bad mood?
I genuinely CANNOT believe Moyes chose to play him today. Could you even associate with someone like that?

Oh get fecked what manager that has -ever- managed our club would pick that guy ever again?

You're missing my point. None of them would pick them because it would be PR wise toxic to. Not because it's the "right thing to do".

I get it was business decision but that says lot. He would rather play a player instead of actually suspend him for abnormal behaviour. That for me is lack of character.

As West Ham decided it was ok for him playing, we could easly done the same with Greenwood. But we are lucky to have some kind of moral that we know it would be a wrong thing to do.

I honestly don't think it was based on morals. Given the information out there regarding the alleged crime, and the size of the club, it would have been worldwide drama if he was playing still.

I do not think the Glazers all the way down to Ralf, are so moral they would suspend one of our players, with CL qualification on the line, if there were no PR ramifications that impacted the bottom line.
Even if Zouma is filled with genuine guilt and remorse and puts up his hands and says he fecked up, Moyes isn’t doing him any favours by putting him in front of thousands of people to be booed and abused.

Good. That’s much less than what he deserves. Moyes can feck off too!
There is no way this scum bag should have played tonight, and the apology is extremely hollow. These people that do this to animals should be punished the same way as if it was a crime committed to a helpless child, for example .
Just feck off
Send this thing over to Kurt Zoumas house.


I'd be happy to see Zouma kick the shit out of that cat, I'd gladly join in.
Ah I see! Apologies if I came across aggressively; I do think it's an interesting parallel and I was genuinely curious!

No worries!

Definitely an interesting parallel... The key difference here is that the NFL banned Vick, and reinstatement was up to the league, not any individual team. So he had to actively prove rehabilitation, not just complete his sentence.

Could be an option for the FA going forward for players convicted of serious crimes, or bringing the game into disrepute. If you leave the decision to clubs with skin in the game you'll end up disappointed.
@noodlehair, your thread you recently created about being disillusioned can include more and more footballers being exposed as despicable humans.

People are arseholes. That part I can live with. It's the fact his club still play him and the manager is allowed to say that it's because winning a football game is more important than whether his players kick defenceless animals to death, that makes me angry.

Honestly football the last couple of years is a fecking shameless embarrassing shitshow.

If I got caught booting my cat around like a football I'd rightly be sacked and not a chance any of my colleagues would want anything to do with me. Hell even Boris would get his marching orders if it was him in the video. He'd be gone within hours.

I think I'm done completely. Pathetic "sport"
WTF !!!!! just watched the vid, WTF are West Ham doing letting him play, its a joke.
Kicking and slapping the cat is bad enough, but to do it in front of his kid and the kid holding the cat when it is slapped.
Heartening to hear that most of us find his behaviour despicable. Just overheard a conversation on the train about how Zouma was simply "showing the cat who is boss" and that it was 'just a cat'. Some people are ridiculous.
The man is playing around with the cat. Yeah the slap was weird and not something he should do but it's not nearly as bad as some people are claiming.

He didn't do it with any malicious intentions. Just a silly, dumb thing to do.

What the actual feck is wrong with some people in this forum...
I thought booting a cat across the room would finally be the one singular event that he caf could agree on

sadly, I was wrong
Internet warriors making a big deal out of this very minute thing while biting on a chicken delicacy.

When I read some of the comments I felt he did something genuinely awful.

The man is playing around with the cat. Yeah the slap was weird and not something he should do but it's not nearly as bad as some people are claiming.

He didn't do it with any malicious intentions. Just a silly, dumb thing to do.

Don't belive in keeping pets anyways. That is not their natural habitat. I find that wrong itself.

Love how people are all woke about certain issues while neglecting much larger ones.

Zouma will probably handle the cat carefully from now on and put out a social media apology. He doesn't seem like the smartest guy out there.

If I'm his manager I'm not dropping my key player because of this. Would probably have a go at him in the dressing room for being so dumb and careless.
I’d love to boot you across the room and slap you across the face and then laugh at you.
Kurt Zouma’s actions were vile and putrid . But I’ve also lost complete respect for Moyes. What a clown
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I actually think this will damage his kid more than the cat.
This. Loads of footballers engaging in distasteful activities during their down time. You do wonder the impact their actions have on their progeny.
I’d love to boot you across the room and slap you across the face and then laugh at you.
You forgot to add that the above would be just for the purposes of “playing around” with this dude and perfectly normal.
Internet warriors making a big deal out of this very minute thing while biting on a chicken delicacy.

When I read some of the comments I felt he did something genuinely awful.

The man is playing around with the cat. Yeah the slap was weird and not something he should do but it's not nearly as bad as some people are claiming.

He didn't do it with any malicious intentions. Just a silly, dumb thing to do.

Don't belive in keeping pets anyways. That is not their natural habitat. I find that wrong itself.

Love how people are all woke about certain issues while neglecting much larger ones.

Zouma will probably handle the cat carefully from now on and put out a social media apology. He doesn't seem like the smartest guy out there.

If I'm his manager I'm not dropping my key player because of this. Would probably have a go at him in the dressing room for being so dumb and careless.
Wow, edgy take man. Hope you get the attention you crave for it.
You forgot to add that the above would be just for the purposes of “playing around” with this dude and perfectly normal.
Oh of course! Sure he’d love it and wouldn’t be injured
I agree with a lot on here about the kid observing this also. In any other walk of life, a child being witness to and joking around whilst an adult commits animal abuse and cruelty would be subject to Police and Social Work intervention.

There would be a lot more made of it by professionals of the person wasn’t in the public eye and dare I say, were below the poverty line.
I get it was business decision but that says lot. He would rather play a player instead of actually suspend him for abnormal behaviour. That for me is lack of character.

As West Ham decided it was ok for him playing, we could easly done the same with Greenwood. But we are lucky to have some kind of moral that we know it would be a wrong thing to do.
With the Dildo Brothers as owners I doubt morals would come into it.
Wait, did someone on here actually try and imply he was "playing around" with the cat?

He kicked it better than he kicks a ball ffs
Former WWE Champion Drew McIntyre has got involved.

Edit: Not a West Ham fan!

I think he's a Rangers fan?

But anyway. It's good to see somebody with a lot of followers etc calling this out.
Animal abusers are the lowest of the low.

Absolute piece of shit.
As a feline lover and cat owner of 30 years plus watching this made me physically sick! It's bad enough abusing a defenceless animal but in front of a child and encouraging this as acceptable behaviour? Words fail me.........

The police may not be interested in prosecuting him but the RSPCA will be on his case like a dog after a stick especially as he is such a high profile offender and a conviction would raise awareness at a higher level.

West Ham need to make an example of him and dismiss him for bringing the club into disrepute - he's a vile piece of humanity!
What a sick and twisted scumbag.
just some food for thought
Absolutely ridiculous decision by Moyes & the West Ham to pick him to start the game last night. Moyes comments to defend the selection that "he is one of our better players" is absolutely absurd and perpetuates the toxic message that just because you're a premier league footballer you can behave in such a manner off the field, but that doesn't matter as long as we get the 3 points on the pitch.

In my opinion Zouma's actions were realistically never going to be a sackable offence from the club, however you would like to see the club acknowledge that they're 100% against his actions by sanctioning a serious fine and banning him for a few games to keep him out of the firing line at least. But to play him the same day is baffling.
That's worse than hitting a person in my opinion. A person van make a same decision and leave. A house cat not so much.
Wait, so if you’re not vegan then you can’t condemn someone that kicks a pet like a football?
just some food for thought

It’s always good when certain vegans take this holier than thou stance, then their arguments soon start to unravel when you establish exactly what animal products, or byproducts, they still consume, or what animals are exploited to generate their plant products.

Generally we can all be made out to be hyprocrites, but most would see a difference between the mindless bullying and physical abuse of an animal, and one being raised well then slaughtered to be eaten.
Wait, so if you’re not vegan then you can’t condemn someone that kicks a pet like a football?

Apparently so. As I don't eat meat I think I can weigh in one this one, but don't have kids, so there's a whole other heinous crime that I am not allowed an opinion on.
It’s always good when certain vegans take this holier than thou stance, then their arguments soon start to unravel when you establish exactly what animal products, or byproducts, they still consume, or what animals are exploited to generate their plant products.

Generally we can all be made out to be hyprocrites, but most would see a difference between the mindless bullying and physical abuse of an animal, and one being raised well then slaughtered to be eaten.
"Humane slaughter" is one of the biggest lies the food industry has put out there. The overwhelming majority of animals are not raised well prior to being killed, don't let ridiculous make believe packaging showing local and wholesome farms make you think otherwise. Anyway, this is a topic for a completely different thread and I'm not wasting my 8 remaining posts going around the bend and not getting anywhere so we'll leave it there.
Apparently so. As I don't eat meat I think I can weigh in one this one, but don't have kids, so there's a whole other heinous crime that I am not allowed an opinion on.
Sounds about right. Awaiting confirmation on whether those condemning Greenwood have female spouses before deciding on whether their opinions on domestic abuse and sexual assault hold any ground.