Kurt Zouma / 180 hours community service + banned from keeping cats for 5 years

People are arseholes. That part I can live with. It's the fact his club still play him and the manager is allowed to say that it's because winning a football game is more important than whether his players kick defenceless animals to death, that makes me angry.

Honestly football the last couple of years is a fecking shameless embarrassing shitshow.

If I got caught booting my cat around like a football I'd rightly be sacked and not a chance any of my colleagues would want anything to do with me. Hell even Boris would get his marching orders if it was him in the video. He'd be gone within hours.

I think I'm done completely. Pathetic "sport"

I should have tagged you after the inevitable starting spot last night.

There was that incident of that teacher recently who was filmed punching and kicking that horse, and suspended next day leading to her sacking. Football clubs seem to think they run a different business to the rest of the world it seems.
He does play for West HAM, people hardly expect them to be attuned to animal rights do they?
I should have tagged you after the inevitable starting spot last night.

There was that incident of that teacher recently who was filmed punching and kicking that horse, and suspended next day leading to her sacking. Football clubs seem to think they run a different business to the rest of the world it seems.

Whether you think it’s right or wrong, they do. There’s a massive difference between a Premier League football club’s £30m asset and a public servant.
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The coverage this has got is unbelievable. Yet 95% of these very same people kicking up a fuss EAT animals every single day that have been battered by human workers in slaughter houses. The hypocrisy is hilarious.
It’s always good when certain vegans take this holier than thou stance, then their arguments soon start to unravel when you establish exactly what animal products, or byproducts, they still consume, or what animals are exploited to generate their plant products.

Generally we can all be made out to be hyprocrites, but most would see a difference between the mindless bullying and physical abuse of an animal, and one being raised well then slaughtered to be eaten.
animals raised for meat are also mindlessly bullied, crammed into tight spaces, living in their own faeces and disease. Take a look at those battery farms and slaughter houses. I guarantee his cat lives a life of luxury in comparison
I’m sure the RSPCA will prosecute him.

As for desperate Moyes …hope he gets his too
3 match ban for Cavani

Yes but he was being friendly to a guy in his own native language. The English speaking FA can`t have that.

I am sure that they are completely fine with Kurt Zouma being a animal abuser though. How extremely convenient that his pets are always treated well and friendly every day EXCEP for that ONE TIME he was recorded. Wow, what a weird coincidence.
animals raised for meat are also mindlessly bullied, crammed into tight spaces, living in their own faeces and disease. Take a look at those battery farms and slaughter houses. I guarantee his cat lives a life of luxury in comparison
Many are, sure, but not all. I eat relatively little mass-produced meat.
FFS reading this thread and just like the, he who should not be named thread that was deleted, I am shocked at the views of small minority .

I hope some of them are just looking for attention and not their objective views.
I lost my cat to a chronic disease a few weeks ago, really want someone to punch Zouma in the face, but how am I even complaining about it when I got my cat's testicles chopped off and I'm eating animals 4 times a week.
Weird battle I'm fighting with myself.
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Whether you think it’s right or wrong, they do. There’s a massive difference between a Premier League football club’s £30m asset and a public servant.

And compared to banks like Credit Suisse who sacked their Chairman after breaching Quarantine rules?

Is there a difference there?
And compared to banks like Credit Suisse who sacked their Chairman after breaching Quarantine rules?

Is there a difference there?

Yes. Credit Suisse didn’t pay £30m for him to begin with.

Comparing football to any other industry is a bit pointless in my opinion.
This asshole shouldn't just be fired, he should be prosecuted as well.

Also, I'm vegan, but I think it's perfectly fine to criticize this even if you eat meat. There's a big difference between indirect responsibility and this kind of psychopatic behaviour.

Everybody is appalled about (child) abuse, yet a lot of people wear sneakers made in terrible circumstances.
I wasn't expecting to be judged for eating meat when I condemned somebody kicking a cat.
This asshole shouldn't just be fired, he should be prosecuted as well.

Also, I'm vegan, but I think it's perfectly fine to criticize this even if you eat meat. There's a big difference between indirect responsibility and this kind of psychopatic behaviour.

Everybody is appalled about (child) abuse, yet a lot of people wear sneakers made in terrible circumstances.
Agree with this, vegetarian here, but the topic of animal abuse can be a separate discussion.
The coverage this has got is unbelievable. Yet 95% of these very same people kicking up a fuss EAT animals every single day that have been battered by human workers in slaughter houses. The hypocrisy is hilarious.
They still have emotions still even though they eat meat. Most of the abuse in slaughter houses is hidden, you just buy a packet of meat in the shop. Most people dont even realise the abuse that farm animals suffer. I think when abuse happens to a cat or a dog then people relate. Just the way it is.
This asshole shouldn't just be fired, he should be prosecuted as well.

Also, I'm vegan, but I think it's perfectly fine to criticize this even if you eat meat. There's a big difference between indirect responsibility and this kind of psychopatic behaviour.

Everybody is appalled about (child) abuse, yet a lot of people wear sneakers made in terrible circumstances.
Exactly. We’re all selective in our lives, one way or another.
Many are, sure, but not all. I eat relatively little mass-produced meat.
Don't want this to turn into a vegan debate, but I remember when I used to be vegan finding out some of the laws/requirements for free range stuff to be deemed "free range" and it's quite surprising.

We are all, in some way, hypocrites no matter what we do in life. However...saying you can't have an opinion/be outraged on the matter raised because of XYZ, bit silly.
I lost my cat to a chronic disease a few weeks ago, really want someone to punch Zouma in the face, but how am I even complaining about it when I got my cat's testicles chopped off and I'm eating animals 4 time a week.
Weird battle I'm fighting with myself.
The most honest post in the thread.
There is a difference between eating animals that you know have been raised to be food (rightly or wrongly) and entering a transaction with a pet which is about loving and protecting them but deciding to abuse it for pleasure. Indirect and direct animal cruelty. I think what Zouma is doing is far worse, despite agreeing that people should be consuming little to no meat.
There is a difference between eating animals that you know have been raised to be food (rightly or wrongly) and entering a transaction with a pet which is about loving and protecting them but deciding to abuse it for pleasure. Indirect and direct animal cruelty. I think what Zouma is doing is far worse, despite agreeing that people should be consuming little to no meat.
So what you're saying is, as long as you haven't got blood on your own hands, it's all okay? Gotcha.
Don't want this to turn into a vegan debate, but I remember when I used to be vegan finding out some of the laws/requirements for free range stuff to be deemed "free range" and it's quite surprising.

We are all, in some way, hypocrites no matter what we do in life. However...saying you can't have an opinion/be outraged on the matter raised because of XYZ, bit silly.
Its not silly, its elitist. Everyone has the right to an opinion on cruelty, whether people listen or respect that opinion is another matter. An opinion will always hold more weight if it is less hypocritical.
Don't want this to turn into a vegan debate, but I remember when I used to be vegan finding out some of the laws/requirements for free range stuff to be deemed "free range" and it's quite surprising.

We are all, in some way, hypocrites no matter what we do in life. However...saying you can't have an opinion/be outraged on the matter raised because of XYZ, bit silly.
No but getting into purity spirals is a pretty sure fire way to make people lose sympathy for your cause. The idea that you can't be outraged at someone beating a pet because you eat meat, or can't be appalled at child abuse because your clothing may or may not be produced with child labour, or can't be concerned about climate change because you do fly to go on holiday, seems pretty short-sighted.

Next step will be the vegans in this thread turning on one another once one group learns that the other may be happy to purchase products that the other group have a moral objection to.
So what you're saying is, as long as you haven't got blood on your own hands, it's all okay? Gotcha.

Please enlighten me why you believe that from my post. I'm a vegan, I think doing both is bad, but there are obvious differences.
I see the “whataboutism” had begun. Eating meat and kicking a cat across the room are not even close to related ffs.
No but getting into purity spirals is a pretty sure fire way to make people lose sympathy for your cause. The idea that you can't be outraged at someone beating a pet because you eat meat, or can't be appalled at child abuse because your clothing may or may not be produced with child labour, or can't be concerned about climate change because you do fly to go on holiday, seems pretty short-sighted.

Next step will be the vegans in this thread turning on one another once one group learns that the other may be happy to purchase products that the other group have a moral objection to.
And this is often coming from those that claim to be the least intolerant. Just don’t include people’s opinions in that tolerance.
Yes but he was being friendly to a guy in his own native language. The English speaking FA can`t have that.

I am sure that they are completely fine with Kurt Zouma being a animal abuser though. How extremely convenient that his pets are always treated well and friendly every day EXCEP for that ONE TIME he was recorded. Wow, what a weird coincidence.
It’s quite something that nobody from the PL has come out and at least said the incident will be looked into. Unless they have and I’ve missed it?
"You can't be mad about a guy kicking a cat across the floor, slapping it and throwing shoes at it because you eat KFC" is a dumb argument.

How far down the rabbit hole can you go? If you take a stand against one thing that you think is morally wrong, you'll continue to hear "well how can you oppose X, when Y and Z is also happening?" as if the end goal to just be apathetic and numb to everything. Sadly, we have to be selective.

The meat and dairy industry is shite, and I avoid it as much as I can. Kicking a cat that you have made a conscious decisions to take care of is also really shite, and not really comparable to the former. I don't think Zouma should be hung from the gallows, but he probably shouldn't have played last night, and he definitely deserves the shit he's going to get from the stands over the next few weeks (which based on last night is probably going to be fairly tame, and if anything, quite funny). And he should probably have the cat(s) taken off him.
An opinion will always hold more weight if it is less hypocritical.


We're all hypocrites in one way or another, however people should try to be less hypocritical and learn, rather than succumb to cognitive dissonance - otherwise their opinions are vapid
I see the “whataboutism” had begun. Eating meat and kicking a cat across the room are not even close to related ffs.
They both involve animal abuse to some degree so I guess they kind of are similar. Just that the cruelty in one is relatable to most people and in the other its not. Just my 2 pence worth.
So what you're saying is, as long as you haven't got blood on your own hands, it's all okay? Gotcha.
Everyone has blood on their hands. Unless you're a hermit typing away in some cave producing all your own food/clothing/shelter? Surprising considering you're typing away...on a plastic keyboard, probably get tipped in the future, bit more waste into the earth that won't biodegrade. You most likely won't see the consequences, but all those humans years from now will.