Kurt Zouma / 180 hours community service + banned from keeping cats for 5 years

Internet warriors making a big deal out of this very minute thing while biting on a chicken delicacy.

When I read some of the comments I felt he did something genuinely awful.

The man is playing around with the cat. Yeah the slap was weird and not something he should do but it's not nearly as bad as some people are claiming.

He didn't do it with any malicious intentions. Just a silly, dumb thing to do.

Don't belive in keeping pets anyways. That is not their natural habitat. I find that wrong itself.

Love how people are all woke about certain issues while neglecting much larger ones.

Zouma will probably handle the cat carefully from now on and put out a social media apology. He doesn't seem like the smartest guy out there.

If I'm his manager I'm not dropping my key player because of this. Would probably have a go at him in the dressing room for being so dumb and careless.
@Solius @golden_blunder @jojojo @Damien Can you guys please ban this guy? Making light of animal abuse is disgusting.
I didn't say it's okay.

I just think its more dumb and careless than cruel and malicious.

The guy is painfully silly because he thinks this is a joke. You can see he's laughing it off as a joke in the video. He's filming it.

Technically, it is indeed animal abuse but its pretty clear that it's not intended to be that way. The guy needs to be educated and aware of such stuff more than anything. Not defending any of his stupidity.
Kurt, how do you post on the Caf & play at the same time?
Tough watch. He should be charged for sure. Can’t ever think of doing that to my cat!!!
There needs to be pressure through petitions and the likes to make sure this cnut never plays again.
I thought I couldn’t hate Moyes than I already did but nope he truly is a disposable scum bag, Zouma goes straight back into the first team.
The BBC player ratings for their game. :D

We live in a world where Cavani can get a ban for using his own language in a friendly manner and yet someone can perform literal animal abuse and receive no punishment. Priorities are all completely wrong and highlight exactly what’s wrong with the FA but also some reflections of wider society.
People calling it ‘rough play’ ffs… cmon. It’s animal abuse and cruelty.

I’ve owned numerous big, serious dogs - dogs that liked to play rough, and that footage was upsetting to watch. You don’t kick a fecking animal across the room and smack it in the face so hard that it goes flying and get away with ‘rough play’. Cmon ffs.

It’s not rough play, it’s cruelty to a helpless, voiceless animal while laughing at it.
Slightly off topic but less depressing than most of this thread. I have a mini golden doodle (originally my fiancées) that is about 10kg/22lb that loves rough housing. It is hilarious, she’s this pretty little diva who tries to wrestle me like 4 times a day. Growing up we had big, big, alpha male dogs who loved to play rough with my dad, when he finally met our little one last year he couldn’t believe how feisty she was. If you say “put em up” and do an exaggerated boxing stance she sits upright on her back legs and tries to box you :lol:
We also have a 25kg/55lb boxer/husky/lab mutt. He loves wrestling the big dogs in our neighbourhood but he absolutely hates rough play with a person. He used to get upset when we’d do it with his “sister”, now he kind of joins in , or stands behind her and paws, bites at her to play with him, but he only wants gentle interactions with people. He’s a rescue, so we don’t know if he was abused before us.
Criticise the post not the poster. The post is a dumb cnut.
:lol: :lol:
Internet warriors making a big deal out of this very minute thing while biting on a chicken delicacy.

When I read some of the comments I felt he did something genuinely awful.

The man is playing around with the cat. Yeah the slap was weird and not something he should do but it's not nearly as bad as some people are claiming.

He didn't do it with any malicious intentions. Just a silly, dumb thing to do.

Don't belive in keeping pets anyways. That is not their natural habitat. I find that wrong itself.

Love how people are all woke about certain issues while neglecting much larger ones.

Zouma will probably handle the cat carefully from now on and put out a social media apology. He doesn't seem like the smartest guy out there.

If I'm his manager I'm not dropping my key player because of this. Would probably have a go at him in the dressing room for being so dumb and careless.
Hope with posts like that you never progress beyond being a newbie.

What a load of absolute cobblers.
Internet warriors making a big deal out of this very minute thing while biting on a chicken delicacy.

When I read some of the comments I felt he did something genuinely awful.

The man is playing around with the cat. Yeah the slap was weird and not something he should do but it's not nearly as bad as some people are claiming.

He didn't do it with any malicious intentions. Just a silly, dumb thing to do.

Don't belive in keeping pets anyways. That is not their natural habitat. I find that wrong itself.

Love how people are all woke about certain issues while neglecting much larger ones.

Zouma will probably handle the cat carefully from now on and put out a social media apology. He doesn't seem like the smartest guy out there.

If I'm his manager I'm not dropping my key player because of this. Would probably have a go at him in the dressing room for being so dumb and careless.

How the feck do you kick and then throw shoes at a cat without malicious intent?
Internet warriors making a big deal out of this very minute thing while biting on a chicken delicacy.

When I read some of the comments I felt he did something genuinely awful.

The man is playing around with the cat. Yeah the slap was weird and not something he should do but it's not nearly as bad as some people are claiming.

He didn't do it with any malicious intentions. Just a silly, dumb thing to do.

Don't belive in keeping pets anyways. That is not their natural habitat. I find that wrong itself.

Love how people are all woke about certain issues while neglecting much larger ones.

Zouma will probably handle the cat carefully from now on and put out a social media apology. He doesn't seem like the smartest guy out there.

If I'm his manager I'm not dropping my key player because of this. Would probably have a go at him in the dressing room for being so dumb and careless.

I eat chicken but I would never harm one.
Playing doesn't mean kicking it or slapping it off the table. There is a big gap between those 2 actions.
You never owned a pet and don't have a clue about what loving a dog or a cat like a family member means, that's your problem.
He's 27, not 17. Idiot. Seems like since the year started there's a crazy thing some football player does every 3 days.
Abusing defenseless animals gets my blood boiling.. and you'd need to be truly disturbed to have a kid holding it up infront of you so you can slap the shit out of it. Anyone defending or downplaying this can go feck themselves as well, fecking cnuts.
West Ham should be getting heavy criticism for playing him today.
How the feck do you kick and then throw shoes at a cat without malicious intent?
That's what I was thinking. But even if there's no malicious intent, it's still fecking horrible that he thinks doing this is fun? There's no way to defend this yet some people do some mental gymnastics to do just that :wenger:
Has anyone snapped his shin yet?

It's worth a lengthy ban for whoever does it.
One time we had workmen in and we couldn't find her. Then we could hear mewing in mum and dad's bedroom, the workmen had taken a floorboard up to do something with the electrics and she had gone down the hole. Then of course the workman had put the floorboard back. My grandad came round to take the floorboard up to release her.
What an idiot... I’m lost for words. Such people should be banned straight away and face criminal charges for animal cruelty. Have two cats and this makes me so angry.
Not mosquitoes though

I'd gladly eradicate the entire earth of mosquitoes and flies if it helped you get through the next hour and I don't even know you, that's how beneath us they are

Well, we literally have skin in the game. Somewhere around a hundred billion humans have existed, and around half of those were killed by mosquitoes. Given they've eradicated one in every two humans since we became human, I wouldn't exactly say they're "beneath us," but we do have a legitimate beef against them.

One other quick point. To the poster who says we shouldn't keep pets because it isn't their natural habitat, they're domesticated by definition, so living alongside and with humans is their natural habitat. They might survive away from us, some individuals more than others, but domesticated animals are a very different thing than wild ones.
Well, we literally have skin in the game. Somewhere around a hundred billion humans have existed, and around half of those were killed by mosquitoes. Given they've eradicated one in every two humans since we became human, I wouldn't exactly say they're "beneath us," but we do have a legitimate beef against them.

One other quick point. To the poster who says we shouldn't keep pets because it isn't their natural habitat, they're domesticated by definition, so living alongside and with humans is their natural habitat. They might survive away from us, some individuals more than others, but domesticated animals are a very different thing than wild ones.

Obviously...a stray dog or cat would never live as long as a domesticated one, without a healthy diet, vet check, love, lack of stress etc.
We live in a world where Cavani can get a ban for using his own language in a friendly manner and yet someone can perform literal animal abuse and receive no punishment. Priorities are all completely wrong and highlight exactly what’s wrong with the FA but also some reflections of wider society.
Yeah it's laughable isn't it... the FA are absolute clowns. West Ham should be fined and Zouma suspended right away hopefully followed by a charge by the police for animal abuse.
Send this thing over to Kurt Zoumas house.

Internet warriors making a big deal out of this very minute thing while biting on a chicken delicacy.

When I read some of the comments I felt he did something genuinely awful.

The man is playing around with the cat. Yeah the slap was weird and not something he should do but it's not nearly as bad as some people are claiming.

He didn't do it with any malicious intentions. Just a silly, dumb thing to do.

Don't belive in keeping pets anyways. That is not their natural habitat. I find that wrong itself.

Love how people are all woke about certain issues while neglecting much larger ones.

Zouma will probably handle the cat carefully from now on and put out a social media apology. He doesn't seem like the smartest guy out there.

If I'm his manager I'm not dropping my key player because of this. Would probably have a go at him in the dressing room for being so dumb and careless.
First of all, there are lot of vegetarians that would never hurt even a bug.

Second, you are talking like it is no big deal kicking around cats and animals. Where does your red line go?

Third, malicious or not. You don't do that. You can apply the same to humans. You don't kick or hurt humans for fun. And if you do that, you are not normal.

Forth, not dropping a player after this says a lot about your character as it does with Moyes and West Ham.
The 30 for 30 on Michael Vik was fascinating (the NFL football star who ran a dog fighting ring and drowned dogs). It was such a grotesque example of animal abuse and made far more shocking when they didn't think what they were doing was wrong because they grew up doing it.

Not that it matters (it absolutely does not), but I can believe that.

I'm still shocked he played in the NFL again.
so West Ham started him tonight, less than 24h after this shit came to light, and nobody bats an eye. All will be forgotten soon and I can't see many serious consequences for Zouma, but he's a vile idiot.
Forth, not dropping a player after this says a lot about your character as it does with Moyes and West Ham.

It doesn't say much about character, it was a business decision. If United could have gotten away with playing Mason tonight, we would have, but the public outcry would have been ruinous to the bottom line. This incident doesn't move the needle that much, they must have reasoned.

Maybe if sponsors drop then they'll reconsider.
I genuinely CANNOT believe Moyes chose to play him today. Could you even associate with someone like that?

It doesn't say much about character, it was a business decision. If United could have gotten away with playing Mason tonight, we would have, but the public outcry would have been ruinous to the bottom line. This incident doesn't move the needle that much.
Oh get fecked what manager that has -ever- managed our club would pick that guy ever again?
Internet warriors making a big deal out of this very minute thing while biting on a chicken delicacy.

When I read some of the comments I felt he did something genuinely awful.

The man is playing around with the cat. Yeah the slap was weird and not something he should do but it's not nearly as bad as some people are claiming.

He didn't do it with any malicious intentions. Just a silly, dumb thing to do.

Don't belive in keeping pets anyways. That is not their natural habitat. I find that wrong itself.

Love how people are all woke about certain issues while neglecting much larger ones.

Zouma will probably handle the cat carefully from now on and put out a social media apology. He doesn't seem like the smartest guy out there.

If I'm his manager I'm not dropping my key player because of this. Would probably have a go at him in the dressing room for being so dumb and careless.
Every time I think I've read the stupidest post, another one comes along to try and top it.
It doesn't say much about character, it was a business decision. If United could have gotten away with playing Mason tonight, we would have, but the public outcry would have been ruinous to the bottom line. This incident doesn't move the needle that much, they must have reasoned.

Maybe if sponsors drop then they'll reconsider.
I get it was business decision but that says lot. He would rather play a player instead of actually suspend him for abnormal behaviour. That for me is lack of character.

As West Ham decided it was ok for him playing, we could easly done the same with Greenwood. But we are lucky to have some kind of moral that we know it would be a wrong thing to do.
Not that it matters (it absolutely does not), but I can believe that.

I'm still shocked he played in the NFL again.

Well I mean this can devolve into a grander philosophical discussion about whether the purpose of incarceration is ultimately punitive or for rehabilitation. He was convicted and served his sentence and by all accounts subsequently has been contrite and a model member of society - do you not think he should be allowed to play in the NFL on that basis? Is the purpose of prison solely to punish and not to allow for reform?
Well I mean this can devolve into a grander philosophical discussion about whether the purpose of incarceration is ultimately punitive or for rehabilitation. He was convicted and served his sentence and by all accounts subsequently has been contrite and a model member of society - do you not think he should be allowed to play in the NFL on that basis? Is the purpose of prison solely to punish and not to allow for reform?

Oh no I am all for reformation (see the thread about the bloke who was ruled a rapist in civil court for my arguments in favor of rehabilitation)

I am just shocked that in the US he played again, I thought the public reaction would be too visceral. What he did was heinous. And to dogs.