Kurt Zouma / 180 hours community service + banned from keeping cats for 5 years

I don't know why some people are writing something on the lines of 'I don't even like cats.'.

We don't need your personal opinion on the preference of what freaking animal you like while its being thrown and kicked around like a soft toy.

Anyway, hopefully someone throws the book at Zouma, preferably a heavy one like The Lord Of The Rings.
Reading this and the previous Greenwood thread makes you truly appreciate just how many sociopaths and psychopaths we have in our society. Truly astonishing that some of you are looking at a cat being full on drop kicked on a video and somehow excusing away this behaviour? Unreal
Even if Zouma is filled with genuine guilt and remorse and puts up his hands and says he fecked up, Moyes isn’t doing him any favours by putting him in front of thousands of people to be booed and abused.
Even if Zouma is filled with genuine guilt and remorse and puts up his hands and says he fecked up, Moyes isn’t doing him any favours by putting him in front of thousands of people to be booed and abused.
I personally hope that someone drop kicks him and breaks his legs.
Reading this and the previous Greenwood thread makes you truly appreciate just how many sociopaths and psychopaths we have in our society. Truly astonishing that some of you are looking at a cat being full on drop kicked on a video and somehow excusing away this behaviour? Unreal

I was actually pleasantly surprised by the widespread acceptance of Greenwood as a scumbag. Didn't see many dissenting voices. Gave me some faith in humanity :D
I'm going to take a wild guess and say you're not a farmer. Most farmers don't dropkick their cows, chase them under tables & slap their heads before turning them into beef burgers.

this isn’t really a conversation we should go into but I can promise you what happens to cows is much much much much worse than kurt zouma chasing them under a table and slapping them. What happens to cows is barbaric but this isn’t the place for that.

I hope he gets fined and banned from keeping animals.
Even if Zouma is filled with genuine guilt and remorse and puts up his hands and says he fecked up, Moyes isn’t doing him any favours by putting him in front of thousands of people to be booed and abused.
Once the media start backlashing, Moyes will say he played him to teach him a lesson.
Inappropriate Behavior
Internet warriors making a big deal out of this very minute thing while biting on a chicken delicacy.

When I read some of the comments I felt he did something genuinely awful.

The man is playing around with the cat. Yeah the slap was weird and not something he should do but it's not nearly as bad as some people are claiming.

He didn't do it with any malicious intentions. Just a silly, dumb thing to do.

Don't belive in keeping pets anyways. That is not their natural habitat. I find that wrong itself.

Love how people are all woke about certain issues while neglecting much larger ones.

Zouma will probably handle the cat carefully from now on and put out a social media apology. He doesn't seem like the smartest guy out there.

If I'm his manager I'm not dropping my key player because of this. Would probably have a go at him in the dressing room for being so dumb and careless.
I am stunned that West Ham are playing him tonight, Moyes is an utter cnut.
Internet warriors making a big deal out of this very minute thing while biting on a chicken delicacy.

When I read some of the comments I felt he did something genuinely awful.

The man is playing around with the cat. Yeah the slap was weird and not something he should do but it's not nearly as bad as some people are claiming.

He didn't do it with any malicious intentions. Just a silly, dumb thing to do.

Don't belive in keeping pets anyways. That is not their natural habitat. I find that wrong itself.

Love how people are all woke about certain issues while neglecting much larger ones.

Zouma will probably handle the cat carefully from now on and put out a social media apology. He doesn't seem like the smartest guy out there.
^^^Animal abuser found
He's quite obviously using a new technique for polishing his boots. Nothing to see here, move on.
Internet warriors making a big deal out of this very minute thing while biting on a chicken delicacy.

When I read some of the comments I felt he did something genuinely awful.

The man is playing around with the cat. Yeah the slap was weird and not something he should do but it's not nearly as bad as some people are claiming.

He didn't do it with any malicious intentions. Just a silly, dumb thing to do.

Don't belive in keeping pets anyways. That is not their natural habitat. I find that wrong itself.

Love how people are all woke about certain issues while neglecting much larger ones.

Zouma will probably handle the cat carefully from now on and put out a social media apology. He doesn't seem like the smartest guy out there.

If I'm his manager I'm not dropping my key player because of this. Would probably have a go at him in the dressing room for being so dumb and careless.
Absolutely disgusting post.
No we don’t. You don’t compare animals to human beings. “Others” is not a term reserved for animals. This is not even a debate I’m willing to have. Let’s just agree to disagree.
Animals are better than humans, full stop.
Internet warriors making a big deal out of this very minute thing while biting on a chicken delicacy.

When I read some of the comments I felt he did something genuinely awful.

The man is playing around with the cat. Yeah the slap was weird and not something he should do but it's not nearly as bad as some people are claiming.

He didn't do it with any malicious intentions. Just a silly, dumb thing to do.

Don't belive in keeping pets anyways. That is not their natural habitat. I find that wrong itself.

Love how people are all woke about certain issues while neglecting much larger ones.

Zouma will probably handle the cat carefully from now on and put out a social media apology. He doesn't seem like the smartest guy out there.

If I'm his manager I'm not dropping my key player because of this. Would probably have a go at him in the dressing room for being so dumb and careless.

What a strange post. Super PETA like on some senses (don't think people should keep pets) but then is okay with them abusing pets. Anything that scares our hurts a pet is abuse and he is certainly doing that and it's not okay.
Internet warriors making a big deal out of this very minute thing while biting on a chicken delicacy.

When I read some of the comments I felt he did something genuinely awful.

The man is playing around with the cat. Yeah the slap was weird and not something he should do but it's not nearly as bad as some people are claiming.

He didn't do it with any malicious intentions. Just a silly, dumb thing to do.

Don't belive in keeping pets anyways. That is not their natural habitat. I find that wrong itself.

Love how people are all woke about certain issues while neglecting much larger ones.

Zouma will probably handle the cat carefully from now on and put out a social media apology. He doesn't seem like the smartest guy out there.

If I'm his manager I'm not dropping my key player because of this. Would probably have a go at him in the dressing room for being so dumb and careless.
What a strange post. Super PETA like on some senses (don't think people should keep pets) but then is okay with them abusing pets. Anything that scares our hurts a pet is abuse and he is certainly doing that and it's not okay.

I didn't say it's okay.

I just think its more dumb and careless than cruel and malicious.

The guy is painfully silly because he thinks this is a joke. You can see he's laughing it off as a joke in the video. He's filming it.

Technically, it is indeed animal abuse but its pretty clear that it's not intended to be that way. The guy needs to be educated and aware of such stuff more than anything. Not defending any of his stupidity.
I didn't say it's okay.

I just think its more dumb and careless than cruel and malicious.

The guy is painfully silly because he thinks this is a joke. You can see he's laughing it off as a joke in the video. He's filming it.

Technically, it is indeed animal abuse but its pretty clear that it's not intended to be that way. The guy needs to be educated and aware of such stuff more than anything. Not defending any of his stupidity.

Okay, I get where you are coming from now. Thanks for clarifying.
I don't know why some people are writing something on the lines of 'I don't even like cats.'.

We don't need your personal opinion on the preference of what freaking animal you like while its being thrown and kicked around like a soft toy.

Anyway, hopefully someone throws the book at Zouma, preferably a heavy one like The Lord Of The Rings.

Because they can be annoying brats at times. Oh, did I mention I'm allergic to them? They're bad vibes honestly.

Bad vibes that should never be maltreated obviously.
Internet warriors making a big deal out of this very minute thing while biting on a chicken delicacy.

When I read some of the comments I felt he did something genuinely awful.

The man is playing around with the cat. Yeah the slap was weird and not something he should do but it's not nearly as bad as some people are claiming.

He didn't do it with any malicious intentions. Just a silly, dumb thing to do.

Don't belive in keeping pets anyways. That is not their natural habitat. I find that wrong itself.

Love how people are all woke about certain issues while neglecting much larger ones.

Zouma will probably handle the cat carefully from now on and put out a social media apology. He doesn't seem like the smartest guy out there.

If I'm his manager I'm not dropping my key player because of this. Would probably have a go at him in the dressing room for being so dumb and careless.
I didn't say it's okay.

I just think its more dumb and careless than cruel and malicious.

The guy is painfully silly because he thinks this is a joke. You can see he's laughing it off as a joke in the video. He's filming it.

Technically, it is indeed animal abuse but its pretty clear that it's not intended to be that way. The guy needs to be educated and aware of such stuff more than anything. Not defending any of his stupidity.

These two posts are an utter fecking cnut and I would permanently ban you if I were a mod :)

He‘s laughing because his own sadism is giving him pathetic glee - it isn’t ‘good natured laughter’, as you, and everyone else fecking well knows.

Those 2 teenage psychopaths from Ukraine who videoed themselves committing gruesome murders were also laughing and filming themselves - it isn’t because they just misunderstood how a joke works - it’s because they’re lowly sadists who obtain joy by hurting defenceless beings.

For reference sake, they also began by torturing animals and laughing as they did so.

This thread. fecking hell.
I didn't say it's okay.

I just think its more dumb and careless than cruel and malicious.

The guy is painfully silly because he thinks this is a joke. You can see he's laughing it off as a joke in the video. He's filming it.

Technically, it is indeed animal abuse but its pretty clear that it's not intended to be that way. The guy needs to be educated and aware of such stuff more than anything. Not defending any of his stupidity.

Lesson 1.
Reasons why it's not normal to boot a cat.
I didn't say it's okay.

I just think its more dumb and careless than cruel and malicious.

The guy is painfully silly because he thinks this is a joke. You can see he's laughing it off as a joke in the video. He's filming it.

Technically, it is indeed animal abuse but its pretty clear that it's not intended to be that way. The guy needs to be educated and aware of such stuff more than anything. Not defending any of his stupidity.
Dumb cnut
The 30 for 30 on Michael Vik was fascinating (the NFL football star who ran a dog fighting ring and drowned dogs). It was such a grotesque example of animal abuse and made far more shocking when they didn't think what they were doing was wrong because they grew up doing it.
Internet warriors making a big deal out of this very minute thing while biting on a chicken delicacy.

When I read some of the comments I felt he did something genuinely awful.

The man is playing around with the cat. Yeah the slap was weird and not something he should do but it's not nearly as bad as some people are claiming.

He didn't do it with any malicious intentions. Just a silly, dumb thing to do.

Don't belive in keeping pets anyways. That is not their natural habitat. I find that wrong itself.

Love how people are all woke about certain issues while neglecting much larger ones.

Zouma will probably handle the cat carefully from now on and put out a social media apology. He doesn't seem like the smartest guy out there.

If I'm his manager I'm not dropping my key player because of this. Would probably have a go at him in the dressing room for being so dumb and careless.
Internet warriors? Try “people who don’t like cats getting kicked”.

Idiotic post mate
There's no other word for kicking and hitting a cat than animal abuse. But it does show that Kurt Zouma is ignorant to it, that's something he's been taught is OK to do. Culturally or through his upbringing.
Internet warriors making a big deal out of this very minute thing while biting on a chicken delicacy.

When I read some of the comments I felt he did something genuinely awful.

The man is playing around with the cat. Yeah the slap was weird and not something he should do but it's not nearly as bad as some people are claiming.

He didn't do it with any malicious intentions. Just a silly, dumb thing to do.

Don't belive in keeping pets anyways. That is not their natural habitat. I find that wrong itself.

Love how people are all woke about certain issues while neglecting much larger ones.

Zouma will probably handle the cat carefully from now on and put out a social media apology. He doesn't seem like the smartest guy out there.

If I'm his manager I'm not dropping my key player because of this. Would probably have a go at him in the dressing room for being so dumb and careless.
I know mate, there’s a lot of that going around.
There's no other word for kicking and hitting a cat than animal abuse. But it does show that Kurt Zouma is ignorant to it, that's something he's been taught is OK to do. Culturally or through his upbringing.
I think he's just mentally like ten years younger, still acting like a stupid teenager. Doesn't excuse his actions obviously, but he's probably not the sadistic torturer type.