Kurt Zouma / 180 hours community service + banned from keeping cats for 5 years

Some posters are so committed to being contrarian they have to weigh in as pro-twatting little fluffy animals around, just to keep up appearances. :lol:

I was reading though having a chuckle at that too. Sometimes it’s just better not to comment, but the force with some is too strong. I think it’s about looking considered and intelligent in your own mind, buts it’s definitely bizarre in some football threads, nevermind in this one!
Why are people saying this is aimed at Zouma? He just got back together with his dog and wants to show his love in public. Some people will just instantly jump to any conclusion in order to have a go :rolleyes:
No we don’t. You don’t compare animals to human beings. “Others” is not a term reserved for animals. This is not even a debate I’m willing to have. Let’s just agree to disagree.
Definitely disagree then. Don't see any reason for putting human beings on a pedestal.
Sadly, but unsurprisingly, speciesism doesn't garner a high level of public or media support or credibility as it requires unselfish, non self-serving people to push for the rights of other species with no benefit to themselves. That's not what motivates most people when they protest something.
No it's not but that doesn't mean we should end a guys career or get him sacked for kicking a cat.

As a club: Get him to apologize for it, and give him some classes on the protection on animals. Also tell him if he continues to abuse animals after this then he might face a lot more serious consequences.
Would you say the same if it was child or adult that was being kicked that way? Just apologize, go to classes. Everything is fine, right?

I am sure Zouma thinks it is just rough play. He comes across as more ignorant and oblivious than malicious.

I don't think it's as bad as some of the reactions suggest. He's not injuring the cat and looks controlled enough to not be close to it either.

Not nice to watch though. The cat is clearly distressed.
Of course it is bad. It should be called out for what it is. You don't kick helpless animals.

That is just nonsens. Nobody here knows if the cat got internal injuries.
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What in the living hell did I just see. The inbred is actually beating up the cat with his children. What a twisted fecker. Teaching his kids hitting animals is funny.....

To hell with this cnut.
Hope the media and public crucify his career.
It's gross and despicable when people do shit like this.
And all he has to do is issue an apology video.
Feck off.
Im glad we sold him now. I cant bring myself to watch the video.
I agree with this too. It depends on how he responds to the RSPCA. If he's just a bit dim but remorseful and willing to learn then that should be the end of it.

You don’t cruelly systematically abuse a scared, innocent animal while laughing because you’re ‘a bit dim’…

It’s a concerted, conscious effort to do such a thing.

I find this behaviour worse than if he was to say prejudice remarks towards a race or gender of people which would be the type of thing that we have seen footballers get sacked over.

I agree with this. For me, and it’s gonna sound a bit controversial, but this is as bad as the Utd player’s disgraceful accusations - reason being that this isn’t a crime of passion, or a heated moment getting out of hand, it isn’t someone with an anger problem - it’s someone laughing while hurting a scared, defenceless being that hasn’t even got a voice to cry for help. It’s as bad I’m my opinion.

Whether or not he should lose his job etc I don’t like to comment on as I’m not comfortable with the ‘gossiping villager’ mentally that is being ushered in to society via ‘scandal’ media - that’s for the authorities and his club to decide, but I do think it should absolutely be taken very seriously.
And what did the cat do before the video? Context matters.
Exactly. As long as we don’t have the cats files from the veterinarian, a detailed and well lit video of the hours before the incident, witness testimonials by all involved, including the cat, it is basically impossible to say wether kicking the cat around actually qualifies as animal cruelty. Also the holocaust was much worse, so why should we even care?
Watched the video, it's wanton cruelty and maybe the worst of it is he's teaching a kid to treat animals the same way.

He also has 1.9m followers on Instagram alone. A part of those are kids/teenagers who aspire to be like him.
You don’t cruelly systematically abuse a scared, innocent animal while laughing because you’re ‘a bit dim’…

It’s a concerted, conscious effort to do such a thing.

I agree with this. For me, and it’s gonna sound a bit controversial, but this is as bad as the Utd player’s disgraceful accusations - reason being that this isn’t a crime of passion, or a heated moment getting out of hand, it isn’t someone with an anger problem - it’s someone laughing while hurting a scared, defenceless being that hasn’t even got a voice to cry for help. It’s as bad I’m my opinion.

Whether or not he should lose his job etc I don’t like to comment on as I’m not comfortable with the ‘gossiping villager’ mentally that is being ushered in to society via ‘scandal’ media - that’s for the authorities and his club to decide, but I do think it should absolutely be taken very seriously.

As bad as the Greenwood allegations?

Have you seen the video? I didn't agree that drink-driving was on a par in the other thread but I could kind of see where you were coming from (as you seemed to consider all drink drivers sociopathic repeat offenders) but that's a bit ridiculous imo.
Let's hope he gets significantly punished in the only way that will make him truly sorry - financially.

He's teaching his son that abusing animals is fine and funny - how sad is that.
As bad as the Greenwood allegations?

Have you seen the video? I didn't agree that drink-driving was on a par in the other thread but I could kind of see where you were coming from (as you seemed to consider all drink drivers sociopathic repeat offenders) but that's a bit ridiculous imo.

I get that it’s not as serious as an offence legally, and they’re both disgraceful, but it’s the context…

Zouma is laughing while doing this - he isn’t doing it because he’s lost control of his emotions and has an anger problem. There’s no ‘passion gone wrong’, just him actively enjoying abusing an innocent, voiceless animal - and doing so in front of an innocent child, he then INVOLVES the child in hurting the animal…

It somehow, to me, seems more actively cruel.

Like, someone who’s laughing happily as they commit their abuse vs someone who’s angry and doesn’t seem ‘happy’ themselves when they do so.

But yeah, I get it, legally it’s less serious. Both, utterly fecking pathetic acts.

My point is basically that this is very disturbing and shouldn’t be trivialised.
I guess. I’d say in the last 10 days alone we’ve had cnutish behaviour from Greenwood, Avram Grant, Zouma and Overmars. I’d say there’s a more cnutish behaviour in the footballing world than other sports for sure.

Again disagree. Football is the most popular sport with the most number of professional players. That's going to skew things a lot. Just with the numbers.

NFL for example has plenty of assholes.
I get that it’s not as serious as an offence legally, and they’re both disgraceful, but it’s the context…

Zouma is laughing while doing this - he isn’t doing it because he’s lost control of his emotions and has an anger problem. There’s no ‘passion gone wrong’, just him actively enjoying abusing an innocent, voiceless animal - and doing so in front of an innocent child, he then INVOLVES the child in hurting the animal…

It somehow, to me, seems more actively cruel.

Like, someone who’s laughing happily as they commit their abuse vs someone who’s angry and doesn’t seem ‘happy’ themselves when they do so.

But yeah, I get it, legally it’s less serious. Both, utterly fecking pathetic acts.

My point is basically that this is very disturbing and shouldn’t be trivialised.

Oh yes well I agree there that it shouldn't be trivialised.

What struck about it was how it seemed so normal for them. It didn't seem like a once-off and someone has pointed out it seems like a few different occasions edited together based on clothing.
I get that it’s not as serious as an offence legally, and they’re both disgraceful, but it’s the context…

Zouma is laughing while doing this - he isn’t doing it because he’s lost control of his emotions and has an anger problem. There’s no ‘passion gone wrong’, just him actively enjoying abusing an innocent, voiceless animal.

It somehow, to me, seems more actively cruel.

Like, someone who’s laughing happily as they commit their abuse vs someone who’s angry and doesn’t seem ‘happy’ themselves when they do so.

But yeah, I get it, legally it’s less serious. Both, utterly fecking pathetic acts.

My point is basically that this is very disturbing and shouldn’t be trivialised.
Acts of cruelty towards humans will always be viewed more seriously if we're talking strictly from a legal perspective. But feck that, I'd hand the same punishment to someone for murdering a cat/dog as murdering a person. Not even bothered if anyone wants to get up on their moral high horse and call that ridiculous. Animals are amazing and love their owners unconditionally, and to abuse that trust is disgusting and vile behaviour and should be punished severely as far as I'm concerned.
Anyone saying (implicitly or explicitly) that kicking a cat about isn't "that bad" can get to hell, too. It's horrible and quite frankly I find that video upsetting
Exactly. As long as we don’t have the cats files from the veterinarian, a detailed and well lit video of the hours before the incident, witness testimonials by all involved, including the cat, it is basically impossible to say wether kicking the cat around actually qualifies as animal cruelty. Also the holocaust was much worse, so why should we even care?

Genuinely can't decide across your posts on this page if you're being satirical or an absolute douche. :lol:
Yep. I doubt the school paid £30 million for that teacher though.

There's no way West Ham will sack him.

I don’t think they will either but it shows that suggesting he is sacked isn’t just exclusive for footballers.
This guy is a psychopath. People who have no remorse or feeling towards animals pain, feel the same way towards humans too.
30 millions d'amis (30M friends in french), the biggest animal association here, is suing him for animal cruelty.
Ironically, he's the ambassador of Seed, an association that protects feline. Evil idiot.
You don’t cruelly systematically abuse a scared, innocent animal while laughing because you’re ‘a bit dim’…

It’s a concerted, conscious effort to do such a thing.

It's up to the RSPCA to investigate and gauge what kind of character he is and if he's suitable to own pets. They also need to assess the cat to see if it has any injuries or if it's emotionally damaged. If they're happy with the situation then I don't think he should face any further action.
Feckin waste of oxygen, he should be immediately sacked by WH if they have any sort of demnity. I have a cat and sometimes he can be a jerk, but never have I ever hit him, nor would I ever do it. I love and respect him and I truly believe animals are better souls than we humans are.

This may sound controversial, but for me there isn’t any difference between him and Greenwood. Both are terrible ~human~ beings, to put it mildly. I know that some people don’t care about animals, but trust me, if someone doesn’t have a problem do to this to a cat, he doesn’t have a problem to do that to a human.

That being said, I wanna see a video with this cnut taking up another feline. A tiger. I would love to see how tough he is then.

PS: Just as I was writing this, my cat came up to me purring and rubbing his face on mine. It made me sad knowing that 99% of cats don’t have a life not even remotely as good as him, but now seeing that even cats that should theoretically have a great life have it worse than the cats leaving on the street… I’m lost for words.
Hopefully he gets John hartson'd by one of his team mates on west ham's training ground
Exactly. As long as we don’t have the cats files from the veterinarian, a detailed and well lit video of the hours before the incident, witness testimonials by all involved, including the cat, it is basically impossible to say wether kicking the cat around actually qualifies as animal cruelty. Also the holocaust was much worse, so why should we even care?

We don't even know if he actually mistreated the cat. Could've been some other person that looks like Zouma. Maybe it wasn't even his cat. It might've been an oddly shaped dog. Innocent until proven guilty, as I always say. We shouldn't judge him until he's had his day in court.
Acts of cruelty towards humans will always be viewed more seriously if we're talking strictly from a legal perspective. But feck that, I'd hand the same punishment to someone for murdering a cat/dog as murdering a person. Not even bothered if anyone wants to get up on their moral high horse and call that ridiculous. Animals are amazing and love their owners unconditionally, and to abuse that trust is disgusting and vile behaviour and should be punished severely as far as I'm concerned.
Anyone saying (implicitly or explicitly) that kicking a cat about isn't "that bad" can get to hell, too. It's horrible and quite frankly I find that video upsetting

I think what boils my and so many others blood is the fact that animal cruelty is purely done for a feeling of sick gratification. Most crimes have ulterior motives behind them, usually greed. Acts of blatant animal cruel light up the same neurons in my brain that fire when I hear about child murder or pedophilia. That's not to say these are in any way all equivilant or should be treated the same, but the underlying disgust comes from the same source: Nothing is seen as more abhorrent in most cultures and societies than violence and cruelty done to someone helpless purely for its own sake, for nothing but twisted pleasure.
I get that it’s not as serious as an offence legally, and they’re both disgraceful, but it’s the context…

Zouma is laughing while doing this - he isn’t doing it because he’s lost control of his emotions and has an anger problem. There’s no ‘passion gone wrong’, just him actively enjoying abusing an innocent, voiceless animal - and doing so in front of an innocent child, he then INVOLVES the child in hurting the animal…

It somehow, to me, seems more actively cruel.

Like, someone who’s laughing happily as they commit their abuse vs someone who’s angry and doesn’t seem ‘happy’ themselves when they do so.

But yeah, I get it, legally it’s less serious. Both, utterly fecking pathetic acts.

My point is basically that this is very disturbing and shouldn’t be trivialised.

100% agree.

There's no way I'm watching that video. it has been upsetting enough reading about this story today. Just despicably cruel behaviour. I can only hope that the RSPCA are not overawed by the fact they're investigating a prominent footballer. Justice needs to be done and that poor cat needs rehoming to someone that doesn't actively abuse animals.
Found the psychopath
The second post you quoted is appalling :( I disagree with your response to said poster, but it is still an awfully naïve, misguided and shameful post.

The first I have not read in context so will not yet judge.
Wonder what the West Ham supports reaction will be like

Surely he will get resoundingly boo’d