Knox/Sollecito Appeal Verdict due Today

The appeal concentrated only on evidence which Knox & Solliceto's lawyers challenged; indeed, only a fraction of the overall evidence was considered in the appeal. What follows has not been challenged by K & S's representatives:

The initial trial itself sought the counsel of 42 judges, who concluded that Ms Kercher was definitely attacked by more than one person. Below are the pointers leading to their conclusion; I've spoilered them because, although there are no pictures, the textual detail is a little graphic. The question remains then, who were Guede's accomplices?

From the forensic analysis conducted at Meredith Kercher's autopsy, we learn about the nature of the knife wounds, some light and superficial, some deep, penetrating and ultimately fatal:

Different knives must have been used to inflict those wounds, at least two pocket knives, and one much longer and broader kitchen knife.

The pathologist found clear evidence of bruising around her wrists and neck, indicating that she had been both physically restrained and throttled. The stab wounds to her neck were made from both the left and the right, and with different blades; this is totally inconsistent with the lone attacker theory.

Bruising around the mouth, indicative of the victim having been gagged in some way to stifle her screams.

The post mortem reveals a strange absence of defensive wounds, highly unusual in a sober, athletically strong young woman conscious that she is being sexually assaulted and in fear for her life. This is strange, because in order for an assailant to stab his victim, he must, by necessity, have a free hand in which to grasp the knife. Therefore he had to, at least in part, release his grip on the victim who in turn would instinctively use her free arm to protect herself against the assault. Had he been gagging her mouth with his other hand, she would have been free and able to gauge, claw, punch and tear at her assailant with both hands.

We discover that her bra had been cut away at the clasp at the back, an extremely difficult manoeuvre for a lone assailant to execute whilst both restraining and attacking his victim from the front.

For these, what some might describe as the idiosyncratic language of the attack, and many other reasons, an objective observer must concur with the findings in the Massei report in that Meredith Kercher was killed by more than one assailant.
i dont think anyone would doubt that there was more than one guy involved, the question is who exactly was that person.
When all's said and done, I don't know whether Knox & Sollecito are guilty or innocent; but something in particular nags away at me: the attempted stemming of blood issuing from Meredith's body with towels and, more importantly, the covering placed over the semi-naked body. This act, generally perceived as one of concern for the victim's modesty, is traditionally regarded by investigators as tell-tale sign - in fact, it is regarded as indicating a female assailant.
from what i have read in recent reports the prosecutor is pretty fecking nuts anyway. and if the appeal was successful in italy it would not have any significant result, you can clearly see from reaction in the states they all think she is an innocent angel, she would never be extradited back to italy if the US government tried to hand her back there would be uproar. i would think that an appeal launched by the prosecution would not be successful anyway, if they overturned another ruling just imagine how much of a joke the italian judicial system would look then


Smiling Amanda Knox flies home after four years behind bars |
Oh, boy...

There are strong trade and business links between Perugia and Seattle (Knox's hometown); ironically, they're "twinned" towns.

John Hooper (Guardian)
Still can't get over this bitch...remember the black guy she accused of committing the murder? Hope he files a civil suit against her, and now that she's gonna rake in millions, gets his share of her money.

Did I mention, I think she is a lying wh0re.
Still can't get over this bitch...remember the black guy she accused of committing the murder? Hope he files a civil suit against her, and now that she's gonna rake in millions, gets his share of her money.

Did I mention, I think she is a lying wh0re.

Lumumba, though he's already won a civil case and knox got 3 years for it plus she has to pay his legal fee's and a further compensation payment.

Won't be a scratch on what she'll be making off the back of this though.

Ah, hadn't heard about that.
So...Guede apparently broke this window (top right) - despite the shutters being closed (all housemates except Knox & Meredith Kercher were away that weekend, and had accordingly shuttered their room windows) - and climbed up the wall in order to...ahem...'break in'.


Judicial conclusions from the initial trial:

The pieces of glass from the broken pane were distributed in a homogeneous manner on the inside and outside parts of the windowsill, without any displacement being noted or any piece of glass being found on the ground underneath the window.

This circumstance, as confirmed also by the consultant Pasquali, tends to exclude the possibility that the rock was thrown from outside the house to create access to the house through the window after the breaking of the pane. The climber, in leaning his hands and then his feet or knees on the windowsill, would have caused at least some piece of glass to fall, or at least would have been obliged to shift some pieces of glass in order to avoid being wounded by them.

Instead, no piece of glass was found under the window, and no sign of any wound was seen on the pieces of glass found in (housemate) Filomena Romanelli’s room. It can moreover be observed that the presence of many pieces of glass on the outside part of the windowsill increases the probability of finding some small pieces of glass on the ground underneath, since there seems to be no reason that so many pieces of glass would all stop just at the edge of the windowsill without any of them flying beyond the edge and falling down to the garden below.
...and this is the scenario Knox's lawyers would have us believe (the following is courtesy of 'Pat Az.'):

'Guede scales a 3 metre-plus wall in the dark, miraculously not making any traces on the wall and managing to avoid the huge nail that’s sticking out there. Incredibly, he manages to open the stiff wooden shutters, presumably with one hand. Then, he climbs down again to get a rock and throws that, smashing the window without anyone hearing the noise. Meredith, who is inside the apartment didn’t hear of course - as she would have screamed, ran outside or called the cops on one of her two cellphones. Cunningly, Guede then scales the wall for a second time, again leaving no trace. As luck would have it, none of the glass has fallen on the ground and he manages to climb through the window without cutting himself.

Amazing! But not as amazing as what happens next, according to what Knox wants us to believe.

Next, Guede ransacks Filomena’s room. During this time, Meredith continues to hear nothing…or she would have called the cops. Or screamed. Or ran outside. Or all three.

But though Guede is a brilliant scaler of walls and climber-through-broken-windows and a criminal mastermind, he’s a terrible burglar. There are valuables in the room but he doesn’t see them. He merely scatters clothes on the floor.

Next, Guede blunders into Meredith’s room - she is surprised as until this point she heard nothing in the small flat, not the smashing window, the ransacking of the room. Though he is alone and tired from his climb, Guede manages to overpower her, sexually assault her, viciously attack her with TWO knives, remove her clothing, brutally wounds her, murders her. This brave young woman who is skilled in a martial art somehow cannot fight back. He steals her cellphones, and locks her in the room - lucky he happens across the key, which perhaps he found when he went into Knox’s room, took a lamp without leaving a fingerprint on it, and used that to light Meredith’s room. That done, Guede uses the toilet but forgets to flush (ironically, something the other housemates had complained about Knox doing regularly), leaves the house (by the door this time), smartly disposes of the phones which of course he wipes clean of his fingerprints.'
I'm pretty sure it was widely accepted that the break in was staged, wasn't there bits of glass on top of the sheet covering Meredith or at least some evidence that the window was smashed after the murder?
Then I guess I read that there was glass on top of the things that scattered around the floor, suggesting that the window was smashed after the ransacking display.

Strange to smash the window so high up as well, the more you read the more suspicious it looks though. Is Guede still pleading innocence? I'm guessing he hasn't told anyone how he got into the cottage.
Is Guede still pleading innocence? I'm guessing he hasn't told anyone how he got into the cottage.
Guede can't tell what happened either until he's exhausted all possibilities of getting off. I'd guess that Knox/Sollecito set up Guede (and others?) to have a punt at Kercher but didn't wield the knife.
I used to be very sure she did it (as sure as you can be watching and reading about the case), but nothing I have ever read was evidence that she did it.

She falsely accused, her alibi was shit, she had guilty tenancies (the cartwheel), but none of that is a motive, murder weapon, DNA etc. And at the end of the day that is what she got off for.
I didn't really follow the case, but what's this about the Italian police lying to her and telling her she had HIV and saying she must name everyone she'd ever had sex with, then telling the media those were the ones she'd slept with since she'd been in Italy? Even the American justice system isn't that fecked up.
the consensus here seems to be she did it.

this is an indictment on the Italian criminal system.

damn shame.

still if they could not produce the evidence, then it is right she is free.

really? i thought the consensus was more along the lines of she didnt do it but knew more than she let on to know. thats what i think, she would want to be fecking good to kill kercher and not have any of her DNA in the room. does she know more information? probably, but a murderer? i dont think so
really? i thought the consensus was more along the lines of she didnt do it but knew more than she let on to know. thats what i think, she would want to be fecking good to kill kercher and not have any of her DNA in the room. does she know more information? probably, but a murderer? i dont think so

I read the opinions as she acted with someone else. But to know 'who' did it and not tell the authorities is almost as bad as doing it.
I read the opinions as she acted with someone else. But to know 'who' did it and not tell the authorities is almost as bad as doing it.

yeah but she may not know 'who' specifically, she may know something different or more. i agree that if she knows something she should of course say but the other end of the stick is we all had it wrong and what she has said/done is the truth

hardly 100% likely i know but anyway it was the right thing to do considering they had no evidence really plus she is pretty fit and jail is not a place for a fit bird
What kind of person sees this scene in their bathroom...


...but nevertheless doesn't call the police but instead goes on to take a shower?

Amanda Knox called a housemate to say she had just taken a shower in a bloodstained bathroom — before the discovery of the body of the murdered British student Meredith Kercher.

The housemate Filomena Romanelli, told the Perugia court where Knox, a 21-year-old American student, is on trial for the sexual abuse and murder of Kercher about the conversation yesterday.

“She told me, ‘It’s very odd. I’ve just come back to the house and the door is open. I had a shower but there’s blood everywhere . . . Meredith is nowhere to be seen. Oh God, maybe something’s happened to her, something tragic.’

“I thought it was odd that she’d had a shower when there was blood all over the place,” she told the chief prosecutor, Giuliano Mignini, during cross-examination. “I really don’t think that’s normal.”

(The Times, February 2009)
yeah but she may not know 'who' specifically, she may know something different or more. i agree that if she knows something she should of course say but the other end of the stick is we all had it wrong and what she has said/done is the truth

hardly 100% likely i know but anyway it was the right thing to do considering they had no evidence really plus she is pretty fit and jail is not a place for a fit bird

right. you convinced me. :)
She's far from innocent, this Knox girl. Maybe she didn't do the actual murder, but she was involved in some way I think.

Who the feck takes a shower while there's blood everywhere??
Just how much benefit of the doubt can be allowed to Knox & Sollecito?

'The prosecution's account: To cover their tracks, they faked a break-in, turning over the bedroom of one of the two Italian flatmates, Filomena Romanelli, before going outside and hurling a stone through the window.

But a tell-tale sign was left. Romanelli noticed that the glass was on top of her strewn clothes, not under them. This was crucial because it undermined the defence's case that Kercher had simply been murdered by Guede after he broke into the house.

The Italian flatmate's testimony suggested the murderer had not climbed in through the window but had entered through the front door. Knox had a key, but Guede did not.

The American student and her boyfriend acted in a way that, with hindsight, could be regarded as suspicious.

Both turned off their mobile phones on the night of the murder. Knox said that, when she returned to the flat in the morning for a shower, she saw blood in the bathroom, but did not raise the alarm until noon, after going back to Sollecito's flat for breakfast.

Sollecito claimed to have rung the carabinieri. But telephone company records indicated he made the call after, and not before, the police turned up by purest chance (responding to a neighbour's call about the discovery of two mobile phones) and found him and his girlfriend sitting outside the house.'

(Guardian, December 2009)
What kind of person sees this scene in their bathroom...


...but nevertheless doesn't call the police but instead goes on to take a shower?

One of those things that will be attributed to shock/panic but you do wonder...
Still can't get over this bitch...remember the black guy she accused of committing the murder? Hope he files a civil suit against her, and now that she's gonna rake in millions, gets his share of her money.

Did I mention, I think she is a lying wh0re.
Guilty til proven innocent. Then still guilty.
The standard of proof should be "beyond a reasonable doubt" and not "acted oddly and may know something". Italian justice at its finest.
A programme on at one on Crime, might be worth a look. It's called the 'Trials of Amanda Knox'.