Knox/Sollecito Appeal Verdict due Today

All I can think of is the poor Kercher family. If Knox didnt do it then fine, but lets not forget the victims.
Complete feck up by the investigators IMO. Guilty has hell but not enough evidence for beyond reasonable doubt.

i agree that the investigators fecked it up, from what i was hearing so much of the evidence was contaminated, therefore invalid and not sustainable. knox is not completely innocent, i think she knows more than she has led people to believe but i dont think she is a murderer. anyway i think its the right ruling, i dont think that she should ever have been convicted in the first place.

anyway will be on the first plane back to the US, when will she be in a lads mag...
Shes clearly hiding something, whether she is the murderer or not she was involved or knows something thats she never let on and for that she should be locked up. She'll be treated like a hero in the US though, probably get a chat show and all sorts of shit. God bless America.
I'm not sure I follow..

I'd say you are more entitled to clap getting your daughter back from false incarceration than X factor, but we just disagree. It may be insensitive but I think their reaction is understandable.
And with that Meredith's family will have come to the realisation that they'll never truly know what happened to their daughter that night. That must be awful to have to go through.
And with that Meredith's family will have come to the realisation that they'll never truly know what happened to their daughter that night. That must be awful to have to go through.

I have often wondered where the solace in actually knowing would come from. I'm not sure if knowing or not would effect losing a daughter.
I have often wondered where the solace in actually knowing would come from. I'm not sure if knowing or not would effect losing a daughter.

I don't think it would affect their feelings of loss but I think in a situation like that not knowing would eat away at you.
I'd say you are more entitled to clap getting your daughter back from false incarceration than X factor, but we just disagree. It may be insensitive but I think their reaction is understandable.

I agree, in the heat of the moment it is understandable that you would get a reaction like that. Just heard that Knox will be taken back to prison to "check out" and then drive down to Rome to board the first flight to Seattle
I'd say you are more entitled to clap getting your daughter back from false incarceration than X factor, but we just disagree. It may be insensitive but I think their reaction is understandable.

I have no problem with them expressing their happiness, but the way in which they decided to do it came across as very obnoxious. It doesn't seem that they gave an ounce of thought for the Kercher family.

I have often wondered where the solace in actually knowing would come from. I'm not sure if knowing or not would effect losing a daughter.

I suppose everyone is different. If it were me, I would need to know. Not for the purpose of achieving 'justice', or anything like that, but it's the kind of thing that would eat away at me.
I have often wondered where the solace in actually knowing would come from. I'm not sure if knowing or not would effect losing a daughter.

One of the very first questions relatives ask upon being told a loved one is dead is "how did it happen?" I have experience in that area, but I agree that deep down I wonder what help that gives. I suppose its natural to want to know what happened. Otherwise you are always wondering and are unable to close that particular aspect.
I agree, in the heat of the moment it is understandable that you would get a reaction like that. Just heard that Knox will be taken back to prison to "check out" and then drive down to Rome to board the first flight to Seattle

and if the prosecution do appeal what likelihood is there that she will return to Italy? Does the USA have an extradition agreement with Italy?
Going on what has been said in giving judgment it appears that the conviction would have stood had the police and those involved been more careful in handling the evidence and so on. Whether or not the right result has been reached regardless is another issue but I suspect that if they'd done everything by the book she might not be going home tonight.
I have no problem with them expressing their happiness, but the way in which they decided to do it came across as very obnoxious. It doesn't seem that they gave an ounce of thought for the Kercher family.

I agree, but I don't expect them to, just now. Not after what they've been through.
Going on what has been said in giving judgment it appears that the conviction would have stood had the police and those involved been more careful in handling the evidence and so on. Whether or not the right result has been reached regardless is another issue but I suspect that if they'd done everything by the book she might not be going home tonight.

If that is the conclusion, they I can see how that would eat away at the victim's family.
and if the prosecution do appeal what likelihood is there that she will return to Italy? Does the USA have an extradition agreement with Italy?

I dont know tbh, its a while before they can launch an appeal. It will take the courts 3 months to compile this report and submit it, then after that they can appeal for a new investigation into the evidence (however we have already been told that the evidence is all contaminated thanks to the feck stick investigators) I don't know if there is an extradition agreement with Italy though
I dont know tbh, its a while before they can launch an appeal. It will take the courts 3 months to compile this report and submit it, then after that they can appeal for a new investigation into the evidence (however we have already been told that the evidence is all contaminated thanks to the feck stick investigators) I don't know if there is an extradition agreement with Italy though

Aye, I think unless Knox tells all (probably after securing an agreement not to be extradited) we will now never know.
Going on what has been said in giving judgment it appears that the conviction would have stood had the police and those involved been more careful in handling the evidence and so on. Whether or not the right result has been reached regardless is another issue but I suspect that if they'd done everything by the book she might not be going home tonight.

Well that's the main thing really, even the lawyers for the defence have just essentially said that in interviews just now that the issue is that the evidence was ruined by the police so it can't be held up in court and it was all contaminated and handled incorrectly.
If that is the conclusion, they I can see how that would eat away at the victim's family.

I should say, I don't think they were alluding to her being guilty necessarily, simply that if the evidence which the prosecution had put forward been found to be sustained the likelihood is that so would the convictions, as it appears that was the main basis of the convictions.
Aye, I think unless Knox tells all (probably after securing an agreement not to be extradited) we will now never know.

Just on your previous point regarding extradition some "expert" law bloke on BBC news has just said that even if the appeal is successful by the prosecution there is "zero chance that Knox will have to serve any more of her prison sentence in Italy"

Not sure how the judicial system works tbh and it sounds all very complex but either way even if the prosecution overturn this ruling successfully she won't ever go back behind bars in Italy again
Listen to those ghastly people clapping and chanting 'whoooo'. This isn't the fecking X Factor or American Idol.

You're right, it's much more important than that. If she's really innocent, like those people believe, then this has been much more important to her than any X Factor or American Idol could ever be.
You're right, it's much more important than that. If she's really innocent, like those people believe, then this has been much more important to her than any X Factor or American Idol could ever be.

Well, I can see where you are coming from, but equally they should have tried to show some respect to the Kercher family. Maybe I would react the same, I don't know, but sadly this leaves more questions than answers. Whilst I understand the delight of the Knox family and friends and the ex boyfriend, I cannot begin to understand what must be going through the Kerchers minds.
Just on your previous point regarding extradition some "expert" law bloke on BBC news has just said that even if the appeal is successful by the prosecution there is "zero chance that Knox will have to serve any more of her prison sentence in Italy"

Not sure how the judicial system works tbh and it sounds all very complex but either way even if the prosecution overturn this ruling successfully she won't ever go back behind bars in Italy again

Hmmm, well I suppose it would be the same if it was a UK citizen, ie getting the sentence served in the Uk rather than another country, so I guess the real question is would the USA acknowledge any new sentence?
There is an extradition treaty between the two nations, but it's very rarely invoked (according to some Sky News commentator).
You're right, it's much more important than that. If she's really innocent, like those people believe, then this has been much more important to her than any X Factor or American Idol could ever be.

Maybe it's just me, but the 'whooooo' noise comes across as very casual and annoyingly frivolous. It screams "we're having a good time and we don't care". I used the X Factor as an example of the kind of place you would expect to hear that sort of celebration. I'm not criticising the Knox family for the magnitude of their relief/happiness, but for the way they decided to express it.
Hmmm, well I suppose it would be the same if it was a UK citizen, ie getting the sentence served in the Uk rather than another country, so I guess the real question is would the USA acknowledge any new sentence?

No she definitely would not serve time in the USA, if there was any chance of her going back to prison it would be in Italy, I think the main point he was trying to get at was regardless of an appeal from the prosecution she won't be going back to jail for murder charges. Interestingly I just heard in sky news that some mafia guy said recently they were involved in this as a botched job to steal a painting:confused:

Did I hear that right? Not heard that at all until now but it would give them another line they would have to follow
Thing is though if all the DNA evidence has been ruined from the investigators then how do the prosecutors appeal against it? You can't "fix" broken evidence. Completely botched police job
There is an extradition treaty between the two nations, but it's very rarely invoked (according to some Sky News commentator).

The BBC were saying that there was no chance that she'd be returned by the US, however she had indicated that she'll return for the slander trial against her in November. Which could lead to up to 6 years inside, if found guilty again. Which would place her in italy for any reversal of this verdict.

I felt during the first trial that she shouldn't have been convicted based on the evidence that wasn't allowed to be presented and the flimsiness of the what was used. Now we have this appeal, and everything is turned over basically. In many ways what has happened to Amanda Knox during the last 4 years is similar to the way Louise Woodward was treated back in the day.

With one person certainly guilty of the crime, let's hope the truth can come out, and that the Kercher's can find some closure of sorts.
Too much emphasis on DNA in this case, and not enough on flawed and conflicting alibis.
BBC: the prosecution will appeal and ask for longer sentences

Seems a bit too late, given that an appeal will only investigate the procedures of the current appeal and not prosecution or defence matters (ie guilt or innocence).
She gets automatic compensation for wrongful conviction - half a million euro