Knox/Sollecito Appeal Verdict due Today

Thing is though if all the DNA evidence has been ruined from the investigators then how do the prosecutors appeal against it? You can't "fix" broken evidence. Completely botched police job

Well there are two things. Either the evidence, if taken at its highest, should never have been sufficient to convict her in which case justice has been done.

Or they have caused issues with contamination and chain of custody and those were the reasons that otherwise good evidence has been lost to the prosecution.

Feck knows which. As I said above, I struggle to understand her blaming the crime on another man before changing her story when that no longer fit. I don't like the fact they couldn't account for their whereabouts for most of the night, and that the suggestion they'd been using the computer was ultimately not borne out. I think her taking a shower in the bloodied bathroom doesn't look very good. Then again, if they all had acted in concert it's hard to imagine one of them not breaking ranks by now. I suspect we'll never really know what happened.
She gets automatic compensation for wrongful conviction - half a million euro

I didn't hear that said on the BBC, the guy they had suggested it would be next to pointless her trying to claim for any compensation for this. I also suspect that if indeed she's going to get this half a million euro's that a lot of that will or all might be swallowed up by the costs and the lump sum she owes for the slander of the bar man.
Too much emphasis on DNA in this case, and not enough on flawed and conflicting alibis.

Yep. So much of what they said and claimed was subsequently shown to be false. Of course that doesn't make them guilty, as it's merely circumstantial, but it's one of those verdicts that asks as many questions as it answers. Sometimes you believe that they didn't do it, here the only thing that is clear is that it couldn't be proven that they did it.
I didn't hear that said on the BBC, the guy they had suggested it would be next to pointless her trying to claim for any compensation for this. I also suspect that if indeed she's going to get this half a million euro's that a lot of that will or all might be swallowed up by the costs and the lump sum she owes for the slander of the bar man.

Just on sky news, they only found out now. She can try to claim for more but apparently she will get an automatic amount of half a million euro that anyone else gets for what is deemed a wrong conviction against them

Yeah it will probably go on the costs incurred by the slander case
One very odd fact: Sollecito 'couldn't remember' if he (as Knox claimed) watched a movie, made love & spent the night of the murder with Knox. Confirmation would have given both parties an alibi, yet he would not or could not provide one. Odd, and not believable.
One very odd fact: Sollecito 'couldn't remember' if he (as Knox claimed) watched a movie, made love & spent the night of the murder with Knox. Confirmation would have given both parties an alibi, yet he would not or could not provide one. Odd, and not believable.

Wasn't there a claim that both had been smoking weed on the night? Was that confirmed at all? As that could be a reason as to why the memories are fuzzy. The whole case was very odd, and very loose on both parties side. Which all in told has left us all none the wiser.
Wasn't there a claim that both had been smoking weed on the night? Was that confirmed at all? As that could be a reason as to why the memories are fuzzy. The whole case was very odd, and very loose on both parties side. Which all in told has left us all none the wiser.

At the risk of sounding like the square that I am, how much weed would you have to smoke for both people to black out for almost an entire night?
Wasn't there a claim that both had been smoking weed on the night? Was that confirmed at all? As that could be a reason as to why the memories are fuzzy.

I've never smoked the stuff, mate. So hopefully someone who has might shed some light on possible amnesia.
Anyone who'd smoked enough probably wouldn't remember how much they smoked to get to that point.
I've never smoked the stuff, mate. So hopefully someone who has might shed some light on possible amnesia.

It can heavily alter time perception and mood/emotion recall, and I guess it's easy to forget minor occurrences when stoned, but I wouldn't say it's the kind of drug that causes you to forget major events.
Even if he genuinely couldn't remember, it would have paid Sollecito to lie, given that Knox's alibi would also effectively put him in the clear too.
He didn't know Knox's alibi though. They're basically in game theory while they're being interrogated so they don't know what the other person is saying.
I followed the case pretty closely - Knox and Sollecito have made shit up that was irrefutably proven to be false and then constantly changed their stories from day 1 - now that obviously doesnt mean they are guilty of murder but dodgy as feck regardless
He didn't know Knox's alibi though. They're basically in game theory while they're being interrogated so they don't know what the other person is saying.

Surely he would if it was true? If they were together the entire night then their stories should have matched up, warts and all. Unless, as has been mentioned, they forgot the entire night. But I'm very sceptical of that.
smoking weed will not lead to you forgetting watching a film or shagging your girlfriend - never !
At the risk of sounding like the square that I am, how much weed would you have to smoke for both people to black out for almost an entire night?

It's not plausible in my opinion. I have never lost any info, misconstrued yes, lost no.
Surely he would if it was true? If they were together the entire night then their stories should have matched up, warts and all. Unless, as has been mentioned, they forgot the entire night. But I'm very sceptical of that.

Yeah, you would think so. I've no experience with drugs so I can't say anything about whether or not they should be able to remember it. Their story is full of holes and changes, but so is that of the guy in prison for the murder(who got a lesser sentence for testifying against Knox/Sollecito). Hell, most of the prosecution's case is full of holes. So it's all a clusterfeck, which means no one can prove anything. I don't even know if Guede did it.

Apparently Knox and Sollecito had only met on Oct 25th(about 2 weeks before the murder). It seems a bit much to expect either of them to cover for the other given they'd only been "dating" for 2 weeks. So one could have rolled on the other and may have gotten off lightly.

All in all, the case doesn't make any sense and apparently the prosecutor is a bit of a nutter with special interest in satanic rituals or something since it's been "involved" in two of his major cases. Rather than presenting valid evidence, they used evocative imagery of Knox as some sex-crazed demon girl.

Basically, everyone involved is an idiot.
Ah come on Sir Matt, did you hear Sollecito's speech? That was freaky...........she had him twisted good and proper.
I haven't heard it. If she did, she must be amazing in bed. Otherwise, two weeks isn't enough to form the sort of bond worth spending life in prison over.
He was waxing lyrical about was weird. Maybe two weeks is enough......hell, four years inside and it was clear to see that he was still slightly obsessed with her.

He probably thinks there is some happy ever after in this for him.....
So how long to see her spreading her legs in Playboy then?

I doubt she'll need to. Morning TV, chat shows, and magazines will probably pay her $10 million in the next few months. Then there will be a film, which she'll get a few million for.
All this begs the question why, after Guede was convicted in a fast-tracked trial very early on, the police still pursued Knox & Sollecito despite so much evidence pointing the finger at Guede.
Will always be a strange one this case. We can only hope that the killer is found so that Meredith Kercher's family will get some closure.
I doubt she'll need to. Morning TV, chat shows, and magazines will probably pay her $10 million in the next few months. Then there will be a film, which she'll get a few million for.

Completely agree. The only thing that is certain about this case is that the American media believed she was innocent and became cheerleaders for her.
Now she's free, she's made for life.

Interesting contrast to the Casey Anthony case..
Completely agree. The only thing that is certain about this case is that the American media believed she was innocent and became cheerleaders for her.

I don't necessarily think the media over thinks she is innocent but the case and first trial were not conducted properly.
All this begs the question why, after Guede was convicted in a fast-tracked trial very early on, the police still pursued Knox & Sollecito despite so much evidence pointing the finger at Guede.

I think they felt that he had accomplices, the logical path would lead them to Knox and Loverboy......add their stinky stinky bullshit into the mix and you end up with something like this.
Hello, mate. :)

I think she was involved to some extent (even if it were merely taking Guede back to her residence). Her apparent self-absorption hasn't helped the public perception of her, though granted that's no reason to assume she's guilty. Like others have mentioned, the mish-mash of alibis and false accusations make me suspicious of her innocence.
Yeah, I tend to agree with you.

Whatever the truth of this particular matter, this is yet another high-profile trial which has often presented the worst face of the system and, yet again, the most crass aspects of the media.
So how long to see her spreading her legs in Playboy then?

soon i hope, however she is not going to need the money in all honesty is she? apparently the yanks TV channels are lining up and fighting each other for the first exclusive interview
I've never been interrogated for 14 hours on a foreign language and felt that kind of pressure but this is apparently when she started talking bullshit basically just saying anything (accusing the innocent guy) in order to end this.

As for Guede, they found his dna all over the murder scene, so that seemed pretty clear. Who ever came up with all that sex orgy crap in the first place?! Probably speaks more about the prosecutor' own fantasy.
they were saying that they never found any DNA from knox at they crime scene, the only DNA they found was on the knife and the sample was too small to retest. i think it was the prosecutor who came up with the sex orgy crap, anyway we should have some form of sweepstake, "how long before the book "foxy knoxy" gets published?"
Anyone see the Daily Mail's Guilty story? They pulled it pretty quickly, but briefly ran the wrong pre-written story. According to the journalist who wrote the article (Nick Pisa) a few other outlets made the same mistake (guess they were all sure which way the appeal was heading).