Knox/Sollecito Appeal Verdict due Today

It's kind of fecked up that if she's acquitted, she'll no doubt go on to become very financially successful as a direct result of another young girl being brutally murdered. I'm not saying she should be prohibited from making money as a result of book deals or whatever else, but when you hear things like the reports that a private jet (paid for by a TV company) is ready and waiting to take Knox and her family home, when the Kerchers have had to scrimp and save just to be able to attend the hearing, it makes you think.
It seems pretty clear that they are guilty to some extent but there isn't enough evidence to prove murder beyond reasonable doubt.

What happened to the third bloke who was convicted? Did he not appeal?

Appealed and got his sentence roughly halved to 16 years IIRC.

Seems a bit bizarre having 2 separate trials for the same murder inquiry, but apparently that was the choice of the accused.
Forgetting whether she's convicted or not, the most interesting thing in all of this is why she (and Sollecito) have lied about the things they have and why neither is talking about what they know if they didn't kill her. I don't believe they're innocent in any real sense of the word, regardless of whether they personally killed her or not.
Appealed and got his sentence roughly halved to 16 years IIRC.

Seems a bit bizarre having 2 separate trials for the same murder inquiry, but apparently that was the choice of the accused.

oh he did appeal then? i didnt realise that!
I've been reading up about this case over the past hour. It's like what someone said earlier in this thread, that the truth will never be revealed. Quite a few contradictions in Knox's story regarding her where abouts both on the night of the murder and the following morning
I am really not sure if they did it or not, have not followed it too closely. I think my judgement is marred slightly from the reaction in the USA and how they have intimated that all court systems apart from their own are crap. This despite having a lot of suspicious convictions themselves. I may be wrong and it may be the way the rest of the world is reporting it, but it does come across as if the USA is saying how dare you convict one of us? If any Americans can give a better insight I would much appreciate it.
I am really not sure if they did it or not, have not followed it too closely. I think my judgement is marred slightly from the reaction in the USA and how they have intimated that all court systems apart from their own are crap. This despite having a lot of suspicious convictions themselves. I may be wrong and it may be the way the rest of the world is reporting it, but it does come across as if the USA is saying how dare you convict one of us? If any Americans can give a better insight I would much appreciate it.

:nono: It's "How dare you convict such an attractive young girl for a crime someone so pretty could never possible commit!"

If she were a he, or were a minority, it wouldn't be nearly as big a deal. While our court system has major flaws, given the perception(right or wrong) that Italy has lots of corruption and a dodgy justice/police system, it's to be expected that the media goes for the low-hanging fruit. If it were in France, Germany, or the UK, I doubt there would be as much fuss. But Italy has the Mafia, Berlusconi, and various other shady figures so it must all be corrupt.
...Also they already got 1 black guy who did it and they almost got a 2nd - Patrick Lumamba, a local businessman with a young family who Knox falsely accused.
so the general consensus is she is going to get acquitted then?
so the general consensus is she is going to get acquitted then?

based on the evidence or lack of it? yes she should

however this is italy, the justice system is far from perfect
Yes, only America has a perfect justice system.

No way a pretty white girl would get convicted with such flimsy evidence over here. She is guilty has OJ and will probably get the same outcome.
they are both inside, verdict imminent
I can't even imagine how nervous she and her family must be, especially if she is innocent.
The one thing the really makes me think she at least knows what happened, or was somehow involved, was the fact she took a shower in a blood-stained bathroom after arriving home.
What are they doing? Building suspense?

Get on with it.
FFS hurry up. How long does it take to say not guilty in Italian??

This is like watching the Champions league draw!
guilty of slander, knox acquitted of murder and free!!!
given 3 years for slander which she has served already, its the right thing to do in the light of the evidence imo
Listen to those ghastly people clapping and chanting 'whoooo'. This isn't the fecking X Factor or American Idol.
didnt the prosecution say before hand that they would appeal if this happened??

Looks like its not over yet.
given 3 years for slander which she has served already, its the right thing to do in the light of the evidence imo

Complete feck up by the investigators IMO. Guilty has hell but not enough evidence for beyond reasonable doubt.