Film Justice League


Ross Kemp's caf ID
Sep 13, 2012
Good stuff. 8-8.5/10. Would be nice to see where this is going but we're not going to get a sequel are we?

Side note: I don't know why some of you watch these movies knowing full well that you aren't going to like em. What a waste of 4 hours...
Aye, this is good advice. Was weighing up watching it but 4 hours is too much to invest in any work by Zach Snyder. Think I'll just assume it's better than the first version but still not all that good and leave it be.


Netflix and avocado, no chill
Sep 24, 2012
Ashwood City FC
Easily the best thing to come out of the DCEU and I'm assuming it's non-canon? :lol:

It's a much better film, a much better story. Would be a solid alternative in terms of style to the MCU, if not for the fecking length!

Jesus this is long. Better if it was actually split into 2 films. I'll never sit through this again. First hour went a breeze but after that, there's certainly bits where you struggle to maintain attention/get a bit bored. It quite simply shouldn't be this long, despite how good it is.

I think you need 90% or so of the content, so split it into 2. Then you could have had darkseid come in the third.

And 4:3 for home release is bloody stupid.

But yeah, solid good film, but certainly a chore at parts and length alone means no rewatch value.


Wish they skipped out the epilogue too, just teasing cool as feck stories that won't be done


Netflix and avocado, no chill
Sep 24, 2012
Ashwood City FC
Also, I personally find constantly playing wonder woman's music bloody annoying.

Norman Brownbutter

ask him about his bath time mishap
Nov 4, 2020
Easily the best thing to come out of the DCEU and I'm assuming it's non-canon? :lol:

It's a much better film, a much better story. Would be a solid alternative in terms of style to the MCU, if not for the fecking length!

Jesus this is long. Better if it was actually split into 2 films. I'll never sit through this again. First hour went a breeze but after that, there's certainly bits where you struggle to maintain attention/get a bit bored. It quite simply shouldn't be this long, despite how good it is.

I think you need 90% or so of the content, so split it into 2. Then you could have had darkseid come in the third.

And 4:3 for home release is bloody stupid.

But yeah, solid good film, but certainly a chore at parts and length alone means no rewatch value.


Wish they skipped out the epilogue too, just teasing cool as feck stories that won't be done
there’s lots of buzz going on that the WB is interested in restoring the “snyderverse”. Have to wait to see how this does, but there is talk. So you never know, they did say this would never happen but here we are.


Netflix and avocado, no chill
Sep 24, 2012
Ashwood City FC
there’s lots of buzz going on that the WB is interested in restoring the “snyderverse”. Have to wait to see how this does, but there is talk. So you never know, they did say this would never happen but here we are.

Judging by these quotes it isn't, but you're right, never say never. DC have done a fairly good job in connecting all their TV properties past and present through the multiverse. If they want to make it canon, (which they bloody should) they can.


Horrible boss
Aug 17, 2010
Seventh Heaven
Urban Combat Preparedness
1/3 of the way in and this is awful. Half the movie is in slow motion, and the music set for such dramatic effect is laughable. Synder is the ultimate one trick pony. The CGI on the Amazons horses was woeful.

Edit: Half way through.... feck me! This is painful. There is barely 3-4 lines of dialogue in each scene before a cut scene of some slow motion flashback. This guy should be making commercials, not feature films. How on earth is this well reviewed? It’s fecking atrocious. If the movie was played at full speed it’d be about 45 minutes long. 85% is fecking slow motion.
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Full Member
Jan 8, 2015
Solid 7/10.

I do think there are significant issues with editing and the dialogue but then again its a superhero movie and its far better than some of the generic crap spewn over the last few years.


Full Member
May 15, 2007
Much better than the first, Cyborg and Flash really came a long way since the first movie but I do wish though they didn't play epic music scores every 30 seconds for 4 hours straight.

I don't know what Whedon was thinking leaving out SPOILERS
Martian Manhunter, Deathstroke and Joker as well as footage of Green Lanterns, Darkseid, Granny Goodness and DeSaad. It's not even like he made a 2 part movie he just thought feck it we'll take all these out and just release a hodge podge mess.

I think the reason was because of this:.....

I'm also hearing that this justifies people's opinions that Zack Snyder should have had his directorial vision and that switching to Joss Whedon was what was wrong with the original... bollocks. No theatrical release would allow for a 4 hour movie :lol:

If Zack was asked to cut this down to 2 hours, we'd probably end up back to what the original was.


Horrible boss
Aug 17, 2010
Seventh Heaven
Urban Combat Preparedness
Yup, all finished. Unremarkable in the extreme. The first two hours are just utter, slow motion, nonsense; and could be cut completely from the film.

Second half is better because of some vaguely decent superman shit, and general action. Nice to see Darkseid etc.

All in all about as shite as expected. A bloated mess with generally woeful acting.


Full Member
May 15, 2007
Anyway, straight off im giving this a 8/10 but its mostly because for me I dont mind the more footage that we get. This would never ever fly, and the only way Snyderverse should continue is if its releases on TV like this (and not cut for cinemas and such but I guess that would be a waste of money)

This is 4 freakin hours afterall. I managed to convince my gf to watch this last night, and we actually sat through the 4 hours in one sitting except one 1 minute break to get drinks / food. It was fun. Im glad we didnt get the crappy forced 'comedy' like Lois lane and martha kent and that 'thirsty' line that was added, and the truth lasso with Aquaman (im sure that was JL :lol:)

Thing is, the movie had some light moments provided by the Flash so it was well done.
I see they also removed the 'Do you bleed' line that Superman said to Batman (which I didnt mind as it played on BvS). Im so glad they cut out Flash/Superman thing where they save the one random family thats the only one living there for some odd reason. That was a waste in the original movie.

Overall it was a great 4 hours of fun and action.
-Cyborg stuff is great (and really needed his own movie before this)
-Superman stuff when he returns and is badass is great especially his 'not impressed' line

Negatives: Its Zack Snyder so I was expecting slow motions (but it was even a lot here, especially as they should have saved it for Flash moments to make it more effective).

Im trying to think what would have been cut out to make this a theatrical release. It would have needed at least 60-90 minutes removed. So then im thinking, you remove:
-the martian manhunter scenes as it doesnt affect this movie (but is build for a sequel)
-The epilogue post apocalypse could have been removed completely and saved for a future movie.
-And also what happened before (when Diana is explaining)
-The cyborg stuff deserved its own movie.
-Flash' stuff with Iris? and his father could have belonged to its own movie too.
-Even then its maybe 30 minutes cut down, so you remove WW saving the kids from Roose Bolton?

So then it also makes me think, this really should be two movies or , as theyve done MOS, BvS, you then add the Aquaman and WW movies, and then you must have a Flash movie and a Cyborg movie before doing this JL.
The biggest annoyance is how much of a mess theyve made of the movies and universe. I reckon I could plan a JL and DCCU with some of you guys on here, if given 12 months, a team and access to all the comics and we could plan 5 years worth of movie

Oh well, overall, it was fun night of movie watching and superhero ass kicking.


Full Member
Sep 10, 2004
It wasn't amazing, but much better than the previous and if this was the version we got a few years ago then at least they would have had somewhere to go with the franchise afterwards.

Now they are in a right fecking mess because nobody knows what's canon or not - I guess they just just pull something out of their arse like they usually do.

Andersons Dietician

Full Member
Jun 14, 2016
Much much much better than the drivel that was released. It is way too long, but in a way I feel like it needed to tell a lot of that back story. But for sure they could cut out parts of it and reduce the SLO mo’s, and those long lingering shots where it’s just to have wide shot of scenery. Or that choir, yeh, they could go.

I did find myself hating Afleks Batman a little less I might add but the cheery optimism was maybe a bit much. Didn’t hate the Flash either and thought this was way better. Now on to Cyborg, now apart from the abuse he has apparantly recieved from Joss Whedon and executiveS at WB can see why Raymon Fischer would be pissed. Original makes it seem like he is a non entity, just an after thought but in this he’s a main character and crucial to the storyline with so many scenes. Honestly do have to wonder what the hell was going on in Joss Whedons head when he was putting it all together. Absolute disaster.

They could have worked off the Snyder version, set up future stuff but with the theatrical version they really just killed all hope of them turning it around,


Correctly predicted France to win World Cup 2018
Dec 13, 2008
Meh... got about 2/3 of the way through before falling asleep. It’s better than the theatrical release but that’s not exactly an achievement. The hype around the release & the general crap that is the DCEU makes it an ok watch, but it’s far too long (and I haven’t even finished yet!) The extensive use of slo-mo & decision to go 4:3 ratio is really annoying.

With the hype around it, they might be giving him the chance to do his sequel film. Personally, I hope he doesn’t do another vanity project, he’s had enough films in DCEU & they’re all boring IMO.

I am looking forward to The Batman & Suicide Squad films. Hopefully DC/WB don’t feck them up.


Full Member
Apr 15, 2009
Much much much better than the drivel that was released. It is way too long, but in a way I feel like it needed to tell a lot of that back story. But for sure they could cut out parts of it and reduce the SLO mo’s, and those long lingering shots where it’s just to have wide shot of scenery. Or that choir, yeh, they could go.

I did find myself hating Afleks Batman a little less I might add but the cheery optimism was maybe a bit much. Didn’t hate the Flash either and thought this was way better. Now on to Cyborg, now apart from the abuse he has apparantly recieved from Joss Whedon and executiveS at WB can see why Raymon Fischer would be pissed. Original makes it seem like he is a non entity, just an after thought but in this he’s a main character and crucial to the storyline with so many scenes. Honestly do have to wonder what the hell was going on in Joss Whedons head when he was putting it all together. Absolute disaster.

They could have worked off the Snyder version, set up future stuff but with the theatrical version they really just killed all hope of them turning it around,
I think after the poor reception of BvS (and the commitment of continuing with JS) they used the opportunity to close off the franchise. It's the reason why all the teases for the sequels were removed from the theatrical. WB does just seem to be an absolute mess. Read even with Wonder Women, the producers changed the final battle with Ares which was probably the worst part of the movie in the end.

So many parallels with Warner Bros and United haha. If you're getting Snyder then go all in (like Jose!).

Thoughts on the movie, and the whole trilogy with Man of Steel and BvS Ultimate. Well I actually love this new trilogy now, and put it on par if not better than any other super hero trilogy including the Avengers quad. I do love Snyder though and I'm a sucker for the background music, the slow mos etc. I'm going to go on and purchases this new trilogy in 4K disks too so I can appreciate more.

With the first two movies, it was a shame there were just a few parts that ruined the movies. MoS - his dad telling him not to rescue, killing Zod. Then in BvS - Martha and the rushed Doomsday. In there were two top tier movies. I think with the padding out of this new Justice League they've managed to create the perfect sequel now. Not too much more they could have done to make it better.

I still think Steppenwolf was a tad weak in the end when Supes arrived but because of the the aftermath of Darkseith that was okay in this movie as there was a greater evil who will be a match for Supes down the line.

I really hope we see a few more Justice Leagues. I think if this is a complete success they may continue the franchise.

How I rate the movies:

1. Zack Snyders Justice League
2. MoS
3. BvS Ultimate
4. Aquaman
5. Wonder Woman
6. Shazam
7. Suicide Squad
8. Wonder Woman 84
9. Birds of Prey
10. Wheedon's Justice League

The holy trinity 68

The disparager
Apr 10, 2016
Why release something that's primarily gonna be viewed on a TV or computer screen in 4:3?
Because Zak Snyder originally made the movie for IMAX screens, and 4:3 is better for IMAX, and when HBO Max got him back to do the movie, they wanted to keep his original vision. Keeping it 4:3 was to show his vision hadn't been tampered with.

The holy trinity 68

The disparager
Apr 10, 2016
I think after the poor reception of BvS (and the commitment of continuing with JS) they used the opportunity to close off the franchise. It's the reason why all the teases for the sequels were removed from the theatrical. WB does just seem to be an absolute mess. Read even with Wonder Women, the producers changed the final battle with Ares which was probably the worst part of the movie in the end.

So many parallels with Warner Bros and United haha. If you're getting Snyder then go all in (like Jose!).

Thoughts on the movie, and the whole trilogy with Man of Steel and BvS Ultimate. Well I actually love this new trilogy now, and put it on par if not better than any other super hero trilogy including the Avengers quad. I do love Snyder though and I'm a sucker for the background music, the slow mos etc. I'm going to go on and purchases this new trilogy in 4K disks too so I can appreciate more.

With the first two movies, it was a shame there were just a few parts that ruined the movies. MoS - his dad telling him not to rescue, killing Zod. Then in BvS - Martha and the rushed Doomsday. In there were two top tier movies. I think with the padding out of this new Justice League they've managed to create the perfect sequel now. Not too much more they could have done to make it better.

I still think Steppenwolf was a tad weak in the end when Supes arrived but because of the the aftermath of Darkseith that was okay in this movie as there was a greater evil who will be a match for Supes down the line.

I really hope we see a few more Justice Leagues. I think if this is a complete success they may continue the franchise.

How I rate the movies:

1. Zack Snyders Justice League
2. MoS
3. BvS Ultimate
4. Aquaman
5. Wonder Woman
6. Shazam
7. Suicide Squad
8. Wonder Woman 84
9. Birds of Prey
10. Wheedon's Justice League
My order of best to worst is different to my favourite to least favourite but on rating alone, mine would be;

1. ZSJL,
2. MOS,
3. Wonder Woman,
4. Shazam,
5. BvS Ultimate,
6. Aquaman,
7. Birds of Prey,
8. WW 84,
9. Suicide Squad,
10. Whedon JL.

However, I must say my ratings difference from number 7 to number 8 are massive. Up to BoP on my list, I think they are all great movies, but the bottom 3 are poor.

Mr Pigeon

Illiterate Flying Rat
Mar 27, 2014
Because Zak Snyder originally made the movie for IMAX screens, and 4:3 is better for IMAX, and when HBO Max got him back to do the movie, they wanted to keep his original vision. Keeping it 4:3 was to show his vision hadn't been tampered with.
Which is funny because I remember an article showing that there's about three different aspect ratios being used as Snyder didn't really know what he wanted.

Andersons Dietician

Full Member
Jun 14, 2016
1. Zack Snyders Justice League
2. MoS
3. BvS Ultimate
4. Aquaman
5. Wonder Woman
6. Shazam
7. Suicide Squad
8. Wonder Woman 84
9. Birds of Prey
10. Wheedon's Justice League
My rankings massively different from yours

1.Snyder Cut
4.Birds of Prey
5.Suicide Squad directors cut
8. Aquaman
9.Justice league Whedon cut
10. WW84


Full Member
Apr 15, 2009
My rankings massively different from yours

1.Snyder Cut
4.Birds of Prey
5.Suicide Squad directors cut
8. Aquaman
9.Justice league Whedon cut
10. WW84
Not seen the directors cut of Suicide squad. Does it have a lot more joker? Heard he was cut out a lot.

Probably should give BoP another chance. Watched at home and was distracted with my phone.

I’ve probably over rated MoS and BvS but I was charmed watching in iMax. So sticking with my rating. I also wasn’t blown away with Wonder Woman.


Full Member
Oct 19, 2009
Because Zak Snyder originally made the movie for IMAX screens, and 4:3 is better for IMAX, and when HBO Max got him back to do the movie, they wanted to keep his original vision. Keeping it 4:3 was to show his vision hadn't been tampered with.
Shows the ego of the man and his contempt for his audience in my opinion. He knows that it wasn't being shown in cinemas, and even if it had been, the Imax version would have been one of two prints sent out to cinemas, as most are not imax screens. The other print would have been a more conventional wide-screen format and it is that which would have been converted for home release.

Also, genuinely, has Snyder developed a phobia of colour or something? He's always liked a muted palette, but this is ridiculous. His Dr Manhattan was blue and Silk Spectre wore yellow, like in the source material, so why is his Superman grey and the Flash brown?

Andersons Dietician

Full Member
Jun 14, 2016
Not seen the directors cut of Suicide squad. Does it have a lot more joker? Heard he was cut out a lot.

Probably should give BoP another chance. Watched at home and was distracted with my phone.

I’ve probably over rated MoS and BvS but I was charmed watching in iMax. So sticking with my rating. I also wasn’t blown away with Wonder Woman.
It does have more joker and is generally just better, but there is no fixing Cara Delevigne (spelling) Maybe I’d have Shazam 2nd actually over WonderWoman. I don’t think there have been any of them that have been particularly great but watchable. I hated Aquaman and WW84 is probably the worst thing I’ve ever sat through.
I’d rather go to a spice girls reunion tour supported by Take That than sit through it again.

I’m just not sure where DC/WB go from here. Margot is signed on for a few films and sure I read there are some in production. But it would just seem like it’s dead to me.


enjoys sex, doesn't enjoy women not into ONS
Oct 9, 2011
Because Zak Snyder originally made the movie for IMAX screens, and 4:3 is better for IMAX, and when HBO Max got him back to do the movie, they wanted to keep his original vision. Keeping it 4:3 was to show his vision hadn't been tampered with.
I get that. I just think it must look annoying with all that unused real estate on the screen. I'm happy I watched using a projector anyway.

Mr Pigeon

Illiterate Flying Rat
Mar 27, 2014
I get that. I just think it must look annoying with all that unused real estate on the screen. I'm happy I watched using a projector anyway.
I keep looking at it and thinking "where's the rest of the fecking shot?" For the sake of making it as best as possible for IMAX it's made it terrible for anything else. No happy medium whatsoever.


Full Member
Jun 11, 2011
Because Zak Snyder originally made the movie for IMAX screens, and 4:3 is better for IMAX, and when HBO Max got him back to do the movie, they wanted to keep his original vision. Keeping it 4:3 was to show his vision hadn't been tampered with.
Perhaps but it seems a bit self indulgent to stick with that ratio when knowing that this movie was being re-cut for Television and will never likely be shown in the cinema, IMAX or otherwise.

One of the last Avengers was shot entirely for IMAX yet they still released a regular widescreen version for TV/Bluray.


I pity the poor fool who stinks like I do!
Apr 15, 2015
Finished the new cut today. Good lord it often feels like a fan edit. The constant flowery musical accompaniment. The god awful recurring chanting across the entire opening half hour (and various other points).

It’s undoubtedly a better film in every area, and it definitely could have been enjoyable as a two part release. The Flash was great. Affleck has a possible shout at having giving the best single film Batman performance. Cyborgs extra content was necessary and enjoyable. The Villains were far better.

It’s still a mess though. Some of the effects were atrocious for something that’s had this much time spent on it (The car pulling away from Allen’s place a particular shocker). There’s no commonality of tone and feel, which is probably deliberate but I don’t like it. The colours are depressingly bad at times.

I’m sure many will love it, but it’s a generous 6/10 at best.
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Full Member
Jun 5, 2012
Watched it in parts over the past 24 hours. Its an improvement for sure but its all still such a joyless drag. Death, depression, even The Flash's quips are undercut by him remembering the levity of the situation.
and the happy ending is undercut almost immediately by the wasteland future (but wasn't it worth it for batman to say the f word and for the joker to say 'reach around').

I just don't buy that its a vindication of Snyder's vision, that movie would have had to be cut down by at least 1 hour if not 2 before being released. Even at 4 hours so much of the story felt rushed because they wanted to play catch up to Marvel.


enjoys sex, doesn't enjoy women not into ONS
Oct 9, 2011
Watched it in parts over the past 24 hours. Its an improvement for sure but its all still such a joyless drag. Death, depression, even The Flash's quips are undercut by him remembering the levity of the situation.
and the happy ending is undercut almost immediately by the wasteland future (but wasn't it worth it for batman to say the f word and for the joker to say 'reach around').

I just don't buy that its a vindication of Snyder's vision, that movie would have had to be cut down by at least 1 hour if not 2 before being released. Even at 4 hours so much of the story felt rushed because they wanted to play catch up to Marvel.
Wasn't the wasteland future just Batman's dream?


Don't call me Shirley
Aug 25, 2019
Police Squad
USA Manchester Red Socks
Finished the new cut today. Good lord it often feels like a fan edit. The constant flowery musical accompaniment. The god awful recurring chanting across the entire opening half hour (and various other points).

It’s undoubtedly a better film in every area, and it definitely could have been enjoyable as a two part release. The Flash was great. Affleck has a possible shout at having giving the best single film Batman performance. Cyborgs extra content was necessary and enjoyable. The Villains were far better.

It’s still a mess though. Some of the effects were atrocious for something that’s had this much time spent on it (The car pulling away from Allen’s place a particular shocker). There’s no commonality of tone and feel, which is probably deliberate but I don’t like it. The colours are depressingly bad at times.

I’m sure many will love it, but it’s a generous 6/10 at best.
Didn't think much of his performance, personally. Very moderate.
Another issue with DC, they seem to have a fundamental issue with their casting choices.
They dont seem to be picking the right casting directors.

Also ,yes, there's a fair few Directors out there currently who seem allergic to colour.


Full Member
Dec 31, 2005
I watched it second time and loved it even more, I don't know, give me the infamous dreary, discolored, moody atmosphere of Snyder DC movie any day before the colorful comedic boring predictable Marvel formula.
I would make next DC movie literally in black and white just because of people moaning about colors all the time. :D

Really hoping Zack gets a green light for sequel here after good reviews.


Full Member
Jun 5, 2012
Wasn't the wasteland future just Batman's dream?
wasn't it insinuated that he's had these premonitions of what will happen, and the Flash tried to warn him in Batman V Superman. Real or not though its a pretty quick come down from the positive ending!


Netflix and avocado, no chill
Sep 24, 2012
Ashwood City FC
Finished the new cut today. Good lord it often feels like a fan edit. The constant flowery musical accompaniment. The god awful recurring chanting across the entire opening half hour (and various other points).

It’s undoubtedly a better film in every area, and it definitely could have been enjoyable as a two part release. The Flash was great. Affleck has a possible shout at having giving the best single film Batman performance. Cyborgs extra content was necessary and enjoyable. The Villains were far better.

It’s still a mess though. Some of the effects were atrocious for something that’s had this much time spent on it (The car pulling away from Allen’s place a particular shocker). There’s no commonality of tone and feel, which is probably deliberate but I don’t like it. The colours are depressingly bad at times.

I’m sure many will love it, but it’s a generous 6/10 at best.
That was terrible


enjoys sex, doesn't enjoy women not into ONS
Oct 9, 2011
wasn't it insinuated that he's had these premonitions of what will happen, and the Flash tried to warn him in Batman V Superman. Real or not though its a pretty quick come down from the positive ending!
He also said that stuff about "Lois Lane being the key". It could be. I haven't watched any of the other films though.


Full Member
Jun 28, 2018
Just watching this right now. 1 hr and 12 mins into it. Still shite so far and what the feck is up with the music.


Full Member
Dec 31, 2005
Also about the Epilogue scene

I really liked the Batman and Joker conversation, I can see how it would seem cringe for regular movie watcher that has no context, but that was actually really nice to see for a comic book fan, and there is a hint there that that Joker is actually Jason Todd, which makes more sense with the team up. Loved that part.


Full Member
Feb 18, 2012
Also about the Epilogue scene

I really liked the Batman and Joker conversation, I can see how it would seem cringe for regular movie watcher that has no context, but that was actually really nice to see for a comic book fan, and there is a hint there that that Joker is actually Jason Todd, which makes more sense with the team up. Loved that part.
I got more that he was taunting Bruce with the fact he KILLED Jason. And that pushed Bruce into the "I'm going to fecking kill you" line.


Netflix and avocado, no chill
Sep 24, 2012
Ashwood City FC
Also about the Epilogue scene

I really liked the Batman and Joker conversation, I can see how it would seem cringe for regular movie watcher that has no context, but that was actually really nice to see for a comic book fan, and there is a hint there that that Joker is actually Jason Todd, which makes more sense with the team up. Loved that part.
Took at more as he killed robin, cus he kills robin